Item 4I AudioU I T Y 0 F SOUTHLAKE � Honorable Mayor and City Council. This presentation will cover Item 41 on the August 2, 2011 City Council Agenda. Item 41 Approve a contract renewal with United Healthcare to provide employee dental benefits for Plan Year October 1, 2011 to September 30, 2012. The purpose of this item to is to request City Council approval of a contract renewal with United Healthcare to provide employee dental benefits for Plan Year October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012. 2 Approving the contract renewal with United Healthcare links to the City's strategy map relative to the focus area of Performance Management and Service Delivery and specifically to the corporate business objective of Attract, develop, and retain a skilled workforce. 3 • The City of Southlake provides municipal services that support the highest quality of life for our residents and businesses. We do this by delivering outstanding unrivaled quality in everything that we do. value and ■ - ■- �C1 - • Achieve the C2 Provide travel C3 Provide attractive C4 Attract and keep highest standards convenience and unique spaces tier businesses to drive top- C5 Promote a opportunities for of safety and within City and for enjoyment of dynamic and sustainable security region personal interests economic environment partnerships and volunteer involvement B1 Achieve B2 Collaborate with B3 Enhance resident B4 Provide best select to life high B5 Improve performance B6 Optimize" " -in -class partners quality of and quality status in all City implement service business sustainability customer disciplines solutions through tourism service of delivery and use of operational technology processes F1 Adhere to financial F2 Invest to provide and F3 Achieve fiscal management maintain high quality wellness F4 Establish and' maintain effect principles and budget public assets standards internal co " L1 Ensure our people L2 Enhance L3 Attract, L4 Recognize understand the leadership develop and and informed decisio t retain a skilled reward high workforce performers making at all 1 in the orga • i .I,1 Approving the contract renewal with United Healthcare links to the City's strategy map relative to the focus area of Performance Management and Service Delivery and specifically to the corporate business objective of Attract, develop, and retain a skilled workforce. 3 Background • Current carrier — 10/01/2010 - present • Bid insurance in 2010 • 2 plans: PPO and DHMO UnitedHealthcare The City's current dental insurance carrier is United Healthcare. United Healthcare has been the City's medical carrier since October 1, 2010 and dental insurance was competitively bid in 2010. Currently, employees are offered two plan options: a traditional PPO plan and a dental HMO (DHMO) plan. The City currently pays the entire premium for employee only dental coverage and the employee pays the entire dependent cost. 12 Dental Claims Ratio • Total Premium Paid: $98,354 • Total Claims Paid: $101,792 • Claims Ratio: 103.9% $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0 ti ti ti ti ti " ti " ti b b e a� a� �� ��\ O ho ao�a6 Oacatc o F e � � -4--Monthly Billed Premium --E-Monthly Claims 4 As part of the renewal process, United Healthcare provided the City with basic claims data. The chart illustrates the premiums paid to United Healthcare compared to the claims paid by United Healthcare. The red line on the chart represents the claims United Healthcare paid each month while the blue line represents the monthly billed premium. From October 2010 through April 2011 United Healthcare has paid $101,792 in claims and has collected $98,354 in premiums from the City. As a result, United Healthcare has paid more in claims than it has collected in premiums and is currently losing money on the City's dental account. 5 Premium Paid vs Claims Paid UHC Proposed Renewal ... • No plan changes: 23.3% • With plan changes: 9.9% DHMO: • No plan changes: 0% Estimated Increase: $8,000 Renewal Rate In early June, the City received its dental insurance renewal from United Healthcare. To calculate the renewal, United Healthcare reviewed the premiums paid, the claims data and the industry trend. To maintain the current plan designs, United Healthcare proposed a rate increase of 23.3% to the PPO plan and a 0% rate increase to the DHMO plan. In response to the high PPO rate renewal, staff worked with UHC to incorporate plan changes to decrease the proposed renewal increase. With plan modifications, the renewal increase changed from 23.3% to 9.9 %, resulting in an estimated cost increase of $8,000 to the City. Plan changes to the PPO plan include: changing usual and customary charge reimbursement rate for out of network benefits from the 90th to 85th percentile and moving oral surgery, periodontics and endodontics from a 20% coinsurance level to a 50% coinsurance level. 0 Financial Considerations • Funding for dental insurance will be included in the proposed FY 2012 budget. The estimated cost of dental insurance premiums is $15,178 per month, or $182,133 annually (combined City and employee premium contributions). The estimated increase in the City's portion of dental insurance premiums is $8,000 for FY 2012. Funding for the proposed dental insurance plan costs will be included in the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2012. 7 • Estimated cost of dental insurance Staff Recommendation Approve a contract renewal with United Healthcare to provide employee dental benefits for Plan Year October 1, 2011 to September 30, 2012. Staff recommends City Council Approve a contract renewal with United Healthcare to provide employee dental benefits for Plan Year October 1, 2011 to September 30, 2012. 0 SOUTHLAKE If you have any questions regarding this item, please contact me at 817- 748 -8063. Thank you.