Item 6E13 S0UTHLA1<,.,E CITY OF Department of Planning & Development Services STAFF REPORT July 27, 2011 CASE NO: ZA11 -035 PROJECT: Plat Revision for Estancia W *0111 W 9 SUMMARY: On behalf of 579 Kimball, LLC, Centurion American Development Group is requesting approval of a Plat Revision for Estancia, being a revision of Cotswold Valley, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, The property is located at 2200 - 2244 Cotswold Valley Court, Southlake, Texas, and is approximately 7.972 acres. SPIN #4 REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval of a Plat Revision for Estancia to change the name from Cotswold Valley and to reduce the front building lines from twenty -five (25) to twenty (20) feet. A zoning change and development plan that includes the reduction of the building lines from twenty -five (25) to twenty (20) feet was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on June 9, 2011 and by City Council at first reading on June 21, 2011.The second reading for that case is scheduled for the August 2, 2011 City Council meeting. Approval of the plat revision is subject to approval of the associated zoning change and development plan. ACTION NEEDED: Consider approval of a Plat Revision ATTACHMENTS: (A) Background Information (B) Vicinity Map (C) Plans and Support Information — Link to PowerPoint (D) Plat Review Summary No. 2 dated July 15, 2011 (E) Surrounding Property Owners Map and Responses STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough (817) 748 -8072 Richard Schell (817) 748 -8602 Case No. ZA11 -035 BACKGROUND INFORMATION OWNER: 579 Kimball, LLC APPLICANT: Centurion American Development Group PROPERTY SITUATION: 2200 - 2244 Cotswold Valley Court LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Cotswold Valley, an addition to the City of Southlake LAND USE CATEGORY: Medium Density Residential CURRENT ZONING: R -PUD Residential Planned Unit Development District HISTORY: - A zoning change and development plan (ZA06 -131) from "AG" Agricultural District to "R -PUD" Residential Planned Unit Development was approved by City Council on January 16, 2007, - A preliminary plat for Cotswold Valley was approved by City Council on March 20, 2007. - A final plat (ZA08 -021) for Lots 1 -7, Block 1, and Lots 1 -7, Block 2, Cotswold Valley was filed August 29, 2008. - A zoning change and development plan (08 -072) for Cotswold Valley to change the perimeter wall and entry feature plans was approved by City Council on September 16, 2008. CITIZEN INPUT: The SPIN representative for this district informed the applicant that having a SPIN meeting for this case was optional, so the applicant decided not to hold a meeting. TREE PRESERVATION: No trees will be affected by the proposed plat revision. a 10 010110 lex a 1013041910 110 W COMMISSION ACTION: July 21, 2011; Approved (7 -0) subject to Plat Review Summary No. 2 dated July 15, 2011 and subject to approval of the Zoning Change and Development Plan that will be going before Council. STAFF COMMENTS: Case No. ZA11 -035 Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated July 15, 2011 is attached. Attachment A Page 1 Case No. Attachment B ZA11 -035 Page 1 Vicinity Map Estancia z J W 2 U W a J J Q m Y z KIRKWOOD BLV Co I ZA11 -035 Plat Revision 2200 - 2244 Cotswald Valley Ct. N F 7 0 3 50 700 1,400 / Feet S Case No. Attachment B ZA11 -035 Page 1 PLANS AND SUPPORT INFORMATION LINK TO POWERPOINT PRESENTATION PLAT REVISION - Ma M� madedw it AIDMta 1A. Ir 7.1 AC Ir x`�ieia � o,LSas Mar L IaL R . aeaa I <mi 1 %%m w U,M F h1E 7 w La 1 awae 2 1%= a aK ► a f1,7Y F # MJM W 7 uTM W 1LI F ■ r� sF it i�14 7r =r I MLS ■ i 117.Me F I a ■aiu n P1 WMr4L uo M X117177 ia. +L 716 R�iOO LR1 = ?/ Case No. Attachment C ZA11 -035 Page 1 a sr Wren man � L WLR. w. Y� 701.7Y Q !!o gKuw TAM +L 716 R�iOO LR1 = ?/ Case No. Attachment C ZA11 -035 Page 1 FRONT BUILDING SETBACK EXHIBIT (SHADED AREAS SHOW FRONT SETBACK REDUCED FROM 25' TO 20') F zzu — — — / 2n7 / I coTSwa D / / COT SWALD vALe VA COURT I I. LE COURT - J /�/ LOT: 7 I aLOCK2 1 BLOCK:( i / ���yyy,,, COTSWALD YY I J 1 2240 / �i / / i C ALIEY COUR71 I I/ I COTSWALD / ( VALLEYCOURT 2236 �T fO .. i LOT:2 / /COTSWALD �a,<, I a LL LOCK2 / /VAEY COURT, f rrrrcwern �II I LOT:3 1'ALLEYCOUR7' : 6 LOT I I II 61ACK:: 1 r LOT.4 I / / 1 a :I 1 . p E Y COURTY HURT r 2?AB I/ r f COTSWALD SHADED AREAS SHOW FRONT I I BLOCK@ I 1 1 LOT: 6 ( 'VALLEY COUR7 BLOCK.2 LOTS 1 BUILDING SETBACKS REDUCED BLOCK2 V ` f FROM 25 7 TO 20 commw !01 2213 a. 2 I COTSWALD I I ry� W - I 1 COMM III CUISWALO � \ ` l (VALLEY COUR'A I I (VALLEY COURT( I VALLEY COURT LOT: ( I I LOT:2 I 1 LOT: 3 I I LOT:4 I BLOm) I , I BLOMI BLOCK III BLOCK-1 L - - -J L - - -J L - - -J . L_ - - - -� _._._.I._._ COT5NALD VALLEY 5outhlalu, Tarrant County, Taxaa 15 RF-51DENTIAL LOTS: wTDACK c V wpe SCALE ■ 100' -0' Case No. Attachment C ZA11 -035 Page 2 PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA11 -035 Review No.: Two Project Name: Plat Revision - Estancia Date of Review: 07/15/11 APPLICANT: Ralph Bush Centurion American 1221 N. 1 -35E #200 Carrollton, TX Phone: (469) 892 -7200 SURVEYOR: Tommy Q. Burks Burks Land Surveying P. O. Box 603 Rhome, TX 76078 Phone: (817) 228 -5577 CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 07/12/11 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT RICHARD SCHELL AT (817) 748 -8602 OR DENNIS KILLOUGH AT (817) 748 -8072. 1. All easements and setbacks on the plat revision must match the existing Final Plat with the exception of the front building lines being moved from 25' to 20'. 2. Change the ink color from gray to black. 3. Add the total number of lots (17) and the number or residential (13) and open space(4) lots to the title block in place of 14 Lots ". 4. Change the note describing the purpose of the amended plat to "This Plat Revision is to change the name ..." 5. The only changes to the plat revision should be the title block and the front building lines. Please make the following changes to match the filed plat of record: a. Move note # 12 "There are no liens against this property ", to the owner's dedication section after (This plat does not increase the number of lots or alter or remove existing deed restrictions or covenants, if any." b. Show all easements that were dedicated on the filed Final Plat. The following easements are missing or the type has changed: 23' Radius Landscape and Wall Easement by Kimball Emergency Access Easement at entrance to Cotswold Court. The Floodplain Easement on Lot 4, Block 1 is shown as a Drainage and Floodplain easement on the approved plat. A 10' x 10' U.E is existing on Lot 1, Block 2. Please add it to the plat revision. 6. The following change is needed in the "owner's" dedication and notary: a. Move note # 12 "There are no liens against this property ", to the owner's dedication section after (This plat does not increase the number of lots or alter or remove existing deed restrictions or covenants, if any." Case No. Attachment D ZA11 -035 Page 1 The following should be informational comments only If the applicant chooses to change the name of the street to Estancia Court on the plat, a street name change ordinance must be approved by City Council prior to the plat being filed with the County. Staff recommends any proposed landscape / bufferyard areas are included in areas designated as common area. It appears this property lies within the 75 'LDN D /FW Regional Airport Overlay Zone, requiring construction standards in compliance with the Airport Compatible Land Use Zoning Ordinance No. 479. Additionally, the Avigation Easement and Release shown in Appendix 3 of the Subdivision Ordinance No. 483 should be executed on subsequent Plats to be filed in the County Plat Records. A "Certificate of Taxes Paid" indicating that there are no delinquent taxes owed on the subject property from each taxing authority must be provided to the City prior to filing this plat in the County records. A copy of this information may be obtained from the Tarrant county Tax Assessor /Collector's Office located at 100 E. Weatherford St. in Ft. Worth (across from the old red courthouse). There is a service charge of $10 per account for this certificate. For more information contact the Assessor /Collector's office at 817 - 884 -1186. Please submit a revised blueline "check print" prior to submitting blackline mylars with original signatures. Original signatures and seals will be required on two blackline mylars prior to filing the plat. Mylars will not be accepted if any erasures or original ink, other than signatures or seals, appear on the plat. A Developers Agreement is required prior to construction of any public infrastructure. The Developer's Agreement for this addition should consider streets, drainage, park dedication requirements and fees, off -site sewer extensions, off -site drainage and utility easements and impact fees. Denotes Informational Comment Case No. Attachment D ZA11 -035 Page 2 SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS Cotswold Valley Addition II 8 7 9 6 10 11 14 13 12 C jt ) C1-7- ,� 5 1 2 3 4 SPO # Owner Zoning Land Use Acreage Response 1. 579 Kimball Llc RPUD Medium Density Residential 0.30 NR 2. 579 Kimball Llc RPUD Medium Density Residential 0.28 NR 3. 579 Kimball Llc RPUD Medium Density Residential 0.27 NR 4. 579 Kimball Llc RPUD Medium Density Residential 0.29 NR 5. 579 Kimball Llc RPUD Medium Density Residential 8.11 NR 6. 579 Kimball Llc RPUD Medium Density Residential 0.44 NR 7. 579 Kimball Llc RPUD Medium Density Residential 0.44 NR 8. 579 Kimball Llc RPUD Medium Density Residential 0.28 NR 9. 579 Kimball Llc RPUD Medium Density Residential 0.38 NR 10. 579 Kimball Llc RPUD Medium Density Residential 0.27 NR 11. 579 Kimball Llc RPUD Medium Density Residential 0.28 NR 12. 579 Kimball Llc RPUD Medium Density Residential 0.28 NR Case No. Attachment E ZA11 -035 Page 1 13. 579 Kimball Llc RPUD Medium Density Residential 0.26 NR 14. 579 Kimball Llc RPUD Medium Density Residential 0.30 NR 15. 579 Kimball Llc RPUD Medium Density Residential 0.03 NR 16. 579 Kimball Llc RPUD Medium Density Residential 0.01 NR 17. 1 579 Kimball Llc RPUD Medium Density Residential 0.01 NR Responses: F: In Favor O: Opposed To U: Undecided Notices Sent: Responses Received Seventeen (17) None (0) NR: No Response Case No. Attachment E ZA11 -035 Page 2