Item 7B (2)SOUTHLAKE ZA11 -0 -Iffllvi6 ZA11 -025 & ZA11 -026 Owner/ Applicant: Greenway - 1709 /Eleven Partners and Ethan Allen Retail, Inc. Request: (1) Zoning Change and Site Plan for a one - story 20,150 square foot retail / restaurant building Kimball Crossing (2) Plat Revision for Lot 1, Block 1, Kimball Crossing, a 2.895 acre commercial lot Location: 2171, 2175 & 2185 E. Southlake Blvd. Future Land Use Existing Land Use: Retail Commercial Kimball Crossing Future Land Use LU_TYPE - _ = 100 -Year Flood Plain - _ - Corps of Engineers Property - _ Public Park/Open Space Public/Semi- Public Low Density Residential Town Center Medium Density Residential Regional Retail Office Commercial - Retail Commercial t - Mixed Use Town Center Regional Retail - Industrial 0 200 400 800 Fee[ n � e Zoning Current Zoning: "SP1" Detailed Site Plan Kimball Crossing "B1" Business Service Park Zoning Districts: 0 AG MCI - E23 RE MC2 f- 0 SF1A - C3 0 SHB M C4 ® SF2 M NR -PUD ' • SF30 M HC J SF20A 0 B1 SF20B 0 62 M R -PUD 11 - MF1 M 12 - MF2 0 SP1 M MH 0 SP2 ,,. CS M DT 0 01 M TZD 0 02 M ECZ 0 2115 425 850 F- I I I J j ty . Lr) Al p .. .. ...... A r- yy � �V" - — ,a A , M4 .. _ 41 A t TV � I q . tI- I a V �i3 m a � o y IN b 6. M �m ;�' � ■fie �! e � ��� � 11 y SITE DATA SUMMARY :OSTNIG ZONING SP-1 8 8.1 - ROPOSED ZONING SP-1 AND USE DESIGNATION RETAIL COMMERCIAL ACREAGE (GROSS) - 126,099 SF 2.895 ACRES .OT COVERAGE % 159% VUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS 1 DPEN SPACE AREA 35.537 SF DPEN SPACE % 282% IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE AREA 90,562 SF IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE% 71.8% M MUM BUILDING HEIGHT 35' TOTAL FLOOR AREA 20.150 SF IROVIDED PARKING STANDARD 175SPACES ACCESSIBLE 6SPACES TOTAL 181SPACES IROPOSED PARKING RATIO 1 SPACE / 110 SF REQUIRED LOADING 1SPACE - ROVIDED LOADING 1 SPACE 12 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �� _. . "0 ■rm®ll if•i i•a1� r��� ■�1��� M ��fl�eiM ■ ■�I� ■■ Guw ®n ANN ■i ■1 14 ■ J ' A1111 15 OR ❑❑= ❑ Ellil Sk 17 • 85 caliper inches of mitigation required on this lot from the previous submittal (1) 4" Cedar Elm (17) 4" Live Oaks (4) 4" Red Oaks Total: 88 Caliper Inches 12 caliper inches of mitigation require on this lot from this site plan submittal based on previously approved TCP (2) 4" Cedar Elms (1) 4" Red Oak Total: 12 Caliper Inches S -P -1 Zoning Regulations Permitted Uses • This property shall be limited to the permitted uses as found in the "C -3" General Commercial District as described in Section 22 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, excluding the following uses: 1. Taverns 2. Clubs 3. Golf driving range 4. Theater 19 S -P -1 Zoning Regulations Development Regulations This property shall be subject to the development regulations for the "C -3" General Commercial District and all other applicable regulations, with the following additions and exceptions: 1. No buffer yard shall be required on the eastern boundary of Lot 1 Block 1 Kimball Crossing. The plant material normally required in a 5' Type "A" bufferyard of 330 feet shall be required in the south bufferyard; 2. 85 caliper inches of tree mitigation on Lot 1, Block 1, Kimball Crossing Addition shall be provided in addition to what would otherwise be required; 3. A berm of a minimum of two feet shall be provided between the parking and the sidewalk on FM 1709 to help screen the parking; 4. No signage or logos shall be provided on any building awning. PXII Driveway Variance Requests 1. Driveway stacking depth of +/- 53 feet; 2. Driveway spacing for right-in/right-out drives of +/- 237 feet; 3. Driveway spacing for full-access drives of +1- 490 feet; BEG NNING --------------- PO OF ------------- ----- -- - T 2"­CCESS r r� ----------------- -- - --- --------------- ----- -------------------------------------------------- -------------- --------- - --------------------------------- - ----------- - ----- - --- ------ - ------------------------- ------------ . .... ... ... 144.44 4.44 _j . ... ... .... ... I 1 172 JI 041 ON 23 P� u N 1 9.1 Citizen Input / Board Approval SPIN June 13, 2011 Plannina & Zonina Commission July 21, 2011; Approved (7 -0), granting the requested variances to Driveway Ordinance regarding stacking and spacing; subject to the applicant's willingness to provide an access stub to the property to the west near the southern portion of the site; subject to the applicant striping said access stub with parking stalls until such time the adjoining property wishes to connect; and subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated July 15, 2011. 27 U �'- - ITY OF SOUTHLAKE 001:3 7 ° .... �.`. -s _.... �. c... w. <.+-. — .��! mw•,vua 7 4 r G;� ...........<.............._. m.: AEI A S 8���0 i" �— ..—r?� iH 'Y ...::. �.��.P __»,...---- ....a —... '€ �''i ?`�` - - -_� I.! =� 9rr° —�• .,,�,�Ti —I lye' PLAT REVISION 7 Cv�N !9•]7H• ef s3l o % rrai e c vou oz�N 99 " 37H c "s Enzc ao ° o r'ou�o _ oE]e Tfi �'- ��— °.n °o -2 I I / >cce %s' I I ,/' �-T z m e eszosss "` $: a.re $ w, .r.cr. I r. LOT ( ELOa< / i I,J �I n ?mcw ozos;uuzxr7 1 MAN ALLEN /TO9 A9pTQY °.. 1 1 @ qa+ + � • ,y, P mmr I I ., I P.N.rtx °" I Iwl x� WO � �•+ G y�C 5 °@ I —r _ —oa oz 5`. -- / I I I a3v — — — _ �.. LT me"'" T ",. "ae r s eMCa, I L T J a unurr enss xr �a I a.a.r.c.r. _ — , a.a.r.u.. .x I l ly ----- - - - - -- - -- , I I -- w+vx >� e c. .r xz,�`ra". "'vzosio re; I I �aox ao e_ -wxo L E rea:i.c = arv, — o a.rcr._ _ I �c = =W'"s27J71LTItT.11lr�G aa� N EY3T3C E � P3T.]6' S B9 N i — Q I e <go N !9'377' E wP T•7er aE amroa e-yue30.00'rcar tl � l , I , II � T � r � I � s w` ] n %. III 5 "s axrcr o N1 ) I I �i BFEENWA�Y- 998 /£LEA p LP � LOT 4 BLOCK I 1 °' • � KA/eAU cBOSSN7B I d mos ao" a.f1 1 E693 — w �� OOmoo— �.v x "r r Ai I I I I' l II I � I 30