MAY 27, 1997
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy; Mayor Pro Tem W. Ralph Evans;
Deputy Mayor Pro Tem David Harris. Members: Pamela Muller, Gary Fawks, and Scott Martin.
STAFF PRESENT: Curtis Hawk, City Manager; Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager;
Darcey Imm, Assistant to the City Manager; Kevin Hugman, Manager of Community Services;
Tracy Southers, Public Information Officer; Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety; Kim
Lenior, Director of Parks and Recreation; Betsy Elam, City Attorney; and, Sandra L. LeGrand,
City Secretary.
Mayor Rick Stacy called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 6:15 p.m.
Agenda Item #2 -A, Ordinance No. 676, 2nd reading, Annexation of Solana
Mayor Rick Stacy stated Ordinance No. 676 is an ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas,
annexing territory generally described as an area comprising approximately 480 acres abutting
State Highway 114 known as "Solana" and an area comprising approximately 27 acres abutting
that property to the City of Southlake, Texas, and extending the boundary limits of said city so
as to include said territory within said city limits and granting to all ow ners of property all of the
rights and privileges of other citizens and binding said owners and other persons within the
annexed area by all the acts, ordinances and regulations of said city; approv ing a service plan for
such territory.
Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated this is the second reading of Ordinance No. 676, which will
annex Solana into the City of Southlake. Attached to it are the exhibits "A" legal description, "B"
the map and, exhibit "C" the service plan.
PUBLIC HEARING: No comments were made during the public hearing.
Motion was made to approve the 2nd reading of Ordinance No. 676, annexing "Solana" into the
City of Southlake.
Motion: Harris
Second: Evans
Mayor Rick Stacy read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Harris, Evans, Fawks, Muller, Martin, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 6 -0 vote
Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated he will be bringing forth the
ordinance dealing with the zoning of this property and other issues
including the Economic Development Plan for Solana, at the next
City Council agenda.
Agenda Item #4, Possible Special Election for August 9, 1997
Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated the first item will be calling a Special Elec tion for August 9,
1997 for Charter amendments and for the purpose of establishing a Crime Control and
Prevention District. Hawk stated we are dealing with two separate statutes for this election. The
first deals with calling a charter amendment election by ordinance and the second deals with
Crime Control and Prevention District which will be called by the Temporary Crime Contro 1 and
Prevention Board made up of Council members.
A presentation was made by Director Campbell on the proposed Crime Control and Prevention
District. The general information outlines the following: a general election must be held every
five (5) years in order for the district to continue; a sales tax of additional 1/2 cent may be
authorized by the voters; the election may be held only after the temporary board approves a
budget and plan; and, the district is governed by a seven (7) member board appointed by the City
Council. Campbell presented additional information, including: District Powers and Duties;
District Finances; Southlake District Strategies; and, the advantages and disadvantages. A copy
of the information provided, is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting.
The next meeting of the Temporary Crime Control and Prevention Board is set for
June 17, 1997 with a public hearing to consider the budget plan and crime control
After discussion, it was the consensus of the Councilmembers present that we should go forward
with preparation for an August 9, 1997 Special Election for Charter Amendments and Crime
Control and Prevention District.
Agenda Item #3, Ordinance No. 483 -F, 1st reading, The Subdivision Ordinance, Revising the
entirety of Article VII, Park and Recreation Dedication Requirements.
Mayor Stacy stated Ordinance No. 483 -F, 1st reading, amending Ordinance No. 483, The
Subdivision Ordinances revising the entirety of Article VII, Park and Recreation Dedication
requirements, is open for discussion.
Robin Jones, Park Board member. Ms. Jones gave a history update on what the Park Board has
done to date.
Carol Lee Hamilton, Park Board member. Ms. Hamilton stated we need all developers to pay
homage. We need an ordinance that gets the Park Board into a the system sooner. She stated 600
acres of land is still needed for parks in order to meet the projections. Private space and amenities
does not help the Park Board develop neighborhood parks.
Doug Fierce, Park Board member. Mr. Fierce stated we want an integrated park system, tying
the trails together. They need to be tied together with the help of the developers. The Master
Trail Plan ties the City together.
Gary Beyer, Park Board member. Mr. Beyer expressed concerns about commercial developers
hesitating to come to Southlake if they have to give land. We should accept nothing less.
Sherry Berman, Park Board member. Ms. Berman stated the Planning and Zoning Commission
asked what are we doing with Bob Jones Park. This park cannot meet all these thin gs because of
the natural resources that the Corp. of Engineers has to protect. Bob Jones Park can be master
planned. We need more land for practice fields.
Vicki Johnson, Park Board member. Ms. Johnson stated the main emphasis is we need more land
for parks, no matter how much money comes in the SPDC for land, we will never be able to keep
up. We need to stick with our Park Plan and the Master Plan. Why should developers get credi t
for private parks? We will not scare off the developers.
Martin Schelling, 2665 North White Chapel Boulevard, Southlake. Mr. Schelling made comments
with regard to the proposed ordinance stating he is an advocate of the parks but he has concerns
as we have a lot of needs in the City. The needs outreach our budget. He is concerned that we
come up with a system. He stated he feels if the park is not adequate, don't give the developer
credit. Schelling stated he is for parks but doesn't want to "gig" the last guy in town.
Larry Goldstein, Park Board member. Mr. Goldstein stated most of what goes into the private
addition is not being used by those who move into the addition. Let's give credit to where credit
is due! More than one thousand kids are signed up for baseball and soccer. Those kids are using
public parks and not the neighborhood parks.
After discussion, motion was made to approve the revision to Ordinance No. 483 -F, and on page
8G -4, accept the Park Board recommendation of one acre of Park land to every twenty -five (25)
residential units; 7.032 Non - Residential, that we accept the Planning and Zoning Commission
recommendation of one acre of park land for every fifty (50) non - residential gross acres of
development; on page 8G -6, on the calculation of fees in subsection 2 under paragraph A, change
that from tax value to fair market value; on (a) under 2, that we indicate that land must be donated
to the City but upon showing of hardship, a variance or waiver may be given by the City,
allowing the developer to acquire land of an equal value in other areas designated by the City or
in the alternative, the City may allow the developer to pay the equivalent of the cost of land in
their subdivision; on the non - residential (paragraph B) accept the Planning and Zoning
Commission recommendation; on page 8G -7 Section 7.06 Private Parks, when a developer
develops a private park, they may be given a credit up to and not to exceed 25 % of the required
dedication; if it is a semi- public use that is acceptable to the City, they will be given a credit not
to exceed 50% of their dedication; for the first reading on item 7.07, change the first may to
shall per the Park Board recommendation, and leave the balance as is for the first reading.
Motion: Harris
Second: Martin
Mayor Rick Stacy read the caption of the ordinance.
Ayes: Harris, Martin, Evans, Fawks, Muller, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 6 -0 vote
Staff was asked to prepare some examples prior to the second reading.
Mayor Stacy thanked the Park Board and members of the Planning and Zoning
Agenda Item #5, Adjournment
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
Motion: Fawks
Second: Martin
Ayes: Fawks, Martin, Evans, Harris, Muller, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 6 -0 vote /
Mayo Rick Stacy
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