Item 6GOrdinance No. 1008, 2nd Reading, Speed Limit Ordinance Item 6G Item 6G Approve a Speed Limit Ordinance amending Chapter 18, Section 18-79 of the Southlake City Code establishing a new speed limit on portions of East Kirkwood Boulevard and Blessed Way. (Approved at 1st Reading on June 21, 2011.) Ordinance 1008 East Kirkwood Boulevard North Kimball Avenue west to East Highland Southmont west to North White Chapel 4 lane divided Arterial roadway Design Speed – 45 mph Blessed Way East Kirkwood Boulevard south to S.H. 114 4 lane undivided Collector roadway Design Speed – 35 mph Speed Limit Recommendations East Kirkwood Boulevard 35 mph Perform speed study once traffic begins to flow Blessed Way 35 mph East Kirkwood Boulevard North Kimball to East Highland 35 mph Gateway Church Site New Carroll Middle School East Kirkwood Boulevard Southmont to North White Chapel 35 mph Carillon Children’s Medical Center Blessed Way 35 mph Gateway Church Site New Carroll Middle School Staff Recommendation Ordinance No. 1008, 2nd Reading, Approve a Speed Limit Ordinance amending Chapter 18, Section 18-79 of the Southlake City Code establishing a new speed limit on portions of East Kirkwood Boulevard and Blessed Way Questions: Bob Price 817-748-8097