WS Item 3 MemoCity of Southlake, Texas
July 27, 2011
TO: Shana Yelverton, City Manager
FROM: Ken Baker, Director of Planning and Development Services
SUBJECT: Item 3 — Work Session, Revisions to Article IV of the Southlake City Code
(Ordinance 880 -A) — Gas and Oil Well Drilling and Production
Action Requested: Conduct a City Council work session to review and discuss staff's
recommended changes to Article IV (Ordinance 880 -A) of the Southlake
City Code - Gas and Oil Well Drilling and Production and direct staff on
needed changes to the ordinances.
Information: At its June 21, 2011 meeting, the City Council voted to extend the
previous moratorium on the acceptance of applications for gas drilling and
production an additional 120 days to November 14, 2011. At that same
meeting, the City Council also agreed to the Gas and Oil Drilling
Ordinance meeting schedule which indicated that the that the initial work
session on this item would be held at the August 2 City Council meeting.
The schedule is below.
• City Council Work Sessions
- August 2nd
- August 16
- August 30 (if needed)
• Potential City -wide SPIN Meeting
— September 12 or September 26 or both dates
• Potential City Council 1 St Reading
— October 4 th
• Potential City Council 2 Reading
— October 18
Basis for the proposed changes to the ordinance included the
1) Incorporation of conditions from recent gas drilling and
production specific use permit (SUP) cases;
Resolution No
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2) Incorporation of best management practices (BMP) regulations that
other cities have adopted; and
3) Clarification of processing requirements.
Considerations: Not Applicable.
Citizen Input/
Board Review: Not Applicable.
Legal Review: The City Attorney has reviewed the proposed ordinance revisions.
Alternatives: NA
Documents: Supporting documents include the following items:
• Copy of the proposed recommended changes to Article IV
(Ordinance 880 -A).
• A spreadsheet summarizing major changes to the ordinance.
Recommendation: Conduct a work session to review the proposed changes to the ordinance.
Provide direction to staff on the changes to be made to the ordinance.
Schedule the next work session date on this item.