2011-08-08 1 trN i CITY OF
LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall — Council Chambers
1400 Main Street
Southlake, Texas
TIME: 6:00 p.m.
Parks and Recreation Board Members present: Vice - Chairman Tina Wasserman,
Secretary Margaret Adams, and Board Members Sherry Berman, Elaine Cox and Gregg
Parks and Recreation Board Members absent: Chairman John Slocum
Staff present: Director of Community Services Chris Tribble, Deputy Director Kari Happold,
and Assistant to the Director Candice Sanders
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order
Vice Chair Wasserman called the meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board to order at 6:05
Agenda Item No. 2A. Consent: Approve minutes from the Parks and Recreation Board
meeting held June 13, 2011
There were no corrections to the minutes.
Agenda Item No. 2B. Consent: Absence of Parks and Recreation Board members
There were no absences to consider at this meeting.
A motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda with the meeting minutes as presented.
Motion: Cox
Second: Berman
Ayes: Adams, Berman, Cox, Formella and Wasserman
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Approved: 5 -0
Motion Carried.
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork
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Official Minutes of the August 8, 2011 Parks & Recreation Board Meeting at 6:00 p.m. approved 9/12/11
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Agenda Item No. 3. Public Forum.
This is the public's opportunity to address the Board about non - agenda items. No one
addressed the Board during Public Forum at this meeting.
Agenda Item No. 4A. Consider: Recommendation to City Manager regarding request for
variance to allow wine at the Bob Jones Nature Center & Preserve during the Bob Jones
Nature Center Board of Directors annual fundraising event, Naturally Sweet, for 2011
and 2012 — Director Tribble presented the variance to allow alcohol at the Bob Jones Nature
Center & Preserve for the Bob Jones Nature Center Organization's annual fundraiser,
Naturally Sweet, in November 2011 and 2012. The provisions to allow the variance and the
requirements of the organization were presented. The Parks Board discussed this item.
Emily Galpin, 1481 Post Oak Drive, Southlake, and executive director of the Bob Jones Nature
Center Organization, responded to questions from the Board and presented information.
A motion was made to recommend approval of the request for a variance to allow wine at the
Bob Jones Nature Center & Preserve during the Bob Jones Nature Center Board of Directors
annual fundraising event, Naturally Sweet, for 2011 and 2012.
Motion: Cox
Second: Formella
Ayes: Adams, Berman, Cox, Formella and Wasserman
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Approved: 5 -0
Motion Carried.
Agenda Item No. 5A. Discussion: Construction Management Report
The August Construction Management Report was distributed in the meeting packet. Staff
responded to questions regarding Koalaty Park irrigation. The City is following current water
conservation restrictions. Negotiations to access the property to install a sidewalk along the
property on Carroll Avenue from the middle school to Estes Park are currently at a standstill.
Agenda Item No. 5B. Discussion: Board Member and Staff Communication
Park Board members were encouraged to contact Director Tribble via email at
ctribble(c�ci.southlake.tx.us or cell phone concerning any park issues so staff can be more
responsive to our residents.
Agenda Item 6. Adjournment:
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:34 p.m.
Motion: Cox
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork
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Official Minutes of the August 8, 2011 Parks & Recreation Board Meeting at 6:00 p.m. approved 9/12/11
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Second: Formella
Ayes: Adams, Berman, Cox, Formella and Wasserman
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Approved: 5 -0
Chair, Parks & Recreation Board *7'7
Ctr T bl6
Director, Community Services Dept.
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork
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