1999-06-15 City of Southlake, Texas REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: June 15, 1999 LOCATION: 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas City Council Chambers in City Hall WORK SESSION: 5:30 to 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to order. 2. Discussion of all items on tonight's meeting agenda. No action will be taken and each item will be considered during the Regular Session. REGULAR SESSION: 6:30 P.M. AGENDA 1. Call to order. 2. A. Executive Session: Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.075, 551.076. Refer to posted list attached hereto and incorporated herein. Executive Session will be held from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. An Executive Session may also be held, under these exceptions, at the end of the Regular Session or at any time during the meeting that a need arises for the City Council to seek advice from the City Attorney as to the posted subject matter of this City Council meeting. 1. Section 551.072 Deliberation Regarding Real Property a. Open Space Acquisition 2. Section 551.074 Deliberation Regarding Personnel Matters a. Municipal Judge b. City Secretary 3. Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney a. City- initiated rezonings B. Reconvene: Action necessary on items discussed in Executive Session. 3. INVOCATION Coy Quesenbury, Chaplain for June 4. REPORTS: A. Mayor's Report City of Southlake, Texas Regular City Council Meeting Agenda June 15, 1999 Page 2 B. City Manager's Report 1. Entry Portal Project Status Report C. SPIN Report D. Parks and Recreation Board Report CONSENT AGENDA All items listed below are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Councilmember or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. 5. Consent: A. Approval of minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held on June 1, 1999. B. Authorize the Mayor to enter into a letter of agreement with Southwestern Bell regarding City of Southlake Ordinance 565, Telecommunications Ordinance. C. Resolution No. 99 -54, Amending the City of Southlake's authorized representatives with TexPool. D. Resolution No. 99 -49, Appointment to Zoning Board of Adjustment to fill the unexpired term vacated by Ron Troy. E. Resolution No. 99 -50, Appointments to Teen Court to fill expired terms of Rick Stacy and David Harris. F. Resolution No. 99 -51, Appointment of a Health Authority and designation of a Health Officer. G. Resolution No. 99 -45, Supporting grant application to the Texas Forest Service for Senior Tree Farm #3. H. Consideration of request by Women's Division of the Southlake Chamber of Commerce to hold a circus at Bicentennial Park in March, 2000. I. Resolution No. 99 -53, Clarifying committee membership to the Joint Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee. City of Southlake, Texas Regular City Council Meeting Agenda June 15, 1999 Page 3 J. Resolution No. 99 -44, Appointing Councilmember Patsy DuPre to the City of Southlake and Carroll I.S.D. Joint Utilitzation Committee. K. Resolution No. 99 -52, A resolution in support of establishing focus groups between Carroll Independent School District and the City of Southlake to study projects of mutual interest. REGULAR AGENDA 6. Public Forum 7. Ordinances, second readings, public hearings, and related items: A. Ordinance No. 740, 2 Reading, Authorizing the issuance of "City of Southlake, Texas, Tax and Tax Increment Surplus Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 1999," and resolving other matters incident and relating to the issuance, payment, security, sale and delivery of said Certificates. PUBLIC HEARING. B. Ordinance No. 735, 2nd Reading, Requiring that persons under 15 wear a bicycle helmet while riding on public ways. PUBLIC HEARING. C. Ordinance No. 544 -A, 2 Reading, Amendments to Landscape Ordinance No. 544. PUBLIC HEARING. D. Resolution No. 99 -46, (ZA 99 -050), Specific Use Permit for special events associated with Downtown Southlake Celebrates, on property legally described as Southlake Town Square, Phase I, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slides 4892 and 4893, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 42.013 acres. The events will be held on consecutive Saturdays, June 26, 1999, and July 3, 1999, and will be sponsored by the City of Southlake Community Services Department and Southlake Town Square. Located: Northeast corner of the intersection of North Carroll Avenue and East Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709). Current Zoning: "NR -PUD" Non - residential Planned Unit Development to include "C -3" General Commercial District uses. Owners and Applicants: City of Southlake; Southlake Venture West, L.P.; Southlake Venture East, L.P.; and Southlake Central Venture. SPIN Neighborhood #8. PUBLIC HEARING. City of Southlake, Texas Regular City Council Meeting Agenda June 15, 1999 Page 4 E. Resolution No. 99 -48, (ZA 99 -029), Specific Use Permit for outside storage of plants or other greenery as part of a retail operation for Wal- Mart, per Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1 (29), on property legally described as Lot 2, Block 1, Farrar Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 1975, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 23.003 acres. A Site Plan will be included with this request. Location: South of State Highway 114, north of East Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709), and west of North Kimball Avenue. Current Zoning: "C -3" General Commercial District. Owner and Applicant: Wal- Mart Stores, Inc. SPIN Neighborhood #8. PUBLIC HEARING. F. Ordinance No. 480 -312, 1 Reading, (ZA 99 -032), Rezoning and Concept Plan for Southlake Boulevard Presbyterian Church, on property legally described as Tract 1D5 situated in the A. A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 522, and being approximately 5.169 acres. Location: North side of West Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) approximately 480' west of Southridge Lakes Parkway. Current Zoning: "C -3" General Commercial District. Requested Zoning: "CS" Community Service District. Applicant: Southlake Boulevard Presbyterian Church. Owner: Grace Presbytery. SPIN Neighborhood #13. G. Resolution No. 99 -47, (ZA 99 -033), Specific Use Permit for child care (Mother's Day Out Program) for Southlake Boulevard Presbyterian Church, per Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 45.1 (2.c) on property legally described as Tract 1D5 situated in the A. A. Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 522, and being approximately 5.169 acres. Location: North side of West Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) approximately 480' west of Southridge Lakes Parkway. Current Zoning: "C -3" General Commercial District. Applicant: Southlake Boulevard Presbyterian Church. Owner: Grace Presbytery. SPIN Neighborhood #13. PUBLIC HEARING. H. ZA 99 -035, Revised Site Plan for Holt Dental Care, on property legally described as Lot 1, Block 3, Diamond Circle Estates, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388 -177, Page 7, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being approximately 1.073 acres. Location: 600 E. Southlake Boulevard, being on the north side of East Southlake Boulevard (F.M. 1709) approximately 325' west of Diamond Boulevard. Current Zoning: "C -2" Local Retail Commercial District. Applicant: Blake Architects. Owner: Holt Dental Care. SPIN Neighborhood #10. PUBLIC HEARING. City of Southlake, Texas Regular City Council Meeting Agenda June 15, 1999 Page 5 8. Ordinances, first readings, and related items: (no items this agenda) 9. Resolutions: (no items this agenda) 10. Other items for consideration: (no items this agenda) 11. Other items for discussion: A. Review of "Future Dreams" statue. B. Cross Timber Hills Neighborhood Sewer Project. 12. Meeting Adjourned. CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin boards at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, and the Administrative Offices, 1725 East Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, ip f,J4999 at 6:00 p.m., pursuant to the Texa Governmen / t Code, hapter 551. ��e`` c�� ° %, >. ir+ Sandra L. LeGrand pt City Secretary :,, ' ,,•.•••.••••.,, •C If you plan to attend this public meeting ant I4tM'i" disability that requires special needs, please advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 481 -5581, extension 704, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. City of Southlake, Texas Regular City Council Meeting Agenda June 15, 1999 Page 6 EXECUTIVE SESSION SECTION 551.071 CONSULTATION WITH ATTORNEY The City Council may conduct a private consultation with its attorney when the City Council seeks the advise of its attorney concerning any item on this agenda, about pending and contemplated litigations, or a settlement offer, or on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the City Council under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Board of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551. This includes the following pending and /or contemplated litigation subjects: 1. Marriam Baloch vs. City of Southlake. January 1999. SECTION 551.072 DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY The City Council may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. SECTION 551.073 DELIBERATION REGARDING PROSPECTIVE GIFT The City Council may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate a negotiated contract for a prospective gift or donation to the City. SECTION 551.074 DELIBERATION REGARDING PERSONNEL MATTERS The City Council may deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public officers, including the City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, and city boards and commission members. A complete list of the city boards and commissions is on file in the City Secretary's Office. SECTION 551.075 CONFERENCE WITH EMPLOYEES The City Council may confer with one or more employees in a closed meeting to receive information from the employees or to question the employees, but may not deliberate public business or City policy that affects public business. SECTION 551.076 DELIBERATION REGARDING SECURITY DEVICES The City Council may deliberate the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices. A FINAL ACTION, DECISION, OR VOTE ON A MATTER DELIBERATED IN A CLOSED MEETING MAY ONLY BE MADE IN OPEN SESSION. L: \CTYSHARE \cc061599agn. doc