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1996-10-15 City of Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: OCTOBER 15, 1996 LOCATION: 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas City Council Chambers of City Hall WORK SESSION: 5:00 P.M. TO 6:00 P.M. 1. Discussion of all items on tonight's meeting agenda. REGULAR SESSION: 6:00 P.M. AGENDA 1. Call to order. Invocation. 2. A. Executive Session: Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.076. Refer to posted list attached hereto and incorporated herein. Executive Session will be held from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. B. Reconvene: Action necessary on items discussed in executive session. 3. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held on October 1, 1996. 4. A. Mayor's Report. B. City Manager's Report. A. SH 114 Update. C. SPIN Report. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed below are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. 5. Consent. A. Authorize the Mayor to execute a contract for Water Ground Storage Pump Station No. 1 (W. Southlake Blvd. at Pearson Lane) to Construct On -Site Piping and Appurtance; Pumping Support Structure; Install Pumps; Electrical Control Building; Disinfection Building; Driveway and Parking Lot. City of Southlake, Texas Regular City Council Meeting Agenda October 15, 1996 page 2 B. Authorize the Mayor to execute a contract for Water Ground Storage Pump Station No. 1 (W. Southlake Blvd. at Pearson Lane) to Construct Off -Site Sanitary Sewer and Water Mains. C. Authorize the Mayor to execute a contract for installation of a 20 -inch Water Main along East Southlake Blvd. from South White Chapel Blvd. east to Miron Drive. D. Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Public Management Associates for Citizen Survey and Business Survey. E. Award of bid for Janitorial Services. F. Approval of a petition to modify Plat Restrictions for Lots 5 and 6, Block 3, Cimmarron Acres. G. Resolution No. 96 -65, declaring a ninety (90) day moratorium on the issuance of permits for readerboard signs. H. This item left intentionally blank. I. This item left intentionally blank. J. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract addendum with Pepsi to provide three additional scoreboards at Bicentennial Park. K. Resolution No. 96 -66, appointment of members to the Building Board of Appeals. L. Central Regional Wastewater and Denton Creek Regional Wastewater Systems First Amendment- Interim Diversion Agreement. REGULAR AGENDA 6. Public Forum. 7. Ordinances, second readings, public hearings, and related items. A. Ordinance No. 480 -218, 2nd reading (ZA 96 -115), Rezoning of approximately 17.082 acres situated in the J.J. Freshour Survey, Abstract No. 521, Tract 1. Location: Southeast corner of the intersection of Florence Road and Pearson Lane. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District, with a requested zoning of "SF -1A" City of Southlake, Texas Regular City Council Meeting Agenda October 15, 1996 page 3 Single Family Residential District. Applicant: Bryant Real Estate, Inc. Owner: V.T. Cross. SPIN Neighborhood #16. PUBLIC HEARING. B. ZA 96 -116, Preliminary Plat of Lots 1 -8, Block 1, The Woods Addition, on property described as being approximately 17.082 acres situated in the J.J. Freshour Survey, Abstract No. 521, Tract 1. This plat proposed eight (8) residential lots. Location: Southeast corner of the intersection of Florence Road and Pearson Lane. Current zoning is "AG" Agricultural District, with a requested zoning of "SF -1A" Single Family Residential District. Applicant: Bryant Real Estates, Inc. Owner: V.T. Cross. SPIN Neighborhood #16. C. ZA 96 -113, Site Plan of the proposed Lot 4, Block 1, First American Savings Bank Addition, being approximately 1.043 acres situated in the Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686, and being a portion of Tract 1C3. Location: Approximately 400' north of West Southlake Blvd. (F.M. 1709) on the proposed Keystone Court. approximately 750' west of the intersection of North White Chapel Blvd. and Southlake Blvd. (F.M. 1709). Current zoning is "S -P -2" Generalized Site Plan District. Applicant: Terry Wilkinson. Owner: First American Savings Banc, S.S.B. Shareholder's Trust. SPIN Neighborhood #10. PUBLIC HEARING. D. ZA 96 -114, Revised Preliminary Plat for Lots 2,3,4, and 5, Block 1, First American Savings Banc Addition, being approximately 3.83 acres in the Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686, and being a portion of Tract 1C3, as recorded in Volume 10641, Page 1628. The plat proposes four commercial lots. Location: West Southlake Blvd. (F.M. 1709). approximately 750' west of the intersection of North White Chapel Blvd. and Southlake Blvd. (F.M. 1709). Current zoning is "S -P -2" Generalized Site Plan. Applicant: Terry Wilkinson. Owner: First American Savings Banc, S.S.B. Shareholder's Trust. SPIN Neighborhood #10. E. ZA 96 -127, Site Plan of the proposed Lot 2, Block 1, First American Savings Banc Addition, being approximately 0.971 acres situated in the Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686, and being a portion of Tract 1C3. Location: On the north side of West Southlake Blvd. (F.M. 1709) approximately 750' west of the intersection of North White Chapel Blvd. and Southlake Blvd (F.M. 1709). Current zoning is "S -P -2" Generalized Site Plan. Applicant: Terry Wilkinson. Owner: First American Savings Banc, S.S.B., Shareholder's Trust. SPIN Neighborhood #10. PUBLIC HEARING. City of Southlake, Texas Regular City Council Meeting Agenda October 15, 1996 page 4 F. ZA 96 -128, Preliminary Plat for Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, First American Savings Banc Addition, being approximately 3.83 acres in the Littleberry G. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 686, and being a portion of Tract 1C3, as recorded in Volume 10641, Page 1628, D.R.T.C.T. The plat proposes two commercial lots. Location: On the north side of West Southlake Blvd. (F.M. 1709) approximately 750' west of the intersection of North White Chapel Blvd. and Southlake Blvd. (F.M. 1709). Current zoning is "S -P -2" Generalized Site Plan. Applicant: Terry Wilkinson. Owner: First American Savings Banc, S.S.B. Shareholder's Trust. SPIN Neighborhood #10. G. ZA 96 -121, Site Plan for the Southlake Center at Kimball, being approximately 1.7136 acres, being a portion of Tract 2A4 in the Thomas Easter Survey, Abstract No. 474, a portion of Tracts 2C and 2B in the G.W. Main Survey, Abstract No. 1098, and a portion of Tracts 3A1, 3B1, and 6 in the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 525. This property is being proposed as Lot 2, Block 1, Perry /Allen Addition. Location: South side of the intersection of Bluebonnet Drive and East Southlake Blvd. (F.M. 1709). Current zoning is "C -3" General Commercial District. Owner /Applicant: Southlake Kimball Venture Ltd. SPIN Neighborhood #7. PUBLIC HEARING. 8. Ordinances, first reading, and related items. A. Ordinance No. 480 -212, 1st reading (ZA 96 -96), Rezoning and Site Plan of proposed Lot 5R6, Block 3, Cimmarron Acres Addition, being a portion of Lot 5, Block 3, Cimmarron Acres Addition, as recorded in Volume 388 -181, Page 8, P.R.T.C.T., and being approximately 3.331 acres situated in the Jesse G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18. Location: On the north side of Southlake Blvd (F.M. 1709) and approximately 200' east of the intersection of Pearson Lane and Southlake Blvd. (F.M. 1709). Current zoning is "C -2" Local Retail Commercial District, with a requested zoning of "CS" Community Service District. Owners /Applicants: City of Southlake. SPIN Neighborhood #16. B. Ordinance No. 480 -213, 1st reading (ZA 96 -97), Rezoning of proposed Lots 5R1, 5R2, 5R3, 5R4, 5R5, and 6R1, Block 3, Cimmarron Acres Addition, being a portion of Lots 5 and 6, Block 3, Cimmarron Acres Addition, as recorded in Volume 388 -181, Page 8, P.R.T.C.T. and being approximately 7.039 acres situated in the Jesse G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18. Location: Southeast corner of the intersection of Jordan Drive and Pearson Lane. Current zoning is "C -2" City of Southlake, Texas Regular City Council Meeting Agenda October 15, 1996 page 5 Local Retail Commercial District, with a requested zoning of "SF -1A" Single Family Residential District. Owners /Applicant: City of Southlake. SPIN Neighborhood #16. C. ZA 96 -98, Plat Revision of Lots 5R1, 5R2, 5R3, 5R4, 5R5, 5R6, 5R7, 6R1, and 6R2, Block 3, Cimmarron Acres Addition, being a revision of Lots 5 and 6, Block 3, Cimmarron Acres Addition, as recorded in Volume 388 -181, Page 8, P.R.T.C.T. and being approximately 14.957 acres situated in the Jesse G. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 18. Location: Northeast corner of Pearson Lane and Southlake Blvd. (F.M.1709). Current zoning is "C -2" Local Retail Commercial District. Owners /Applicants: City of Southlake. SPIN Neighborhood #16. 9. Resolutions (no items this agenda). 10. Other items for consideration: A. Developer Agreement for Timarron Village "F," Phase I, being south of East Southlake Blvd. and being north of and adjacent to Timarron Addition, Brenwyck, Phase 2. B. Commercial Developer Agreement for Georgetown Park Addition, Lot 1, being south of East Southlake Blvd. and 700' east of the intersection of South Kimball Avenue and East Southlake Blvd. C. FY 1996 -97 Budget items relating to Issuance of 1996 -97 Contract Obligations and Certificates of Obligation. D. Request for variance to the Sign Ordinance No. 506 -A, Section 16 (4), for Bank of America sign in Village Center, Phase I. 11. Other items for discussion: A. Impervious Coverage Ordinance. B. Residential PUD Calculation (Gross vs. Net). C. Neighborhood Preservation Ordinance. D. Outside Storage. City of Southlake, Texas Regular City Council Meeting Agenda October 15, 1996 page 6 E. Policy for reimbursement of Council expenses pursuant to Southlake Home Rule Charter, Section 2.05. 12. Adjournment. CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin boards at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue and the Administrative Offices, 1725 East Southlake Blvd. on Friday, October 11, 1996, at 7:00 p.m., pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. /44 Sandra L. LeGrand V , City Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have ' -.,' at res special needs, please advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 481 -5581 extension 704, an • accommodations will be made to assist you. D: Iwp- fileslcc110115196.agnlsl City of Southlake, Texas Regular City Council Meeting Agenda October 15, 1996 page 7 EXECUTIVE SESSION PENDING LITIGATION - SECTION 551.071 The City Council may consider pending and contemplated litigation subjects. The following subjects may be discussed. 1. Walters Claim. 1995 2. Vicci Winchester vs. Dan McKee Water Service Company, and City of Southlake. 1995. 3. D /FW -White Chapel, Ltd. vs. State of Texas and the City of Southlake. 1996. 4. Shawn Kees, vs. City of Southlake. 1996. Litigation is, by nature, an on -going process, and questions may arise as to trail tactics which need to be explained to the City Council. Upon occasions, the City Council may need information from the City Attorney as to the status of the pending or contemplated litigation subjects set out above. After discussion of the pending and contemplated litigation subjects in executive session, any final action, or vote taken, will be in open session. LAND ACQUISITION SECTION 551.072. The City Council may consider the purchase, exchange, lease, or sale of real property. After discussion of land acquisition in executive session, any final action, or vote taken, will be in open session. PERSONNEL SECTION 551.074. The City Council may consider the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public officers or employees, including the City Manger, City Secretary, City Attorney, and City Board and Commission members. A complete list of the City Boards and Commissions is on file in the City Secretary's office. DEPLOYMENT OF SECURITY PERSONNEL SECTION 551.076. Regarding the deployment or specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices. After discussion of any or all of the above, in executive session any final action or vote taken will be in open session by the City Council. If personnel issues or litigation issues arise, or a need to seek advice from the City Attorney as to the posted subject matter of this City Council meeting, the issues or matters will be discussed in executive session. d: I wp files l cc -10 -15 -961 agn l sl