1993-12-13 4::) CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING Monday, December 13, 1993 Board Members Present: Chairperson Janet Murphy; Members: Ann Barnes, Frank Dorer, Carol Lee Hamilton, Rod Johnson (7:45), Mike Jurecka, and Donn Renwick. Board Members Absent: Vicki Johnson and Mike Thompson. City Staff Present: Shana Rice, Assistant to the City Manager; Greg Last, Community Development Director; Tina Harvey, Parks and Recreation Coordinator; and Kim Bush, Secretary. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairperson Murphy. Agenda Item #2, Approval of Minutes. Motion was made to approve the minutes of November 8, 1993 as presented. Motion: Barnes Second: Renwick 4::) Ayes: Barnes, Renwick, Dorer, Hamilton, Jurecka, Murphy Nays: none Approved: 6 -0 Agenda Item #3, Administrative Comments. - Janet Murphy commented that the Women's Club voted to give Park and Recreation the proceeds from their spaghetti supper in February. - Janet Murphy informed the Board that the developers of the Dominion Addition withdrew their request for park credit. - Southlake Chamber of Commerce has asked the Park Board to participate in the March 28 Chamber Luncheon. With help from City staff, Carol Lee Hamilton and Donn Renwick will make a presentation. - Carol Lee Hamilton announced that Roseanne Manor, Southlake Journal, has volunteered her time to take photographs for park functions and charge only for expenses. Agenda Item #4, Southlake Community Playground. Mr. Kosse Maykus with the Playground Initiative group announced to the Board that the Corporation is in place and a Board of Directors Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes December 13, 1993 Page 2 4 :: ) has been established. Mr. Maykus stated that the next step was to get a specific site, with topography, for the playground and then approval from the Park Board and the City Council to start construction. He commented that they now have tax exempt status and will be able to start taking donations. The Park Board recommended that City staff and members of the Board meet with the Ball Association to discuss a possible site for the playground within the proposed expansion at Bicentennial Park. Agenda Item #5, Developer Fee Credit. Shana Rice, Assistant to the City Manager, and Greg Last, Community Development Director, presented to the Board a process for awarding of credits to the park dedication fee requirements. Information provided to the Board included a Process Flow Chart, a Recreation Improvements Summary (detailing Proposed Amenities), a Park Credit Evaluation, and a Typical Credit Criteria (Defining credit levels). These forms will be available to the Developers at the time they are preparing their construction plans to submit to the City. Staff will also include a comment in regard to the dedication fee on the staff plan review letter. Developers are instructed to call 4 ::) Shana Rice for an application. On Attachment - 2 P r C Park Dedication Fees Credit Evaluation form, the Board recommended additional changes as follows: - Criterion 1.1 change points as follows: 35, 25, 20, 15, 10, 0 - Criterion 4.1 Increase points as follows: 10, 8, 6, 4, 0, -2; Add word "pedestrian" to 4.1 topic line and "a" - Criterion 4.2 Add word "vehicular" to topic line - ADD: Criterion 6. AMENITY CONSTRUCTION TIMETABLE ( -20 points) (project phasing) _ a. Improvements completed 6 mos - 1 year later 0 _ b. Improvements completed 1 year - 18 mos -10 c. Improvements completed 18 mos - 2 years later -15 d. Improvements completed greater than 2 years later -20 1:::) Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes December 13, 1993 Page 3 4 :: ) Motion was made to approve the Park Dedication Fee Credit Evaluation Process with amendments as discussed. Motion: R. Johnson Second: Hamilton Ayes: Barnes, Renwick, Dorer, Hamilton, R. Johnson, Jurecka, Murphy Nays: none Approved: 7 -0 Agenda Item #6, Joint Utilization Update. Tina Harvey informed the Board that she was working with Mr. Glowacki, CISD Director of Environmental Services, on the following items: - excavating site for basketball court - Baseball field dirt work has been completed and drainage problem resolved. - Bids are going out for lighting of ball fields; expect to have done by February 4::) - Gate at High School has been ordered. - Soccer fields at the Shady Oaks school site will be discussed at the next JUC meeting on December 14 Agenda Item #7, Park Proiects Update. - Park entrance sign will be completed by contractor by Thursday. However, Tina Harvey commented that the concrete footing will not be complete for a couple of weeks. The Board recommended that the sign be placed by the road in front of the fence. - Practice fields. Tina Harvey informed the Board that we would be loosing the practice fields at the proposed Country Walk Addition. Practice fields are available on the Mobil Land property off White Chapel. Some work will be needed including the installation of a fence at an approximate cost of $2,000. A lease agreement will be needed to take to City Council for approval; Greg Last, Community Development Director, will contact Mobil to verify that the property is still available for use. - Community Building. • 4::) - Tina Harvey commented that carpet and tile has been Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes December 13, 1993 Page 4 4 :: ) replaced at the Community Building. Open house can possibly be held in January. - Bids are being taken for a tractor to maintain fields - Sidewalk with bridge across flume, by the Community building, has been completed - Spreader has been purchased Church is proposing to make a donation to parks for the use of the building Agenda Item #8, Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Alik It. ►i• ..�,,, 'anet Mur Chairp:rso 4::) ATTEST: Kim us Ci Manager's Office 4::)