Item 9A Plat Showing Lots 8 & 9, J. Thornhill No. 1505 Addition ZA11-028 ZA11-028 Owner/ Applicant: Tim & Christen O’Hare Request: Plat Showing for Lots 8 & 9, J. Thornhill No. 1505 Addition in order to subdivide one unplatted tract of land into two residential lots Location: 801 S. Peytonville Ave S Peytonville Ave Meadow Ln Chimney Hill Southlake Woods PLAT SHOWING ENLARGED PLAT SHOWING Citizen Input / Board Review Planning & Zoning Commission July 21, 2011; Approved (7-0) accepting the applicants right of way dedication of twenty-five (25) feet, accepting the applicant’s request to waive the Tree Preservation Plan until the building permitting stage, accepting the applicant’s request to escrow the funds for a four-foot sidewalk which the City is to construct at a later date, and subject to Plat Review Summary No.2, dated July 18, 2011. Item 4C Questions? Applicant Presentation