Tuesday, August 24, 1999
(Continuation from August 10, 1999)
Councilmembers Present: Mayor Rick Stacy, Mayor Pro Tem Gary Fawks, Deputy
Mayor Pro Tem Ronnie Kendall; Members: Patsy DuPre, Debra Edmondson, and Rex
Councilmember Absent: Wayne Moffat
Staff Present: City Manager Billy Campbell, Assistant City Manager Shana
Yelverton, Assistant to the City Manager Shelli Siemer, Finance Director Sharen Elam,
Assistant Finance Director Lynn Martinson, Human Resources Director Lauren
Safranek, Public Safety Director Garland Wilson, Fire Chief Ricky Black, Police Chief
Gary Gregg, Engineering Services Director Ron Harper, Public Works Administrative
Assistant Valerie Bradley, Public Works Manager Michael Patterson, Capital Projects
Engineer Shawn Poe, GIS Specialist Melinda Polley, Economic Development Director
Greg Last, Community Services Director Kevin Hugman, Deputy Director Community
Services Steve Polasek, Deputy Director Support Services John Knight, Administrative
Operations Coordinator Malcolm Jackson, Utility Billing Supervisor Shani Ihnfeldt,
Public Information Officer James Kunke, and Secretary to the City Manager Kim Bush.
Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order.
Mayor Stacy called the Special City Council Work Session to order at 5:10 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 4. Reconvene and continue discussion on the Proposed FY 99 -00
Annual Operating Budget..
A presentation was made by Betty Springer on Texas Sister Cities International (TSCI).
Ms. Springer requested that City Council consider allocating $10,000 in the FY 99 -00
annual budget for the continued operation of TSCI. (Handout presented to City Council
is included with the minutes.)
Staff presented to City Council budget reviews on the Department of General
Government including Human Resources, City Manager's Office, Support Services
Finance, Municipal Court, and Teen Court; the Department of Public Safety including
Fire Services, Police Services, DPS Support Services, Crime Control District, and
Building Inspections; and, the Department of Public Works including Street &
Drainage, Water & Wastewater, and Capital Projects. A discussion was also held on
the proposed pay plan.
Comments from City Council on the proposed budget included:
• Desire that close attention by staff be given when considering sharing GIS
services with other cities.
Special City Council Work Session Minutes of August 24, 1999
Page 1 of 2
• Confirmation that computer system will be adaptable to the new city hall
• Support the move of Library Services capital items to TIF capital projects.
• Desire City Manager's commitment that proper structure of pay plan has
been completely addressed.
• Desire lump sum amount in budget to address community organizations.
Also, consider matching fund concept.
Handouts at the meeting from staff to the City Council included:
• Changes to 1999 -2000 Proposed Budget - General Fund
• Proposed Capital Improvement Projects for FY 1999 -2000
• DPS Transferred Vehicles list
• DPS 2000 Vehicle Plan
Agenda Item No. 5. Consider placing a proposal to adopt the tax rate and hold a
public hearing on the tax rate, on the agenda of the August 31, 1999 Special City
Council meeting.
Motion was made to place on the City Council Agenda consideration of the FY99 -00
Annual Operating Budget on August 31, 1999 for first reading and first public hearing,
on September 7 for second reading and first reading of the proposed tax rate ordinance,
and on September 21 for second reading of the tax rate ordinance.
Motion: Fawks
Second: DuPre
Ayes: DuPre, Edmondson, Fawks, Kendall, Potter, Stacy
Nays: none
Approved: 6 -0
Agenda Item No. 12, Adjournment.
There being no further business to discuss the Special City Council Work Session was
adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
ra or Rick Stacy
VS 1
: I 4 r
K i Bush im
A ting City Secretary
Special City Council Work Session Minutes of August 24, 1999
Page 2 of 2
S r >
Where We've Been... and Where We're Going
Since its inception almost eighteen months ago, Texas Sister Cities International
has been busy! Through the initial volunteer efforts of founder Mary Palko and a
number of other TxSCI participants, the organization has gotten off to a good start
and established a strong identity with Sister Cities representatives statewide.
Initially TxSCI worked piece -meal from a number of individuals' offices in
establishing the TxSCI program. With the assistance of the City of Southlake and
various individuals, the organization created a logo, letterhead, and a banner to help
make it easily recognizable. With press releases and fliers at the national Sister
Cities meeting, Texas Sister Cities is now a known commodity within the industry.
Several major mailings within the state have provided information for and solicited
participation from Sister Cities representatives. The mayor of every city in Texas
that currently has a working Sister City relationship or that is in the process of
establishing such a relationship, also received a special video with information
about the program.
TxSCI held meetings and /or workshops in Corpus Christi, Fort Worth, Dallas, San
Antonio. Austin, and Southlake. These meetings provided information to the
participants and also a networking opportunity for them to meet their peers and to
exchange ideas and ask questions. Two Annual Meetings were held in Austin in
January of 1998 & 1999. A statewide meeting was held in San Antonio in
conjunction with the TML (Texas Municipal League) meeting. We have officially
joined the membership of TML and will be participating at the TML conferences in
1999 in Lubbock and Dallas. TxSCI also had an international presence at the Sister
Cities International Conference in Miami, Florida, during the summer of 1998.
TxSCI will again participate at the International SCI conference to be held in Little
Rock, Arkansas, in July 1999, with a special gathering of Texas delegates.
Southlake City Councilmember Debra Edmondson will be a speaker at the Texas
State Breakfast in Little Rock addressing the "Pause for Peace" initiative sponsored
by Sister Cities International and coordinated in Texas by TxSCI. TxSCI hopes to
attain the participation of every city in Texas involved in the Sister Cities program to
recognize the "Pause for Peace" initiative as we bring in the new Millenium. Mrs.
Edmondson is spearheading the Texas portion of this program in creating a lasting
document comprised of letters and essays from people across the state discussing
the importance of peace in all of our lives. This will be maintained in a hard copy
format and also in an on -line magazine link with Sister Cities International.
With the recent 1999 establishment of an actual office for Texas Sister Cities (space
currently donated in anticipation of the eventual move into the new Southlake City
Hall) and the hiring of a Director to oversee day to day operations, the organization
is taking the next step to expand its presence and services across the state. We
plan to hold quarterly meetings /workshops across the state to assist member cities
in either enhancing their existing programs or by helping "seeking cities" finally
establish a relationship with their international counterparts. TxSCI will be a source
for information and assistance as well as a clearing house for city to city mentoring.
In addition to these meetings, TxSCI will be participating in the state level TML
programs and the national conference for our parent organization, Sister Cities
International. This Fall we will produce the first statewide newsletter for TxSCI
which will become a quarterly publication. We plan to have our own web -site
operational before the end of the year. We will hold the Annual Meeting in January
to elect new officers and expand the Board of Directors. We have been working
with and will increase our contacts with State Legislators and other State
government officials to provide them with information about the effectiveness of the
Texas Sister Cities program and to seek their support. The Sister Cities program
encompasses a broad spectrum of opportunities through global partnerships which
affect the cultural and economic aspects of not only the cities involved but also
ultimately reaches to the state and national level.
It is important to note that every piece of mail; every press release; every e-mail;
every fax; every type of communication and /or information of any kind, which is
generated by the Texas Sister Cities office, includes the name "Southlake, Texas ".
These items may range from a single letter to a State Legislator in Austin to a
member of the diplomatic corps in Houston or a newspaper in Lubbock or just a
local program representative in Seguin -- or it could be a mass mailing to over 300
program representatives across the state -- or a communication with the state level
programs in some thirty other states in the U.S. -- but every single one of them says
"SOUTHLAKE" and introduces the recipient to the fact that a small community such
as Southlake has embraced the Sister Cities International program not with just a
local chapter but by being home to the statewide organization designed to enhance
and expand a program which advocates peace and understanding and global
interaction. And this speaks volumes about Southlake, Texas!
14, 111k : Texas Sister Cities
DEBRA EDMONDSON 817 - 481 - 5581x704
JULIETTE MARCHIOLI 202 - 312 -1209
July 14, 1999, Southlake, TX -- Sister Cities International (SCI) which for 45 years has
championed a global diplomacy of tolerance and understanding, will celebrate the arrival of
year 2000 with a "PAUSE FOR PEACE" during the last second countdown to midnight
December 31, 1999. SCI, located in Washington, DC, is the official linking organization for
the United States.
Among several activities planned by Sister Cities to expand its peace mission for the New
Millennium, the PAUSE FOR PEACE is expected to generate worldwide participation led by
SCI's 3,200 city network.
"The gesture, though modest, is both noble and grand," said Mary Palko, Vice President of
SCI and Chair of its Millennium Initiative. "If during the last few seconds of 1999 w can get
people all over the world, thousands of them, maybe millions, to pause and insert their
thoughts or desires for peace, then I think the shared symbolism will prove inspirational,
irresistible and, ultimately, rewarding." Ms. Palko is also the current Chair of Texas Sister
Cities, a statewide organization coordinating efforts among cities in the Lone Star State.
To build local interest in PAUSE FOR PEACE, Texas Sister Cities is asking people to submit
short essays (500 words or less) with their personal stories on peace. Southlake City
Councilmember Debra Edmondson, along with Ms. Palko, will be outlining this project in
detail to attendees of a June 29 Texas Sister Cities sponsored meeting. "Peace is an active,
day -in, day -out engagement," said Palko. "Therefore, in these stories we're looking for
examples of what WORKS, and what are indeed examples of courage, compassion, and
civility." Mrs. Edmondson will be coordinating the statewide effort to obtain as many short
essays as possible from everyone from state leaders to the average person on the street to help
promote this initiative.
Sister Cities also will work through its network both locally and abroad, to have their
communities declare December 31 as PAUSE FOR PEACE Day. Further details about
PAUSE FOR PEACE are available at the project's website (www.pauseforpeace.org). The local
address for Texas Sister Cities is P. O. Box 92983, Southlake, TX 76092. Essays can be
submitted to TxSCI attentioned to Mrs. Edmondson.
/_/' -_`
11-„\ •
y�y �� July 13, 1999
Mr. Billy Campbell, City Mgr.
HoNoR,J y BOARD City of Southlake •
Honor,blr. Kay Clanger
1725 E. Southlake Blvd.
LC.S. /s'rprrtsrnt/,tn r Southlake, TX 76092
llonon,b /e Alberto R. Gonzales Ref: Texas Sister Cities International
srrrrt/,/} of State
Proposed Budget - Request for Funding
Honorable Carlos Than
State ,Senator Corpus Christi Dear Billy:
Hnnor,blr Bob Hunter
£ to Rr1,o sentative, Abilene Thank you for your time and attention this morning on. behalf of Texas Sister
Hono,,b /r Kenneth Bv,' Cities International. We appreciate you, Shelli, and Kevin taking the time to
Mayor City of Fort woitl, review our proposed budget and discuss our request for funding by the City. I
have made the revisions you suggested (in particular, extending the budget
Honorable Ron Kirk projections through September 30 to coincide with the City's fiscal year) and
Mayor City ofDali",s •
am enclosing a final copy for your review and use.
Hono //,ble Gory McCaleb
A'fgyor; City orAbilene • As indicated this morning, we know this is a large request, but Texas Sister
Honorable Rick Stacy Cities feels that we have made huge 'strides in recent months to make our
n r �yor; citj' orsonu,G,ke presence and identity known throughout the State and to offer more services to
Hono, ,b /r Kirk w,rson Texas cities. In the process, not only are we actually bringing people into
mayor city of Ausri,/ Southlake, but we, are literally taking Southlake out across the State as we
promote our organization and its services. Southlake may be deemed a small
Honor,,blr Si.cr -vndi
H00141 ya
con,.n /a,r,nr,�,'orinrone,,) community by population, but it is also viewed as having ideas and foresight • ,
usually only found in larger cities with years of experience and huge staffs. 1 •
Ho/)o/'/b/ L. Sw anson' have often been told by representatives from other cities (across the state) that
Ci nszll (entry.,/ of Canada
they envy Southlake's reputation as a forerunner for so many innovative
Honorable RanIJn Xilotl programs and projects throughout the community.
Consul Genrr/,i of Mexico
Honorable Wu Zurong We have attempted to keep this a "bare bones" budget request but, at the same
cons,// cr /era/ ofchina time still provide sufficient ability to conduct a strong program that `both Texas •
Honorable John F Craw/b/d Sister Cities and the City of Southlake can be proud of. If you have any
— Honorary Consul of F . ante questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you again for your
courtesy and assistance.
Honorable Frunr,ndo MO/a/ Iglesias
llono /yu y Consul of Spain
Honorable Clark A. Johnson ,
Honorary Consul of Luxembourg Texas Sister Citl s International
(TO, Pier 1 1u,ports ,
Honoroblr Jerry tl'Irrrad re / / r ,
Honorar Consul orMexico
• Betty Spr# get I
Mil, (Mike) Farhat
CEO, Farhat Industries
P.O. Box 92983 * Southlake, Texas 76092 * Telephone /Fax 817/410 -TSCI (8724)
\ R ��le∎A..
[15 months to coincide with City's fiscal year]
- BALANCE ON HAND JULY 15, 1999: $ 12,513.34
TOTAL FUNDS: $12,913.34
Office Space (donated) $ -0-
Accounting Services (donated) $ -0-
Computer & Fumiture (on loan) $ -0-
General Office Expense
Phone & Fax $ 2,250. $150. X 15
Supplies 750. Folders /pendaflex/labels /fax &printer supp.
Copying Expense 750. .05 ea X 15,000
Postage 800. 6 big mailings & G.O. postage
Stationery/Cards 300. Overprints & cards
TxSCI Brochures 500. General brochures & mtg mat'ls
Memberships & Dues 440. TML & SLCC
P. O. Box Rental 65. #92983 - 15 mos
Books & Publications 235. TSD + SCI mat'I.
Public Relations Exp. 300. SCI ad, pins, pens
Salary 15,000. 50 hrs /mo X $20 ea X 15 mos
Taxes 1,500. SS, FUTA, SUTA
Internet Account 338. E -mail & Internet access
Web Site Development 2,000. Estimated
PAGE -1-
Texas Sister Cities International
Proposed Budget 1999 -2000
- continued-
National Conference SCI (1 person /1 year)
Conference Registration $ 405. 1 registration
Travel & Lodging 500. 2 nts hotel + travel
Meeting & Misc. Expense 400. State Breakfast/offset by income
$ 1,305.
Texas Meetings & Workshops (1 ea. quarter = 5 total)
Materials & Printing $ 1,000. 5 mtgs X $200. ea
Travel & Lodging 800. 1 nt hotel ea + travel for 4 mtgs
Meeting Expense 1,000. 5 mtgs X $200. ea
Awards & Plaques 400. Annual mtg recognition awards
Miscellaneous 500. 5 mtgs X $100. ea
$ 3,700.
Texas Municipal League Meetings (2 annual meetings)
Booth Expense $ 300. Equipment rental X 2 mtgs
Travel & Lodging 450. 1 nt hotel + travel X 2 mtgs
Meeting Expense 200. 2 mtgs X $100. ea
Miscellaneous Expense 200. 2 mtgs X $100. ea
$ 1,150.
TOTAL EXPENSES: $31,383.00
[Based on 15 months]
Page -2-
Office Space (donated) $ -0-
Accounting Services (donated) $ -0-
Computer & Fumiture (on loan) $ -0-
Staff Salary (partially volunteered) $ -0-
General Office Expense
Phone & Fax $ 229.53
Supplies 139.09
Postage 209.00
Memberships & Dues 275.00
P. O. Box Rental 44.00
Books & Publications 35.00
Public Relations Exp. 150.00
Salary (contract) 2,145.75
Internet Account 129.58
Web Site Development 119.00
Sub Total: $ 3,475.95
Salary (accrued but not yet paid) 2,500.00 *
Taxes (accrued but not yet paid) 278.00 *
Cost Center Sub - Total: $ 6,253.95
National Conference SCI
Conference Registration $ 390.00
Travel & Lodging 337.70
Meeting & Misc. Expense 253.61
Cost Center Sub - Total: $ 981.31
Texas Meetings & Workshops
Travel & Lodging 117.00
Meeting Expense 349.27
Sub - Total: $ 466.27
Printing (accrued but not yet paid) 111.20 *
Cost Center Sub - Total: $ 577.47
Recap submitted by Brad Bradley 12/31/98
1998 YTD (12/31/98)
Meeting income $ 1,145.00
City of Southlake Grant 19,000.00
TOTAL: $20,145.00
IRS 1023 application fee $ 465.00
Letterhead, envelopes, labels, etc. 1,799.40
Meeting Expense 1,398.37
Postage 42.00
Books 34.00
Video production 426.32
Brochures 571.50
Loan repayment 960.00
Texas Municipal League Directory Listing 250.00
Software 107.23
Advertising 199.45
Secretarial /Services 2,500.00 A 6- a - G m
Telephone Services 201.89
Internet Access 129.58
TOTAL: $9,084.74
Revised: 08/24/93
Account FY 99-00
Division Code Description of Changes Proposed Budget
100- 510.00 Increase Miscellaneous Revenues for Tennis Center Revenues 39,284
Total Increase 39,284
Percentage Increase 0.26%
Human Resources 102 - 101.00 Reduce Personnel budget (3,743)
City Manager 103- 101.00 Reduce Personnel budget (5,773)
Support Services 105 - 101.00 Reduce Personnel budget (3,531)
105 - 310.00 Reduce Lease - Computer (52,465)
Finance 106 - 101.00 Reduce Personnel budget (7,601)
Fire Services 131 - 101.00 Reduce Personnel budget (3,627)
Police Services 132 - 101.00 Reduce Personnel budget (3,707)
'ublic Safety Suppor 133 - 101.00 Reduce Personnel budget (3,476)
Building Inspections 142 - 101.00 Reduce Personnel budget (3,776)
Public Works Admin. 146 - 101.00 Reduce Personnel budget (8,295)
Planning 150 - 101.00 Reduce Personnel budget (4,584)
Community Services 161 - 101.00 Reduce Personnel budget (4,959)
Parks and Recreatior 162 - 101.00 Reduce Personnel budget (2,946)
Library Services 164- 9:0(.00 Move Capital items to TIF Capital Projects (1,139,000)
Total Change in Expenditures ($1,247,483)
Percentage Reduction -6.78%
Net Change in Revenues $39,284
Net Change in Personnel ($56,018)
Net Change in Operations and Maintenance ($52,465)
Net Change in Capital ($1,139,000)
TOTAL CHANGE ($1,208,199)
1999 -00 Proposed Budget and 1998 -99 Revised Budget
04:38 PM
$ Increase/ $ Increase/
1997 -98 1998 -99 1998 -99 (Decrease) % Increase/ 1999 -00 (Decrease) % Increase/
REVENUES Actual Adopted Revised Adopted - Decrease Proposed Adopted _ - Decrease
Ad Valorem Taxes $3,970,964 $6,463,540 $6.463,540 $0 0.0% $6,562,798 $99,258 1.5%
Sales Tax 2,524,770 3,026,050 3,026,050 0 0.0% 3,569,839 543,789 18.0%
Franchise Fees 881,066 984,112 1,117,472 133,360 13.6% 1,283,296 299,184 30.4%
Fines 665,815 875,798 810,798 (65,000) -7.4% 835,798 (40,000) -4.6%
Charges for Services 549,702 685,006 665,026 (19,980) -2.9% 657,132 (27,874) -4.1%
Permits/Fees 2,733,848 2,742,788 2,481,026 (261,762) -9.5% 1,937,565 (805,223) -29.4%
Miscellaneous 256,953 145,659 466,910 321,251 220.6% 182,954 37,295 25.6%
Interest Income 181,469 190.000 190.000 0 0.0% 190.000 0 0.0%
Total Revenues $11,764,588 $15,112,953 $15,220,822 $107,869 0.7% $15,219,382 0106,429 0.7%
City Secretary $226,793 $301,173 280,690 ($20,483) -6.8% $340,874 $39,701 13.2%
Human Resources 233,923 209,600 213,514 3.914 1.9% 266,105 56,505 27.0%
City Manager 331,624 351,003 452,536 101,533 28.9% 373,692 22,689 6.5%
Support Services 1,498,707 2.526,534 1.326.285 (1,200,249) -47.5% 2.450.803 (75,731) -3.0%
General Gov. Total $2,291,046 $3,388,310 $2,273,025 ($1,115,285) - 32.9% $3,431,474 $43,164 1.3%
Finance 399,335 454,165 466,543 12,378 2.7% 511,040 56,875 12.5%
Municipal Court 265,976 304,770 311,970 7,200 2.4% 357,922 53,152 17.4%
Teen Court 59.586 926333 89.439 (3,194) -3.4% 76.583 (16,051) -17.3%
Finance Total $724,897 $851,568 $867,952 $16,384 1.9% $945,545 $93,977 11.0%
Fire 1,784,462 1,857,825 2,132,694 274,869 14.8% 1,910,137 52,312 2.8%
Police 2,822,454 3,418,246 3,466,886 48,640 1.4% 3,676,559 258,313 7.6%
Public Safety Support 1,004,557 1,056,436 1,045,020 (11,416) -1.1% 955,370 (101,066) -9.6%
Building Inspections 567,051 692.896 696.849 3353 0.6% 894.361 201.465 29.1%
Public Safety Total 06,178,524 $7,025,403 07.341.449 $316,046 4.5% 07,436,427 $411.024 5.9%
Streets/Drainage 820,721 939,167 894,391 (44,776) -4.8% 1,074,789 135,623 14.4%
Public Works Admin 783 368 803 729 864.770 61 041 7.6% 937,633 133,903 16.796
Public Works Total $1,604,090 $1,742,896 $1,759,161 $16,265 0.9% $2,012,422 $269,526 15.5%
Planning 489,319 531,480 501,631 (29,849) -5.6% 627,429 95,949 18.1%
Economic Development 116.773 144,832 179.025 34193 23.6% 254.005 109.173 75.4%
Community Dev. Total 0606,091 $676,312 $680,656 u,344 0.6% 0881,434 0205,122 30.3%
Community Services 338,731 416,831 367,085 (49,746) - 11.9% 549,868 133,037 31.9%
Parks and Recreation 1,154,334 1,454,991 1,195,678 (259,313) -17.8% 1,745,508 290,516 20.0%
Library Services 0 162.480 105.000 (57,480) -35.4% 162.008 (472) -0.3%
Community Svcs. Total $1,493,065 $2,034.302 01,667,783 10366,539) -18.0% 02.457.384 0423,081 20.8%
Total Expenditures $12,897,713 $15,718,792 014,590,006 (01,128,786) -7.2% 017,164,686 $1,445,894 9.2%
Net Revenues ($1,133,125) 10605,8391 0830,816 01,236,655 001,945,304) (01,339,465)
Proceeds from C.O. Sale/Lease $718,433 0694,300 0695,154 $854 $0
Transfers In 715,869 1,235,527 1,235,527 0 785,527
Transfers Out V (01,155,942) (01,155,942) 0 (0133,697)
Total Other Sources (Uses) $1,434,302 $773,885 0774.739 M $651,830
Beginning Fund Balance 02,597,602 $2,898,778 02,898,778 $4,304,334
Reserved Fund Balance $0 00 $0 $0
Ending Fund Balance 02,898,778 03, 066,825 $4,304,334 $3,010,859
Fund balance p..nt.9. - cn 22.48% 19.51% 29.5096 17.54%
1999 -00 Proposed Budget and 1998 -99 Revised Budget
04:38 PM
$ Increase/ $ Increase/
1997 -98 1998 -99 1998-99 (Decrease) % Increase/ 1999 -00 (Decrease) % Increase/
Actual Adopted Revised Adopted - Decrease Proposed Adopted - Decrease
Ad Valorem Taxes $6,699,540 $8,864,749 $8,864,749 30 0.0% $9,543,252 $678,503 7.7%
Sales Tax $4,253,109 $5,975,100 5,975,100 0 0.0% 6,961,247 986,147 16.5%
;„ Franchise Fees 881,066 984,112 1,117,472 133,360 13.6% 1,283,296 299,184 30.4%
Fines 665,815 875,798 810,798 (65,000) -7.4% 835,798 (40,000) -4.6%
Charges for Services 549,702 685,006 665,026 (19,980) -2.9% 657,132 (27,874) -4.1%
aaa Permits/Fees 3,033,670 2,842,788 2,541,026 (301,762) -10.6% 2,037,565 (805,223) -28.3%
Miscellaneous 324,446 229,059 550,310 321,251 140.2% 266,354 37,295 16.3%
" Water Sales - residential 6,053,989 5,220,000 5,780,000 560,000 10.7% 6,358,000 1,138,000 21.8%
Water Sales - commerc1al 846,277 805,500 900,000 94,500 11.7% 990,000 184,500 22.9%
Wastewater Sales 1,037,099 975,000 1,429,411 454,411 46.6% 1,572,352 597,352 61.3%
Sanitation Sales 635,055 636,000 830,000 194,000 30.5% 913,000 277,000 43.6%
Other Utility Charges 409,583 443,315 458,815 15,500 3.5% 378,775 (64,540) -14.6%
TIF District 0 0 90,971 90,971 100.0% 325,436 325,436 100.0%
Interest lncome 403.592 424 832 398,850 (25,982) -6.1% 413,100 (11,732) -2.8%
Total Revenues $25,792,944 328,961,259 $30,412,528 $1,451,269 5.0% 332,535.306 33,574,047 12.3%
City Secretary $226,793 $301,173 $280,690 ($20,483) -6.8% $340,874 339,701 13.2%
Human Resources $233,923 $209,600 $213,514 $3,914 1.9% $266,105 56,505 27.0%
City Manager $331,624 $351,003 $452,536 $101,533 28.9% 3373,692 22,689 6.5%
Support Services $1,498.707 $2,526,534 $1,326,285 (1.200,249) -47.5% $2,450,803 175.731) -3.0%
General Gov Total 32,291,046 33,388.310 $2,273.025 ($1,115,2851 - 32.9% $3.431,474 $43,164 1.3%
Finance 399,335 454,165 466,543 12,378 2.7% 511,040 56,875 12.5%
Municipal Court 265,976 304,770 311,970 7,200 2.4% 357,922 53,152 17.4%
Teen Court 59.586 92,633 89.439 (3,194) -3.4% 76.583 (16,051) -17.3%
Finance Total 724,897 851,568 867,952 16.384 1.9% 945,546 93,977 11.0%
Fire 1,784,462 1,857,825 2,132,694 274,869 14.8% 1,910,137 52,312 2.8%
Police 2,822,454 3,418,246 3,466,886 48,640 1.4% 3,676,559 258,313 7.6%
Public Safety Support 1,004,557 1,056,436 1,045,020 (11,416) -1.1% 955,370 (101,066) -9.6%
Building Inspections 567.051 692.896 696.849 3 953 0.6% 894.361 201,465 29.1%
Public Safety Total $6,178,524 37.025.403 37,341,449 $316.046 4.5% 37,436,427 $411,024 5.9%
Streets/Drainage 820,721 939,167 894,391 (44,776) -4.8% 1,074,789 135,623 14.4%
Public Works Admin 783,368 803,729 864,770 61,041 7.6% 937,633 133,903 16.7%
Utility Billing 0 303,421 321,228 17,807 5.9% 269,977 (33,444) -11.0%
Water 4,966,999 4,504,340 4,461,084 (43,256) -1.0% 5,385,229 880,889 19.6%
Wastewater 882,347 747,246 731,082 (16,164) -2.2% 1,044,588 297,342 39.8%
Sanitation 496.147 560.000 560,000 0 0.0% 624.000 64.000 11.4%
Public Works Total 37.949.583 $7,857,904 $7.832.555 025.3491 - 0.3% $9.336.217 31,478,313 18.8%
Community Development 489,319 531,480 501,631 (29,849) -5.6% 627,429 95,949 18.1%
Economic Development 116.773 144,832 179,025 34.193 23.6% 254.005 109.173 75.4%
Community Dev. Total 3606,091 5676.312 3680.656 14,344 0.6% 3881,434 $205,122 30.3%
Community Services 338.731 416,831 367,085 (49,746) - 11.9% 549,868 133,037 31.9%
Parks and Recreation 1,406,630 1,505,505 1,253,708 (251,797) -16.7% 1,816,205 310,700 20.6%
Library Services 0 162.480 105.000 (57,480) -35.4% 162.008 (472) -0.3%
Community Svcs. Total 1,745,361 2,084,816 1.725.793 1359.023) -17.2% 2.528,081 443,265 21.3%
1999 -00 Proposed Budget and 1998 -99 Revised Budget
04:38 PO4
$ Increase/ $ Increase/
1997 -98 1998 -99 1998 -99 (Decrease) % Increase/ 1999 -00~ (Decrease) % Increase/
Actual _ Adopted Revised ........ Adopted - Decrease Proposed Adopted - Decrease
TIF District 40,565 143,125 106,088 (37,037) -25.9% 0 (143.125) - 100.0%
crime control District 108,104 281,420 77,952 (203,468) -72.3% 108,703 (172,717) -61.4%
mto Debt Service 4,471.947 6 836.933 6.921,429 84.496 1.2% 8.759.111 1,922.178 28.1%
Total Expenditures $24,116,118 $29,145.792 327.826,899 151, 318,8921 -4.6% $33,426.991 $4,281,200 14.7%
Net Revenues $1,676,826 15184.5331 $2,585,629 $2,770.161 j$891,686)
Proceeds from C.O. Sale/Other $718,433 $694,300 $695,154 $854 $0 ($694,300)
Transfers In $2,263,421 $3, 161 ,339 $3,245,110 $83,771 $4,499,240 $1,337,901
Transfers Out ($2,791,403) ($3.337.735) ($3,337.735) ($3.411.7871 ($74,052)
Tom Other Sources (uses) $190,451 $517,904 $602,529 $84,625 $1,087,453 $569.549
Beginning Fund Balance $4,979,078 $6,846.354 $6,846,354 $10,034,512
Reserved Fund Balance N l0 N N0
Ending Fund Balance $6,846,354 $7,179,725 $10,034,512 $10,230.279
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2000 Vehicle Plan
Vehicle # Year Make Mileage Assignment
276 1997 Ford 22,600 City Manager
400 1998 Ford 3,000 Director, Public Safety
284 1998 Ford 2,600 DD, Police
265 1996 Ford 28,800 MIS Director
Vehicle # Year Make Mileage Assignment
264 1995 Ford 55,089 Patrol K -9
282 1998 Ford 53,943 Sergeant, Patrol
287 1998 Ford 57,323 Corporal, Patrol
293 1999 Ford 26,446 Patrol Corporal
294 1999 Ford 17,515 Patrol
"'`' 1999 Ford 1,500 Patrol
7 d 7=:&7,-.A7—$76 .p sc , �r c,r�
raz.;} 4 1f p V . q a 4 t y' a t,+� tR Q { 3--,-
2$$ ' s i'k-t. 4 . z r ''' ' �* ,,t1, ° 4 . '`' ,
2 99:' I .s - 2U r 4 #k t , l i 'aa >` (i y m+k :� -
Public Safety
Vehicle # Year Make Mileage Assignment
285 1999 Chevy 800 PSO
295 1999 Chevy 6,891 PSO
e} iS ( k? { 5."'9` 4 °' ' tA T j ?1TID ;S` .rY .ham. N E'k n..#, fi f 3 + '} ` c. li
G k -'' axe i' S : 24 4 f 'y. Y v J€�7 `a� s { } F ` k R ° T+ ` "�' �F c?_ 1n
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r ehicle # Year Make Mileage Assignment
26 1996 Harley 13,000 City Owned
200 2000 w Spare b
e, i' F y } 4 i a Lf # � 4 Y"M Y u i 2{ , u "S "' -4.°tl'# —'t , ,yy'
20 1 i t s ,.{ � t $ . z4 � , 74,1, ar ► ^ � , � �� :r M I. R r ,. ' r, � t
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7 F ti w L� { t i�� } Ix' �p 4k 7� r �1� ` e i it t
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E ...,. 20bb le ' A... ., . a f *win � . ` � -. -
206 1993 Chevy Flatbed Pickup
27 1997 Chew 23,080 Traffic 111
273 1997 Chevy 25,203 Traffic 139
Community Services
Vehicle # Year Make Mileage Assignment
262 1995 Ford 121,550 DARE
270 1997 Chevy 23,500 DARE
271 1997 Chevy 27,800 DARE
1993 Ford 120,500 Pool
248 1993 Ford 120,638 Training/Pool
252 1993 Ford 111,339 PIO
25 3 1994 Ford 88,998 CSO
254 1994 Ford 108,999 SRO
286 1998 Ford 10,909 SRO
288 1998 Ford 6,045 SRO
Criminal Investigations
Vehicle # Year Make Mileage Assignment
251 1986 Chevy 101,689 UC /Gang
256 1994 Ford 107,147 Warrants/Pool
283 1998 Ford 27,723 Pool
290 1999 Ford 6,892 Program/CID/
291 1999 Ford 2,479 Program/CID/
Fire Services
Vehicle # Year Make Mileage Ass
401 2000 Ford . 0 _ DD, Fire
BC401 1997 Ford 26,820 Battalion Commander
M401 1992 Ford 31,003 Nlarsha1401
M402 1998 Ford 31,813 Marshal402
Utility 404 1996 Ford 118,014 Fire Services
Utility 405 1991 Dodge 120,638 Fire Services
Utility 406 1995 Ford 99,578 Inspections
261 1994 Ford Pool
Inspections /Code Enforcement
Vehicle # Year Make Mileage Ass
904 1993 Dodge 56,672 Landscape Official
906 1994 Ford 56,498 Administrative Coord.
907 1997 Ford 10,014 Chief Building Official
908 1997 Ford 18,779 Code Enforcement
909 1998 Ford 17,382 Inspetion Supervisor
1999 Ford 7,360 Code Enforcement
912 1999 Ford 3,569 Landscape Admin
913 1999 Ford 851 Inspection
914 a 200 Fords 7. A _ " '- 0 B dir g�e 1
9 25 ' ' 2000 Ford 0 B u ` InsFeco n 1 A
Vehicle # Year Make Mileage
' H 'k" °s r . �'L , : >,m "4- x' •,,3.7,, %':, F + a te - 5 - . -
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