Item 6C (2)SOUTHLAKE fpr I . Item 6C: ZA11-M� - ZA11 -015 Owner: 809 Partners, LP Applicant: Baird, Hampton and Brown, Inc. Request: Approval of 1St reading for a zoning change and concept /development plan from R -PUD Residential Planned Unit Development District to R -PUD Residential Planned Unit Development District and SF -2 Single Family Residential District Location: 1021 E. Continental Blvd. On behalf of 809 Partners, Baird, Hampton and Brown, Inc. is requesting approval of a zoning change and concept /development plan from R -PUD Residential Planned Unit Development District to R -PUD Residential Planned Unit Development District and SF -2 Single Family Residential District on property located in the East Haven addition at 1021 E. Continental Blvd. The purpose of this request is to remove Lot 1R, Block 2, East Haven Addition from the existing East Haven Residential Planned Unit Development and to rezone that lot to SF -2 Single Family Residential District. The base zoning in the existing R -PUD is SF -20A Single Family Residential. The applicant is requesting the zoning change to SF -2 to have more flexibility with regard to the size of accessory structures and the permitted accessory uses. The current R -PUD zoning allows the sum total of all accessory buildings to be a maximum of 600 square feet. The SF -2 zoning district allows the sum total of all accessory buildings to be up to 3% of the lot area, which in this case is approximately 4,024 square feet. The minimum lot size allowed in the SF -2 district is two acres. The lot proposed to be rezoned to SF -2 is approximately 3.097 acres. K Future Land Use East Haven Addition Land Use Designation: Medium Density w Residential w 100 -Year Flood Plain SARAH PAR�- F NNY TER m 00 -Near Flood Plain - Corps of Engineers Property Public Park/Open Space Public /Semi - Public Low Density Residential 1 Medium Density Residential Office Commercial Retail Commercial BARLOW Mixed Use U BEND Town Center Z Regional Retail LU Q Industrial 2 KIRKCALDY o ies 370 7a CT ON PK EgR� i .,� ON CT ` 7 FAIRWOOD CT - -i„ _ ❑ Zoning R -PUD: Residential East Haven Addition Planned Unit wi Development N w O Ac MCI ��✓ w ® RE - C2 R 5 ARAH TE 0 SF1A M C3 M SF1B M C4 ® SF2 M NR -PUD M SF30 - HC - E CONTINENTAL BLVD SF20A 0 E31 M SF20B 0 B2 M R -PUD I I1 - MF1 L__] 12 ARLOW M MF2 = SP1 ND M MH IF SP2 ® CS W DT 0 01 TZD © 02 ECZ KIR C DY 0 1& 370 - NEL i I i �• i T U L D 0 This is an aerial view of the property with proposed SF -2 lot labeled. The proposed removal of one lot from the East Haven R -PUD requires approval of a development plan showing the revised R -PUD boundary. No changes are proposed to the existing R -PUD regulations or lot boundaries. One open space lot... 4 lots to north are zoned 1 -1 and currently city owned park property. SF -2 lot was a combination of two previous lots through an amended plat in February of this year. Ik 1 199 Ix �,' M it ;`•.. wmm- A r- ,••. . y v f�; A o ii .77? AL 3 162N Ai .Map AM:, a E �o -- - -__- -: �.�. .....I ��_ SF -2 a This exhibit is the concept plan for the proposed SF -2 lot and the development plan for the revised R -PUD boundary. The concept plan shows the proposed location of the principal residence and three possible accessory building locations on the approximately 3.079 acre lot. The setbacks shown comply with SF -2 zoning, which has 20 foot side yard setbacks instead of the 15 feet required in the R -PUD zoning. (R -PUD has / SF -20 base zoning). The accessory buildings shown would not comply with the current R -PUD zoning, which has allows a maximum of 600 square feet for accessory buildings, but they do comply with the SF -2 zoning. The revised development plan after the lot is removed shows a gross density of 1.71 dwelling units per acre, which complies with the 1.80 maximum density allowed in Section 30.5 of Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, for R -PUDs. With the removal of the approximately three acre lot from the R -PUD, the open space percentage increases from 3.7% to 8.8 %. ire] Q: t_�_ / !' LEGEND PRESERVED TREES p REMOVED TREES The tree conservation plan shows the trees proposed to be removed in the area of the proposed driveway. There are photos of these trees on the next slides. 11 I \ -V -++ CHINABERRY PECAN __..,, ELM Imo".7 r The pecan and elm tree are shown to be preserved on the tree conservation plan. The Chinaberry tree is shown to be removed. 12 The cottonwood and chinaberry trees shown here are proposed to be removed. The chinaberry tree in the previous photo is behind the cottonwood tree in this picture. The pecan and elm trees are the same ones in the previous picture and they are to be preserved. 13 This view is to the southeast and it shows some additional Chinaberry trees that are proposed to be removed. 14 ZA11 -015 • Planning and Zoning Commission: June 9, 2011; Approved (4 -0) subject to Concept Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated May 31, 2011. • City Council: June 21, 2011; Approved at first reading (6 -0) pursuant to Concept Plan Review Summary No. 2 dated May 31, 2011. 15 U �'- - ITY OF SOUTHLAKE W-1