Item 6FOrdinance No. 733-B, 2nd Reading, Speed Limit Ordinance
Item 6F
Item 6F
Approve a Speed Limit Ordinance amending Section 18-80 of the Southlake City Code revising the location of School Crossing Zones. (Approved at 1st reading
June 21, 2011)
Ordinance 733-B
Original Ordinance
Approved 1999
Ordinance 733-A
Approved 2009
Establishes Speed Limits for School Crossing Zones
Times in effect
30 minutes before and after start of school
30 minutes before and after dismissal of school
Ordinance Revisions
Removes East Dove/North White Chapel school zone for closed Carroll Middle School
Creates East Kirkwood and East Highland school zones for new Carroll Middle School
Creates North White Chapel school zone for Walnut Grove Elementary School
Old Carroll Middle School
New Carroll Middle School
Carroll Middle School
School Crossing Zone
School Crossing Zone
School Crossing Zone
Walnut Grove Elementary School
Walnut Grove
Elementary School
School Crossing Zone
Staff Recommendation
Ordinance No. 733-B, 2nd Reading,
Approve a Speed Limit Ordinance amending Section 18-80 of the Southlake City Code revising the location of school crossing zones
Questions:Bob Price 817-748-8097