1992-12-08 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue JOINT WORK /STUDY SESSION: City Council and, Carroll School Board December 8, 1992 7:00 p.m. IM MINUTES CITY COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Gary Fickes; Mayor Pro Tem Rick Wilhelm; Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Farrier. Members: Mike O'Brien, Stephen Apple, and, Jon Michael Franks. WM COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Barry Emerson. CITY STAFF: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Michael Barnes, Director of Public Works; Billy Campbell, Director of Public MR Safety; LouAnn Heath, Director of Finance; Greg Last, Director of Community Development; Chris Terry, Assistant to the City Manager; • and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. P* SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Edie Watkins, Chairman; Buddy Luce, Judy Gilmore, Bethann Scratchard, John Rollins, and Mike Brown. ire SCHOOL STAFF: Annette Griffin, Superintendent; and, Bill Branum, Vice - Superintendent. PARK AND RECREATION BOARD: Janet Murphy, Chairman; Vicki Johnson, Mike Thompson, Rod Johnson. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Joe L. Wright, Chairman; Nick McGarity, and, Dennis McGrath. ipm COMMITTEE FOR SALES TAX ELECTION: Larry Goldstein, Dick Johnston, Phyllis Adhler, and Karen Apple. The Joint Work Session was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Gary Fickes, who asked, how can Southlake maximize the resources we W„ have. Janet Murphy, Chairman, Parks and Recreation Board noted, what she is hearing, is we are all working toward the same goal. Mike Thompson made a presentation stating suggestions made by the Park �r. Board include: 1) Use of the Intermediate School Baseball Field (the goal post could be removed for use), the field could be available for use on Saturdays; 2) Basketball Court, could be repaired for about four to five thousand dollars; 3) The Grapevine Soccer Association would like for Southlake to stay in our area for im soccer practice. These are projects that could be done in from 30 to 60 days and the Park Board does have some funds. EN Joint City Council and Carroll School Board Work Session MOM December 8, 1992 page two w. Dr. Annette Griffin noted the basketball court is in need of security screening. Mr. Thompson is to check on costs for providing the needed screening. The use of Tennis Courts at the High School was suggested. Dr. Griffin stated until they get a rr timer and lights the City cannot use them. The School Board is looking at coin operated lights. Larry Goldstein, chairman of the Task Force made a presentation on behalf of that committee. Goldstein stated the Committee encourages a 1/2 cent sales tax election in May, 1993. Such items discussed by the Committee include Soccer fields; football fields; library; family center, picnic area with tables. It was noted the three steps for the 1/2 cent sales tax election include: 1. Election (placing item on ballot) 2. A board is formed (including cc members) its 3. Board will monitor funds Pm If sales tax is passed in May, the funds will be collected in January 1994. In the mean time, the City can issue Certificates of Obligation. Land through the Corp of Engineers was discussed. The City would have access to about 300 acres out of the 500 to 600 acres of available land. IN ft The City Manager, Curtis Hawk noted we should think about maintenance of facilities. Joint vehicle maintenance and site for vehicles to be parked was discussed. Joint Purchasing Program was suggested. Joint Election Polling Place was suggested. iWr John Rollins suggested use of the baseball fields at the old high school. Dr. Griffin stated there may be a problem with the grass. N111 Curtis Hawk and Annette Griffin both stated a oint j purchasing program and fleet facilities will be a critical need to start with. With work on the park and athletic facilities in the near N11 future. P.. It was determined that the formation of a Joint Committee is the igs first step. Committee to have representatives from both the City Council and School Board. 1 4111 10 ems Yrr Joint City Council and Carroll School Board Work Session December 8, 1992 page three Dr. Griffin stated they want the new high school to be a community center (resource). Buddy Luce commented if the new building is used, they do not want the school district to pay all the bill. Obviously, communications need to be open. Edie Watkins and Gary Fickes are to get together to form a committee. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m., by Mayor Gary Fic s. yor Ga Fickes ATTEST: MB too Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary d o � rte • y; "ill it111111111 1110 PPM PIM IIA 1A