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City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM July 9, 1999 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Karen P. Gandy, Acting Planning Director SUBJECT: Work Session: Sabre Campus Headquarters Rezoning/Land Use - Related Issues Tax Abatement Agreements Attached please find copies of Sabre's revised PUD development standards and concept plan received by the City on July 8 and 9, 1999. Also attached is a comparison chart addressing 12 remaining issues (as Mr. Shupe understands them). Staff has begun their review of the revised documents and will send all standard packet exhibits and Plan Review Summary to the Council prior to the July 20, 1999 meeting. Two (2) of the main issues are proposed in the following manner: • Uses Hotels, restaurants and agricultural uses still remain as permitted principal uses, but have been qualified with language similar to that suggested in Council's motion at first reading. • Heliports /vertiports and helistops /vertistops are still listed as permitted accessory uses for the benefit of property owners, occupants or users of the site improvements only with the following limitations (rather than by SUP): 1,000 -foot minimum separation from any residentially -zoned or LUP- designated residential properties; subject to all applicable FAA requirements and approval; and subject to flight paths as shown on the applicable development and site plans as long as there are no overflights of residential areas. A SUP would be required only if flight paths occur over residential areas. • Access White Chapel Blvd. construction access –Sabre is exploring other alternative construction routes through TxDOT along Hwy.114, but the applicant asks that until an alternative access is determined that they be able to access White Chapel Blvd. for construction purposes for a period of six (6) months. The 6 -month time period would begin either after the issuance of a building permit for phase one office construction or after the issuance of a building permit for the bridge over the North Kirkwood Branch. Two - way frontage road access on S.H. 1 14 — Attached is a memorandum from Director Last which sets forth a plan of action to accomplish this point of access. Should you have questions regarding any of the proposed revisions, please call me at (817) 481 -5581, ext. 743. att Revised PUD Development Standards (clean & redlined versions) Revised Concept Plan Director Last memorandum City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM July 9, 1999 TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager FROM: Greg Last, Director of Economic Development SUBJECT: Sabre — TxDOT Two - way Frontage Road — ACTION PLAN There is a desire on the part of Southlake and Trophy Club to provide for two -way access along the north frontage road of S.H. 114 from Kirkwood Blvd. to T.W. King West. To this end we are developing an action plan to proceed forward with this request. At this point, the following items appear to be needed to accomplish our mutual goals. • Generate an engineering solution to the issue. • Southlake City Council to adopt a resolution of support. • Trophy Club City Council to adopt a resolution of support. • Meet with TxDOT District office to address need and resolve any issues. • If needed, meet with TxDOT Commissioners in Austin to resolve any issues. We are continuing to work on this issue and will assist as appropriate with any presentations to TxDOT. Feel free to contact me should there be any questions regarding this issue. GL SENT BY:HUGHES &LUCE, ; 7— 8 -99 ;12:51PM ; COPY CENTER- 8174889370;# 2 - a • . Q 1 , � 01 ° 8 . a Cr") a i ° g GO 1 Eh = 48 ...6 'Ji Z !ia i t 2 I 1 Li di y v p 5 1 A -I i 1 1 1 i V i i IX 4 1 cA Il 1 i ill I Y I ° R 111 w$ g 1 6 c 11 i ;f i ii J z G Z i j �� e . o � � a •� g a z 2 .1 4 z e4;4: %. q Y 6 ia 3 1 `;-"t' la 1 I i j 1 M G w p p I I e , g ,. S o ut it I. - ✓ ,1 < i Ai g 1 °. i >0 H Est 4 P 12 Ai g 'W 4 t g Ili i it li ri . 41 a o 0 81i 8 r f lg f KIA1 1 ill 1 _ • t r c a c/1 0 m i PI ila 11, 0 <lb �Y ` 2 1 12 1 �8 1 10 ° 1 1 1111 1 I ill /m Q p I ll o V8 < • <J1 1 Q S U -a ' c4 I g 1 agi r ) .6 = 1 t � 't t ij - . 1 ii r. � L fl � � •a i 1 1 4 1 4. evi l a ,. ill 41,9 r41., t 41 . o s1 SENT BY :HUGHES &LUCE, ; 7- 8 -99 ;12 :52PM ; COPY CENTER 8174889370;# 3 ; libilli 1 41 Sei t: 1111 1111 l gill e W I 6' l a_L u r rill a . iii 1110111 V pa Ii ts r i I • Javilitk NI! lis,1 0 illi110 i ilJ s a . Q t 4 . 18 1 ot ■ le ilt °Ali. 41 1 plii ipTitm lgoil 1 :111/11 t . t . 1 1 . I 2 l ot iii 1111 p� Ij IljiJj � � i 'pi] z ii 0 1 Viiiii 2 Rai t o 1 I o I . F i li ij Pr � PA 0 gl Ig i u. < it It 2 'II irw rzi i `18 I 114 a ) 0 I < n W o � 1 111 g la � 8 .A 11$11 ›4 u Pi l 111 ; jiiIj a OP: NH le n AF II i hal pill a I VI 1 i) i 1 II rn I it g it 6 V wl ala !'� t :,C L1F 1 .., ,T,., .. - -- Exhibit "B" to Ordinance No. PUD Development Standards SABRE Non Residential Planned Unit Development 1. PURPOSE. A. The purpose of this SABRE Non Residential Planned Unit Development Ordinance • No. is to facilitate the development of a high quality, controlled access, master planned headquarters for a major corporate user such as a "Fortune 500" company. The PUD includes approximately 154.8 acres as described on Exhibit "A" to the PUD and as shown on the Concept Plan attached as Exhibit "B -1" hereto. B. It is anticipated that the Property will be developed as a secure (i.e., controlled access) "campus style" corporate headquarters. Security may include a full perimeter fence with a combination of attended or automatic access controls. Emergency access will be provided as required by the City's Fire Marshal. Access design will include adequate areas to accommodate vehicles that inadvertently approach the Property and must turn around without entering. C. It is anticipated that the Property will be developed to include a private boulevard designed to the City's construction standards for an "A4D arterial" with the exceptions that (i) landscape medians may be left natural rather than irrigated; (ii) the six -foot bike lane will not be required; (iii) the City's driveway ordinance will not apply; and (iv) the design speed and geometry will be determined by the Property owner consistent with the "campus style" atmosphere of the development (with a minimum design speed of 25 mph). The details of private street design (including design speed, geometry, and access to public streets) will be provided as part of each site plan. Maintenance of the private streets (to public street standards) will be the sole responsibility of the Property owner. D. It is anticipated that a portion of existing Kirkwood Boulevard (from SH -114 to the boundary of the Property) and a portion of existing T.W. King Road (that lies between the Property and Tract 2 of the MTP -IBM Addition No. 1) will both be abandoned and closed for public use after the first phase of the development is ready for occupancy. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, continued access to such closed streets by Trophy Club emergency fire and ambulance vehicles will be allowed unless and until the Texas Department of Transportation approves a two -way access road from Kirkwood Boulevard to "old" T.W. King Road. Such emergency access will be the same as required by the City's Fire Marshal. Public use of "old" T.W. King Road west of said Tract 2 will continue. E. The primary access from the Property to public streets will be provided by the private streets shown on the Concept Plan. Emergency (including police, fire, ambulance, and utilities) and security access to the Property may be provided by the access road to White Chapel Road (also shown on the Concept Plan). It will also be necessary to use the White Chapel access road for construction access for a limited period of six months after the first to occur of (i) the issuance by the City of a building permit for the first phase of the office development or (ii) the issuance by the City of a building permit for the bridge over the North Kirkwood Branch. This time period may be extended by the City Council, in its reasonable discretion, upon a showing that an extension is necessary due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Property owner. The Property owner agrees to commence construction of the North Kirkwood Branch bridge on or before the date it commences construction of the first phase of the office development. 1 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 RECD JUL 0 81 q q REVISED July 8, 1999 F. The Property will be developed to include the dedication to the City of approximately 3.61 acres for a public park along the southeastern boundary of the Property adjacent to the South Fork of Kirkwood Branch (as shown on the Concept Plan). The dedication will reserve the right (but not the obligation) to maintain and landscape such park area at the Property owner's expense and the right to review the design of any improvements to be located or constructed within such park area. The Property owner will be responsible for the reasonable costs and expenses to (i) complete the engineering design of a trail within the dedicated park area and (ii) design and construct a pedestrian bridge within the dedicated park area to provide access across the South Kirkwood Branch. The City will include such park dedication in its regional trail system plan, and (except as provided above) the City will be responsible for the construction and maintenance of all improvements. All improvements will be designed to take maximum advantage of the natural topography and to minimize the impact on all trees. G. It is anticipated that the Property will be developed to include open space amenities for employees, visitors and customers such as trails, parks and other pedestrian- oriented areas. These amenities will be designed to take maximum advantage of the natural topography of the Property and to minimize the impact on all trees. These amenities will also be designed to be architecturally compatible with both the natural environment in which they are located and the buildings they serve. Details regarding these amenities will be provided as part of each site plan. Because these amenities serve only "private" development within the Property, a formal Pedestrian Access Plan is not required. H. ' In addition to open space amenities for employees, visitors and customers, the Concept Plan identifies Natural Areas around the full perimeter of the Property. These Natural Areas, together with the dedicated park land, will buffer the Property from adjacent development. 2. DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this SABRE Non Residential Planned Unit Development, the following terms are hereby defined: A. "Applicable City Ordinances" means the ordinances of the City, as amended, that regulate the development and use of land within the City including, but not limited to, Zoning Ordinance No. 480 and the Uniform Building Code. B. "Buildable Area" means all of the following areas (as shown on an approved final plat or approved site plan): (i) the "footprint" of each building or structure; (ii) the area within six feet of each building or structure foundation, (iii) public and private rights -of -way, (iv) public and private utility and drainage easements; (v) fire lanes, and (vi) all parking areas (including parking areas that exceed required parking). C. "City" means the City of Southlake, Texas D. "Concept Plan" means the concept plan attached as Exhibit B -1 to the PUD. E. "Natural Area" means those areas (as shown on the Concept Plan) that will be preserved as permanent open space to buffer the Property from adjacent development. F. "Property" means the real property described on Exhibit A to the PUD. G. "PUD Standards" means the development standards established by Exhibit B to the PUD. 2 Zoning Case No. ZA99-056 REVISED July 8, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.09 H. "PUD" means this SABRE Non Residential Planned Unit Development zoning district, Ordinance No. , including Exhibits A, B, B -1, and C attached hereto. Except as defined above, all terms used in this PUD shall have the meaning given to them by the Applicable City Ordinances. 3. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. The requirements of this Exhibit "B" (including the Concept Plan) constitute the PUD Standards that apply to the Property and pursuant to which all development within the Property shall occur. To the extent any aspect of development is regulated by these PUD Standards, it is the intent that these PUD Standards shall be exclusive. For example, the landscape standards set forth herein shall be the only landscape standards that apply to the Property. If these PUD Standards do not regulate a particular aspect of development, then such particular aspect of development shall be regulated by reference to those provisions of the Applicable City Ordinances that would otherwise apply to the "0 -2 Office" zoning district, as amended. In the event of any conflict, inconsistency or ambiguity between the PUD Standards and the Applicable City Ordinances, the PUD Standards shall control. If an amendment to any Applicable City Ordinance results in any non - conformity within the Property, such non - conformity may be continued indefinitely, as a matter of right, and shall be treated (for all purposes) as a legal use of the Property to the same extent as if the non - conformity had never existed. 4. CONCEPT PLAN. The PUD is being processed with the Concept Plan attached hereto as Exhibit "B -1" and incorporated as part of the PUD for all purposes. The Concept Plan identifies (i) specific Natural Areas within which development is restricted, (ii) the approximate location of major private streets, and (iii) the area within which parking structures will most likely be located. The remainder of the Property will be available for development in- accordance with these PUD Standards and the Applicable City Ordinances. All development within the Property must be consistent with the Concept Plan. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the PUD Standards and the Concept Plan, the PUD Standards shall control. Except as provided below, substantive changes to the Concept Plan shall be considered a zoning change to the PUD and shall be processed and approved in accordance with the Applicable City Ordinances. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, the exact configuration of the private streets shown on the Concept Plan may be changed to accommodate the final design speed and geometry selected by the Property owner without such change constituting a zoning change to the PUD. Any such change based on the final selected design speed and geometry shall be provided as part of each site plan. Information contained on the Concept Plan that applies to land outside the Property is not part of the PUD and is provided for informational purposes only. 5. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The development of each portion, section or phase of the Property must be in accordance with a development plan that has been processed and approved for such portion, section or phase in accordance with all Applicable City Ordinances. There shall be no phasing or timing requirement for the submission of development plans, and there shall be no minimum area for a development plan. Except as hereinafter provided, development plans shall not require additional or updated traffic impact analyses unless the cumulative total floor area proposed for development within the Property has exceeded the maximum floor area assumed in the original traffic impact analysis that was submitted with the application for the PUD. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, if the original traffic impact analysis does not address full build -out or does not include traffic conditions for interim phases of development, then the City may require an updated traffic impact analysis with each development plan. Once approved, a development plan shall not have an expiration date. This approach is designed and intended to allow a large development to be approved in concept and then constructed in • phases. The City recognizes that it is not feasible and is unrealistic to require a highly detailed development plan to be completed on a very large project when it is recognized that the project will be constructed in sections or phases over several years. The PUD, which is based on the Concept Plan, 3 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED July 8,1999 011907.00005:0435047.09 reflects only zoning approval of a basic concept and may not be implemented until full development plan approval for each portion, section, or phase has been granted; however, the approval of the Concept Plan entitles owners of the Property to rely on, and implement by subsequently approved development plans, the type, intensity, and density of uses set forth in the approved Concept Plan. Each development plan must be in substantial conformance with the approved Concept Plan. Amendments to approved development plans shall be reviewed by the Administrative Official and deemed to be in substantial conformance with the approved development plans prior to being processed and approved in accordance with all Applicable City Ordinances; however, such amendments shall not be considered a zoning change _ to the PUD. 6. SITE PLANS. The development of each portion, section or phase of the Property must be in accordance with a site plan that has been processed and approved for such portion, section or phase in accordance with all Applicable City Ordinances. There shall be no phasing or timing requirement for the submission of site plans, and there shall be no minimum area for a site plan. Except as hereinafter provided, site plans shall not require additional or updated traffic impact analyses unless the total cumulative floor area proposed for development of the Property has exceeded the maximum floor area assumed in the original traffic impact analysis that was submitted with the application for the PUD. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, if the original traffic impact analysis does not address full build out or does not include traffic conditions for interim phases of development, and if an updated traffic impact analysis was not required as part of the approved development plan, the City may require an updated traffic impact analysis with each site plan. Once approved, a site plan shall not have an expiration date. This approach is designed and intended to allow a large development to be approved in concept, to then have development proceed though a series of phased development plans, and finally to have construction proceed through a series of phased site plans. The City recognizes that it is not feasible and is unrealistic to require a highly detailed site plan to be completed on a very large project when it is recognized that the project will be constructed in sections or phases over several years. Each site plan must be in substantial conformance with the approved development plan. Amendments to approved site plans shall be reviewed by the Administrative Official and deemed to be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan prior to being processed and approved in accordance with all Applicable City Ordinances; however, such amendments shall not be considered a zoning change to the PUD. 7. USES. A. Permitted Principal Uses. The intent of this PUD is to permit the broadest range of "high- tech" uses to accommodate future technology changes in the fields of computer technology, information technology, data and information processing, and all services related thereto. The City recognizes, however, that future technology changes may occur beyond those that can be described in the PUD Standards. The Administrative Official of the City shall be authorized to interpret the following uses to accommodate future technology changes so as to achieve the intent of the PUD. The PUD shall permit those principal uses set forth in the "0-2," Office District, Section 19, of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended. In addition, the following principal uses shall also be permitted if they (i) reasonably contribute to the development of or use of the Property as a corporate headquarters and (ii) are not intended to primarily serve or benefit the general public: • Agricultural uses (farm, ranch, orchard). 4 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED July 8, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.09 • Communications facility, including, but not limited to, facilities that utilize satellite dishes, antennas, radio towers, fiber optic lines, telecommunications equipment, and all related hardware, software and services. All satellite dishes, antennas, radio towers, and similar communication equipment must be solely for use by the owners of the Property and occupants or users of the improvements located thereon (and none of such equipment may be sold or leased to third parties outside the PUD). All such equipment must be located within buildings or structures; or, if located outside a building, must be screened from view from all public roads. The location of all such equipment (including screening, as applicable) will be provided with each site plan. • Computer technology facility (including, but not limited to, facilities for research, development, marketing, sales and service, leasing/rental, maintenance and repair, distribution, and warehouse /storage of computer hardware, software, and related services). • Conference center. • Data/information processing center. • Hotel. • Information technology facility, including, but not limited to, facilities for research, development, marketing, sales and service, leasing/rental, maintenance and repair, distribution, and warehouse /storage of information technology hardware, software, and related services. • Parking structures. • Private streets/alleys/drives (including gated/restricted access entry points). • Restaurant (with outside dining). • Training center. B. Accessory Uses. All accessory uses must be intended primarily for the development of or use of the Property as a corporate headquarters and must be intended primarily to serve or benefit tenants, employees, guests, visitors and customers within the Property. The PUD shall permit those accessory uses set forth in Section 34 of the Zoning Ordinance, as they apply to the "0-2 ", Office District, as amended. In addition, the following accessory uses shall be permitted: • Covered pedestrian walkways. • Footbridges (designed to meet minimum NCTCOG standards). • Communication equipment, including, but not limited to, satellite dishes, antennas, radio towers, fiber optic lines, telecommunications equipment, etc. All satellite dishes, antennas, radio towers, and similar communication equipment must be solely for use by the owners of the Property and occupants or users of the improvements located thereon (and none of such equipment may be sold or leased to third parties outside the PUD). All such equipment must be located within buildings or structures; or, if located outside a building, must be screened from view from all public roads. The location of all such equipment (including screening, as applicable) will be provided with each site plan. • Utilities (including, but not limited to, utility buildings and structures, utility distribution lines, utility shop and storage, electric transformers, electric substations, telephone, electric, cable, and fiber optic switching stations, water and sewage pumping stations 5 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED July 8, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.09 (above and below grade), water storage tanks and pumping systems (elevated or above grade), and water, sewer, electric, and gas meters). The following accessory uses shall be allowed within the same building as a permitted principal use without regard to the floor area of such accessory uses: • Banks and financial institutions (including ATMs). • Beauty parlor/barbershop. • Day nursery or equivalent child care facility. • Drug store. • Specialty retail. • Health club /gymnasium. • Job printing, lithography, printing, or blueprinting. • Laundry/dry cleaning (drop /pick). • Mailing service (private). • Maintenance vehicle fueling and service. • Medical care facility/clinic. • Newsstand. • Post office (governmental). • Printing, engraving and related reproductive services. • Quick copy /duplicating services. • Recycling collection and/or storage. • Restaurant, cafe, cafeteria, or dining facility (with outside dining). • Security guard quarters. • Shoe repair. • Stationery and/or book store. • Temporary residential accommodations for employees/customers /visitors (maximum stay shall be two consecutive weeks and full kitchens with cook tops shall be prohibited). • Warehouse /storage (inside). The following accessory uses shall be allowed on a separate building site without regard to the floor area of such accessory uses; provided, however, none of the following accessory uses shall be allowed as a principal use. In addition, no certificate of occupancy shall be issued by the City for any of the following accessory uses until certificates of occupancy have been issued by the City for one or more principal use buildings that contain (in the aggregate) at least 400,000 square feet of floor area: • • Community facilities uses: a. private parks; 6 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED July 8, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.09 b. recreational and open space to include playgrounds, parkways, greenbelts, ponds and lakes, botanical gardens, nature centers, bird and wildlife sanctuaries, pedestrian paths, bicycle paths, and equestrian bridal trails; c. athletic, health, and sport facilities to include gyms, aerobic centers, spas, swimming pools, athletic fields, and sport/tennis courts; and d. other uses of a similar nature and character. • Day nursery or equivalent child care facility. - • Health club /gymnasium. • Heliport/verti -port if located at least 1,000 feet from (i) any single family residential lots and (ii) any land located outside the Property and designated for single family use on the City's comprehensive land use plan; limited, however, to use by the owners of the Property and occupants or users of the improvements located thereon and subject to all applicable FAA requirements and approvals and subject to the designation of flight paths (on the applicable development plan or site plan) that do not result in the overflight of residential areas). An SUP shall be required if the proposed designated flight path will result in the overflight of any residential areas (which SUP, if granted, may limit the hours of operation). • Helistop /verti-stop port if located at least 1,000 feet from (i) any single family residential lots and (ii) any land located outside the Property and designated for single family use on the City's comprehensive land use plan; limited, however, to use by the owners of the Property and occupants or users of the improvements located thereon and subject to all applicable FAA requirements and approvals and subject to the designation of flight paths (on the applicable development plan or site plan) that do not result in the overflight of residential areas). An SUP shall be required if the proposed designated flight path will result in the overflight of any residential areas (which SUP, if granted, may limit the hours of operation). • Maintenance equipment storage (outside /screened). Such storage shall be limited to use by the owners of the Property and occupants or users of improvements located thereon. No storage will be provided to any person or business located outside the Property. • Maintenance vehicle fueling and service. • Medical care facility/clinic. • Restaurant, cafe, cafeteria, or dining facility (with outside dining). • Temporary residential accommodations for employees/customers /visitors (maximum stay shall be two consecutive weeks and full kitchens with cook tops shall be prohibited). • Temporary construction materials storage (for each phase of development, limited to the time during which active construction is ongoing and for a period of 30 days thereafter). • Temporary construction office (for each phase of development, limited to the time during which active construction is ongoing and for a period of 30 days thereafter). 7 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED July 8, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.09 M . 8. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. A. Height 1. Buildings. Except as provided below, (a) no principal use building shall exceed six (6) stories above grade, nor shall it exceed ninety (90) feet in height; and (b) no accessory use building shall exceed three (3) stories above grade, nor shall it exceed forty-six (46) feet in height. 2. Structured Parking. Except as provided below, no parking structure shall exceed six (6) levels above grade, nor shall it exceed sixty (60) feet in height. 3. Architectural Features. Architectural features (i.e., portions of buildings or structures not intended for occupancy) which are integral to the architectural style of the building or structure (including spires, belfries, towers, cupolas, domes, feature walls and similar features) shall not exceed fifty (50) feet above the height of the building; if freestanding, they shall not exceed one hundred forty (140) feet in height; and both (i.e., roof - mounted and freestanding architecture features) shall be subject to the 4:1 residential proximity slope requirement. 4. Special Equipment. Mechanical equipment, penthouses, ventilation equipment, satellite dishes, antennas, cooling towers, and other similar equipment shall not exceed the actual height of the building by more than twenty -five (25) feet, must be screened, must be integral to the building, and shall be subject to the 4:1 residential proximity slope requirement. 5. Pitched Roofs. The height of a building (regardless of building size) with sloped or pitched roofs shall be measured to a point 15 feet above the highest occupied floor level. The high point of the sloped roof may exceed the height limitations set forth above (i.e., maximum ninety (90) feet) by up to thirty -five (35) feet to allow up to a maximum height of one hundred twenty -five (125) feet and shall be subject to the 4:1 residential proximity slope requirement. All measurements shall be from grade, as defined by Ordinance No. 480, Section 4.2. B. Setbacks 1. Front Yard. Except as provided below, the minimum front yard setback shall be 30 feet; however, up to 10% of the area of any building facade may extend up to 15 feet into any required front yard to accommodate building articulation design requirements. Short term visitor and customer parking shall be allowed in required front yards. No front yard adjustments shall be required to achieve consistency or compatibility with surrounding or future public development. 2. Side Yard. Except as provided below, there shall be no minimum side yard setback. No side yard adjustments shall be required to achieve consistency or compatibility with surrounding or future public development. 3. Rear Yard. Except as provided below, the minimum rear yard setback shall be 10 feet. 8 - Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED July 8, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.09 4. Residential Proximity Slope. Notwithstanding the minimum setbacks set forth above, buildings within 400 feet of property zoned for single family uses shall have a minimum setback from the property line adjacent to such single family property of 40 feet or a distance that will not cause any building to exceed a height produced by a 4:1 slope line from the single family property, whichever produces the greater setback. 5. S.H. No. 114. Notwithstanding the setbacks set forth above, the minimum setback along SH -114 shall be 50 feet. 6. Projections. Every part of a required yard shall be open to the sky, unobstructed by a building, except for the ordinary projections of sills, belt courses, cornices, and ornamental features not exceeding 48 inches. 7. Accessory Buildings. Accessory buildings may be located anywhere within the Property (but not within any required setback). 8. Measurement of Setbacks. Setbacks shall apply to all private streets within the Property and shall be measured from the right -of -way line (whether established by platted lot, easement, or other instrument). C. Maximum Lot Coverage. The maximum lot coverage for all buildings (excluding parking structures) shall not exceed 50% of the total area of the Property. D. Maximum Impervious Coverage. The maximum impervious coverage shall not exceed 65% of the total area of the Property. E. Floor Area. There shall be no maximum floor area ratio for any improvements. The maximum floor area for all principal uses and accessory uses shall be 3.5 million square feet. 9. PARKLNG/LOADING. A. Parking Spaces Required. At least one parking space shall be provided for each 300 square feet of "principal -use" floor area developed within the Property. No additional spaces shall be required for any accessory use floor area. B. Location of Parking Spaces. All required parking spaces shall be located within the Property; however no parking shall be allowed within the Natural Areas shown on the Concept Plan. C. Parking Space Size. All parking spaces shall be at least 8Y2 feet wide and 18 feet long. Structural columns within any parking structure may project into the perimeter of "head -in" parking spaces up to one half the cross - sectional area of the column. D. Off - Street Loading/Service Areas. At least one off - street loading/service area shall be provided for each 200,000 square feet of "principal -use" floor area developed within the Property. No additional area shall be required for any accessory use floor area. Development of the Property as a private, campus -style corporate headquarters offers an opportunity to consolidate loading and service functions within one or more buildings or one or more locations. Such consolidated locations minimize the need for multiple loading/service areas and isolate large truck traffic to a few selected locations within the campus. Smaller scale distribution is then permitted. The location of such consolidated areas will be shown on all site plans. 9 Zoning Case No. ZA99.056 REVISED July 8, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.09 10. ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS. A. Building Materials; Masonry Requirements. Buildings within the Property may be constructed of a variety of different building materials, and there shall be no minimum masonry requirement. Building materials shall include masonry materials, as defined in Ordinance No. 557, architectural concrete, architectural metal panels, glass, and other similar materials. Pre -cast concrete panels (including "tilt- wall ") may be used for accessory-use maintenance buildings that are not visible from public rights -of -way. In addition, the facade of any parking structure that is - visible east of the park dedication land shown on the Concept Plan shall (if constructed of architectural concrete) include an architectural treatment (e.g., texture, color, relief, or detail). B. Reflective Glass. Any individual building facade may be 100% glass; however, no more than 80% of the total facade area of all buildings within the Property shall be glass. The maximum outward solar reflectivity of glass used shall be 35 %. C. Facade Articulation. It is the intent of this PUD to comply with the spirit and intent of the City's requirement for building facade articulation standards; however, it is also the intent of this PUD to avoid the imposition of a rigid mathematical formula to achieve such articulation. Consequently, this PUD does require that building facades include design articulation that will be approved with each site plan. Facade articulation may be achieved for individual buildings through a combination of design techniques including, but not limited to, projections, overhangs, and incisions /cuts. Facade articulation may also be achieved by considering the effect of (i) the location of one building to another, (ii) the manner in which buildings are grouped, and (iii) variations in architectural surface treatments such as color, texture, relief, and detail. The facade articulations standards for parking structures will differ somewhat from the standards for office buildings because of their intended use (i.e., storing cars), reduced design flexibility, and the fact that visibility of such structures from SH -114 will be minimal (with no visibility of such structures during any but the very last phases of development). D. Exposed Structural /Architectural Columns. Structural concrete or steel elements may remain exposed if given some architectural treatment (e.g., color, texture, relief, or detail). E. Roof Design Standards. All structures shall be constructed with either a pitched roof, flat roof with a parapet, mansard roof, or any combination thereof. All flat roof surfaces will be screened from ground level views. Parking structure decks shall not be considered roofs. Roofs of stairwells and elevator machine rooms and other similar spaces shall be exempt from roofing design standards so long as they are not be visible from ground level. 11. SCREENING. The following improvements shall be screened from view from public rights-of- way located outside the Property: mechanical equipment, rooftop appurtenances, satellite dishes, antennas, radio towers, outside storage, trash/recycling receptacles, and off street loading/service areas. No screening shall be required from any rights -of -way within the Property, and no screening shall be required for any surface parking lots or for any parking structures. Screening shall be accomplished with masonry, landscaping, or any combination thereof. 12. LANDSCAPE STANDARDS. The size of the Property, the "campus- style" development being proposed, the utilization of parking structures to minimize surface parking, and the requirement for at least 35% pervious cover will create a developed site with vast areas of open space that will include xisting, natural vegetation, including thousands of mature trees. Consequently, there is no need for narrow bufferyards (and the related planting requirements) typically required for much smaller 10 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED July 8, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.09 commercial sites. Nevertheless, in addition to the natural vegetation and trees that will be preserved, additional landscape standards are required for (i) the Natural Areas shown on the Concept Plan, (ii) interior landscape areas based on building size, and (iii) parking island landscaping for surface parking lots. The interior landscape area requirements and parking island requirements are very similar to the City's existing requirements; however, more liberal planting credits are allowed for enhanced paving and to preserve existing trees. Such credits are appropriate for a campus -style development and will strongly encourage retaining natural tree groupings and trees near future building sites. Such credits will also simplify and reduce the maintenance costs associated with large areas of small shrubs and ground cover. A. Natural Areas. The Concept Plan identifies Natural Areas up to 50 feet wide and larger that virtually encircle the Property. These Natural Areas will be preserved as permanent open space, and, together with the park dedication, will buffer the Property from adjacent development. With the exception of small security structures (i.e., "guardhouses "), no paved surfaces or buildings or structures of any kind may be located within the Natural Areas without site plan approval. The intent is to preserve these areas in a natural, undisturbed condition; however, additional landscaping may be planted within them at the option of the Property owner. Natural Areas may be irrigated or left natural. B. Interior Landscape Areas. Subject to the reductions set forth below, the amount of interior landscape area required within the Property shall be computed based on all buildings (excluding parking structures) within the Property, and for each building (excluding parking structures) shall equal 50% of the largest floor area of such building. The following plantings shall be required within the Property based on the interior landscape area as computed above: one canopy tree per 600 square feet; one accent tree per 300 square feet; one shrub (15 inch deciduous or 12 inch evergreen) per 60 square feet; and 10% of such interior landscape area must be planted as ground cover. These required plantings shall be reduced as follows: 1. Existing Plant Credits. Existing trees which are within 250 feet of any building shall reduce the required plantings as follows: Size of Existing Tree Planting Reductions Canopy Accent Shrubs 11/2" — 5" caliper 1 or 2 or 6 6" —11" caliper 2 or 3 or 12 12" and greater 3 or 4 or 18 2. Substitute Plantings. One additional canopy tree may be substituted for 10 shrubs or 500 square feet of ground cover. One additional accent tree may be substituted for five shrubs or 250 square feet of ground cover. 3. Enhanced Pavement Credits. For each square foot of enhanced pavement area, the required landscape area shall be reduced by 0.5 square feet, up to a maximum overall reduction of 25 %. C. Parking Lot Landscaping. 1. Structured Parking. There shall be no landscaping requirements applicable to parking structures. 11 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED July 8, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.09 2. Surface Parking. a. Planter Islands. Planter islands shall be provided in all surface parking areas on the basis of 10 square feet of landscape area for each parking space provided. Where reasonably possible, each row of parking spaces shall provide the required landscape area; however, islands may be placed near buildings, throughout the parking area, or at the end of the rows away from buildings. These island requirements may be modified in situations where it would be - beneficial to combine an awkward or hazardous island into a larger island. Planter islands shall have a minimum width of eight feet back -to -back if curbed or nine feet edge -to -edge if no curb is intended, and shall be 18 feet long. Planter island landscape areas count towards the total required interior landscape area. b. Existing Trees. The following variations to the planter island requirements shall be permitted to preserve existing trees. For existing trees, the minimum width of the planter island shall be as follows: 5" caliper or less = 8 foot minimum width 6" — 12" caliper = 12 foot minimum width greater than 12" caliper = 18 foot minimum width c. Planting Requirements. A minimum of 50% of all planter islands shall contain a minimum of one canopy tree (with the remaining area in shrubs, ground cover, grasses, or seasonal color). Planter islands which have light poles for lighting the parking areas may substitute two accent trees for the required canopy tree. At least 50% of all trees must be 4 inch caliper or greater, and the remainder must be two inch caliper or greater. 13. FENCING. Perimeter fencing visible from SH -114 will be constructed of wrought iron, masonry, other architectural metal, or any combination thereof. Other materials that are architecturally compatible with the buildings visible from SH -114 may also be used if approved by a site plan. Fencing that is not visible from SH -114 and that is generally screened by vegetation will be constructed of coated, dark - colored chain link. No fencing articulation shall be required. The details of fence design will be provided as part of each site plan. 14. ACCESS CONTROL STRUCTURES. Access control structures that are visible from any public rights -of -way outside the Property will be constructed of materials that are the same as .or substantially similar to the buildings visible from such rights -of -way. Such structures may also be constructed of any other material that is architecturally compatible with the buildings that are visible, provided such other materials are approved on a site plan. Access control structures that are not visible from public rights -of -way outside the Property may be constructed of masonry, wood, architectural concrete, metal panels, or any combination thereof. 15. PARKS/TRAILS /OPEN SPACE. Except as provided in the Concept Plan, there shall be no other requirements for parks, trails, or public open space. 16. DRIVEWAY REOUIREMENTS. None of the standards or requirements for driveways included in Driveway Ordinance No. 634, as amended, shall apply to the Property. However, all levelopment plans must include an "on- site" driveway safety analysis performed by a professional traffic .:onsultant. 12 Zoning Case No. ZA99 - 056 REVISED July 8, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.09 17. TREE PRESERVATION. A. Structured Parking. In order to mitigate the impact of large areas of surface parking (and the substantial tree removal that would necessarily result), the Property will be developed with at least two multi -level parking structures to accommodate at least 80% of the required parking. The most likely location for the parking structures (and the location with the least impact on existing tree cover) is the area identified on the Concept Plan. As provided by the City's existing Tree Preservation Ordinance, the "footprint" of such parking structures (plus an area within six feet of the foundations) will be exempt from tree protection and tree replacement requirements. Because the use of parking structures will avoid paving large areas for surface parking, and because there is little design flexibility in the location of such parking structures, efforts to select garage "footprints" that minimize tree removal will not be required. All parking structures must be screened from Kirkwood Hollow by planting at least four canopy trees per 100 linear feet of structure facade that faces Kirkwood Hollow. B. Other Improvements. As provided by the City's existing Tree Preservation Ordinance, the Buildable Areas for improvements other than structured parking shall also be exempt from tree protection and tree replacement requirements. Notwithstanding such exemption, however, commercially reasonable efforts shall be used to identify Buildable Areas in an attempt to minimize the removal of quality trees with a diameter of six inches or greater measured 4Y2 feet above the ground. Such efforts shall not, however, require significant relocations of individual Buildable Areas or require Buildable Areas to be located so as to significantly alter or adversely affect the relationship of buildings, streets, and other improvements or otherwise significantly alter or adversely affect the overall master planning for development of the Property. 13 Zoning Case No. ZA99 - 056 REVISED July 8, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.09 Exhibit "B" to Ordinance No. PUD Development Standards SABRE Non Residential Planned Unit Development 1. PURPOSE. A. The purpose of this SABRE Non Residential Planned Unit Development Ordinance - - No. is to facilitate the development of a high quality, controlled access, master planned headquarters for a major corporate user such as a "Fortune 500" company. The PUD includes approximately 154.8 acres as described on Exhibit "A" to the PUD and as shown on the Concept • Plan attached as Exhibit "B -1" hereto. B. It is anticipated that the Property will be developed as a secure (i.e., controlled access) "campus style" corporate headquarters. Security may include a full perimeter fence with a combination of attended a or automatic access controls. Emergency access will be provided as required by the City's Fire Marshal. Access design will include adequate areas to accommodate vehicles that inadvertently approach the Property and must turn around without entering. C. It is anticipated that the Property will be developed with to include a private streets boulevard designed to the came City City's construction standards that apply to public + 'for an "A4D arterial" with the exception exceptions that fu landscape medians may be left natural rather than irrigated),-The; (ii) the six -foot bike lane will not be required; (iii) the City's driveway ordinance will not apply; and (iv) the design speed and geometry of tho - trect; will be determined by the Property owner consistent with the "campus style" atmosphere of the development (with a minimum design speed of 25 mph). • _ • :. - _ _ . . _ _ - - - - . - Road (that lies between the Property and Tract2 of thc MTP w"'-n-rll continue The details of private street design (including design speed, geometry. and access to public streets) will be provided as part of each site plan. Maintenance of the private streets (to public street standards) will be the sole responsibility of the Property owner. D. It is anticipated that a portion of existing Kirkwood Boulevard (from SH -114 to the boundary of the Property) and a portion of existing T.W. King (that lies between the Property and Tract 2 of the MTP -IBM Addition No. 1) will both be abandoned and closed for public use after the first phase of the development is ready for occupancy. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, continued access to such closed streets by Trophy Club emergency fire and ambulance vehicles will be allowed unless and until the Texas Department of Transportation approves a two -way access road from Kirkwood Boulevard to "old" T.W. King Road. Such emergency access will be the same as required by the City's Fire Marshal. Public use of "old" T.W. King Road west of said Tract 2 will continue. E. The primary access from the Property to public streets will be provided by the private streets shown on the Concept Plan. Emergency (including police, fire, ambulance, and utilities) and security access to the Property may be provided by the access road to White Chapel Road (also shown on the Concept Plan). It will also be necessary to use the White Chapel access road for construction access ...- - : - for a limited period of six months after the first to occur of (i) the issuance by the City of a building permit •- • . - - • _ . _ - . - . _ _ • - - _ . - - _ _ - _ - - 1 (�[(�'r � Zoning Case No. ZA99.056 ni r �� i' I 0 81999 REVISED July 8,1999 011907.00005 :0435047.RED - -- - - - - - - - = -.. - .. • for the first phase mod. The • :. - - . - • - - - - : :.• of the office development or (ii) the issuance by the City of a building permit for the bridge over the North Kirkwood Branch. This time period may be extended by the City Council, in its reasonable discretion, upon a showing that an extension is necessary due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Property owner. The Property owner agrees to commence construction of the North Kirkwood Branch bridge on or before the date it commences construction of the first phase of the office development. • F. The Property will be developed to include the dedication to the City of approximately 3.61 acres for a public park along the southeastern boundary of the Property adjacent to the South Fork of Kirkwood Branch (as shown on the Concept Plan). The dedication will reserve the right (but not the obligation) to maintain and landscape such park area at the Property owner's expense and the right to review the design of any improvements to be located or constructed within such park area. The Property owner will be responsible for the reasonable costs and expenses to complete the engineering design of a trail within the dedicated park area and (ii) design and construct a pedestrian bridge within the dedicated park area to provide access across the South Kirkwood Branch. The City will include such park dedication in its regional trail system plan and , and (except as provided above) the City will be responsible for the construction and maintenance of all improvements. All improvements will be designed to take maximum advantage of the natural topography and to minimize the impact on all trees. G. It is anticipated that the Property will be developed to include open space amenities for employees, visitors and customers such as trails, parks and other pedestrian- oriented areas. These amenities will be designed to take maximum advantage of the natural topography of the Property and to minimize the impact on all trees. These amenities will also be designed to be architecturally compatible with both the natural environment in which they are located and the buildings they serve. Details regarding these amenities will be provided as part of each site plan. Because these amenities serve only "private" development within the Property, a formal Pedestrian Access Plan is not required. H. In addition to open space amenities for employees, visitors and customers, the Concept Plan identifies Landscape Natural Areas around the full perimeter of the Property. These ar Natural Areas, together with the dedicated park land, will buffer the Property from adjacent development. - 2. DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this SABRE Non Residential Planned Unit Development, the following terms are hereby defined: A. "Applicable City Ordinances" means the ordinances of the City, as amended, that regulate the development and use of land within the City including, but not limited to, Zoning Ordinance No. 480 and the Uniform Building Code. B. "Buildable Area" means all of the following areas (as shown on an approved final plat or approved site plan): (i) the "footprint" of each building or structure, (ii) the area within six feet of each building or structure foundation, (iii) public and private rights -of -way, (iv) public and private utility and drainage easements; (v) fire lanes, and (vi) all parking areas (including parking areas that exceed required parking). C. "City" means the City of Southlake, Texas 2 Zoning Case No. ZA99-056 REVISED July 8, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.RED D. "Concept Plan" means the concept plan attached as Exhibit B -1 to the PUD. E.-'4raftelssape "Natural Area" means those areas (as shown on the Concept Plan) that will be preserved as permanent open space to buffer the Property from adjacent development. F. "Property" means the real property described on Exhibit A to the PUD. G. "PUD Standards" means the development standards established by Exhibit B to the PUD. H. "PUD" means this SABRE Non Residential Planned Unit Development zoning district, Ordinance No. , including Exhibits A, B, B -1, and C attached hereto. Except as defined above, all terms used in this PUD shall have the meaning given to them by the Applicable City Ordinances. 3. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. The requirements of this Exhibit "B" (including the Concept Plan) constitute the PUD Standards that apply to the Property and pursuant to which all development within the Property shall occur. To the extent any aspect of development is regulated by these PUD Standards, it is the intent that these PUD Standards shall be exclusive. For example, the landscape standards set forth herein shall be the only landscape standards that apply to the Property. If these PUD Standards do not regulate a particular aspect of development, then such particular aspect of development shall be regulated by reference to those provisions of the Applicable City Ordinances that would otherwise apply to the "0 -2 Office" zoning district, as amended. In the event of any conflict, inconsistency, or ambiguity between the PUD Standards and the Applicable City Ordinances, the PUD Standards shall control. .- . - . .: _ - - . - . _ . - - .• • - - • - - - _ _ • - •. • -• - .: .. • - - - . - - : _ : - _ - • - - - - . _ -" - - • - - If an amendment to any Applicable City Ordinance results in any non - conformity within the Property, such non - conformity may be continued indefinitely, as a matter of right, and shall be treated (for all purposes) as a legal use of the Property to the same extent as if the non - conformity had never existed. 4. CONCEPT PLAN. The - - = = - - : - - • - - - - : : -. = PUD is being processed with the Concept Plan attached hereto as Exhibit "B -l" and incorporated as part of the PUD for all purposes. The Concept Plan identifies (i) specific Landscape Natural Areas within which development will be is restricted, (ii) the approximate location of major private streets, and (iii) the area within which parking structures will most likely be located. The remainder of the Property will be available for development in accordance with these PUD Standards and the Applicable City Ordinances. - - - - - . _ _ .. . _ - _ _ _ ' :. development within the Property must be consistent with the Concept Plan. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the PUD Standards and the Concept Plan, the PUD Standards shall control. Except as provided below, arms substantive changes to the Concept Plan shall be considered a zoning change to the PUD and shall be processed and approved in accordance with the Applicable City Ordinances. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, the exact configuration of the private streets shown on the Concept Plan may be changed to accommodate the final design speed and geometry selected by the Property owner without such change constituting a zoning change to the PUD. Any such change based on the final selected design speed and geometry shall be provided as part of each site plan. Information contained on the Concept Plan that applies to land outside the Property is not part of the PUD and is provided for informational purposes only. 3 Zoning Case No. ZA99-056 REVISED July 8, 1999 01 1907.00005:0435047.RED • - ! - - _ : - _ ..: _ -- _ ' . o • • • •• . • - - - - : - - - Incept Plan. As provided by the City's existing Tree •_ - - _ .. - - it 11 • - - is little design flexibility in thc location of such parking structures, efforts to select garage • • .- - - 5. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The development of each portion, section or phase of the Property must be in accordance with a development plan that has been processed and approved for such portion, section or phase in accordance with all Applicable City Ordinances. There shall be no phasing or timing requirement for the submission of development plans, and there shall be no minimum area for a development plan. Development Except as hereinafter provided, development plans shall not require additional or updated traffic impact analyses unless the cumulative total floor area proposed for development within the Property has exceeded the maximum floor area assumed in the original traffic impact analysis that was submitted with the application for the PUD. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, if the original traffic impact analysis does not address full build -out or does not include traffic conditions for interim phases of development, then the City may require an updated traffic impact analysis with each development plan. Once approved, a development plan shall not have an expiration date. This approach is designed and intended to allow a large development to be approved in concept and then constructed in phases. The City recognizes that it is not feasible and is unrealistic to require a highly detailed development plan to be completed on a very large project when it is recognized that the project will be constructed in sections or phases over several years. The PUD, which is based on the Concept Plan, reflects only zoning approval of a basic concept and may not be implemented until full development plan approval for each portion, section, or phase has been granted; however, the approval of the Concept Plan entitles owners of the Property to rely on, and implement by subsequently approved development plans, the type, intensity, and density of uses set forth in the approved Concept Plan. Each development plan must be sensistent in substantial conformance with the approved Concept Plan. Amendments to approved development plans shall be reviewed by the Administrative Official and deemed to be in substantial conformance with the approved development plans prior to being processed and approved in 4 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED July 8, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.RED accordance with all Applicable City Ordinances; however, such amendments shall not be considered a zoning change to the PUD. 6. SITE PLANS. The development of each portion, section or phase of the Property must be in accordance with a site plan that has been processed and approved for such portion, section or phase in accordance with all Applicable City Ordinances. There shall be no phasing or timing requirement for the submission of site plans, and there shall be no minimum area for a site plan. Site Except as hereinafter provided, site plans shall not require additional or updated traffic impact analyses unless the total cumulative floor area proposed for development of the Property has exceeded the maximum floor area assumed in the original traffic impact analysis that was submitted with the application for the PUD. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, if the original traffic impact analysis does not address full build out or does not include traffic conditions for interim phases of development, and if an updated traffic impact analysis was not required as part of the approved development plan, the City may require an updated traffic impact analysis with each site plan. Once approved, a site plan shall not have an expiration date. This approach is designed and intended to allow a large development to be approved in concept, to then have development proceed though a series of phased development plans, and finally to have construction proceed through a series of phased site plans. The City recognizes that it is not feasible and is unrealistic to require a highly detailed site plan to be completed on a very large project when it is recognized that the project will be constructed in sections or phases over several years. Each site plan must be eensi tent in substantial conformance with the applicable approved development plan. Amendments to approved site plans shall be reviewed by the Administrative Official and deemed to be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan prior to being processed and approved in accordance with all Applicable City Ordinances; however, such amendments shall not be considered a zoning change to the PUD. 7. USES. A. Permitted Principal Uses. The intent of this PUD is to permit the broadest range of "high- tech" uses to accommodate future technology changes in the fields of computer technology, information technology, data and information processing, and all services related thereto. The City recognizes, however, that future technology changes may occur beyond those that can be described in the PUD Standards. The Administrative Official of the City shall be authorized to interpret the following uses to accommodate future technology changes so as to achieve the intent of the PUD. The PUD shall permit those principal uses set forth in the "0-2," Office District, Section 19, of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended. In addition, the following principal uses shall also be permitted if they (i) reasonably contribute to the development of or use of the Property as a corporate headquarters and (ii) are not intended to primarily serve or benefit the general public: • Agricultural uses (farm, ranch, orchard). • Communications facility, including, but not limited to, facilities that utilize satellite dishes, antennas, radio towers, fiber optic lines, telecommunications equipment, and all related hardware, software and services. All satellite dishes, antennas, radio towers, and similar communication equipment must be solely for use by the owners of the Property and occupants or users of the improvements located thereon (and none of such equipment may be sold or leased to third parties outside the PUD). All such equipment must be located within buildings or structures; or, if located outside a building, must be screened 5 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED July 8, 1999 0 11907.00005:0435047.RED from view from all public roads. The location of all such equipment (including screening, as applicable) will be provided with each site plan. • Computer technology facility (including, but not limited to, facilities for research, development, marketing, sales and service, leasing/rental, maintenance and repair, distribution, and warehouse /storage of computer hardware, software, and related services). • Conference center. • Data/information processing center. • Hotel. • Information technology facility, including, but not limited to, facilities for research, development, marketing, sales and service, leasing/rental, maintenance and repair, distribution, and warehouse /storage of information technology hardware, software, and related services. • Parking structures. • Private streets/alleys/drives (including gated/restricted access entry points). • Restaurant (with outside dining). • Training center. B. Accessory Useske Uses. All accessory uses must be intended primarily for the development of or use of the Property as a corporate headquarters and must be intended primarily to serve or benefit tenants, employees, Quests, visitors and customers within the Property. The PUD shall permit those accessory uses set forth in Section 34 of the Zoning Ordinance, as they apply to the "0-2 ", Office District, as amended. In addition, the following accessory uses shall be permitted: • Covered pedestrian walkways. • Footbridges (designed to meet minimum NCTCOG standards). • Communication equipment, including, but not limited to, satellite dishes, antennas, radio towers, fiber optic lines, telecommunications equipment, etc. All satellite dishes, antennas, radio towers, and similar communication equipment must be solely for use by the owners of the Property and occupants or users of the improvements located thereon (and none of such equipment may be sold or leased to third parties outside the PUD). All such equipment must be located within buildings or structures; or, if located outside a building, must be screened from view from all public roads. The location of all such equipment (including screening, as applicable) will be provided with each site plan. • Utilities (including, but not limited to, utility buildings and structures, utility distribution lines, utility shop and storage, electric transformers, electric substations, telephone, electric, cable, and fiber optic switching stations, water and sewage pumping stations (above and below grade), water storage tanks and pumping systems (elevated or above grade), and water, sewer, electric, and gas meters). 6 Zoning Case No. ZA99-056 REVISED July 8, 1999 011 907.00005:0435047. RED The following accessory uses shall be allowed within the same building as a permitted principal use without regard to the floor area of such accessory uses: • Banks and financial institutions (including ATMs). • Beauty parlor/barbershop. • Day nursery or equivalent child care facility. • Drug store. • General. Specialty retail. • Health club /gymnasium. • Job printing, lithography, printing, or blueprinting. • Laundry/dry cleaning (drop /pick). • Mailing service (private). • Maintenance vehicle fueling and service. • Medical care facility/clinic. • Newsstand. • Personal service Post office (governmental). • Printing, engraving and related reproductive services. • Quick copy /duplicating services. • Recycling collection and/or storage. • Restaurant, cafe, cafeteria, or dining facility (with outside dining). • Security guard quarters. • Shoe repair. • Stationery and/or book store. • Temporary residential accommodations for employees/customers /visitors «maximum stay shall be two consecutive weeks and full kitchens with cook tops shall be prohibited). • Warehouse /storage (inside). The following accessory uses shall be allowed on a separate building site without regard to the floor area of such accessory uses; provided, however, none of the following accessory uses shall be allowed as a principal use. In addition, no certificate of occupancy shall be issued by the City for any of the following accessory uses until certificates of occupancy have been issued by the City for one or more principal use buildings that contain (in the aggregate) at least 400,000 square feet of floor area: • Community facilities uses: a. private parks; 7 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED July 8, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.RED b. recreational and open space to include playgrounds, parkways, greenbelts, ponds and lakes, botanical gardens, nature centers, bird and wildlife sanctuaries, pedestrian paths, bicycle paths, and equestrian bridal trails; c. athletic, health, and sport facilities to include gyms, aerobic centers, spas, swimming pools, athletic fields, and sport/tennis courts; and d. other uses of a similar nature and character. • Day nursery or equivalent child care facility. • Health club /gymnasium. • Heliport/verti -port (limite4 if located at least 1,000 feet from (i) any single family • residential lots and (ii) any land located outside the Property and designated for single family use on the City's comprehensive land use plan; limited, however, to use by the owners of the Property and occupants or users of the improvements located thereon and subject to all applicable FAA requirements and approvals and subject to the designation of flight paths - . .. _ . - ' - -- _ . - - . - on the applicable development plan or site plan) that do not result in the overflight of residential areas). An SUP shall be required if the proposed designated flight path will result in the overflight of any residential areas (which SUP, if granted, may limit the hours of operation). • Helistop /verti -stop (limited port if located at least 1,000 feet from (i) any single family residential lots and (ii) any land located outside the Property and designated for single family use on the City's comprehensive land use plan; limited, however, to use by the owners of the Property and occupants or users of the improvements located thereon and subject to all applicable FAA requirements and approvals and subject to the designation of flight paths -- - -- -- - - - - - - - - _ • _ - - . . _ -- • - -- - on the applicable development plan or siteplan) that do not result in The overflight of residential areas). An SUP shall be required if the proposed designated flight path will result in the overflight of any residential areas (which SUP, if granted, may limit the hours of operation). • Maintenance equipment storage (outside /screened). Such storage shall be limited to use by the owners of the Property and occupants or users of improvements located thereon. No storage will be provided to any person or business located outside the Property. • Maintenance vehicle fueling and service. • Medical care facility /clinic. • Restaurant, cafe, cafeteria, or dining facility (with outside dining). • Temporary residential accommodations for employees /customers/visitors «maximum stay shall be two consecutive weeks and full kitchens with cook tops shall be prohibited). • Temporary construction materials storage (for each phase of development, limited to the time during which active construction is ongoing and for a period of 30 days thereafter). • Temporary construction office (for each phase of development, limited to the time during which active construction is ongoing and for a period of 30 days thereafter). 8 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED July 8, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.RED 8. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. A. Height 1. Buildings. Except as provided below, a no principal -use er- aecesssr-use) use building shall exceed the greater of six 0) stones above grade of 98, nor shall it exceed ninety (90) feet in height; and (b) no accessory use building shall exceed three (3) stories above grade, nor shall it exceed forty -six (46) feet in height. 2. Structured Parking. Except as provided below, no parking structure shall exceed the greater of six levels above grade er-68, nor shall it exceed sixty (60) feet in height. 3. Architectural Features. Architectural features (i.e., portions of buildings or structures not intended for occupancy) which are integral to the architectural style of the building or structure (including spires, belfries, towers, cupolas, domes, feature walls and similar features) may shall not exceed fifty (50) feet above the height of the building; if freestanding. they shall not exceed one hundred forty (140) feet in height; and both (i.e., roof - mounted and freestanding architecture features) shall be subiect to the 4:1 residential proximity slope requirement. 4. Special Equipment. Mechanical equipment, penthouses, ventilation equipment, satellite dishes, antennas, cooling towers, and other similar equipment shall not exceed the actual height of the building by more than 25 feet. twenty -five (25) feet, must be screened, must be integral to the building, and shall be subject to the 4:1 residential proximity slope requirement. 5. Pitched Roofs. The height of a building (regardless of building size) with sloped or pitched roofs shall be measured to. a point 15 feet above the highest occupied floor level. The high point of the sloped roof may exceed the height limitations set forth above (i.e., maximum ninety (90) feet) by up to 50 feet thirty -five (35) feet to allow up to a maximum height of one hundred twenty -five (125) feet and shall be subject to the 4:1 residential proximity slope requirement. All measurements shall be from grade, as defined by Ordinance No. 480, Section 4.2. B. Setbacks 1. Front Yard. Except as provided below, the minimum front yard setback shall be 30 feet; however, up to 10% of the area of any building facade may extend up to 15 feet into any required front yard to accommodate building articulation design requirements. Short term visitor and customer parking shall be allowed in required front yards. No front yard adjustments shall be required to achieve consistency or compatibility with surrounding or future public development. 2. Side Yard. Except as provided below, there shall be no minimum side yard setback. No side yard adjustments shall be required to achieve consistency or compatibility with surrounding or future public development. 3. Rear Yard. Except as provided below, the minimum rear yard setback shall be 10 feet. 9 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED July 8, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.RED 4. Residential Slene—Prenetwithstandine Proximity Slope. Notwithstanding the minimum setbacks set forth above, buildings within 400 feet of property zoned for single family uses shall have a minimum setback from the property line adjacent to such single family property of 40 feet or a distance that will not cause any building to exceed a height produced by a 4:1 slope line from the single family property, whichever produces the greater setback. 5. S.H. No. 114. Notwithstanding the setbacks set forth above, the minimum setback along SH -114 shall be 50 feet. 6. Projections. Every part of a required yard shall be open to the sky, unobstructed by a building, except for the ordinary projections of sills, belt courses, cornices, and ornamental features not exceeding 48 inches. 7. Accessory Buildings. Accessory buildings may be located anywhere within the Property (but not within any required setback). 8. Measurement of Setbacks. Setbacks shall apply to all private streets within the Property and shall be measured from the right -of -way line (whether established by platted lot, easement, or other instrument). C. Maximum Lot Coverage. The maximum lot coverage for all buildings (excluding parking structures) shall not exceed 50% of the total area of the Property. D. Maximum Impervious Coverage. The maximum impervious coverage shall not exceed 65% of the total area of the Property. E. Floor Area. There shall be no maximum floor area ratio for any improvements. There ehall be no The maximum floor area = - - . . - - - - .. • _ . - - •• • • • - • _., :. - - - • - - • - • • - - - • _ , - . - _ : .. for all principal uses and accessory uses shall be 3.5 million square feet. 9. PARKING/LOADING. A. Parking Spaces Required. At least one parking space shall be provided for each 300 square feet of "principal -use" floor area developed within the Property. No additional spaces shall be required for any accessory use floor area. B. Location of Parking Spaces. All required parking spaces shall be located within the Property; however no parking shall be allowed within the Landssape Natural Areas shown on the Concept Plan. C. Parking Space Size. All parking spaces shall be at least 8Y2 feet wide and 18 feet long. Structural columns within any parking structure may project into the perimeter of "head -in" parking spaces up to one half the cross - sectional area of the column. D. Off - Street Loading/Service Areas. At least one off - street loading/service area shall be provided for each 200,000 square feet of "principal -use" floor area developed within the Property. No additional area shall be required for any accessory use floor area. Development of the Property as a private, campus -style corporate headquarters offers an opportunity to consolidate loading and service functions within one or more buildings or one or more locations. Such 10 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED July 8, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.RED consolidated locations minimize the need for multiple loading/service areas and isolate large truck traffic to a few selected locations within the campus. Smaller scale distribution is then permitted. The location of such consolidated areas will be shown on all site plans. 10. ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS. A. Building Materials; Masonry Requirements. Buildings within the Property may be constructed of a variety of different building materials, and there shall be no minimum masonry requirement. Building materials shall include masonry materials, as defined in Ordinance No. 557, architectural concrete, architectural metal panels, glass, and other similar materials. Pre -cast concrete panels (including "tilt- wall ") may be used for accessory-use maintenance buildings that are not visible from public rights -of -way. In addition, the facade of any parking structure that is visible east of the park dedication land shown on the Concept Plan shall (if constructed of architectural concrete) include an architectural treatment (e.g., texture, color, relief, or detail). B. Reflective Glass. Any individual building facade may be 100% glass; however, no more than 80% of the total facade area of all buildings within the Property shall be glass. The maximum outward solar reflectivity of glass used shall be 35 %. C. Facade Articulation. It is the intent of this PUD to comply with the spirit and intent of the City's requirement for building facade articulation standards; however, it is also the intent of this PUD to avoid the imposition of a rigid mathematical formula to achieve such articulation. Consequently, this PUD does require that building facades include design articulation that will be approved with each site plan. Facade articulation may be achieved for individual buildings through a combination of design techniques including, but not limited to, projections, overhangs, and incisions/cuts. Facade articulation may also be achieved by considering the effect of (i) the location of one building to another, (ii) the manner in which buildings are grouped, and ii iii variations in architectural surface treatments such as color, texture, relief, and detail. The facade articulations standards for parking structures will differ somewhat from the standards for office buildings because of their intended use (i.e., storing cars), reduced design flexibility, and the fact that visibility of such structures from SH -114 will be minimal (with no visibility of such structures during any but the very last phases of development). D. Exposed Structural/Architectural Columns. Structural concrete or steel elements may remain exposed if given some architectural treatment (e.g., color, texture, relief, or detail). E. Roof Design Standards. All structures shall be constructed with either a pitched roof, flat roof with a parapet, mansard roof, or any combination thereof. All flat roof surfaces will be screened from ground level views. Parking structure decks shall not to be considered roofs. Roofs of stairwells and elevator machine rooms and other similar spaces shall be exempt from roofing design standards so long as they are not be visible from ground level. 11. SCREENING. The following improvements shall be screened from view from public rights -of- way located outside the Property: mechanical equipment, rooftop appurtenances, satellite dishes, antennas, radio towers, outside storage, trash/recycling receptacles, and off street loading/service areas. No screening shall be required from any rights -of -way within the Property, and no screening shall be required for any surface parking lots or for any parking structures. Screening shall be accomplished with masonry, landscaping, or any combination thereof. 12. LANDSCAPE STANDARDS. The size of the Property, the "campus- style" development being proposed, the utilization of parking structures to minimize surface parking, and the requirement for at 11 Zoning Case No. ZA99-056 REVISED July 8, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.RED least 35% pervious cover will create a developed site with vast areas of open space that will include existing, natural vegetation, including thousands of mature trees. Consequently, there is no need for narrow bufferyards (and the related planting requirements) typically required for much smaller commercial sites. Nevertheless, in addition to the natural vegetation and trees that will be preserved, additional landscape standards are required for (i) the Landseape Natural Areas shown on the Concept Plan, (-4)(iil interior landscape areas based on building size, and (iii) parking island landscaping for surface parking lots. The interior landscape area requirements and parking island requirements are very similar to the City's existing requirements; however, more liberal planting credits are allowed for enhanced paving and to preserve existing trees. Such credits are appropriate for a campus-style development and will strongly encourage retaining natural tree groupings and trees near future building sites. Such credits will also simplify and reduce the maintenance costs associated with large areas of small shrubs and ground cover. A. Laadssape Natural Areas. The Concept Plan identifies Landscape Natural Areas up to 50 feet wide and larger that virtually encircle the Property. These landscape Natural Areas will be preserved as permanent open space, and, together with the park dedication, will buffer the Property from adjacent development. With the exception of small security structures (i.e., "guardhouses "), no paved surfaces or buildings or structures of any kind may be located within the Landscape Natural Areas without site plan approval. The intent is to preserve these areas in a natural, undisturbed condition; however, additional landscaping may be planted within them at the option of the Property owner. Landscape Natural Areas may be irrigated or left natural. B. Interior Landscape Areas. Subject to the reductions set forth below, the amount of interior landscape area required within the Property shall be computed based on all buildings (excluding parking structures) within the Property, and for each building (excluding parking structures) shall equal 50% of the largest floor area of such building. The following plantings shall be required within the Property based on the interior landscape area as computed above: one canopy tree per 600 square feet; one accent tree per 300 square feet; one shrub (15 inch deciduous or 12 inch evergreen) per 60 square feet; and 10% of such interior landscape area must be planted as ground cover. These required plantings shall be reduced as follows: 1. Existing Plant Credits. Existing trees which are within 250 feet of any building shall reduce the required plantings as follows: Size of Existing Tree Planting Reduction s Canopy Accent Shrubs — 5" caliper 1 or 2 or 6 6" — 11" caliper 2 or 3 or 12 12" and greater 3 or 4 or 18 2. Substitute Plantings. One additional canopy tree may be substituted for 10 shrubs or 500 square feet of ground cover. One additional accent tree may be substituted for five shrubs or 250 square feet of ground cover. 3. Enhanced Pavement Credits. For each square foot of enhanced pavement area, the required landscape area shall be reduced by 0.5 square feet, up to a maximum overall reduction of 25 %. 12 Zoning Case No. ZA99 - 056 REVISED July 8, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.RED C. Parking Lot Landscaping. 1. Structured Parking. There shall be no landscaping requirements applicable to parking structures. 2. Surface Parking. a. Planter Islands. Planter islands shall be provided in all surface parking areas on the basis of 10 square feet of landscape area for each parking space provided. Where reasonably possible, each row of parking spaces shall provide the required landscape area; however, islands may be placed near buildings, throughout the parking area, or at the end of the rows away from buildings. These island requirements may be modified in situations where it would be beneficial to combine an awkward or hazardous island into a larger island. Planter islands shall have a minimum width of eight feet back -to -back if curbed or nine feet edge -to -edge if no curb is intended, and shall be 18 feet long. Planter island landscape areas count towards the total required interior landscape area. b. Existing Trees. The following variations to the planter island requirements shall be permitted to preserve existing trees. For existing trees, the minimum width of the planter island shall be as follows: 5" caliper or less = 8 foot minimum width 6" — 12" caliper = 12 foot minimum width greater than 12" caliper = 18 foot minimum width c. Planting Requirements. A minimum of 50% of all planter islands shall contain a minimum of one canopy tree (with the remaining area in shrubs, ground cover, grasses, or seasonal color). Planter islands which have light poles for lighting the parking areas may substitute two accent trees for the required canopy tree. At least 50% of all trees must be 4 inch caliper or greater, and the remainder must be two inch caliper or greater. 13. FENCING. Perimeter fencing visible from SH -114 will be constructed of wrought iron, masonry, other architectural metal, or any combination thereof. Other materials that are architecturally compatible with the buildings visible from SH -114 may also be used if approved by a site plan. Fencing that is not visible from SH -114 and that is generally screened by vegetation will be constructed of coated, dark- colored chain link. No fencing articulation shall be required. The details of fence design will be provided as part of each site plan. 14. ACCESS CONTROL STRUCTURES. Access control structures that are visible from any public rights -of -way outside the Property will be constructed of materials that are the same as or substantially similar to the buildings visible from such rights -of -way. Such structures may also be constructed of any other material that is architecturally compatible with the buildings that are visible, provided such other materials are approved on a site plan. Access control structures that are not visible from public rights -of -way outside the Property may be constructed of masonry, wood, architectural concrete, metal panels, or any combination thereof. 15. PARKS/TRAILS /OPEN SPACE. Except as provided in the Concept Plan, there shall be no other requirements for parks, trails, or public open space. 13 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED July 8, 1999 011907.00005:0435047. RED 16. DRIVEWAY REQUIREMENTS. None of the standards or requirements for driveways included in Driveway Ordinance No. 634, as amended, shall apply to the Property. However, all development plans must include an "on- site" driveway safety analysis performed by a professional traffic consultant. 17. TREE PRESERVATION. A. Structured Parking. In order to mitigate the impact of large areas of surface parking (and the substantial tree removal that would necessarily result), the Property will be developed with at least two multi -level parking structures to accommodate at least 80% of the required parking. The most likely location for the parking structures (and the location with the least impact on existing tree cover) is the area identified on the Concept Plan. As provided by the City's existing Tree Preservation Ordinance, the "footprint" of such parking structures (plus an area within six feet of the foundations) will be exempt from tree protection and tree replacement requirements. Because the use of parking structures will avoid paving large areas for surface parking, and because there is little design flexibility in the location of such parking structures, efforts to select garage "footprints" that minimize tree removal will not be required. All parking structures must be screened from Kirkwood Hollow by planting at least four canopy trees per 100 linear feet of structure facade that faces Kirkwood Hollow. B. Other Improvements. As provided by the City's existing Tree Preservation Ordinance, the Buildable Areas for improvements other than structured parking shall also be exempt from tree protection and tree replacement requirements. Notwithstanding such exemption, however, commercially reasonable efforts shall be used to identify Buildable Areas in an attempt to minimize the removal of quality trees with a diameter of six inches or greater measured 4%2 feet above the ground. Such efforts shall not, however, require significant relocations of individual Buildable Areas or require Buildable Areas to be located so as to significantly alter or adversely affect the relationship of buildings, streets, and other improvements or otherwise significantly alter or adversely affect the overall master planning for development of the Property. This redlined draft, generated by CompareRite (TM) - The Instant Redliner, shows the differences between - original document : G:\DATA\DALLAS \VENTURM\LISTS \0435047.07 and revised document: G:\DATA\DALLAS \VENTURM\LISTS \0435047.09 CompareRite found 103 change(s) in the text Deletions appear as Overstrike text Additions appear as Double Underline text 14 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED July 8, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.RED -.._ _ _ .. . _ ` Sabre Corporate Campus Headquarters Duthiak - PROJECT PROFILE July 13, 1999 SABRE OVERVIEW: Sabre (NYSE: TSG) is the world leader in the electronic distribution of travel and information technology solutions for the travel and transportation industry. The 1998 revenues were $2.3 billion, an increase of 29 percent from 1997. Net earnings were $232 million, increasing 16 percent from the prior year. The company has more than 11,000 employees worldwide and nearly 7,000 employees in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. LOCATION: The Sabre project is located on approximately 156 acres developed by Maguire Partners as part of the Solana mixed use development. The property is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of State Highway 114 and Kirkwood Boulevard, southeast of the existing Sabre building on Kirkwood Blvd. The development will be bounded by SH 114 on the southwest and White Chapel on the northeast. Kir'( ''-1 /f .i f ,,,,,. I _ Y } t A ` ! i_,!....7,7,-, ,;_-.---= � d � \ k , .,c,.-, _ __.---„-,..t4,01- 4 - Ilk - '4 ,. . ' ' '4 ::: -- ' 1 / .461. ! ' i !y - 5t.-- \ ../,'/;:4 4 Iiiri - ' - ) i ' , ..: s +r + a 'g f ' I 4 fi i - t, .� n � i 1 . = _. - ,' 1 ,rte , , # fi , 1 �� 0 t 1 t 1, ',. 1' e ' '"*"'"Sr a '; r l ' • N . , \,-..-' ' ' <":2 +eii:, .. 11 '' .---- ' - 1 — - ' r k ..... ..,._ \ \. ` '• .. .,�. '' ,..L.` � '. 41 �-l' ,__. —1 ' - Sabre Corporate Campus Headquarters - Project Profile - July 13, 1999 - Page 1 of 2 CONCEPT: The Sabre Campus Headquarters Project will be comprised of ten (10) connected low - rise campus style office buildings wrapped around the natural terrain afforded by the site. It is anticipated that each building will not exceed five (5) stories in height. While there will be some surface parking, the majority of employee parking will be accommodated in not less than two (2) structured parking buildings. Using the benefits of the existing trees and open areas, Sabre plans to provide amenities such as jogging trails, ball fields and landscaped campus green spaces. A significant component of the headquarters concept is the establishment of a secure site, which necessitates the privatization of the existing Kirkwood Blvd. to the northeast of the SH 114 interchange, as well as the portion of North T.W. King northeast of the existing Sabre building. The old T.W. King Road will be reestablished west of this building. The newly constructed Kirkwood Blvd. connecting SH 114 to Dove Road will also be a private road. ZONING: The site includes property currently zoned for residential planned unit development district (RPUD) and non - residential planned unit development district (NRPUD) uses. Rezoning will be required for the property. PROJECT SCHEDULE: Construction will occur in phases over an eight (8) year period. The first phase is slated to begin construction in third quarter 1999 with scheduled completion of the first 450,000 square feet office building in second quarter 2001. Current projections show that the eventual size of the Sabre Campus Headquarters will encompass over 2,000,000 square feet by late 2008. FINANCIAL ISSUES: On May 4, 1999, City Council approved a 10 -year 90% abatement of the real and personal property taxes (City and County only) for each year of the multi -year construction program. The Council also approved a Chapter 380 economic development agreement, which provides for the collection of sales tax generated by the construction materials for each phase of the project. The agreement provides that the City will refund one -half of 1% of the sales tax received (i.e. 0.5 %) for the construction material purchases. This will not affect the 0.5% for parks (SPDC) or the 0.5% for the crime control district which will be received in full. This refund will be facilitated by having Sabre require all contractors to pay sales tax for construction materials at the job site. Sabre will be responsible for accounting and reporting of the sales tax in order to claim the refund. CONTACTS: Following are contacts familiar with the Sabre project. City of Southlake Greg Last, Director of Economic Development PH: (817) 481 -5581, ext. 750 Maguire Partners Tom Allen, Partner PH: (817) 430 -0303 The Sabre Group Inc. Dean Sanderson, Managing Director of Corporate Services PH: (817) 963 -1118 Sabre Corporate Campus Headquarters - Project Profile - July 13, 1999 - Page 2 of 2 a. _ •O - M O 7 _G Z. x o c U v N v N > N 3 9 N d ° L N 4 O L N °a; . o- * a. U° N p C4 c o w' o 1.) c I ° FS o • ° c 0 - a• ° ° ^ I rn c W 'a 'b ° a' •O o. o a.. — L�) 3 ° - > v % S on o C/1 o 0 0' 0 c ° Z o o a a G o 2 c tau b 0 N ° > "' o y C W , 0 p p c 0n .. A a d o= w Om t a E v o % l o v v T -co 74 �+ % • V b > • i3 •a d N N VI .0 N 0 b — Z oh W g °° b ° % d O O U �•' L ' b U N N U S' 0/) A 8 'C 2 c ° N % .d b T/� d A N % 0 'r) p U U N .. L N W V1 G 1 0 ' � U N ° v 'O O v v ;? C v w C c a Ca F ary, ° e° v o c O C N ... , UN ti = d >> O O Y 0 % C C. y .5 a g a�i 5 . C ° c ° w 0.0 U t; % ° Grt 011 % 4 7 at a off; ,L...8 ° � ��o 8 v ' .y V O ' ❑ y y > W U N n d fr �� 1 O a .° y C O O . U y N N . - y d F +� ° ° 1J y d ° d y °° • . O zz O ( y. N td N — O ° on - d 4 U d .li % N y 'I4 3 % Q ° N v % E y 2 cr a t o § 1 w .0 eel CID U � � ? � oo � �. U 17 U U 4 _� .cam % p . 01 % V ° W o Sri a�• 0 O v °w > o °p d t. -- 'O .. a. % O ° m id N id U . U v. id .x N Z % Li W • °- c m' y ab w ° c 8 o 0 • a 0. ° d % U c U • c p v o e, ._ a oa ~¢ ° Q 3 U Q°° U 2' U 3Dt U C _ v 0 vi Oe 0 N % a b ,. C O id 0. h'b W [j] T GO • U A N g ° . O O vi v ,y C 4) 1--i c y a; 0 ° v I b 0. r y °[ M 0 • C G Q 5 0= ' '1, • C . .:I ° evil a oil 2' 41 1411 rii 3 �I o. o IN:I I N �� 7 v m o o •° y c o v = v° N 3 = 72 E • v > c N s= r ° 0 E ro e s N v ,>,-, •o v o ` ;" O >•..�. a > 6'C ' 7 a ^ ° t z _ d L N a ° ° a — O n E° a i oo °' °~' w = y e A on o o a ° o b a o o° __ NI > �j a a, a v o° °�' o f ' � 4 V1 > o � s o y a � N .5 C b� y N . O v N � 0 b =_ n° Z �.a O N ' O ❑❑ N �. O r.) a v a`, c a O >-,c' LS, t° ..g''-1.7-"o c° flJ ° A E 72 N c b a N o o a� an O 1 W .y 'a�7 N= o Q O « A Q Z e ° o w , ..-°v r g, •-6 g a ° a a o m o ° . 3 >,_t, 3 3 a c y 3 N O ° N N •. UDC U N COO a , E C 8 O o g d ° m 4 7 0 3 o F. ..= a c v 4 r, .0 3 0 . c N Y • N t O o m ¢ 3 0� d 2 g a o v 2 N, "" c C o w E Z _ w o ti ti ,3,-.5.-7,. v a ` o R. ° v ra .. _° 0 ' � T � §.' O N o c '° ° � a ° > N 3 O z � ra O a m a o ¢ A¢ E p o o q F v U N N N y S a y o • _ ° 3 N " I J. 8 b y U v a "'q - C C O w a " Z '� z ? 3 z ,, tw U N o N et O w ° b U N N y Op O ( X F ■ v v 8 ZA o asaDG co) .� Q v;; ¢ � c a F ° w .03 • ? 3 o tl N y N NF .� O = .0 3 O O y 'Q U I o = o =ao U 5 ° 0. 0 5 o = c ■ 0 - a o o.2 a N Q ' o o U a a E, a0oy. C ti x Q o c U o U ° 8 Ck a� a a .0 >- .,- - 6, z �.5 6 Na �; N N a o E. ° m o n. $ N aTi a. ti j.0 G « N N ..4: n'�„ ' y N Uy N N U g e w C .-n J 0 E U o E o b v o , = 7, c . � � ;, • N c4 d 0 0 of c a. o ° o .o E 8 3 a U 3 -o zi > U 2 �¢ ° o 'w U 2 2 Q 3 e N 43 ° 0 g os �■ ° W v o ' ° o ` � b C 3 s c= ^' oa nr T n 4 ,.. O O N O :G • v o ° y` � 3 .- vY a, g pr-: x A 'E • c U �d o∎I 2 61 :.I ,ejl City of Southlake, Texas STAFF REPORT + d June 11, 1999 CASE NO: ZA 99 -056 PROJECT: Ordinance No. 480 -313 / ls Reading / Rezoning and Concept Plan - Sabre Group Campus STAFF CONTACT: Karen P. Gandy, Zoning Administrator, 481 -5581, ext. 743 Dennis Killough, Senior Planner, 481 -5581, ext. 787 REQUESTED ACTION: Zoning Change on property legally described as Lot 4, Block A, MTP- IBM Addition No. 1, an addition to the City of Southlake, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388/211, Page 68 and 69 of Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and as recorded in Cabinet G, Page 208, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas; Tracts 1, 1A1, 1C, 2A1, 2A2, 2A3, 2A4, 2A5, 2A7, and portions of Tracts 2A and 2A6 situated in the U.P. Martin Survey, Abstract No. 1015; portions of Tracts 1 and 1C situated in the James B. Martin Survey, Abstract No. 1134; and portions of Tracts 3A1, 3A1A, 3A1A2, 3A3A1, 4B, 4B1, 4B2, situated in the Rees D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1207, and being approximately 154.8 acres. A Concept Plan for Sabre Group Campus will be considered with this request. PURPOSE: Zoning /Concept Plan approval required for development. LOCATION: On the southeast corner of the intersection of State Highway 114 and Kirkwood Drive. OWNERS: Maguire Partners - Solana Limited Partnership and International Business Machines, Inc. APPLICANT: The Sabre Group, Inc. CURRENT ZONING: "R -PUD" Residential Planned Unit Development District and "NR- PUD" Non - Residential Planned Unit Development District REQUESTED ZONING: "NR -PUD" Non - Residential Planned Unit Development District with "0-2," Office District uses and certain other permitted and accessory uses set forth in Exhibit "B," Planned Unit Development Standards which are generally related to communication, computer, and information technologies; training and conference centers; parking structures; heliport/stop and verti - port/stop; hotel, restaurant, retail and office uses. 3 -( i City of Southlake, Texas LAND USE CATEGORY: Mixed Use, Medium Density Residential, 100 Year Flood Plain NO. NOTICES SENT: Seven (7) RESPONSES: None STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Review Summary No. 2, dated June 11, 1999. L: \COMDE V\ WP- FILES\MEMO \99CASES \99- 056ZC.DOC 3 -2- _ __ _ • 111 ; I I \ .I 1' txs :7 a _ _ 111 = — \. SURVEI 31E1k Ts l Tel == 111 = _ __ 1512 AC Ill 111Numa nit { eg111111111 i nse111111111\ SURVEY t 4 W.MILt,. I111111111111111111111111I1I1III - - - — - - 'iIIUUWWIIIIIIIlIIII� I1 -I I tQ 3s -.11 - , A-$ /D .III �IDIIIIIIIIl10 ` I Ac X1111111 11g I /11111111r r� 3 III11111• r "VEY A - 1607D 1 is 164 18 X111111111►. ' 111111 _ 1 1111111 \ ilia „� �,,, ..............4_ ,�.- .�s UM. i Y 11 11 TH1 ' r S xY A 10 - y SURVEY A -742 I _� D - "IF SURVEY A • l _ it • - ''* !!! ! III2 1 121 - ''''' i ` i 1MS le 411111111. ‘ *1 .-1:4. IME *Ur , \ I : , . . . 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IN s ' . ,...--„ „ .t,1,A.. am MR/ _• _ -_. � - 'u Y ,. w "K . Y.. K MTP -1884 PHASE 116111. J i .7..i ' 11 " 1 IF.--?' - - -�— ru r .• � ' R r s 1 -- - ADJACENT OWNERS I i ss r� � AND ZONING A Rn . .. • CONCEPT PLAN . . . SOLANA RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AUGUST, 1995 r • , r ...... ......... _...„ _ ....II...14 - 1,;,&-En•_. Iv 0:7,.."`• •.„.......• , i • - I,* r 4 ......„ ,. ... _ _APPROxiwJE COUNTY LINE ... . 2 4.-A. -- / -- __ PICf0112D SOLANA NESOOTAL PUD d Y," 1 I •730.40. .7 . Noe , C \. . '';''' '''' • '... •. 0:10.06.000 50.41 0101 • 7 k \ . .. • .. 1 • WA: 1 1 1 . ARRAN .... -AA., -AA 7.10110.7.01 Al. . 00 7 4 ..•. • ,i1Vi“tri" :.!il 1 I ! 110 RE 0. 10 71 010.40717 . MO K ,...._,• • '-.. 77 ' 111 SCOMAL i . 1 ou. 3 . o l cots mv. • 170 . 1 . 1 .---- •••-. N -.4. • ' :. , 1•••••00.-0.ms. num 7 se '' ; . ...'i:i:iiii .. '.• . 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TIXAS Mat i s in PREVIOUSLY APPROVED CONCEPT PLAN . .., . . . . • .. 1 City of Southlake, Texas CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 99 -056 Review No: Two Date of Review: 6/11/99 Project Name: NR — PUD /Concept Plan — Sabre Group Campus for NR — PUD Zoning with `'O -2" Office uses APPLICANT: ENGINEER: The SabreGroup, Inc. Huitt- Zollars, Inc. 4255 Amon Carter Blvd. 3131 McKinney Avenue, Suite 600 Fort Worth, TX 76155 Dallas, TX 75204 Phone: (817) 967 -3986 Phone: (214) 871 -3311 Fax: (817) 967 -4914 Attn: Jeff Stewart Fax: (214) 871 -0757 Attn: Ocie Vest CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 06/07/99 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT KAREN GANDY AT (817) 481 -5581, EXT. 744. This review Summary encompasses the Development Standards (text), Concept Plan, Preliminary Water, Sewer, Drainage, and Thoroughfare plans, and Traffic Impact Analysis. The review has been divided into three (3) sections: Section I: PUD Development Standards, Overview and permitted Uses, Pages 1 -9; Section II: PUD Development Standards, Development Regulations, ages 9 -14; and Section III: Plans Review Summary (Graphics). PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS COMMENTS (redlined draft): Following are staff recommendations, questions, and concerns raised during the review of the NR -PUD Development Standards. This document was reviewed in two sections as noted above: I. Overview and Permitted Uses (Pages 1— 9) A. Purpose (Page 1, Paragraphs 3 & 4) 1. Provide additional information regarding the type of roadway proposed which the applicant desires to have a minimum design speed of 25 mph. 2. Add a sentence stating the applicant's commitment to provide a public access easement across the South Kirkwood Branch bridge to connect the public trails within the 3.61 -acre dedicated park to the public portion of Kirkwood Blvd. B. Definitions (Page 2, Paragraph 3) 1. Clarify the definition of `Buildable Area. It appears that this definition differs from paragraph "C" on page 4 where Buildable Area is described as the entire area within the Property, excluding only the Landscape Areas. Staff questions the necessity to include public and private rights -of -way, easements and fire lanes within the Buildable Area. 1 • City of Southlake, Texas 2. Change Landscape Area to Natural Area so . that it matches the apparent intent of the area shown on the concept plan. The regulations do not seem to indicate additional landscaping being placed within the landscape area. 3. Add definitions of Floodway Easement and Overflow Easement as shown on the Concept Plan. C. Development Standards (Page 3) Delete the following sentence: "In addition, to the extent reasonably possible, the applicable City Ordinances shall be applied and interpreted to give effective to the intent of the PUD and the PUD Standards." D. Concept Plan 1. In Paragraph 2, delete the following comment: "The private streets shown on the Concept Plan are hereby determined to be in conformity with the intent of the City's Thoroughfare Plan." 2. In Paragraph 2 (fourth sentence from the end), revise the sentence to read: "Except as provided below, substantive changes ameedelents to the Concept Plan shall be considered a zoning change to the PUD and . . ." E. Areas of Restricted Development 1. In Paragraph 3, clarify what type of restricted development can occur within Landscape Areas. F. Structured Parking Areas and Other Buildable Areas [Staff feels that the provisions within these sections do not meet the spirit or intent of the Tree Preservation Ordinance.] 1. Move the following paragraphs found On 4 & 5 to the last page and create a new section entitled, "17. Tree Preservation." 2. Change Other Buildable Areas to Other Improvements within Buildable Areas. 3. In the third sentence, it appears that the word footprints could be substituted for the words Buildable Areas for better clarity. 2 City of Southlake, Texas G. Development Plans (Page 5) 1. Correct conflicting information found in the TIA and the third sentence in these • regulations regarding the limits of the TIA: "Development plans shall not require additional or updated traffic impact analyses unless the cumulative total floor area proposed for development within the Property has exceeded the maximum floor area assumed in the original traffic impact analysis that was submitted with the application for the PUD." Clarify if the TIA will address the entire site at the time of zoning or if the TIA will be phased as traffic projections become available on a phase -by -phase basis. 2. In the last two sentences on Page 5 and continuing on Page 6, revise to read as follows: "Each development plan must be consistet}t in substantial conformance with the approved concept plan. Amendments to approved development plans shall be reviewed by the Administrative Official and deemed to be in substantial conformance with the approved development plan prior to being processed and approved in accordance with all Applicable City Ordinances; however, such amendments shall not be considered a zoning change to the PUD." H. Site Plans 1. Correct conflicting information found in the TIA and the third sentence in these regulations regarding the limits of the TIA: "Site plans shall not require additional or updated traffic impact analyses unless the cumulative total floor area proposed for development within the Property has exceeded the maximum floor area assumed in the original traffic impact analysis that was submitted with the application for the PUD." Clarify if the TIA will address the entire site at the time of zoning or if the TIA will be phased as traffic projections become available on a phase -by -phase basis. 2, Site Plans: In the last two sentences in this paragraph, revise to read as follows: "Each site plan must be consistent in substantial conformance with the amicable approved development plan. Amendments to approved site plans shall be reviewed by the Administrative Official and deemed to be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan prior to being processed and approved in accordance with all Applicable City Ordinances; however, such amendments shall not be considered a zoning change to the PUD." I. Permitted Uses 1. On Page 6, the applicant may wish to delete antennas and radio towers from the list of permitted uses given the site's adjacency to the 114 Corridor and residential properties in the area. 3 '7 a 2. City of Southlake, Texas On Pa e 7 a g th e pplicant may wish to delete hotel from the list of perntted uses; Council may not have envisioned this type of use occurring within the abated • • corporate office package. J. Accessory Uses 1. Accessory Uses within same building as permitted uses without regard to floor area limitations: Delete General retail. Be more definitive; list more specific uses desired. 2. Accessory Uses on separate building site without regard to floor area limitations: Define temporary residential accommodations with regard to length of stay and type of facility proposed. 3. If the applicant desires outdoor dining or entertainment uses of any kind, please add to list of accessory uses. II. Development Regulations (Pages 8 - 16) The Ibllowing items describe changes needed to the proposed regulations for development on the site or describe proposed variations to the City of Southlake Ordinances (Refer to Section 8 -16 of the PUD document): A. Height Regulations (Section 8A) 1. (Section 8A2) Applicant proposes structured parking (parking garage) with a maximum height of six levels or 60'. 2. (Section 8A3) Architectural Features are proposed to not exceed 70' above the maximum building height. The Zoning Ordinance 480, Section 33.5a does not permit architectural features greater than the district height for buildings greater than 3 stories or 35' in height. 3. (Section 8A4) Special equipment is proposed to not exceed 25' above the maximum building height. The Zoning Ordinance 480, Section 33.5a does not permit equipment greater than the district height for buildings greater than 3 stories or 35' in height. 4. (Section 8A5) Applicant proposes a standard other than defined by UBC standard and that defined in Ordinance 480, Section 4.2 for height measurement of sloped or pitched roof structures. 4 - 1,. City of Southlake, Texas B. Building Setbacks (Section 8B) 1. (Section 8B1)The following changes are needed regarding the proposed front yard • setbacks: a. Applicant proposes 30' front building setbacks with up to 10% of the area of any building facade being permitted up to 15' into the required front setback. If permitted staff recommends that the language be changed to " ... up to 10% of the front building facade may extend up to 15 feet into the required front yard to accommodate building articulation design standards." b. With regard to short term and visitor parking being permitted in front yard setbacks, specify that this is to pertain to ground level non - structural parking and that parking shall not be permitted in any bufferyard. 2. (Section 8B2) No side yard setback is proposed. 3. (Section 8B4) Staff recommends that the "Residential Slope Proximity" be changed as follows: "Residential Proximity Setbacks — Notwithstanding the minimum setbacks set forth above, where a non - single family residential building lies within 400' of a Single Family Residential Property, as defined in the Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 43.12, , the non - single family residential building shall comply with the setbacks of the Zoning Ordinance 480, Section 43.13h." 4. (Section 7B7)Accessory buildings are proposed to be permitted anywhere within the property, including forward of the principal structure, but not within a required setback. C. Parking and Loading Requirements (Section 8) 1. (Section 8A) Parking ratio of 1 space per 300 square of "Main Use" floor area is proposed and exempts all accessory use floor area from this calculation. 2.. (Section 8B) Add "Bufferyards" to the areas for which parking hall not be permitted. 3. (Section 8C) The minimum parking space size is proposed at 8.5' x 18' Ordinance requires a minimum 9' x 18'. 4. (Section 8D) Loading spaces are proposed at a ratio of 1 space per 200,000 square feet of "Principal Use" floor area and would allow shared use between structures. The proposed loading space requirement would not require spaces for proposed accessory uses. 5 '2 1.1 City of Southlake, Texas D. Architectural Standards (Section 10) 1. (Section 10A) Exemption from Masonry Ordinance No. 557 and Masonry • Standards of Ordinance 480, Sect. 43 (Corridor Overlay Regulations/Residential Adjacency Standards is proposed. 2. (Section 10B)A variation to the percentage of reflective glass permitted and the reflectivity of the glass is proposed. Ordinance 480, Section 43 .9c 1 g restricts any building facade to a maximum of 50% reflective glass with the reflective glass being defined as having a reflectance of 10% or more. 3. (Section 10C)An exemption from the articulation standards is proposed. Applicant proposes articulation through methods of "appearance" rather than the formula defined by Ordinance 480, Section 43.9c1c. It appears that the applicant proposes that approval of structures be determined with site plan approval and that compliance with the spirit and intent of Ordinance No. 480, Sect. 43.9cic be evaluated at that time. ' , 4. (Section 10D) Exposed Structural/Architectural Columns: An exemption from the requirements regarding "Structural Columns" in Ordinance No. 480, Section 43.9c l e is proposed. 5. (Section 10E) Roof Design Standards: The proposed standards do not address use of metal roofs or the pitched roof requirements for structures 6000 square feet or less. E. Screening (Section 11): 1. Proposed screening standards do not address views from residential property as required by Ordinance 480, Section 43. 2.. Ordinance 480, Section 43 Corridor Overlay regulations and Ordinance 480, Section 42 Bufferyards require planting of shrubs for screening of parking spaces and pavements adjacent to certain types of rights -of -way and residential properties. An exemption to these standards is proposed . 3. It appears that the types of permitted screening have been limited by the applicant. Clarify that this is the intent. 4. Roof top screening must be accomplished by use of a roofing system or by use of architectural features integral to the buildings design. 5. Landscape Standards (Section 12) Refer to Concept Plan Review and Landscape Administrator's Review. 6 City of Southlake, Texas G. Fencing (Section 13) Ordinance 480, Section 43.9c l f requires a minimum 6' off -set at a maximum of 60' intervals along SH 114. An exemption to this standard is proposed. H. Parks/Trails/Open Space (Section 15) An off -road trail (Min. 6' meandering walk is required along the north and easterly side of Kirkwood Boulevard and the east side of T.W. King. Applicant proposes no other dedications, trails or open space other than that shown on the Concept Plan. Driveway Requirements (Section 16) Exemption from all requirements of the Driveway Ordinance No. 634 is proposed. III. Concept Plan A. Parkland Dedication • . The 3.61 acres of proposed public park dedication should be a separate lot within and adjacent to this development, as it will be dedicated to the City. As a separate lot, the property is "landlocked" by Sabre property and Kirkwood Hollow, Phase II (KHII), residential subdivision. There is a "Common Open Space Area" at the northeast corner of Tyler Street and Kirkwood Hollow Boulevard, within KHII, shown as Common Open Space which physically links the park to a public right -of -way. The "landlocked" issue should be resolved as KHII is currently in review. B. Right - of - way Issues to be addressed: 1. Show and label Kirkwood Boulevard as a 100' public arterial, per the City's current Master Thoroughfare Plan. This plan proposes to: • abandon the existing variable width rights -of -way of Kirkwood Boulevard, and • convert Kirkwood Boulevard within their property to a private street. NOTE: Insure that 94' is sufficient to construct the "Boulevard" proposed. 2. Show and label T. W. King Road as a 70' public collector, per City's current Master Thoroughfare Plan. This plan proposes to: • abandon the existing right -of -way of T. W. King, between Kirkwood Boulevard right -of -way and Old T. W. King, and • convert the right -of -way to a variable width private street. 7 2, IX City of Southlake, Texas 3. If the private streets are approved, • the existing rights -of -way, which have been previously dedicated, should be abandoned by processing an abandonment request through City Council.. A notation regarding the City Ordinance, approving this abandonment, i should be shown on any Final Plat; and • the City's Master Thoroughfare Plan should be revised to reflect these changes. 4. Label "Old T. W. King" and public "T. W. King. 5. Private streets shall be labeled as "Emergency Access & Utility Easements" in order to facilitate access for police, fire and other public safety and governmental vehicles and personnel and franchise utility and solid waste disposal vehicles and personnel. 6. Private streets shall comply with the private street standards in the Subdivision Ordinance 483, Section 5.05, including but not limited to: maintenance, amenities, landscaping, signage, access control devices, and stacking or queing of automobiles. 7. Indicate whether or not a controlled access gate will be provided at White Chapel Road connection. 8. Revise the "50' Right -of -way" for White Chapel Road as Existing. * The applicant should provide street names for all internal streets. These names should be as approved by the Department of Public Safety and noted on the Final Plat. (The property will be addressed off of these streets.) * It appears an additional right -of -way dedication is required on White Chapel Road to meet the minimum 70', as shown on the City's Master Thoroughfare Plan. This plan shows an additional 10'. The actual dedication will be confirmed during the platting process. C. Graphics and Labeling changes 1. Revise the shading of the 25' pedestrian access easement, in the southeast area of S.H. 114 and the Private Boulevard. It is currently shaded the same as the "50' Landscape Area ", indicating it is a Landscape Area which would be subject to specific regulations. If the intent is for the 25' strip to also be a landscape area, label it as such. 2. Provide a label "Exhibit B -1" on the Concept Plan as noted in the PUD regulations, near the title block. 3. Label the 3.61 acres proposed as Parkland dedication. 4. Revise the vicinity map to remove Lot 1, MTP -IBM, in the north east corner of the property. 8 • City of Southlake, Texas 5. Clarify the purpose of the different shading on the "Landscape Area" adjacent to the proposed parkland dedication, as the development regulations are specific to "Landscape Areas ". • 6. Show and label building lines established from public and private rights -of -way, as proposed in the PUD regulations. D. Landscaping Changes 1. Label all required Bufferyards as to type and width. This plan proposes the following: Location Required Proposed Along 114 Type I — 25' 50' Landscape Area Along T. W. King Type A — 5' None Along the South Creek Type A — 5' 50' Landscape Area Along the East Creek Type F1 — 10', Wood Fence Park & Landscape Area w /Chain Link Along Kirkwood Blvd. Type E — 10', H1 Hedge None • 2. Show all proposed interior landscape areas. This plan shows no interior landscaping. Interior landscaping is determined by building areas. The PUD regulations propose interior landscape plantings in compliance with the Landscape Ordinance No. 585 — A. 3. A screening and landscaping plan shall be required on subsequent development and site plans, where such treatment is essential to the proper arrangement of the development. Such plan when required, should include screening walls, omamental planting, lawns and gardens, playgrounds, and wooded areas that are to be retained E. Property Information Label the following property information: • City limits • The area east of S.H. 114, west of Kirkwood Blvd. is also zoned "R — PUD ". • • Provide zoning and LUD for the property south of the PUD • Label Kirkwood Hollow II as "Proposed" • Show and label any proposed, planned or approved pedestrian and/or bike trails adjacent to this development * Although not required by ordinance, staff would appreciate placing the City case number "ZA99 - 056" in the lower right corner for ease of reference. * A letter of permission and/or common access easement must be obtained from the adjacent property owner(s) prior to issuance of a building permit for the construction of the off -site pavement. * A permit from TxDOT must be obtained prior to any curb cut along State Highways or Farm to Market Roads. 9 City of Southlake, Texas * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, a site plan must be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council, and a fully corrected site plan submitted to the Building Department along with landscape plan, irrigation plan, building plans, and all required fees. Required fees may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Impact Fees, Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. * It appears that this property lies within the 75 'LDN D/FW Regional Airport Overlay Zone which will require construction standards that meet requirements of the Airport Compatible Land Use Zoning Ordinance No. 479. * This review is based on the "0-2" Zoning District Regulations. * This site falls within the applicability of the residential adjacency standards as amended by Ordinance 480 -CC, Section 43, Part III "Residential Adjacency Standards ". Although no review of the following issues is provided with this concept plan, the applicant must evaluate the site for compliance prior to submittal of the site plan. A Site Plan must be submitted and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council prior to issuance of a building permit. Note that these issues are only the fiajor areas of site plan review and that the applicant is responsible for compliance with all site plan requirements: • Masonry requirements per §43.13a, Ordinance 480, as amended and Masonry Ordinance No. 557, as amended. • Roof design standards per § 43.13b, Ordinance 480, as amended • Mechanical Equipment Screening per § 43.13c, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Vertical and horizontal building articulation (required on all building facades) per §43.13d, Ordinance 480. as amended. • Building setback standards as per § 43.13h and as shown in exhibit43 -E, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Spill -over lighting and noise per §43.13i and §43.13j, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Off-street parking requirements per §35, Ordinance 480, as amended. All areas intended for vehicular use must be of an all weather surface material in accordance with the Ordinance No 480, as amended. • Screening as per §39.4, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Interior landscaping per Landscape Ordinance No. 544 and §43.9C3 and Exhibits 43 -B and 43 -C on Pages 43 - 12 and 43 - 13, Ordinance 480, as amended; and Parking Lot Impacts on interior landscaping in §43.9C3h and Exhibit 43 -D on Page 43 -14, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Fire lanes must be approved by the City Fire Department. 1 0 � City of South lake, Texas * Although no review of the following issues is provided at the concept plan level, staff strongly recommends that the applicant evaluate the site for compliance with the following sections of the city. ordinances prior to submittal of the site plan. Note that these issues are only the major areas of site . plan review and that the applicant is responsible for compliance with all site plan requirements. • Vertical and horizontal building articulation (required on the north, east, south, and west building facades) per §43.9C1e, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Masonry requirements per §43.9Cla, Ordinance 480, as amended and Masonry Ordinance No. 557. • Interior landscaping per Landscape Ordinance No. 544 and §43.9C3 and Exhibits 43 -B and 43 -C on Pages 43 -12 and 43 -13, Ordinance 480, as amended; and Parking Lot Impacts on interior landscaping in §43.9C3h and Exhibit 43 -D on Page 43 -14, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Residential adjacency standards per §43.11 and Exhibit 43 -E on Page 43 -15, Ordinance 480, as amended. • • Spill -over lighting and noise per §43.12, Ordinance 480, as amended. • . Off -street parking requirements per §35, Ordinance 480, as amended. All areas intended for vehicular use must be of an all weather surface material in accordance with the Ordinance No. 480, as amended. • Fire lanes must be approved by the City Fire Department. Denotes Informational Comment cc: Jeffrey A. Stewart, The Sabre Group VIA FAX: ABOVE Ocie Vest, Huitt- Zollars, Inc. VIA FAX: ABOVE Tom Allen, Maguire Partners- Solana Limited Partnership VIA FAX: (817) 430 -8750 Anthony Canonaco, International Business Machines, Inc. VIA FAX: (914) 499 -7804 A: \99056SABRE 1.2.3.DOC • 1 2 _1•1 - Case No. 99 - 056 Review No. Two Dated: 6 — 10 - 99 Number of Pages: 1 Project Name: Sabre Group Campus (Rezoning / Concept Plan) Contact: Keith Martin, Landscape Administrator Phone: (817) 481 -5581, x 848 Fax: (817) 421 -2175 The following comments are based on the review of plans received on 06 - 07 - 99 . Comments designated with a (.) symbol may be incorporated into the formal review to be considered by either the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council. Other items will not be addressed by either the P &Z or City Council. It is the applicant's responsibility to contact the department representative shown above and make modifications as required by the comment. PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS COMMENTS: TREE PRESERVATION COMMENTS: 1. The definition of `Buildable Area" in Section 2 Definitions, and the `Buildable Area" stated in section 4.C., are contradicting. If the applicant is implying that the `Buildable Area" is as defined in Section 2, than all tree protection and replacement is required as it pertains to the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585 -A except for parking areas that exceed required parking. Section 3.4. of the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585 -A states that all area within public R.O.W., public utility or drainage easements as shown on an approved Final Plat, and the fire lanes, required parking areas and area within six feet (6') of the building foundation as shown on an approved Site Plan shall be exempt from the tree protection and replacement requirements as specified in the ordinance. 2. Please define what "Other Buildable Areas" are as specified in Section 4.C.2. This section should also state that the "Landscape Areas" shall be excluded from the areas defined as "Other Buildable Areas ". 3. The applicant is providing fifty foot (50') "Landscape Areas" around the entire property except along the existing T. W. King Road. The "Landscape Area" adjacent to the Corp of Engineers property extending approximately 1,900' east from T. W. King Road is void of existing trees. This is also a Texas Power & Light Co. easement, so it will never have trees in it and landscaping cannot be placed in it. Any existing trees within the easement are exempt from protection and replacement as it pertains to the Tree Preservation Ordinance. 4. Please specify the placement of Front Yard, Rear Yard and Side Yard. It seems to me that the placement of the buildings would determine what yard setbacks would be along each property line and the Proposed Private Boulevard, if there are any. If any buildings are constructed in the area between the Proposed Private Boulevard and the Corps of Engineers property the yard setbacks would be obsolete because the applicant has designated the "Landscape Area" which is 50'. Nothing can be built in this area. BUILDING INSPECTIONS - IA LANDSCAPE COMMENTS: * The applicant is providing fifty foot (50') "Landscape Areas" around the entire property except along the existing T. W. King Road. These proposed areas are in proposed to replace the bufferyards required by Section 42 (Bufferyards) of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed areas are wider than any required bufferyards but the applicant has stated in the Section 12.A of the proposed Development Standards that all landscaping and irrigation within these areas is optional to the Property Owner and may be irrigated or left natural. * Section 12.B.1 states that Existing trees which are within 250 feet of any building shall reduce the required interior landscape plantings. This would require that the applicant submit a Tree Survey that shows all existing trees within 250 feet of any building the required landscape is being installed for. * The applicant is also proposing existing tree credits for required shrubs within the interior landscape area. The current City landscape requirements do not provide existing plant credits for required landscape shrubs. • • As I understand all other proposed landscaping standards comply with current City codes and ordinances BUILDING INSPECTIONS z_ta . W h rn �f 1 s m ig, li i o pi 1: I i i 1111!1 rl 1i t: 7 T. � 1 11 11 A i 9 - J ' gg� �� !! 1- F i LI^JJ� ®9o08:f �st4 W Q Z i - : °Kp'm t W W re § 8 8' ° Y 0 NO N :4 se V . 2 � . .. a J. p °^' vdr s fn g 4 pp1 � ^b ps Nil ab < j F 3 �3W 1 P° e._. — _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ _ _ _ — _ — _ d .. N T e a z JJ �n c � U !Y W r ANN S � y � g II ,OE, I � n® a : ye 's 'C, ` Yoh a i LLm . a r ,,,4a.,„ r e Y di k c.doo , 'if , ' \\\,-.,''' ' --„. n i 0 1 .1 I NO !I 1 if, !II ir,:- — �w7 - l ' Et f a / I ° V t a // " f I = ,,, r _ ..I - "ij' r ' = / 111 L. 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L 1 ,..., , \ 1, .,,,z . „. il 0 , , i_.•s ups , \ ■ \\\ 00.049" A \ \ ,_-..._ X g 1 ----, _- .„----,_ - \ „..„........__ \ ; , , ,, , „:, ,._,.., \ \ ` _`J \�1 i 1 ,.\\\ ; \ „ , , ,i v..,,,, y i , � \ ` § • \\ \ Nil! • e , fr% „ \ , \ �\\ _ „ , CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 480 -313 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 480, AS AMENDED, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE ON A CERTAIN TRACT OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS LOT 4, BLOCK A, MTP i , ADDITION NO. 1, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SO :1 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 388/211 PA ' 9e AND 69 OF PLAT RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AND Y. RECORDED IN CABINET G, PAGE 208, PLAT RECORDS, DE C. (14 COUNTY,'TEXAS; TRACTS 1, 1A1, 1C, 2A1, 2A2, 2A3, 2A4, 2 • AND PORTIONS OF TRACTS 2A AND 2A6 SITUATED IN , MARTIN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO, 1015; PORTIONS OF TRACTS" i 1C SITUATED IN THE JAMES B. MARTIN SURVEY, ABSTRAC 1134; AND PORTIONS OF TRACTS 3A1, 3A1A, 3A1A2, 3A3A1, 413` �" 4B2, SITUATED IN '1'HE REES D. PRICE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. :7 `.P~ BEING APPROXIMATELY 154.8 ACRES, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" FROM "R P0 RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AND "NR. PUD" NON - RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DIS TO "NR -PUD" NON - RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOP o DISTRICT WITH "0 -2," OFFICE DISTRICT USES AND CER OTHER PERMITTED AND ACCESSORY USES WHICH GENERALLY RELATED TO COMMUNICATION, COMPUTER, M- 1 , INFORMATION TECH- NOLOGIES; TRAINING AND CONFERENCE CENTERS; PARKING STRUCTURES; HELIPORT /STOP AND VERTI- PORT /STOP; HOTEL, RESTAURANT, RETAIL AND OFFICE USES AS DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED CONCEPT PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "B ", SUBJECT TO THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS ORDINANCE; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ZONING CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule City acting under its Charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter \\SLKS V 0001 \SHARED \C ITY DOCS \ORD \CASES \480 -3 13. DOC Page 1 _ �u 9 of the Texas Local Government Code; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code, the City has the authority to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance and map regulating the location and use of buildings, other structures and land for business, industrial, residential and other purposes, and to amend said ordinance and map for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property is currently zoned 4f' ( i; {R. ,...,:. Vie$ n ` i 11 .44 ;1 II' ( 1 {1 1 P ; IIN:V' a < wp ' i @6! 6 ; t - 9� '' :1' 48'} District under the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a change in the zoning classification of said property was requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in said property; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether these changes should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the sites; safety from fire hazards and damages; noise produc`mg elements and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off -street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off -street loading spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health ad the general welfare; effect on light and air; effect on the over - crowding L: \CITYDOCS\ORD \CASES \480313. DOC Page 2 Z of the land; effect on the concentration of population, and effect on transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, further considered among other things the character of the districts and their peculiar suitability for particular uses and the view to conserve the value of the buildings, and encourage the most appropriate use of the land throughout this City; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does fmd that there is a public necessity for the zoning changes, that the public demands them, that the public interest clearly requires the amendments, and that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the • rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, does find that the changes in zoning lessen the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers, promotes the health and the general welfare, provides adequate light and air, prevents the over - crowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, and facilitates the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for the changes in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the tract or tracts of land requested for a change since the tract or tracts of land were originally classified and therefore feels that the respective changes in zoning classification for the tract or tracts of land are needed, are called for, and are in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the city of Southlake, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of the community. L: \CITYDOCS\ORD \CASES1480.313. DOC Page 3 '7 _9 /_ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 480, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Southlake, Texas, passed on the 19th day of September, 1989, as originally adopted and amended, is hereby amended so that the permitted uses in the hereinafter described areas be altered, changed and amended as shown and described below: ..a Being Lot 4, Block MTP IBM Addition o 1 addition to Southlake, according oche plat recorded in Vo ' 1' a e <388 /2 11 , ' Plat Records, Tarrant ~County, and as recorded in C , rag Records, Denton County, Texas; Tracts 1, 1A1, 1C, 2A1, 2A2, 2A3, 2A4:1 2A7 and portions-of Tracts 2A and 2A6 situated in the U.P. Martin Sul ? ey Abstract No. 1015; portions of Tracts Land 1C situated in the James B. Main Survey, Abstract No. 1134; and portions of Tracts 3A1, 3A1A, 3A1A2, 3A1 31; 4B, 4B1, 4B2, situated, in: the Rees D. Price <Survey,.Abstract No. 1207, .1,g I !g approximately 154 acres, and more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A" from "R -PUD" Residential Planned Unit Development. District and "NR -P Non - Residential Planned Unit Development District to "NR-PUD" Non -Resid f . Planned Unit Development District with "0 -2," Office District uses an a' other permitted and accessory uses which are generally related to communication, computer, and information technologies; training and conference centers; parking structures; heliport/stop and verti- port/stop; hotel, restaurant, retail and office uses as depicted on the approved Concept Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B ", and subject to the specific conditions established in the motion of the City Council and attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "C." SECTION 2. That the City Manager is hereby directed to correct the Official Zoning map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to reflect the herein changes in zoning. SECTION 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said Zoning Ordinance and all other L: \CITYDOCS\ORD \CASES\480.313. DOC Page 4 applicable and pertinent ordinances for the City of Southlake, Texas. All existing sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, words, phrases and definitions of said Zoning Ordinance are not amended hereby, but remain intact and are hereby ratified, verified, and affirmed. SECTION 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed, with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent over - crowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made after a full and complete hearing with reasonable consideration among other things of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein L: \ CITYDOCS\ORD\CASES\4/4313. DOC Page 5 Z 21 a shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of said tract or tracts of land described herein. SECTION 7. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 8. All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of Ordinance No. 480, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting zoning which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 9. The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 10. L: \CITYDOCS\ORD \CASES484313. DOC Page 6 � ^a This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the 1st reading the day of , 1999. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED on the 2nd reading the day of , 1999. MAYOR • ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY L:1Crf YDOCSIORDICASE$N$O313. DOC Page 7 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY DATE: ADOPTED: EFFECTIVE: L:1Cfl YDOCSIORDICAS 313.DOC Page 8 EXHIBIT "A" LAND DESCRIPTION TRACT No. 2 BEING a tract of land situated in the J. B. Martin Survey, Abstract No.1134, the R. D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1207, W. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1958, and the U. P. Martin Survey, Abstract No. 1015, Tarrant County, Texas, and the W. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1588 Denton County, Texas, and being all of Lot 4, Block A of the MTP -IBM Addition No.aan addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, as recorded in Volume 388/211, Page 6 and 69 of Tarrant County Plat Records and recorded in Volume G, Page 208 of the Plat Records of Denton County, Texas, and being a portion of a tract of land as described in the Correction Special Warranty Deed to International Business Machines Corporation as recorded in Volume 13247, Page 317 of the deed records of Tarrant County, Texas, and also being a portion of a tract of land as described in Special Warranty Deed to 300 Convent Street Corp. as recorded in Volume 12782, Page 110 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County said tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod found with "Huitt- Zollars" cap on the southerly platted right -of- way line of Kirkwood Boulevard (formerly Parkway Boulevard) 131 foot right -of -way, said iron rod being at the most southerly southwest corner of said MTP -IBM Addition No. 1; THENCE along the southerly right -of -way line of said Kirkwood Boulevard as follows: North 63 degrees 15 minutes 25 seconds East, a distance of 32.25 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with "Huitt- Zollars" cap at the beginning of a curve to the right; Along said curve to the right with a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 16 seconds, a radius of 1,419.50 feet, an arc distance of 602.55 feet a long chord that bears North 75 degrees 25 minutes 02 seconds East, a distance of 598.04 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with "Huitt- Zollars" cap; North 87 degrees 34 minutes 40 seconds East, a distance of 137.89 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with "Huitt- Zollars" cap at the southeast comer of said MTP -IBM Addition No. 1; THENCE, along the easterly line of said MTP -IBM Addition No. 1, North 00 degrees 09 minutes 22 seconds West, a distance of 131.53 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with "Huitt- Zollars" cap on the platted northerly right -of -way line of Kirkwood Boulevard and being the beginning of a non - tangent curve to the right; THENCE, along said curve to the right, with a central angle of 73 degrees 12 minutes 27 seconds, a radius of 10.00 feet, an arc distance of 12.78 feet, a long chord that bears North 39 degrees Olminutes 39 seconds West, a distance of 11.93 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with "Huitt- Zollars" cap on the easterly right -of -way line of East T.W. King Road (a variable width right -of -way); THENCE along the easterly right -of -way line of said East T.W. King Road as follows: ' 1999 l: 'suwey1zslz111Cwr. 1_B\OY.doe 1 OF 8 515/99 L : \CITYDOCS\ORD \CASES'.4W313.DOC . Pale 9 EXHIBIT "A" North 02 degrees 25 minutes 20 seconds West, a distance of 95.63 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod . • found with "Huitt- Zollars" cap the beginning of a curve to the left; Along said curve to the left, with a central angle of 15 degrees 44 minutes 31 seconds, a radius of 610.00 feet, an arc distance of 167.60 feet, a long chord that bears North 10 degrees 17 minutes 35 seconds West, a distance of 167.07 feet a 5/8 inch iron rod found with "Huitt- Zollars" cap; North 18 degrees 09 minutes 51 seconds West, a distance of 3.34 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with "Huitt- Zollars" cap the beginning of a curve to the left; Along said curve to the left, with a central angle of 54 degrees 27 minutes 17 seconds, a radius of 474.00 feet, an arc distance of 450.50 feet, a long chord that bears North 45 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds West, a distance of 433.73 feet a 5/8 inch iron rod found with "Huitt- Zollars" cap; North 72 degrees 37 minutes 08 seconds West, a distance of 404.43 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with "Huitt- Zollars" cap at the beginning of a curve to the right; Along said curve to the right, with a central angle of 55 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, a radius of 406.00 feet, an arc distance of 389.73 feet, a long chord that bears North 45 degrees 07 minutes 08 seconds West, a distance of 374.94 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with "Huitt- Zollars" cap at the beginning of a curve to the right; Along said curve to the right, with a central angle of 08 degrees 58 minutes 48 seconds, a radius of 1,406.00 feet, an arc distance of 220.36 feet, a long chord that bears North 13 degrees 07 minutes 44 seconds West, a distance of 220.13 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with "Huitt- Zollars" cap; THENCE, departing the easterly right -of -way line of said East T.W. King Road, along the northerly and easterly lines of said Lot 4, Block A, the following; North 88 degrees 17 minutes 12 seconds East a distance of 80.85 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with "Huitt- Zollars" cap; South 00 degrees 12 minutes 32 seconds West, a distance of 220.18 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with "Huitt- Zollars" cap; South 31 degrees 05 minutes 05 seconds East, a distance of 50.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with "Huitt- Zollars" cap; South 63 seconds 57 minutes 48 seconds East, a distance of 359.25 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with "Huitt- Zollars" cap; 1:∎Twey∎2512k04 wyl23 I2&wY.em 2 OF 8 3I3199 L: \CI rYDOCS\ORD \CASESI4&F313.DOC S z Page 10 s:,, - 2 r22 EXHIBIT "A" South 89 degrees 47 minutes 28 seconds East, a distance of 79.66 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with cap in the west line of A.F. Olen tract, as described by deed Volume 4823, Page 575. Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; South 00 degrees 12 minutes 32 seconds West, along the west line of said Olen Tract, a distance of 43.43 feet to a fence corner at the southwest corner of said Olen tract; North 89 degrees 42 minutes 23 seconds East, along the south line of said Olen tract, a distance of 479.25 feet to a Corps of Engineers concrete monument found for the southeast corner of said Olen tract, the same being the southwest corner of a tract of land as described by deed to C.R. Revels as recorded in Volume 86, Page 557, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE along the southerly line of said C.R. Revels tract the following courses and distances; North 89 degrees 50 minutes 38 seconds East, a distance of 660.05 feet to a Corps of Engineers concrete monument found; • North 89 degrees 33 minutes 04 seconds East, a distance of 1132.28 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with "Huitt- Zollars" cap; South 01 degree 09 minutes 16 seconds East, a distance of 651.54 feet to a 3/4 inch iron rod found; North 89 degrees 56 minutes 04 seconds East, a distance of 333.16 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with "Huitt- Zollars" cap in the westerly right -of -way line of White Chapel Road (50 feet wide right -of -way); THENCE, along the westerly right -of -way of White Chapel Road, South 02 degrees 11 minutes 25 seconds East, a distance of 85.06 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with "Huitt- Zollars" cap at the northeasterly corner of a tract of land as described in Special Warranty Deed to the City of Southlake as executed on April 28, 1998; THENCE, South 89 degrees 56 minutes 04 seconds West, departing the westerly right -of -way line of said White Chapel Road and along the northerly line of said City of Southlake tract, a distance of 114.99 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with "Huitt- Zollars" cap at the northwesterly corner of said City of Southlake tract; THENCE, South 00 degrees 03 minutes 56 seconds East, along the westerly line of said City of Southlake tract, a distance of 100.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with "Huitt- Zollars" cap at the southwesterly comer of said City of Southlake tract; THENCE. South 06 degrees 07 minutes 22 seconds West, a distance of 263.21 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with "Huitt- Zollars" cap; 1 doc 3 OF 8 3/3199 L: \CITYDOC \ORD \CASES4i84313.DOC Page 11 :n::., EXHIBIT "A" • THENCE. South 02 degrees 25 minutes 42 seconds East, a distance of 160.37 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with "Huitt- Zollars" cap on the easterly top of bank of South Fork Kirkwood Branch; THENCE, generally along the easterly and southerly top of bank of said creek the following courses and distances: South 46 degrees 28 minutes 21 seconds East a distance of 81.99 feet; South 42 degrees 41 minutes 23 seconds West a distance of 92.21 feet; South 29 degrees 21 minutes 54 seconds West a distance of 106.36 feet; South 16 degrees 11 minutes 08 seconds West a distance of 148.69 South 03 degrees 24 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of 168.53 feet; South 45 degrees 59 minutes 11 seconds West a distance of 74.72 feet; South 05 degrees 31 minutes 46 seconds West a distance of 52.64 feet; South 63 degrees 16 minutes 32 seconds East a distance of 53.47 feet; South 08 degrees 05 minutes 54 seconds West a distance of 38.62 feet; South 85 degrees 28 minutes 32 seconds West a distance of 48.87 feet; South 05 degrees 31 minutes 46 seconds West a distance of 196.76 feet; South 41 degrees 44 minutes 24 seconds West a distance of 43.62 feet; South 32 degrees 52 minutes 05 seconds East a distance of 91.58 feet; South 83 degrees 49 minutes 21 seconds East a distance of 36.19 feet; North 15 degrees 36 minutes 10 seconds East a distance of 58.44 feet; South 73 degrees 59 minutes 03 seconds East a distance of 36.34 feet; South 18 degrees 26 minutes 43 seconds East a distance of 87.49 feet; South 19 degrees 22 minutes 15 seconds West a distance of 40.53 feet; . South 61 degrees 25 minutes 48 seconds West a distance of 99.80 feet; South 08 degrees 36 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 198.28 feet; 1. %orn7■25I:0111. \23I2B\DY.doe 4 OF 8 L: \CrrYDOCSIORD \CASES1484313. DOC Page 12 2_2�' EXHIBIT "A" North 70 degrees 42 minutes 42 seconds East a distance of 47.08 feet; South 22 degrees 16 minutes 43 seconds East a distance of 12.87 feet; South 32 degrees 05 minutes 51 seconds West a distance of 60.69 feet; South 30 degrees 18 minutes 36 seconds East a distance of 27.12 feet; South 43 degrees 10 minutes 57 seconds West a distance of 48.11 feet; THENCE, departing said top of bank South 17 degrees 04 minutes 45 seconds East a distance of 85.86 feet to the southeasterly top of bank of said creek; THENCE, South 21 degrees 49 minutes 50 seconds East along the southeasterly top of bank a distance of 51.02 feet to the beginning of a non - tangent curve to the right having a radius of 1,572.00 . feet; THENCE, departing the southeasterly top of bank and along said curve to the right through a central angle of 04 degrees 19 minutes 29 seconds, an arc distance of 118.66 feet and being subtended by a chord bearing South 38 degrees 45 minutes 42 seconds East a distance of 118.63 feet to a point for comer, THENCE, South 53 degrees 24 minutes 02 seconds West a distance of 50.00 feet to a point for comer, THENCE, South 35 degrees 06 minutes 11 seconds East a distance of 79.67 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with "Huitt- Zollars" cap on the platted northwesterly line of Kirkwood Hollow Phase I, an addition to the City of Southlake, as recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 4537 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, and being on the northeasterly right -of -way line of Kirkwood Boulevard; THENCE, South 56 degrees 24 minutes 01 seconds West along the platted northwesterly line of said Kirkwood Hollow Phase I and an extension thereof a distance of 198.41 feet to point for corner in the centerline of South Fork Kirkwood Branch; THENCE, generally along the centerline of said branch the following courses and distances; South 17 degrees 28 minutes 39 seconds West a distance of 13.61 feet to a point for corner, South 40 degrees 25 minutes 34 seconds West a distance of 38.10 feet to a point for comer South 26 degrees 58 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 25.77 feet to a point for comer, South 02 degrees 00 minutes 59 seconds West a distance of 29.72 feet to a point for corner; South 69 degrees 47 minutes 31 seconds West a distance of 22.44 feet to a point for corner; 1:'Suwey12512'Mkrp\2S1213NDY.doc 5 OF 8 S /3•99 • L: \CIYDOCSIORD \CASES\484313. DOC Page 13 Z L. • EXHIBIT "A" South 84 degrees 36 minutes 18 seconds West a distance of 26.95 feet to a point for corner; South 53 degrees 15 minutes 40 seconds West a distance of 22.56 feet to a point for corner, South 25 degrees 06 minutes 35 seconds West a distance of 37.90 feet to a point for comer, South 07 degrees 01 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 29.93 feet to a point for comer, South 00 degrees 53 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 31.56 feet to a point for corner, South 19 degrees 28 minutes 57 seconds West a distance of 14.92 feet to a point for corner; South 59 degrees 39 minutes 56 seconds West a distance of 33.26 feet to a point for corner; North 65 degrees 23 minutes 25 seconds West a distance of 50.64 feet to a point for corner; South 76 degrees 18 minutes 39 seconds West a distance of 54.62 feet to a point for corner North 39 degrees 23 minutes 55 seconds West a distance of 28.52 feet to a point for comer, North 80 degrees 25 minutes 36 seconds West a distance of 16.87 feet to a point for comer, North 76 degrees 53 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 38.04 feet to a point for corner; North 43 degrees 26 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 16.71 feet to a point for comer, North 62 degrees 48 minutes 05 seconds East a distance of 25.48 feet to a point for comer, North 03 degrees 15 minutes 56 seconds West a distance of 20.42 feet to a point for comer, North 47 degrees 33 minutes 51 seconds West a distance of 25.63 feet to a point for comer, North 57 degrees 28 minutes 08 seconds West a distance of 26.66 feet to a point for corner; South 70 degrees 01 minute 26 seconds West a distance of 18.54 feet to a point for comer; South 37 degrees 59 minutes 12 seconds West a distance of 30.91 feet to a point for cornea; South 09 degrees 24 minutes 11 seconds West a distance of 8.82 feet to a point for corner South 51 degrees 22 minutes 17 seconds West a distance of 41.55 feet to a point for corner; South 32 degrees 44 minutes 12 seconds West a distance of 23.43 feet to a point for comer; South 53 degrees 10 minutes 04 seconds West a distance of 44.67 feet to a point for corner; 1ASwcyN73121401910I2BNDY.aoo 6 OF 8 S/S 99 S IORD\CASFS\410.313.DOC 7/! EXHIBIT "A" South 66 degrees 26 minutes 53 seconds West a distance of 31.90 feet to a point for corner, South 45 degrees 09 minutes 44 seconds East a distance of 17.42 feet to a point for corner, South 76 degrees 54 minutes 57 seconds East a distance of 36.92 feet to a point for corner; South 20 degrees 45 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 40.45 feet to a point for comer; South 30 degrees 23 minutes 01 second West a distance of 72.88 feet to a point for corner; South 53 degrees 13 minutes 24 seconds West a distance of 99.78 feet to a point for comer, • r r: _ • - South 62 degrees 06 minutes 48 seconds West a distance of 87.11 feet to a point for comer, South 58 degrees 29 minutes 32 seconds West a distance of 51.51 feet to a point for comer, North 85 degrees 07 minutes 51 seconds West a distance of 53.55 feet to a point for comer, South 76 degrees 52 minutes 54 seconds West a distance of 38.97 feet to a point for corner; North 67 degrees 16 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 56.75 feet to a point for comer, South 55 degrees 38 minutes 19 seconds West a distance of 11.38 feet to a point for corner on the proposed easterly right -of -way line of State Highway No. 114; THENCE, along the proposed easterly right -of -way line of State Highway No. 114 as follows: North 36 degrees 32 minutes 05 seconds West a distance of 147.32 feet to a Texas Highway Department concrete monument, found; North 47 degrees 50 minutes 42 seconds West, a distance of 101.98 feet to a Texas Highway Department concrete monument, found; North 36 degrees 32 minutes 04 seconds West, a distance of 500.00 feet to a Texas Highway Department concrete monument, found; North 32 degrees 14 minutes 44 seconds West, a distance of 200.56 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found with "Huitt- Zollars" cap; North 36 degrees 32 minutes 05 seconds West, a distance of 199.81 feet to a Texas Highway Department concrete monument, found; North 42 degrees 14 minutes 23 seconds West, a distance of 201.18 feet to a Texas Highway Department concrete monument, found; aSrrcy123 IT0.1'a.P._'S 213NDY.doc 7 OF8 VS/99 L:\CrrYDOCS\ORD \CASES1480 -313. DOC Page 15 EXHIBIT "A" ' °;*_.=,'3 § degrees 32 minutes 05 seepads West, a distance of.702.9J..to a 5/8 inch iron rod .;;!t ..H.uitt•Zollars" cap on the.existing easterly right of:way I of -State Highway THENCE. along the existing easterly right -of -way line of said highway as follows: . North I8 degrees 59 minutes 38 seconds West, a distance of 112.97,feet to a 5/8 inch iron .; 2 • rod found-with "Huitt- Zollarst'' -cap: North 32 degttcs 06 mitatt024 Winds: Wg4t; a SiStanatko 4 tlr5 AetItAa -51 'l be . ?`' :: - r`od Welnd._iaititsThiti- Zottar i ` _ 4 p4 , r . 1vForth.2946e t+ s cw as i k r e lizaul l-s : y rod: " ZallaaC"e ingvfA,e sal •, : ) • Along said curve to the left,. with a c cntralangle of 06 degrees 26 minutes 2$ steondtg * radius of 1,452 :441 fe.et,aa.r distanceof163.28 feet aligngc and thattotaNa degrees 49 minutes, 41..seconds West,..a.distance of 163.19 fettle a Sal inch hour DOS founit Along said curve to the right, with a central,angle..of 99 degrees 1& minutes 20_ seeds,. a ,cf ,00_f *3.a rrftl55.,99iaos,,.al + ut s t tli43., . aegrees .36 nion 1 . -tit ' '+ i?'EW' \ -. -r f'-., y - is • BEGINNING arLICOPITRIZOISSESMittatatailliddmittc of less: , , . 1 Y6twrp`1t2i2iel f,t 7/5 `19 L:\CITYDOCSIORD\CASESW80313. DOC Page 16 2 _ EXHIBIT "B" ^ *NJ a - O�-f i ;I i ' 1 .j I q--"ti p iij rc h! :'9 !1 ! ! e 9 a.i. ,! Z Z .53 .- E 1 xi .4431. II,, x i i 1....' '' �. a � �I ; Him Iio BQ I ©1 11383:1 l illi a .. ffi z, >,- , W LL W0 u ,,g - _° c.) (.1,126s gsg ! +� i 47,&,-,s Nro ws�d .14. j 1 ! ` ,f my C Q r I i a A .-- i t <c 6 [ nf- s livi 1,1.10 sr ', t / IN \ \ —a;I - l';'-'''. r: :' j^ a 1 \t \\ i ',\ F . re , + f 3 1 IN . �! ji 3 X 11 1 ' o r II Ii!! a _ i..v,:?, - • ..c.' If, _.; • 1 ,A41:1' , ' ' , I 9 -;; . ■ *" ' III t' 1 '''). iii .4'.\3\ \ . z 1 ..g . -,, . ... i i. ii ii 4 741ar 1 i dill lid. s \ v \ .' — iii ''',. Ai 410 .,, � — r" ,,,, ....., i i _L\ ‘ 1 ' 110 -• ' _ ! , �", 1 in .. \ a 1 LACRY00CS\ORD \ CASES \480 -3 DOC Page 17 EXHIBIT "B" Exhibit ^B" to Ordinance No. PUD Development Standards SABRE Non Residential Planned Unit Development 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this SABRE Non Residential Planned Unit Development, Ordinance No. i to facilitate the development of a high quality, controlled access, master planned headquarters for a major corporate user such as a "Fortune 500" company. The PUD includes approximately 154.8 acres as described on Exhibit "A" to the PUD and as shown on the Concept Plan attached as Exhibit "B -1 "hereto. It is anticipated that the Property will be developed as a secure (i.e., controlled access) "campus style" corporate headquarters. Security may include a full perimeter fence with a combination of attended and automatic access controls. Emergency access will be provided as required by the City's Fire Marshal. Access design will include adequate areas to accommodate vehicles that inadvertently approach the Property and must turn around without entering. • It is anticipated that the Property will be developed with private streets designed to the same City construction standards that apply to public streets (with the exception that landscape medians may be left natural rather than irrigated). The design speed and geometry of the streets will be determined by the Property owner consistent with the "campus style" atmosphere of the development (with a minimum design speed of 25 mph). It is also anticipated that a portion of existing Kirkwood Boulevard (from SH -114 to the boundary of the Property) and a portion of existing T.W. King Road (that lies between the Property and Tract 2 of the MTP -IBM Addition No. 1) will be abandoned and closed for public me. Public use of "old" T.W. King Road west of said Tract 2 will continue. Maintenance of the private streets (to public street standards) will be the sole responsibility of the Property owner. The primary access from the Property to public streets will be provided by the private streets shown on the Concept Plan. Emergency (including police, fire, ambulance, and utilities) and security access to the Property may be provided by the access road to White Chapel Road (also shown on the Concept Plan). It will also be necessary to use the White Chapel access road for construction access during the first phase of development which is expected to be completed within two years after the first building permit is issued. This construction access is necessary because no access will exist across the North Fork of Kirkwood Branch until the first phase is completed. The details of private street design (including design speed, geometry, and access to public streets) will be provided as part of each site plan. The Property will be developed to include the dedication to the City of approximately 3.61 acres for a public park along the southeastern boundary f the Property Branch (as shown on the Concept Plan). The dedication wi reserve will the adjacent right South Fork of Krrkwlpd : maintain and landscape such park area at the Property owner's Bh not the oblihe tea I ,,. such of any improvements to be located or constructed s expense and the right to review the dedication in its regional trail system plan and s wi be resp le o The City wilaid maintenance f all improvements. All improvements will be designed to take maximum advantage of the natural topography and to minimize the impact on all trees. It is anticipated that the Property will be developed to include open space amenities for employees, visitors, and customers such as trails, parks, and other pedestrian- oriented areas. These amenities will be designed to take maximum advantage of the natural topography of the Property and to minimize the impact on all trees. These amenities will also be designed to be architecturally compatible with both the natural environment in which they are located and the buildings they serve. Details ' I Zoning Cue No. ZA99436 REVISED June 7, 1999 011907 .00005:0435047.07 L: \CITY DOCSIORD \CASES1480 -313. DOC Page 18 2 _aI EXHIBIT "B" regarding these amenities will be provided as part of each site plan. Because these amenities serve only "private" development within the Property, a formal Pedestrian Access Plan is not required. In addition to open space amenities for employees, visitors, and customers, the Concept Plan identifies Landscape Areas around the full perimeter of the Property. These areas, together with the dedicated park land, will buffer the Property from adjacent development. 2. DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this SABRE Non Residential Planned Unit Development, the following terms are hereby defined: A. "Applicable City Ordinances" means the ordinances of the City, as amended, that regulate the development and use of land within the City including, but not limited to, Zoning Ordinance No. 480 and the Uniform Building Code. B. "Buildable Area" means all of the following areas (as shown on an approved final plat or approved sit plan): (i) the "footprint" of each building or structure, (ii) the area within six feet of each building or structure foundation, (iii) public and private rights -of -way, (iv) public and private utility and drainage easements; (v) fire lanes, and (vi) all parking areas (including parking areas that exceed required parking). C. "City" means the City of Southlake, Texas D. "Concept Plan" means the concept plan attached as Exhibit B -1 to the PUD. E. "Landscape Area" means those areas (as shown on the Concept Plan) that will be preserved as permanent open space to buffer me Property from adjacent development. F. "Property" means the real property described on Exhibit A to the PUD. G. "PUD Standards" means the development standards established by Exhibit B to the PUD. H. "PUD" means this SABRE Non Residential Planned Unit Development zoning district, Ordinance No. , including Exhibits A, B, B -1, and C attached hereto. Except as defined above, all terms used in this PUD shall have the meaning given to them by the Applicable City Ordinances. 3. .DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. The requirements of this Exhibit "B" (including the Concept Plan) constitute the PUD Standar that apply to the Pro perty and pursuant to which all development within the Property shall occur. To the extent any aspect of development is regulated by these ;IUD Standards, it is the intent that these PUD Standards shall be exclusive. For example, the landscape standards set forth herein shall be the only landscape standards that apply to the Standards do not regulate a particular aspect of development, then such � ' If these PUD shall be regulated by reference to those provisions of the Applicable Ordinances that would otherwise apply to the "0-2 Office" zoning district, as amended. In the event of any conflict, inconsistency, or ambiguity between the PUD Standards and the Applicable City Ordinances, the PUD Standards shall control. In addition, to the extent reasonably possible, the Applicable City Ordinances shall be applied and interpreted to give effective to the intent of the PUD and the PUD Standards. If an amendment to any Applicable City Ordinance results in any non - conformity within the Property, such non- conformity may be continued indefinitely, as a matter of right, and shall be treated (for all purposes) as a legal use of the Property to the same extent as if the non - conformity had never existed. 2 Zoning Case No. ZA994S4 REVISED June 011907 :0433047.07 L: \CITYDOCSIORD \CAS ES\464313. DOC ? e, 3 ti EXHIBIT "B" 4. CONCEPT PLAN. A. Development Consistent with Concept Plan. The PUD is being processed with the Concept Plan attached hereto as Exhibit "B -1" and incorporated as part of the PUD for all purposes. The Concept Plan identifies (i) specific Landscape Areas within which development will be restricted, (ii) the approximate location of major private streets, and (iii) the area within which parking structures will most likely be located. The remainder of the Property will be available for development in accordance with these PUD Standards and the Applicable City Ordinances. The private streets shown on the Concept Plan are hereby determined to be in conformity with the intent of the City's Thoroughfare Plan. All development within the Property must be consistent with the Concept Plan. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the PUD Standards and the Concept Plan, the PUD Standards shall control. Except as provided below, amendments to the Concept Plan shall be considered a zoning change to the PUD and shall be processed and approved in accordance with the Applicable City Ordinances. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, the exact configuration of the private streets shown on the Concept Plan may be changed to accommodate the final design speed and geometry selected by the Property owner without such change constituting a zoning change to the PUD. Any such change based on the final selected design speed and geometry shall be provided as part of each site plan. Information contained on the Concept Plan that applies to land outside the Property is not part of the PUD and is provided for informational purposes only. B. Areas of Restricted Development. The Landscape Areas shown on the Concept Plan are intended to be preserved as permanent open space to buffer the Property from adjacent development. Development within these areas is restricted as hereinafter provided. C. Buildable Areas. The Buildable Areas within the Property shall consist of the entire area within the Property excluding only the Landscape Areas. 1. Structured Parking Areas. In order to mitigate the impact of large areas of surface parking (and the substantial tree removal that would necessarily result), the Property will be developed with multi -level parking structures to accommodate at least 80% of the required parking. The most likely location for the parking structures (and the location with the least impact on existing tree cover) is the area identified on the Concept Plan. As provided by the City's existing Tree Preservation Ordinance, the "footprint" of such parking structures (plus an area within six feet of the foundations) will be exempt from tree protection and tree replacement requirements. Because the use of parking structures will avoid paving large areas for surface parking, and because there is little design flexibility in the location of such parking structures, efforts to select garage "footprints" that minimize tree removal will not be required. 2. Other Buildable Areas. Buildable Areas for improvements within the remainder of the Property (i.e., the total area within the Property excluding the parking area described above) shall also be exempt from tree protection and tree replacement requirements. Notwithstanding such exemption, however, commercially reasonable efforts shall be used to identify Buildable Areas in an attempt to minimize the removal of quality trees with a diameter of six inches or greater measured 4'h feet above the ground. Such efforts shall not, however, require significant relocations of individual Buildable Areas or require Buildable Areas to be located so as to significantly alter or adversely affect the relationship of buildings, streets, and other improvements or otherwise 3 Zoning Cate No. ZA99456 REVISED June 7,1999 011907.0000S:0435047.07 L:\CITYDOCS\ORD \CASES\480 -313. DOC Page 2,-N3 EXHIBIT "B" significantly alter or adversely affect the overall master planning for development of the Property. 5. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The development of each portion, section, or phase of the Property must be in accordance with a development plan that has been processed and approved for such portion, section, or phase in accordance with all Applicable City Ordinances. There shall be no phasing or timing requirement for the submission of development plans, and there shall be no minimum area for a development plan. Development plans shall not require additional or updated traffic impact analyses unless the cumulative total floor area proposed for development within the Property has exceeded the maximum floor area assumed in the original traffic impact analysis that was submitted with the application for the PUD. Once approved, a development plan shall not have an expiration date. This approach is designed and intended to allow a large development to be approved in concept and then constructed in phases. The City recognizes that it is not feasible and is unrealistic to require a highly • detailed development plan to be completed on a very large project when it is recognized that the project will be constructed in sections or phases over several years. The PUD, which is based on the Concept Plan, reflects only zoning approval of a basic concept and may not be implemented until full development plan approval for each portion, section, or phase has been granted; however, the approval of the Concept Plan entitles owners of the Property to rely on, and implement by subsequently approved development plans, the type, intensity, and density of uses set forth in the approved Concept Plan. Each development plan must be consistent with the approved Concept Plan. Amendments to approved development plans shall be processed and approved in accordance with all Applicable City Ordinances; however, such amendments shall not be considered a zoning change to the PUD. 6. SITE PLANS. The development of each portion, section, or phase of the Property must be in accordance with a site plan that has been processed and approved for such portion, section, or phase in accordance with all Applicable City Ordinances. There shall be no phasing or timing requirement for the submission of site plans, and there shall be no minimum area for a site plan. Site plans shall not require additional or updated traffic impact analyses unless the total cumulative floor area proposed for development of the Property has exceeded the maximum floor area assumed in the original traffic impact analysis that was submitted with the application for the PUD. Once approved, a site plan shall not have an expiration date. This approach is designed and intended to allow a large development to be approved in concept, to then have development proceed though a series of phased development plans, and finally to have construction proceed through a series of phased site plans. The City recognizes that it is not feasible and is unrealistic to require a highly detailed site plan to be completed on a very large project when it is recognized that the project will be constructed in sections or phases over several years. Each site plan must be consistent with the applicable approved development plan. Amendments to site plans shall be processed and approved in accordance with all Applicable City Ordinances; however, such amendments shall not be considered a zoning change to the PUD. 7. USES. A. Permitted Principal Uses. The intent of this PUD is to permit the broadest range of "high -tech" uses to accommodate future technology changes in the fields of computer technology, information technology, data and information processing, and all services related thereto. The City recognizes, however, that future technology changes may occur beyond those that can be described in the PUD Standards. The Administrative Official of the City shall be authorized to interpret the following uses to accommodate future technology changes so as to achieve the intent of the PUD. 4 Zoning Case No. ZA99 - 056 REVISED June 7,1999 011 907. 00005:0435047.07 L: \CrrYDOCS\ORD \CASES\4S0 -313. DOC Page 21 3 y EXHIBIT "B" The PUD shall permit those uses set forth in the "0-2," Office District, Section 19, of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended. In addition, the following uses shall be permitted: • Agricultural uses (farm, ranch, orchard). • Communications facility, including, but not limited to, facilities that utilize satellite dishes, antennas, radio towers, fiber optic lines, telecommunications equipment, and all related hardware, software and services. All satellite dishes, antennas, radio towers, and similar communication equipment must be solely for use by the owners of the Property and occupants or users of the improvements located thereon (and none of such equipment may be sold or leased to third parties outside the PUD). All such equipment must be located within buildings or structures; or, if located outside a building, must be screened from view from all public roads. The location of all such equipment (including screening, as applicable) will be provided with each site plan. • Computer technology facility (including, but not limited to, facilities for research, • development, marketing, sales and service, leasing/rental, maintenance and repair, distribution, and warehouse/storage of computer hardware, software, and related • services). • Conference center. • Data/information processing center. • Hotel. • Information technology facility, including, but not limited to, facilities for research, development, marketing, sales and service, leasing/rental, maintenance and repair, distribution, and warehouse /storage of information technology hardware, software, and related services. • Parking structures. • Private streets/alleys/drives (including gated/restricted access entry points). • Restaurant. • Training center. B. Accessory Uses. The PUD shall permit those uses set forth in Section 34 of the Zoning Ordinance, as they apply to the "0-2 ", Office District, as amended. In addition, the following accessory uses shall be permitted: • Covered pedestrian walkways. • Footbridges (designed to meet minimum NCTCOG standards). • Communication equipment, including, but not limited to, satellite dishes, antennas, radio towers, fiber optic lines, telecommunications equipment, etc. All satellite dishes, antennas, radio towers, and similar communication equipment must be solely for use by the owners of the Property and occupants or users of the improvements located thereon (and none of such equipment may be sold or leased to third parties outside the PUD). All such equipment must be located within buildings or structures; or, if located outside a building, must be screened from view from all public roads. The location of all such equipment (including screening, as applicable) will be provided with each site plan. 5 Zoning Cott No. ZA99436 REVISED nine 7,1999 011907 .00005:0435047.07 L: \CrrYDOCS\ORD \CASES1480.313. DOC ".! w EXHIBIT "B" • Utilities (including, but not limited to, utility buildings and structures, utility distribution lines, utility shop and storage, electric transformers, electric substations, telephone, - electric, cable, and fiber optic switching stations, water and sewage pumping stations (above and below grade), water storage tanks and pumping systems (elevated or above grade), and water, sewer, electric, and gas meters). The following accessory uses shall be allowed within the same building as a permitted principal use without regard to the floor area of such accessory uses: • Banks and financial institutions (including ATMs). • Beauty parlor/barbershop. • Day nursery or equivalent child care facility. _ • Drug store. • General retail. • Health club/gymnasium. • • Job printing, lithography, printing, or blueprinting. • Laundry/dry cleaning (drop /pick). • Mailing service (private). • Maintenance vehicle fueling and service. • Medical care facility/clinic. • Newsstand. • Personal services. • Post office (governmental). • Printing, engraving and related reproductive services. • Quick copy /duplicating services. • Recycling collection and/or storage. • Restaurant, cafe, cafeteria, or dining facility. • Security guard quarters. • Shoe repair. • Stationery and/or book store. • Temporary residential accommodations for employees/customers/visitors (full kitchens shall be prohibited). • Warehouse/storage (inside). The following accessory uses shall be allowed on a separate building site without regard to the floor area of such accessory uses: • Community facilities uses: 6 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED 3nne 7, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.07 pp L ::� CIITYDOCS\ORD \CASES\480-313.DOC 3 -N6 . EXHIBIT "B" a. private parks; b. recreational and open space to include playgrounds, parkways, greenbelts, ponds and lakes, botanical gardens, nature centers, bird and wildlife sanctuaries, pedestrian paths, bicycle paths, and equestrian bridal trails; c. athletic, health, and sport facilities to include gyms, aerobic centers, spas, swimming pools, athletic fields, and sport/tennis courts; and d. other uses of a similar nature and character. • Day nursery or equivalent child care facility. • Health club/gymnasium. • Heliport/verti -port (limited to use by the owners of the Property and occupants or users of the improvements located thereon and subject to all applicable FAA requirements and approvals and subject to the designation of flight paths that maximize the use of the SH -114 corridor and minimize the overflight of residential areas). • Helistop/verti-stop (limited to use by the owners of the Property and occupants or users of the improvements located thereon and subject to all applicable FAA requirements and • approvals and subject to the designation of flight paths that maximize the use of the SH -114 corridor and minimize the overflight of residential areas). • Maintenance equipment storage (outside/screened). Such storage shall be limited to use by the owners of the Property and occupants or users of improvements located thereon. No storage will be provided to any person or business located outside the Property. • Maintenance vehicle fueling and service. • Medical care facility/clinic. • Restaurant, cafe, cafeteria, or dining facility. • Temporary residential accommodations for employees/customers/visitors (full kitchens shall be prohibited). • Temporary construction materials storage (for each phase of development, limited to the time during which active construction is ongoing and for a period of 30 days thereafter). • Temporary construction office (for each phase of development, limited to the time during which active construction is ongoing and for a period of 30 days thereafter). & • DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. A. Height 1. Buildings. Except as provided below, no building (whether principal -use or accessory use) shall exceed the greater of six stories above grade or 90 feet in height. 2. Structured Parking. Except as provided below, no parking structure shall exceed the greater of six levels above grade or 60 feet in height. 3. Architectural Features. Architectural features (i.e., portions of buildings or structures not intended for occupancy) which are integral to the architectural style of the 7 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED lure 7, 1999 0119 07.00005:0435047.07 L:\Cn'YDOC11O RD \CASES14S0.313. DOC PalOr- EXHIBIT "B" building or structure (including spires, belfries, towers, cupolas, domes, feature walls and similar features) may exceed the height limitations set forth above by up to 70 feet. 4. Special Equipment. Mechanical equipment, penthouses, ventilation equipment, satellite dishes, antennas, cooling towers, and other similar equipment shall not exceed the actual height of the building by more than 25 feet. 5. Pitched Roofs. The height of a building (regardless of building size) with sloped or pitched roofs shall be measured to a point 15 feet above the highest occupied floor level. The high point of the sloped roof may exceed the height limitations set forth above by up to 50 feet. All measurements shall be from grade, as defined by Ordinance No. 480, Section 4.2. B. Setbacks 1. Front Yard. Except as provided below, the minimum front yard setback shall be 30 feet however, up to 10% of the area of any building facade may extend up to 15 feet into any required front yard to accommodate building articulation design requirements. • Short term visitor and customer parking shall be allowed in required front yards. No front yard adjustments shall be required to achieve consistency or compatibility with surrounding or future public development. 2. Side Yard. Except as provided below, there shall be no minimum side yard setback. No side yard adjustments shall be required to achieve consistency or compatibility with surrounding or future public development. 3. Rear Yard. Except as provided below, the minimum rear yard setback shall be 10 feet. 4. Residential Slope Proximity. Notwithstanding the minimum setbacks set forth above, buildings within 400 feet of property zoned for single family uses shall have a minimum setback from the property line adjacent to such single family property of 40 feet or a distance that will not cause any building to exceed a height produced by a 4:1 slope line from the single family property, whichever produces the greater setback. 5. S.H. No. 114. Notwithstanding the setbacks set forth above, the minimum setback along SH -114 shall be 50 feet. 6. Projections. Every part of a required yard shall be open to the sky, unobstructed by a building, except for the ordinary projections of sills, belt courses, cornices, and ornamental features not exceeding 48 inches. 7. Accessory Buildings. Accessory buildings may be located anywhere within the Property (but not within any required setback). 8. Measurement of Setbacks. Setbacks shall apply to all private st,eets within the Property and shall be measured from the right -of -way line (whether established by platted lot, easement, or other instrument). C. Maximum Lot Coverage. The maximum lot coverage for all buildings (excluding parking structures) shall not exceed 50% of the total area of the Property. 8 Zoning Casa No. ZA99-056 REVISED Jere 7,1999 011907.00003:043SO47.07 L:\ ' I ►. ' RD \CASES1480 313.DOC Pate z.2,k-' •-uQ EXHIBIT "B" D. Maximum Impervious Coverage. The maximum impervious coverage shall not exceed 65% of the total area of the Property. E. Floor Area. There shall be no maximum floor area ratio for any improvements. There shall be no maximum floor area except as may result from the application of the PUD Standards (e.g., from the application of setbacks, height, coverage, etc.). 9. PARKING/LOADING. A. Parking Spaces Required. At least one parking space shall be provided for each 300 square feet of "principal -use" floor area developed within the Property. No additional spaces shall be required for any accessory use floor area. B. Location of Parking Spaces. All required parking spaces shall be located within the Property; however no parking shall be allowed within the Landscape Areas shown on the Concept Plan. C. Parking Space Size. All parking spaces shall be at least 8'/: feet wide and 18 feet long. • Structural columns within any parking structure may project into the perimeter of "head -in" parking spaces up to one half the cross - sectional area of the column. D. Off -Street Loading/Service Areas. At least one off-street loading/service area shall be provided for each 200,000 square feet of "principal -use" floor area developed within the Property. No additional area shall be required for any accessory use floor area. Development of the Property as a private, campus -style corporate headquarters offers an opportunity to consolidate loading and service functions within one or more buildings or one or more locations. Such consolidated locations minimize the need for multiple loading/service areas and isolate large truck traffic to a few selected locations within the campus. Smaller scale distribution is then permitted. The location of such consolidated areas will be shown on all site plans. 10. ARCI3TTECTURAL STANDARDS. A. Building Materials; Masonry Requirements. Buildings within the Property may be constructed of a variety of different building materials, and there shall be no minimum masonry requirement. Building materials shall include masonry materials, as defined in Ordinance No. 557, architectural concrete, architectural metal panels, glass, and other similar materials. Pre -cast concrete panels (including "tilt - wall ") may be used for accessory-use maintenance buildings that are not visible from public rights -of -way. In addition, the facade of any parking structure that is visible east of the park dedication land shown on the Concept Plan shall (if constructed of architectural concrete) include an architectural treatment (e.g., texture, color, relief, or detail). B. Reflective Glass. Any individual building facade may be 100% glass; however, no more than 80% of the total facade area of all buildings within the Property shall be glass. The maximum outward solar reflectivity of glass used shall be 35 %. C. Facade Articulation. It is the intent of this PUD to comply with the spirit and intent of the City's requirement for building facade articulation standards; however, it is also the intent of this PUD to avoid the imposition of a rigid mathematical formula to achieve such articulation. Consequently, this PUD does require that building facades include design articulation that will be approved with each site plan. Facade articulation may be achieved for individual buildings 9 Zoning Case No. ZA99A54 REVISED June 7, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.07 L; \CITYDOCS\ORD \CASES\480 -313. DOC Page 26 • EXHIBIT "B" through a combination of design techniques including, but not limited to, projections, overhangs, and incisions/cuts. Facade articulation may also be achieved by considering the effect of (i) the location of one building to another, (ii) the manner in which buildings are grouped, and (iii) variations in architectural surface treatments such as color, texture, relief, and detail. The facade articulations standards for parking structures will differ somewhat from the standards for office buildings because of their intended use (i.e., storing cars), reduced design flexibility, and the fact that visibility of such structures from SH -114 will be minimal (with no visibility of such structures during any but the very last phases of development). D. Exposed Structural/Architectural Columns. Structural concrete or steel elements may remain exposed if given some architectural treatment (e.g., color, texture, relief, or detail). E. Roof Design Standards. All structures shall be constructed with either a pitched roof, flat . roof with a parapet, mansard roof, or any combination thereof. All flat roof surfaces will be screened from ground level views. Parking structure decks shall not to be considered roofs. Roofs of stairwells and elevator machine rooms and other similar spaces shall be exempt from roofing design standards so long as they are not be visible from ground level. • 11. SCREENING. The following improvements shall be screened from view from public rights -of- way located outside the Property: mechanical equipment, rooftop appurtenances, satellite dishes, antennas, outside storage, trash/recycling receptacles, and off street loading/service areas. No screening shall be required from any rights-of -way within the Property, and no screening shall be required for any surface parking lots or for any parking structures. Screening shall be accomplished with masonry, landscaping, or any combination thereof. 12. LANDSCAPE STANDARDS. The size of the Property, the "campus -style" development being proposed, the utilization of parking structures to minimize surface parking, and the requirement for at least 35% pervious cover will create a developed site with vast areas of open space that will include existing, natural vegetation, including thousands of mature trees. Consequently, there is no need for narrow bufferyards (and the related planting requirements) typically required for much smaller commercial sites. Nevertheless, in addition to the natural vegetation and trees that will be preserved, additional landscape standards are required for (i) the Landscape Areas shown on the Concept Plan, (ii) interior landscape areas based on building size, and (iii) parking island landscaping for surface parking lots. The interior landscape area requirements and parking island requirements are very similar to the City's existing requirements; however, more liberal planting credits are allowed for enhanced paving and to preserve existing trees. Such credits are appropriate for a campus -style development and will strongly encourage retaining natural tree groupings and trees near future building sites. Such credits will also simplify and reduce the maintenance costs associated with large areas of small shrubs and ground cover. A. Landscape Areas. The Concept Plan identifies Landscape Areas up to 50 feet wide and larger that virtually encircle the Property. These Landscape Areas will be preserved as permanent - open space, and, together with the park dedication, will buffer the Property from adjacent development. With the exception of small security structures (i.e., "guardhouses "), no paved surfaces or buildings or structures of any kind may be located within the Landscape Areas without site plan approval. The intent is to preserve these areas in a natural, undisturbed condition; however, additional landscaping may be planted within them at the option of the Property owner. Landscape Areas may be irrigated or left natural. B. Interior Landscape Areas. Subject to the reductions set forth below, the amount of interior landscape area required within the Property shall be computed based on all buildings (excluding parking structures) within the Property, and for each building (excluding parking 10 Zoning Case No. ZA99 REVISED lune 7,1999 011907.00005:0435047.07 L CrrYDOCS\ORD\CASES1480 -313. DOC Page 27 3 -50 EXHIBIT "B" structures) shall equal 50% of the largest floor area of such building. The following plantings shall be required within the Property based on the interior landscape area as computed above: one canopy tree per 600 square feet; one accent tree per 300 square feet; one shrub (15 inch deciduous or 12 inch evergreen) per 60 square feet; and 10% of such interior landscape area must be planted as ground cover. These required plantings shall be reduced as follows: 1. Existin Plant Credits. Existing trees which are within 250 feet of any building shall reduce the required plantings as follows: Size of Existing Tree Plantin Redu ctions Canopy Accent Shrubs 1 Y2" — 5" caliper 1 or 2 or 6 6 "— II" caliper 2 or 3 or 12 12" and greater 3 or 4 or 18 • 2. Substitut Plantin One additional canopy tree may be substituted for 10 shrubs or 500 square feet of ground cover. One additional accent tree may be substituted for five shrubs or 250 square feet of ground cover. 3. Enhanced Pavement Credits. For each square foot of enhanced pavement area, the required landscape area shall be reduced by 0.5 square feet, up to a maximum overall reduction of 25 %. C. Parking Lot Landscaping. 1. Structured Parking. There shall be no landscaping requirements applicable to parking structures. 2. Surface Parking. a. Planter Islands. Planter islands shall be provided in all surface parking areas on the b�is of 10 square feet of landscape area for each parking space provided. Where reasonably possible, each row of parking spaces shall provide required � landscape area; however, islands may be placed near buildings, thro �' parking area, or at the end of the rows away island requirements may be modified in where Y from w iorld bul b . beneficial to combine an awkward or situations into a it we Planter islands shall have a minimum width gh back-to-back « i f curbed or nine feet edge -to -edge if no curb is intended, and shall be 18 feet long. Planter island landscape areas count towards the total required interior landscape area. b. Exisim`rces. The following variations to the planter island requirements shall be permitted to preserve existing trees. For existing trees, the minimum width oldie planter island shall be as follows: 5" caliper or less = 8 foot minimum width minimum width caliper greater than12" caliper = 18 foot minimum width 11 Zoning Cue No. ZA99.056 REVISED hne 7, 1999 011907 .00005:0435p47.07 L:1CITYDOCSIORD \CASES1480 -313. DOC Paye EXHIBIT "B" c. Planting Requirements. A minimum of 50% of all planter islands shall contain a minimum of one canopy tree (with the remaining area in shrubs, ground cover, grasses, or seasonal color). Planter islands which have light poles for lighting the parking areas may substitute two accent trees for the required canopy tree. At least 50% of all trees must be 4 inch caliper or greater, and the remainder must be two inch caliper or greater. 13. FENCING. Perimeter fencing visible from SH -114 will be constructed of wrought iron, masonry, other architectural metal, or any combination thereof. Other materials that are architecturally compatible with the buildings visible from SH -114 may also be used if approved by a site plan. Fencing that is not visible from SH -114 and that is generally screened by vegetation will be constructed of coated, dark- colored chain link. No fencing articulation shall be required. The details of fence design will be provided as part of each site plan. 14. ACCESS CONTROL STRUCTURES. Access control structures that are visible from any public rights-of -way outside the Property will be constructed of materials that are the same as or substantially similar to the buildings visible from such rights -of -way. Such structures may also be 'constructed of any other material that is architecturally compatible with the buildings that are visible, provided such other materials are approved on a site plan. Access control structures that are not visible from public rights-of -way outside the Property may be constructed of masonry, wood, architectural concrete, metal panels, or any combination thereof. 15. PARKS/TRAILS /OPEN SPACE. Except as provided in the Concept Plan, there shall be no other requirements for parks, trails, or public open space. 16. DRIVEWAY REQUIREMENTS. None of the standards or requirements for driveways included in Driveway Ordinance No. 634, as amended, shall apply to the Property. 12 Zoning Case No. 2199 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.07 L: \CITYDOCS \ORD \CASES4480 -313. DOC Page 29 _- 3 ✓ SZ EXHIBIT "C" This page reserved for the City Council motion. LACITYD OC SIORDICASES4843 t 3. DOC Page 30 ".,. 3.53 EXHIBIT "C" This page reserved for the City Council motion. 4\CITYDOC ORD \CASEM80- 313.DOC Page 31 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM June 11, 1999 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Greg Last, Director of Economic Development SUBJECT: Sabre Corporate Campus Headquarters Project Attached for your reference are two items: 1) A Project Profile providing a brief summary of the • Sabre project and 2) a copy of the Chapter 380 agreement as approved by City Council on May 4, 1999. Feel free to contact me should you have any questions. GL PH: (817) 481, 5581, ext. 750 EM: glast @ci.southlake.tx.us .;c: Mayor and City Councilmembers Billy Campbell, City Manager enc: Sabre Campus Headquarters Project — Project Profile Chapter 380 agreement with Sabre 1 City of Southlake, Texas Sabre Corporate Campus Headquarters • uthrak- PROJECT PROFILE June 11, 1999 SABRE OVERVIEW: Sabre (NYSE: TSG) is the world leader in the electronic distribution of travel and information technology solutions for the travel and transportation industry. 1998 revenues were $2.3 billion, up 29 percent from 1997. Net earnings were $232 million, up 16 percent from the prior year. The company has more than 10,700 employees worldwide and nearly 6,100 employees in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. LOCATION: The Sabre project is located on approximately 156 acres developed by Maguire Partners as part of the Solana mixed use development. The location is the southeast corner of the intersection of State Highway 114 and Kirkwood Boulevard, southeast of the existing Sabre building on Kirkwood Blvd. and bounded by SH 114 on the southwest and White Chapel on the northeast. CONCEPT: The Sabre Campus Headquarters Project is intended to be a series of connected low - rise campus -style corporate office buildings wrapped around the natural terrain afforded by the site. It is anticipated that each building will not exceed five (5) stories in height. While there will be some surface parking, the majority of employee parking will be accommodated with structured parking buildings. Using the benefits of the existing trees and open areas, Sabre plans to provide amenities such as jogging trails, ball fields and landscaped campus green spaces. A significant component of the headquarters concept is the establishment of a secure site. The establishment of the secure site necessitates the privatization of the existing Kirkwood Blvd. north of the SH 114 interchange as well as the portion of N. T.W. King northeast of their existing building. The old T.W. King Road will be reestablished west of the existing Sabre building. The newly constructed Kirkwood Blvd. connecting SH 114 to Dove Road will also be a private road. ZONING: The site includes property currently within a residential planned unit development district (RPUD) as well as a non - residential planned unit development district (NRPUD). Rezoning will be required for the property. PROJECT SCHEDULE: Construction will occur in phases over an eight (8) year period. The first phase is slated to begin construction in third quarter 1999 with scheduled completion of the first 450,000 square feet office building in second quarter 2001. Current projections show that the eventual size of the Sabre Campus Headquarters will encompass over 2,000,000 square feet by late 2008. Sabre Corporate Campus Headquarters - Project Profile - June 11, 1999 - Page 1 of 2 City of Southlake, Texas FINANCIAL ISSUES: On May 4, 1999, City Council approved a 10 -year 90% abatement of the real and personal property taxes (City and County only) for each year of the multi -year construction program. The Council also approved a Chapter 380 agreement which, among other things, provided for the collection of sales tax generated by the construction materials for each phase of the project. The agreement provides that the City will refund one -half of 1% of the sales tax received (i.e. 0.5 %) for the construction material purchases. This will not affect the 0.5% for parks (SPDC) or the 0.5% for the crime control district which will be received in full. This refund will be facilitated by having Sabre require all contractors to pay sales tax for construction materials at the job site. Sabre will be responsible for accounting and reporting of the sales tax in order to claim the refund. CONTACTS: Following are contacts familiar with the Sabre project. City of Southlake Greg Last Director of Economic Development PH: (817) 481 -5581, ext. 750 Maguire Partners Tom Allen Managing Partner PH: (817) 430 -0303 The Sabre Group Inc. Dean Sanderson Managing Director of Corporate Services PH: (817) 963 -1118 Sabre Corporate Campus Headquarters - Project Profile - June 11, 1999 - Page 2 of 2 EXECUTION COPY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AGREEMENT This Economic Development Program Agreement ( "Agreement ") is made and entered into by and between the City of Southlake, Texas (the "City "), and The SABRE Group, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company "). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, on May 4, 1999, the City adopted Resolution No. 99 -27 establishing an Economic Development Program pursuant to Section 380.001 of the Texas Local Government Code ( "Section 380.001 ") and authorizing this Agreement as part of the Economic Development Program established by City Council Resolution (the "Program "); WHEREAS, the Company desires to participate in the Program by entering into this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits and premises contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Authorization. The City has concluded that this Agreement is authorized by Section 380.001, and is authorized by Resolution of the City. 2. Definitions. The following definitions shall apply to the terms used in this Agreement: "Area Sales Tax Due Date" means, with respect to each Subject Quarter, the latest of (i) 60 days after the end of the Subject Quarter, or (ii) ten days after the City receives the Sales Tax Schedule for the Subject Quarter, or (iii) 30 days after the City receives (or is credited with) the relevant sales tax revenue from the Texas Comptroller. "Area Construction Sales Tax Revenues" means the gross revenues of the City from the sales and use taxes imposed by the City as a result of Construction Sales (irrespective of whether the Company is the purchaser). For this purpose, "gross revenues of the City" shall include all sales and use taxes imposed by the City under Chapter 321 of the Texas Tax Code, but not including sales and use taxes imposed for the benefit of (a) Southlake Parks Development Corporation under Section 4B, article 5190.6 of the Texas Revised Civil Statutes, or (b) the Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District created under Chapter 363 of the Texas Local Government Code (the "Crime Control and Prevention District Act "). 1 011907.00005:0425951.07 "Company Affiliate" means any Person directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the Company. As used in the definition of "Affiliate," the term "control" means the possession, directly or indirectly, the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of a Person, whether through ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise. "Complaining Party" has the meaning set forth in Section 7 of this Agreement. "Construction Sales" means any Sale relating to the construction of any improvement located, or to be located, on the Global Premises. "Defaulting Party" has the meaning set forth in Section 7 of this Agreement. "Global Premises" means that certain tract of real property located in Tarrant County, Texas, consisting of approximately 150 acres, more or less, as more particularly described on Exhibit A hereto. "Person" means an individual or a corporation, partnership, trust, estate, unincorporated organization, association, or other entity. "Program" has the meaning set forth in the recitals to this Agreement. "Retailer" means (a) the Company and any Company Affiliate, and (b) any "retailer" within the meaning of Section 151.008 of the Texas Tax Code, as amended. "Sale" has the meaning set forth in Section 151.005 of the Texas Tax Code, as amended. "Sales Tax Rebate" has the meaning set forth in Section 4(b) of this Agreement. "Sales Tax Schedule" has the meaning set forth in Section 4(a) of this Agreement. "Section 380.001" has the meaning set forth in the recitals to this Agreement. "Subject Quarter" has the meaning set forth in Section 4(a) of this Agreement. "Term" has the meaning set forth in Section 3 of this Agreement. 3. Term. This Agreement shall be effective as of June 1, 1999, and shall remain in full force and effect until December 31, 2009 (the "Term "). 4. Sales Tax Rebates. (a) Within thirty (30) days after the end of each calendar quarter during the Term (a "Subject Quarter "), the Company shall submit to the City a schedule detailing the Area 2 011907.00005:0425951.07 Construction Sales Tax Revenues from Sales occurring during the Subject Quarter (each, a "Sales Tax Schedule "). As backup for each Sales Tax Schedule, the Company shall submit the following: (i) A copy of those sales tax reports (including all direct payment and self - assessment returns), including amended reports and returns, filed by each Retailer for the Subject Quarter which are supportive in demonstrating the Area Construction Sales Tax Revenues for the Subject Quarter (or, if such reports or returns do not show the Area Sales Tax Revenues, a separate report shall be prepared showing the Area Construction Sales Tax Revenues); (ii) Such other data as the parties mutually agree is appropriate to support documentation of Area Construction Sales Tax Revenues. (b) On or before the Area Sales Tax Due Date for a Subject Quarter, the City shall pay fifty percent (50 %) of the aggregate amount of Area Construction Sales Tax Revenues for the Subject Quarter to the Company (each such payment, a "Sales Tax Rebate "). 5. Verification. (a) If requested by the City within 30 days after a calendar year, Ernst & Young or such other Big 5 independent accounting firm which is mutually agreeable to the City and the Company (the "Auditor ") shall audit the calculations of Area Construction Sales Tax Revenues for the calendar year, and shall determine whether the Company has properly calculated the Area Construction Sales Tax for such year. (b) If the Auditor determines that Area Construction Sales Tax Revenues Tax for the year have been understated, then the City shall pay to the Company the appropriate amount based on the Auditor's conclusion. If the Auditor determines that Area Construction Sales Tax Revenues for the year have been overstated, then the Company shall promptly pay to the City such amount. (c) All determinations by the Auditor shall be final, nonappealable and conclusive. 6. Development Incentives. (a) Abandonment of T.W. King Boulevard. The City shall cause to be abandoned that portion of T.W. King Road generally located adjacent to the eastern edge of Lot 1, Block B, MTP -IBM ADDITION NO. 1 and adjacent to the western edge of PUD -8 (MIXED USE) (Ord. 480 -179). Such abandonment shall be to the adjacent landowners without cost or expense to such landowners, and shall be subject to the rights, if any, of utilities located within such abandoned area. (b) Abandonment of Kirkwood Boulevard. The City shall cause to be abandoned that portion of Kirkwood Boulevard north and east of SH 114. Such abandonment shall be to the adjacent landowners without cost or expense to such landowners, and shall be subject to the rights, if any, of utilities located within such abandoned area. 3 011907.00005:0425951.07 (c) Two -Lane Frontage Road. The City will support and use all reasonable efforts to cause the SH 114 frontage road (between "old" T.W. King Road and the Kirkwood/SH 114 interchange) to be modified to provide two -way access; such efforts to include a request to the Texas Department of Transportation for such modification. (d) Utility Infrastructure Construction. (i) Water and Sewer Service: The City shall cause to be constructed to the edge of the Global Premises water and sewer service sufficient to provide full build -out of the Global Premises. The City shall be responsible for all costs and expenses of providing such service capabilities. The City agrees to provide the services to the edge of the Global Premises in a timely manner coordinated with the anticipated need of the Company. (ii) Distribution Water Line: The City agrees to construct the necessary 12 inch distribution water line through the Global Premises in an alignment proposed by the Company, currently anticipated to be along the projected Kirkwood road extension. All fees (administration and inspection) related to this water line shall be waived by the City. (iii) Existing Water Line Abandonment: The City will cause to be abandoned (in place) the existing water line (including all easement rights) that services the Company's existing building and that bisects the Global Premises. Such abandonment shall be at no cost or expense to the Company. The City represents to the Company that funds to pay the costs and expenses of the utility infrastructure construction described in this Section 6(d) are available from current City funds. (e) Rezoning. The City shall work diligently with Company in its application to rezone the Global Premises (and, if requested by Company, Company's existing building) to accommodate Company's intended use of the Global Premises. It is understood that all fees and expenses associated with such rezoning shall be paid by a Maguire Partners entity. The City acknowledges the importance to Company of completing the rezoning by June 15, 1999, and to that end will expedite, to the maximum extent possible, all City actions necessary to accomplish such rezoning, dependent on the timely preparation and submittal of all required documents by the Company. (f) Public Works Administration and Inspection Fees. The City hereby represents to the Company that Subsections 1 and 3 of Section III (Public Works Activities) of the City Fee Schedule pertain only to the public works components of projects, e.g., water, sewer and streets, and are based on public works costs and not costs of non - public works improvements. (g) Development Permitting Acceleration. The City shall allocate to the project (i) building plan review staff to facilitate the accelerated review of submitted construction plans; (ii) building inspectors to facilitate access and timeliness of inspections during construction at the Global Premises; and (iii) public works inspectors to facilitate access and timeliness of public 4 011907.00005:0425951.07 works inspections during the construction/inspection of the water line installation. The Company shall require its contractor to provide an adequate on -site construction office /trailer for use by City staff. 7. Default. If either party should default (the "Defaulting Party ") with respect to any of its obligations hereunder and should fail, within sixty (60) days after delivery of written notice of such default from the other party (the "Complaining Party ") to cure such default (provided that such 60 -day cure period shall be extended to one hundred eighty (180) days if the default is not curable within such 60 -day period after good faith efforts to cure the default by the Defaulting Party), the Complaining Party, by action or proceeding at law or in equity, may be awarded its damages for such default. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, any Sales Tax Rebates from the City which are not timely paid by the City shall incur interest at the lesser of (a) fifteen percent (15 %) per annum, or (b) the highest rate per annum allowed by applicable law from the date such Sales Tax Rebate is due until paid; provided, however, that no interest shall be due on amounts disputed by the City if the City notifies the Company in writing of the dispute prior to the Area Sales Tax Due Date with respect to such amounts until such dispute is resolved. 8. Mutual Assistance. The City and the Company shall take all reasonable measures which are necessary or appropriate to carry out the terms and provisions of this Agreement and to aid and assist each other in carrying out such terms and provisions. The Company hereby consents to and agrees to cooperate in any reasonable request by the City to obtain copies of sales /use tax returns from the State which contains information pertinent to the calculation of Area Construction Sales Tax Revenues. To the extent the Company requests reasonable amendments to the Tax Abatement Agreements by and among the City, the Company and Maguire Partners Solana Limited Partnership relating to property located in the Global Premises to address changes in the location of improvements thereon and the boundaries of property subject to each such agreement, the City shall cooperate with the Company in that regard. 9. Representations and Warranties. The City represents and warrants to the Company that the Program and this Agreement are within the scope of its authority and the provisions of its charter and that it is duly authorized and empowered to establish the Program and enter into this Agreement. The Company represents and warrants to the City that it has the requisite authority to enter into this Agreement. 10. Company Covenants. In consideration of the City's agreements under this Agreement (including the payment of monies to the Company), the Company agrees to maintain during the Term any buildings occupied by it on the Global Premises primarily as a corporate campus or part of a corporate campus. The Company further agrees to take all reasonable steps to cause all Construction Sales 5 011907.00005:0425951.07 to occur within the city limits of the City in order to generate city sales tax revenue to the extent feasible. 11. Section or Other Headings. Section or other headings contained in this Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. 12. Attorneys Fees. In the event any legal action or proceeding is commenced to enforce or interpret provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing party in any such legal action shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses incurred by reason of such action. 13. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the transactions contemplated herein. 14. Amendment. This Agreement may only be amended, altered, or revoked by written instrument signed by the Company and the City. 15. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the parties, their respective successors and assigns. The Company may assign all or part of its rights and obligations hereunder (a) to any Affiliate without the approval of the City, (b) to any Person which leases all or a portion of the Global Premises to the Company and/or any Affiliate of the Company without the approval of the City, and (c) to any Person other than an Affiliate with the prior written approval of the City, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. 16. Notice. Any notice and/or statement required and permitted to be delivered shall be deemed delivered by depositing same in the United States mail, certified with return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed to the appropriate party at the following addresses, or at such other addresses provided by the parties in writing; Company: The SABRE Group, Inc. 4255 Amon Carter Blvd. Fort Worth, Texas 76155 Attention: General Counsel 6 011907.00005:0425951.07 With a copy to: Hughes & Luce, L.L.P. 1717 Main Street, Suite 2800 Dallas, Texas 75201 Attention: Jeff W. Dorrill City: Mayor City of Southlake City Hall 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 With a copy to: Taylor, Olson, Adkins, Sralla & Elam, L.L.P. 500 Throckmorton Street 3400 Bank One Tower Fort Worth, Texas 76102 -3821 Attention: Wayne K. Olson 17. Interpretation. Regardless of the actual drafter of this Agreement, this Agreement shall, in the event of any dispute over its meaning or application, be interpreted fairly and reasonably, and neither more strongly for or against any party. 18. Applicable Law. This Agreement is made, and shall be construed and interpreted under the laws of the State of Texas and venue shall lie in Tarrant County, Texas. 19. Severability. In the event any provision of this Agreement is illegal, invalid, or unenforceable under present or future laws, then, and in that event, it is the intention of the parties hereto that the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby, and it is also the intention of the parties to this Agreement that in lieu of each clause or provision that is found to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable a provision be added to this Agreement which is legal, valid and enforceable and is as similar in terms as possible to the provision found to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable. 20. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be considered an original, but all of which shall constitute one instrument. 7 011907.00005:0425951.07 THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE By: • Rick Stacy, Mayor ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY THE SABRE GROUP, INC., a Delaware corporation By: Name: Title: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CITY ATTORNEY Date: 8 011907.00005:0425951.07 THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Rick Stacy, Mayor of the CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, a municipal corporation, known to me to be the person acknowledged to me that the same was the act of the said CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, a municipal corporation, that he was duly authorized to perform the same by appropriate resolution of the City Council of the City of Southlake and that he executed the same as the act of the said City for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of May, 1999. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas Notary's Printed Name THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared of The SABRE Group, Inc., a Texas corporation, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the capacity therein stated and as the act and deed of said entities. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of May, 1999. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas Notary's Printed Name 9 011907.00005:0425951.07 EXHIBIT A TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Description of Global Premises Exhibit A 011907.00005:0425951.07 City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM June 16, 1999 To: Dennis Killough, Senior Planner From: Charlie Thomas, Deputy Director of Engineering Services Subject: Sabre Group Corporate Office Addition — Traffic Impact Analysis Our review of the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) for the above project, submitted by Huitt- Zollars indicates that this TIA is for Phase I (Design Year 2001) and does not include the ultimate development. As stated in the study, the actual magnitude of increase, or the relative increase, in area traffic volumes attributable to the first phase of the proposed site is small in most cases. This supports the bottom line conclusion of the study that the site will have minimal impact on the area traffic operations. While the analysis presented does not support the need for any geometric improvements, it is our opinion that the PM peak hour traffic volumes may warrant the addition of a third approach lane on westbound Kirkwood Boulevard. This third lane along with the designation of a dual left turn from Kirkwood Boulevard to southbound SH 114 would allow the estimated 786 left turns to be better served and the interchange to operate more efficiently. If you have any questions, call me. e f l /g44 (1 ' 144 Charlie J. Thomas, P.E. CC: Ron Harper, Director of Engineering Services RECD JUN 71999 ,,Jun -21 -99 12:17P r City of Southlake, Texas IIIIII CITY OF SOUTHLAKE � ,A I725 E. Southlake Blvd. Southlake, Texas 76092 Duthiak' Office of the City Secretary Phone# (817) 481 -5581 ext. 703 Pax# (817) 329 -1747 FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET DATE /TIME: 6/21/99 1:08 PM DELIVER TO: Greg Last, Director of Economic Development C /O; Jean Bryson, Debbie or Mardenna --- Please deliver to Greg for me. Thanks FAX NUMBER: 488 -5097 REFERENCE: Interlocal Agreement with Trophy Club for the Extension of Trophy Club Road to T.W. King MESSAGE: Greg, I searched our files and found that we do not have the original, fully-executed agreement, only a copy of the agreement approved by Southlake's City Council on August 1, 1995. Attached are minutes from the meetings when it was discussed and voted upon. Hope this is helpful... let me know if 1 can assist again. Linda SENT BY: Linda Carpenter, Secretary, Office of City Secretary (817) 481 -5581, ext. 703 Attachments: 6/6/95 CC minutes, Item 11 -D 7/18/95 CC minutes, Item 5 -D 7/28/95 City Manager Cover Memo addressing issue for 8/1/95 meeting 8/1195 CC minutes, hem 5 -B Copy of Interlocal Agreement with Trophy Club NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER PAGE: 12 09 , Jun -21 -99 12:18P City of Southlake, Texas July 28, 1995 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager SUBJECT: Agenda Item Comments and Other Items of Interest for City Council Meeting August 1, 1995 1. A• m • _ • �a a ►► - ► • " - - This ,1 agreement provides for participation by the Town of Westlake in the use of, the N - sewer line and in the cost of the construction, operation and maintenance of the N -1 sewer line. The drainage basin for our N -1 Sewer Iine is mostly in Southlake (49.5%) and Westlake (45.8%), with a small portion in Keller (4.7%), With this agreement, the portion of the Town of Westlake, not in the Municipal Utility districts, will receive sewer service and pay pro rata share of the cost thereof. You will recall that this is the line which will be constructed by the developer of the Coventry subdivision. With this agreement, the Town of Westlake will assist in obtaining the necessary easements in Westlake. d_ - •q 1,11 - C n • . . - ent • •w• • ••• • • ti Extension onto T.W. ¢, Khl. This agreement provides that Trophy Club will be • allowed to connect Trophy Wood Drive to T.W. King, and Trophy Club shall: • meet our standards at the intersection; • provide proper signage at the intersection, and any future signal installation at the intersection; • provide a turn lane on and overlay T.W. King between Trophy Wood and Kirkwood; • participate in any needed signalization at Kirkwood and S.H. 114. 1 'Jun -21 -99 12:17P Regular City Council Meeting Minutes July 18, 1995 page two Agenda Item #3, Approval of the Minutes of the June 20, 1995 Meeting The Minutes of the June 20, 1995 (continued on June 27, 1995) rneeting were approved as presented_ Motion: Wambsganss Second: Muller Ayes: Wambsganss, Muller, Richarme, Hall, Maness, Fickes Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #4 Mayor's Report Mayor Fickes presented two proclamations to participants in the Colleyville- Grapevine outhlake (CGS) 'Ten Court Program for outstanding service awards. Proclamations were presented to Heather Gallagher and Laura Garcia. Agenda Item #4 City Manager's Report No comments were made during the City Manager's Report. Agenda Item #5, Consent Agenda The Consent Agenda consisted of the following items: 5 -A, Change Order #4 for Bicentennial Park Expansion (turf options and additional concrete rip rap at hos culvert adjacent to F.M. 1709). 5 -11. Application for Community Oriented Policing Services Grant. 5 -C_ Tnterlocal Agreement with Westlake for Sewer Services. 5 -1). Interlocal Agreement with Town of Trophy Club for road extension onto T.W. King. 5 -E. Resolution No. 95 -25, Accepting transfer of West Park Water Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (t.('N). Mayor Fickes announced that items #5 -C and #5 -D are being pulled from the agenda tonight. 3 Jun -21 -99 12:17P Regular City Council Meeting Minutes August 1, 1995 page two Agenda item #3, Approval of the Minutes of the July 18, 1995 City Council Meeting E.ontinued on July 25, 1995) Motion was made to approve the Minutes of the City Council Meeting held on July 18, 1995 and continued on July 25, 1995. Motion: Muller Second: Richarme Ayes: Muller, Richarme, Wambsganss, Hall, Maness, Fickes Nays: None Abstention: Evans Approve: 6-0 -1 Agenda Item #4 Mayor's Report Mayor Fickes announced that a Fiscal Year 1995 -96 Annual Budget Work Sessions will be held on August 8, August 16, and August 17, 1995 at City Hall. The public is invited to attend. Mayor Fickes announced the City Manager filed the Proposed Budget with the City Secretary on August 1, 1995, as provided for in the City Charter. Agenda Item #4 City Manager's Report No comments were made during this item. Agenda Item #4 SPIN Report No comments were made during this item. Agenda Item #5, Consent Agenda Mayor Dicke~ announce the Consent Agenda would consist of the following items: 5 -A_ Interlocal Agreement with Westlake for Sewer Services. 5 -11. Interlocal Agreement with Town of Trophy Club for Road Extension onto T.W. King_ Motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of items #5 -A, and #5 -B. Motion: Richarme Second: Muller Ayes: Richarme, Muller, Maness, Evans, Hall, Wambsganss, Fickcs Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote Jun -21 -99 12:18P Regular City Council Meeting Minutes August 1, 1995 page three ADDITIONAL 'INFORMATION ON CONSENT ITEMS #5 -A _ The Interltxal Agreement with Westlake for sewer services, provides for participation by the Town of Westlake in the use of, the N -1 sewer line and in the cost of the construction, operation and maintenance of the N -1 sewer tine. The drainage basin for the N -1 Sewer line is mostly in South (49.5%) and Westlake (45.8 %), with a small portion in Keller (4.7%). With this agreement, the portion of the Town of Westlake, not in the MILD, will receive sewer services and pay pro rata share of the cost thereof. This is the line which will he constructed by the developer of the Coventry subdivision. With this agreement, the Town of Westlake will assist in obtaining the necessary easements in Westlake. #5 -B. The Irterloctl Agreement with Town of Trophy Club for Road extension onto T.W. King provides that Trophy Club will be allowed to connect Trophy Woocl Drive to T.W. King, and Trophy Club shall: meet. Soutlhl.tke's standards at the intersection; provide proper signage at the intersection, and any future signal installation ai the intersection; provide a turn lane on and overlay T_ W. King between Trophy Wood and Kirkwood; participate in any needed signalization at Kirkwood and S.H. 114. Agenda Item #6, Public Furum No comments were made during the public forum. Agenda Item #10 - A, Request fur Readerboard Sign for Carroll Baptist Church Rob Whitehead, Director of Public Works, led the discussion regarding the request for a readerboard sign for Carroll Baptist Church, noting this is a conditional permit, according to the current sign ordinance. The permit is to construct a monument sign with two lines of changeable copy. Eli Melton, 1680 Brumlow Avenue, Southlake. Mr. Melton was present to represent the Carroll Baptist Church. Motion was made to approve the request for a readerboard sign for Carroll Baptist Church. Motion: Richarme Second: Warnhsganss 4 Jun -21 -99 12:17P Regular City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 1995 page four Agenda Item #5, Continued 5 -D. The engineering study of Pavement Distress and Failure of Sewer Trenches is most needed, a the City of South lake has, along with other cities, suffered distressed and failed pavement in these last couple of wet years. The known area of pavement distress are over utility trenches. Those utilities include both sanitary and storm sewers and in all cases, where the utilities are buried diner than ten feet. A copy of the memorandum from Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. Agenda Item #6, Public Forum Sealy Cooper, 2504 Rolling Lane. Mr. Cooper came before Council concerning the proposed sewer project in his neighborhood of Raintree, Rolling Lane, Greenbough, and Shady Lane. He asked Council how the project can be justified when only a few people need or want the sewer installation. If the project is forced upon them, the property owners do not feel they should have to pay for it. Mr. Cooper added, "Southlake used to be a quite relaxing City. Who made it like Arlington ?" Marlene Tetrault, 2505 Rolling Lane. Ms. Tetrault came forward with the same statement as Mr. Cooper concerning the proposed sewer project in their area, Cullen Calame, 419 North Pearson, Southlake. Mr. Calame stated he is present representing his neighbors with a petition stating they do not want a water ground storage tank in their neighborhood. They want the issue stopped. Mr. Calame expressed the most logical location for a ground storage tank is behind the commercial development on F.M. 1709, not in a residential area. Mr. Calame stated his property is directly across the street from the proposed location on Pearson Road and he will seek litigation against the city if they try to put the large tank in that location. The petition is hereby made a part of the record. Agenda t,Igm # Tr Co nnection tc T.W. King /Kirkwood Blvd Curtis Hawk, City Manager, stated that the Town of Trophy Club plans to connect the extension of Trophy Wood Drive to T.W. King immediately north of Kirkwood Blvd. in order to have an eastern entrance to the town. This item was discussed with City Council approximately six months ago. At the time Southlake discussed concerns about the increased traffic load on Kirkwood and T.W. Xing if the connection is made at the proposed Trophy Wood extension. Mr. Hawk stated it is the practice of Southlake to assist our neighboring communities in any way possible that does not place a burden on our community. Hawk stated Trophy Club has assured Southlake they will work with us in whatever way required, including traffic control devices and paving or T. W.King •Jun -21 -99 12:17P Regular City Council Meeting Minutes June 6, 1995 page five Agenda ]item #11 -D, Continued Mayor Jim Carter, Town of Trophy Club. Mayor Carter stated they are seeking the extension of Trophy Wood Drive for the convenience of the residents of Trophy Club, as this will save them about five (5) miles travel and they want Southlake's concurrence that they will not hold up their project. Councilmember Maness asked about traffic count data. Carter stated about four (4) years ago, there were about 500 trips per day. The new entrance will benefit a larger number of families, and he estimates at this time there will be from 1,200 to 1,500 cars per day. This is a only a temporary situation. The permanent entrance will be constructed at a later date as it becomes necessary. The permanent entrance would be on State Highway 114, and it is a matter of economics. Mayor Carter stated the time frame for opening of the entrance is September, 1995. Councilmember Hall asked what is the time frame for the Interlocal Agreement and what will be the terms of the agreement? Curtis Hawk, City Manager stated the Language will be determined after the construction starts and Southlake sees what needs to be done. Councilmember Wambaganss asked staff to look at the need for a center turn lane. Mayor Fickes asked that, in the event traffic levels require signalization, would Mayor Carter be part of the agreement. Curtis Hawk stated the agreement will be on the next agenda for consideration. Mayor Carter stated they will look at anything reasonable. Jun -21 -99 12:18P r STATE OF TEXAS §§ COUNTY OF TARRANT §§ 1NTERLOCAL AGREEMENT' COUNTY OF DENTON §§ This Agreement is made the day of , 1995 by and between the City of Southlake, Texas ( "Southlake ") and the Town of Trophy Club, Texas ( "Trophy Club "). WHEREAS, Southlake and Trophy Rub (together, the "Municipalities ") are duly incorporated municipalities pursuant to the laws of the State of Texas, the boundaries of which are contiguous in ph; and WHEREAS, the Municipalities are each authorized pursuant to State law to control the public streets located within their corporate limits; and WHEREAS, Trophy CIub desires to extend Trophy Wood Drive, a public street located within Trophy Club (the 'Trophy Wood Extension "), so that it intersects with T.W. King Road, a public street located within Southlake, the approximate location shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, and WHEREAS, Southlake hereby agrees to permit Trophy Club to construct the Trophy Wood Extension so that it intersects with T.W. King Road; and WHEREAS, the Municipalities are authorized and empower by Chapter 791, Tex. Gov. Code (Vernon), to enter into this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Municipalities desire to enter into this Contract and acknowledge and agree that this Contract is in the best interests of the public health, safety and welfare. 8 Jun -21 -99 12:18P WITNESSETH: NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises and Covenants herein made, the benefits flowing to each of the parties hereto, and other good and valuable consideration, _ the City of Southlake, Texas and the Town of Trophy Club, Texas do hereby contract and agree as follows: Section 1. Iteration of g -m;s s. The above and foregoing premises are true and correct and are incorporated herein. Section 2. Trophy Wood Extension. Trophy Club intends to extend Trophy Wood Drive as generally shown on Exhibit "A` attached hereto and incorporated herein. In the event that the Trophy Wood Drive Extension is constructed, the Municipalities agree as follows: A. The Trophy Wood Drive Extension, at its intersection with T.W. King Road (the "Road Intersection "), and improvements to T.W. King, shall be constructed in accordance with. Southlake standards. The engineering and design including the placement of any traffic control devices such as signals or signage and any other improvements required by the construction of Trophy Wood Drive Extension shall be reviewed and approved by the Southlake City Engineer. Constriction plans of the Road Intersection and improvements to T.W. King shall be submitted to the Southlake City Engineer for review and approval and shall hereinafter be referred to as Exhibit "B." B. The Trophy Wood Drive Extension, at its intersection with T.W. King, may be constructed with asphalt or similar material as deemed appropriate by and approved by the City of Southlake. C. The Municipalities acknowledge that the Trophy Wood Drive Extension will increase traffic on T.W. King road from Trophy Wood Drive to Kirkwood Boulevard. The Town of Trophy Club agrees to overlay T.W. King with asphalt from Trophy Wood Drive to Kirkwood Boulevard. The Municipalities agree that a turn lane is required on T.W. King Road_ The Town of Trophy Club 2 1 Jun -21 -99 12:19P agrees to incur the cost of construction from the centerline of the Road Intersection to a point approximately 400 feet south and 100 feet north of the intersection. D. The Municipalities acknowledge and agree that a traffic control signal (commonly referred to as a "stop light ") niay be required, at some future date, to control traffic at the intersection of T.W. King and Trophy Wood Drive Extension (Road Intersection). In the event that the City of Southlake determines that a traffic control signal is warranted at this Road Intersection, Trophy Club shall acquire, place, and maintain the traffic signal as approved by the Southlake City Engineer. E. The Municipalities further acknowledge that a traffic control signal (commonly referred to as a "stop light ") may be required, at some future date, to control traffic at the intersection of Kirkwood Boulevard and State Highway 114 in part due to the increase in traffic from Trophy Wood Drive Extension. In the event that the City of Southlake determines that a traffic signal is needed at this intersection, Southlake shall hire a traffic consultant to study whether the traffic signal is warranted. Should the study find that the traffic signal is warranted, Trophy Club shall pay for the cost of the traffic study and shall pay its pro rata share of the cost to acquire, place, and maintain the traffic signal as approved by the Southlake City Engineer, The appropriate pro rata shares shall be determined by traffic counts. P. The Municipalities acknowledge that the Trophy Wood Drive Extension is being constructed pursuant to certain Easement Agreements (the "Easement Agreements") b g ) Y and between Trophy Club and Pacific Southwest Bank and Oakmont Enterprises, Inc. (the "Landowners "), true and correct copies of which are attached hereto as Exhibit "C ", The Easement Agreements provide that the Trophy Wood Drive Extension may remain until such time as the Landowners file a final plat for the property and construct a road in accordance with the Town of Trophy CIub's Master Pla t replace the Trophy Wood Drive Extension. In the event that the Easement Agreements are terminated, Trophy Club agrees that any further access to T.W. King or Kirkwood Boulevard from the Tow Trophy Club shall he subject to review and approval Town of pproval by the City of South lake_ 3 Jun -21 -99 12:19P Section 3 Application of 1. The validity of this Agreement and of any of its terms or provisions, as well as the rights and dudes of the parties hereto, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. This Agreement shall be performable and all compensation payable in Tarrant County, Texas. Venue under this Agreement lies in Tarrant County, Texas. Section 4. &' 111X. If any clause, paragraph, section or portion of this Agreement shall be found to be illegal, unlawful, unconstitutional or void for any reason, the balance of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and the parties shall be deemed to have contracted as „„ if said clause, section, paragraph or portion had not been in the Agreement initially. Section 5. Authority to execute. The undersigned officers and/or agents of the parties hereto are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the parties hereto, and each party hereby certifies to the other that any necessary resolutions extending said authority have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. • EXECUTED at Denton County, Texas and Tarrant County, Texas on the day and year first written above. TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS CITY OF SOUTI HAKE, TEXAS By: James P. Carter, Mayor Gary Fickes, Mayor ATTEST: ATTEST: By: Karen Sadri, Town Secretary Sandra L. Grand, City Secretary Say 9 4 Jun -21 -99 12:19P STATE OF TEXAS §§ COUNTY OF TARRANT §§ COUNTY OF DENTON §§ This instrument was acknowledged before me on , 1995 by lames P. Carter, Mayor of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas a Texas municipal corporation, o behalf of the said Town. NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Texas STATE OF TEXAS §§ COUNTY OF TARRANT §§ COUNTY OF DENTON §§ This instrument was acknowledged before me on , 1995 by Gary Fickes, Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas, a Texas municipal corporation, on behalf of the said City. NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Texas c:Ino l ►ceh&ce\TC<xc.95lkb 5 Exhibit "B" to Ordinance No. PUD Development Standards SABRE Non Residential Planned Unit Development 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this SABRE Non Residential Planned Unit Development, Ordinance No. is to facilitate the development of a high quality, controlled access, master planned headquarters for a major corporate user such as a "Fortune 500" company. The PUD includes approximately 154.8 acres as described on Exhibit "A" to the PUD and as shown on the Concept Plan attached as Exhibit "B -1 "hereto. It is anticipated that the Property will be developed as a secure (i.e., controlled access) "campus style" corporate headquarters. Security may include a full perimeter fence with a combination of attended and automatic access controls. Emergency access will be provided as required by the City's Fire Marshal. Access design will include adequate areas to accommodate vehicles that inadvertently approach the Property and must turn around without entering. It is anticipated that the Property will be developed with private streets designed to the same City construction standards that apply to public streets (with the exception that landscape medians may be left natural rather than irrigated). The design speed and geometry of the streets will be determined by the Property owner consistent with the "campus style" atmosphere of the development (with a minimum design speed of 25 mph). It is also anticipated that a portion of existing Kirkwood Boulevard (from SH -114 to the boundary of the Property) and a portion of existing T.W. King Road (that lies between the Property and Tract 2 of the MTP -IBM Addition No. 1) will be abandoned and closed for public use. Public use of "old" T.W. King Road west of said Tract 2 will continue. Maintenance of the private streets (to public street standards) will be the sole responsibility of the Property owner. The primary access from the Property to public streets will be provided by the private streets shown on the Concept Plan. Emergency (including police, fire, ambulance, and utilities) and security access to the Property may be provided by the access road to White Chapel Road (also shown on the Concept Plan). It will also be necessary to use the White Chapel access road for construction access during the first phase of development which is expected to be completed within two years after the first building permit is issued. This construction access is necessary because no access will exist across the North Fork of Kirkwood Branch until the first phase is completed. The details of private street design (including design speed, geometry, and access to public streets) will be provided as part of each site plan. The Property will be developed to include the dedication to the City of approximately 3.61 acres for a public park along the southeastern boundary of the Property adjacent to the South Fork of Kirkwood Branch (as shown on the Concept Plan). The dedication will reserve the right (but not the obligation) to maintain and landscape such park area at the Property owner's expense and the right to review the design of any improvements to be located or constructed within such park area. The City will include such park dedication in its regional trail system plan and will be responsible for the construction and maintenance of all improvements. All improvements will be designed to take maximum advantage of the natural topography and to minimize the impact on all trees. It is anticipated that the Property will be developed to include open space amenities for employees, visitors, and customers such as trails, parks, and other pedestrian- oriented areas. These amenities will be designed to take maximum advantage of the natural topography of the Property and to minimize the impact on all trees. These amenities will also be designed to be architecturally compatible with both the natural environment in which they are located and the buildings they serve. Details 1 REM JUN 0 71999 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 011907.00005:0435047 07 regarding these amenities will be provided as part of each site plan. Because these amenities serve only "private" development within the Property, a formal Pedestrian Access Plan is not required. In addition to open space amenities for employees, visitors, and customers, the Concept Plan identifies Landscape Areas around the full perimeter of the Property. These areas, together with the dedicated park land, will buffer the Property from adjacent development. 2. DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this SABRE Non Residential Planned Unit Development, the following terms are hereby defined: A. "Applicable City Ordinances" means the ordinances of the City, as amended, that regulate the development and use of land within the City including, but not limited to, Zoning Ordinance No. 480 and the Uniform Building Code. B. "Buildable Area" means all of the following areas (as shown on an approved final plat or approved site plan): (i) the "footprint" of each building or structure, (ii) the area within six feet of each building or structure foundation, (iii) public and private rights -of -way, (iv) public and private utility and drainage easements; (v) fire lanes, and (vi) all parking areas (including parking areas that exceed required parking). C. "City" means the City of Southlake, Texas D. "Concept Plan" means the concept plan attached as Exhibit B -1 to the PUD. E. "Landscape Area" means those areas (as shown on the Concept Plan) that will be preserved as permanent open space to buffer the Property from adjacent development. F. "Property" means the real property described on Exhibit A to the PUD. G. "PUD Standards" means the development standards established by Exhibit B to the PUD. H. "PUD" means this SABRE Non Residential Planned Unit Development zoning district, Ordinance No. , including Exhibits A, B, B -1, and C attached hereto. Except as defined above, all terms used in this PUD shall have the meaning given to them by the Applicable City Ordinances. 3. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. The requirements of this Exhibit "B" (including the Concept Plan) constitute the PUD Standards that apply to the Property and pursuant to which all development within the Property shall occur. To the extent any aspect of development is regulated by these PUD Standards, it is the intent that these PUD Standards shall be exclusive. For example, the landscape standards set forth herein shall be the only landscape standards that apply to the Property. If these PUD Standards do not regulate a particular aspect of development, then such particular aspect of development shall be regulated by reference to those provisions of the Applicable City Ordinances that would otherwise apply to the "0 -2 Office" zoning district, as amended. In the event of any conflict, inconsistency, or ambiguity between the PUD Standards and the Applicable City Ordinances, the PUD Standards shall control. In addition, to the extent reasonably possible, the Applicable City Ordinances shall be applied and interpreted to give effective to the intent of the PUD and the PUD Standards. If an amendment to any Applicable City Ordinance results in any non - conformity within the Property, such non - conformity may be continued indefinitely, as a matter of right, and shall be treated (for all purposes) as a legal use of the Property to the same extent as if the non - conformity had never existed. 2 Zoning Case No. ZA99 - 056 REVISED June 7, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.07 4. CONCEPT PLAN. A. Development Consistent with Concept Plan. The PUD is being processed with the Concept Plan attached hereto as Exhibit "B -1" and incorporated as part of the PUD for all purposes. The Concept Plan identifies (i) specific Landscape Areas within which development will be restricted, (ii) the approximate location of major private streets, and (iii) the area within which parking structures will most likely be located. The remainder of the Property will be available for development in accordance with these PUD Standards and the Applicable City Ordinances. The private streets shown on the Concept Plan are hereby determined to be in conformity with the intent of the City's Thoroughfare Plan. All development within the Property must be consistent with the Concept Plan. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the PUD Standards and the Concept Plan, the PUD Standards shall control. Except as provided below, amendments to the Concept Plan shall be considered a zoning change to the PUD and shall be processed and approved in accordance with the Applicable City Ordinances. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, the exact configuration of the private streets shown on the Concept Plan may be changed to accommodate the final design speed and geometry selected by the Property owner without such change constituting a zoning change to the PUD. Any such change based on the final selected design speed and geometry shall be provided as part of each site plan. Information contained on the Concept Plan that applies to land outside the Property is not part of the PUD and is provided for informational purposes only. B. Areas of Restricted Development. The Landscape Areas shown on the Concept Plan are intended to be preserved as permanent open space to buffer the Property from adjacent development. Development within these areas is restricted as hereinafter provided. C. Buildable Areas. The Buildable Areas within the Property shall consist of the entire area within the Property excluding only the Landscape Areas. 1. Structured Parking Areas. In order to mitigate the impact of large areas of surface parking (and the substantial tree removal that would necessarily result), the Property will be developed with multi -level parking structures to accommodate at least 80% of the required parking. The most likely location for the parking structures (and the location with the least impact on existing tree cover) is the area identified on the Concept Plan. As provided by the City's existing Tree Preservation Ordinance, the "footprint" of such parking structures (plus an area within six feet of the foundations) will be exempt from tree protection and tree replacement requirements. Because the use of parking structures will avoid paving large areas for surface parking, and because there is little design flexibility in the location of such parking structures, efforts to select garage "footprints" that minimize tree removal will not be required. 2. Other Buildable Areas. Buildable Areas for improvements within the remainder of the Property (i.e., the total area within the Property excluding the parking area described above) shall also be exempt from tree protection and tree replacement requirements. Notwithstanding such exemption, however, commercially reasonable efforts shall be used to identify Buildable Areas in an attempt to minimize the removal of quality trees with a diameter of six inches or greater measured 4'/2 feet above the ground. Such efforts shall not, however, require significant relocations of individual Buildable Areas or require Buildable Areas to be located so as to significantly alter or adversely affect the relationship of buildings, streets, and other improvements or otherwise 3 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.07 significantly alter or adversely affect the overall master planning for development of the Property. 5. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The development of each portion, section, or phase of the Property must be in accordance with a development plan that has been processed and approved for such portion, section, or phase in accordance with all Applicable City Ordinances. There shall be no phasing or timing requirement for the submission of development plans, and there shall be no minimum area for a development plan. Development plans shall not require additional or updated traffic impact analyses unless the cumulative total floor area proposed for development within the Property has exceeded the maximum floor area assumed in the original traffic impact analysis that was submitted with the application for the PUD. Once approved, a development plan shall not have an expiration date. This approach is designed and intended to allow a large development to be approved in concept and then constructed in phases. The City recognizes that it is not feasible and is unrealistic to require a highly detailed development plan to be completed on a very large project when it is recognized that the project will be constructed in sections or phases over several years. The PUD, which is based on the Concept Plan, reflects only zoning approval of a basic concept and may not be implemented until full development plan approval for each portion, section, or phase has been granted; however, the approval of the Concept Plan entitles owners of the Property to rely on, and implement by subsequently approved development plans, the type, intensity, and density of uses set forth in the approved Concept Plan. Each development plan must be consistent with the approved Concept Plan. Amendments to approved development plans shall be processed and approved in accordance with all Applicable City Ordinances; however, such amendments shall not be considered a zoning change to the PUD. 6. SITE PLANS. The development of each portion, section, or phase of the Property must be in accordance with a site plan that has been processed and approved for such portion, section, or phase in accordance with all Applicable City Ordinances. There shall be no phasing or timing requirement for the submission of site plans, and there shall be no minimum area for a site plan. Site plans shall not require additional or updated traffic impact analyses unless the total cumulative floor area proposed for development of the Property has exceeded the maximum floor area assumed in the original traffic impact analysis that was submitted with the application for the PUD. Once approved, a site plan shall not have an expiration date. This approach is designed and intended to allow a large development to be approved in concept, to then have development proceed though a series of phased development plans, and finally to have construction proceed through a series of phased site plans. The City recognizes that it is not feasible and is unrealistic to require a highly detailed site plan to be completed on a very large project when it is recognized that the project will be constructed in sections or phases over several years. Each site plan must be consistent with the applicable approved development plan. Amendments to site plans shall be processed and approved in accordance with all Applicable City Ordinances; however, such amendments shall not be considered a zoning change to the PUD. 7. USES. A. Permitted Principal Uses. The intent of this PUD is to permit the broadest range of "high- tech" uses to accommodate future technology changes in the fields of computer technology, information technology, data and information processing, and all services related thereto. The City recognizes, however, that future technology changes may occur beyond those that can be described in the PUD Standards. The Administrative Official of the City shall be authorized to interpret the following uses to accommodate future technology changes so as to achieve the intent of the PUD. 4 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.07 The PUD shall permit those uses set forth in the "0-2," Office District, Section 19, of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended. In addition, the following uses shall be permitted: • Agricultural uses (farm, ranch, orchard). • Communications facility, including, but not limited to, facilities that utilize satellite dishes, antennas, radio towers, fiber optic lines, telecommunications equipment, and all related hardware, software and services. All satellite dishes, antennas, radio towers, and similar communication equipment must be solely for use by the owners of the Property and occupants or users of the improvements located thereon (and none of such equipment may be sold or leased to third parties outside the PUD). All such equipment must be located within buildings or structures; or, if located outside a building, must be screened from view from all public roads. The location of all such equipment (including screening, as applicable) will be provided with each site plan. • Computer technology facility (including, but not limited to, facilities for research, development, marketing, sales and service, leasing /rental, maintenance and repair, distribution, and warehouse /storage of computer hardware, software, and related services). • Conference center. • Data/information processing center. • Hotel. • Information technology facility, including, but not limited to, facilities for research, development, marketing, sales and service, leasing /rental, maintenance and repair, distribution, and warehouse /storage of information technology hardware, software, and related services. • Parking structures. • Private streets /alleys /drives (including gated /restricted access entry points). • Restaurant. • Training center. B. Accessory Uses. The PUD shall permit those uses set forth in Section 34 of the Zoning Ordinance, as they apply to the "0-2 ", Office District, as amended. In addition, the following accessory uses shall be permitted: • Covered pedestrian walkways. • Footbridges (designed to meet minimum NCTCOG standards). • Communication equipment, including, but not limited to, satellite dishes, antennas, radio towers, fiber optic lines, telecommunications equipment, etc. All satellite dishes, antennas, radio towers, and similar communication equipment must be solely for use by the owners of the Property and occupants or users of the improvements located thereon (and none of such equipment may be sold or leased to third parties outside the PUD). All such equipment must be located within buildings or structures; or, if located outside a building, must be screened from view from all public roads. The location of all such equipment (including screening, as applicable) will be provided with each site plan. 5 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.07 • Utilities (including, but not limited to, utility buildings and structures, utility distribution lines, utility shop and storage, electric transformers, electric substations, telephone, electric, cable, and fiber optic switching stations, water and sewage pumping stations (above and below grade), water storage tanks and pumping systems (elevated or above grade), and water, sewer, electric, and gas meters). The following accessory uses shall be allowed within the same building as a permitted principal use without regard to the floor area of such accessory uses: • Banks and financial institutions (including ATMs). • Beauty parlor/barbershop. • Day nursery or equivalent child care facility. • Drug store. • General retail. • Health club /gymnasium. • Job printing, lithography, printing, or blueprinting. • Laundry/dry cleaning (drop /pick). • Mailing service (private). • Maintenance vehicle fueling and service. • Medical care facility /clinic. • Newsstand. • Personal services. • Post office (governmental). • Printing, engraving and related reproductive services. • Quick copy /duplicating services. • Recycling collection and /or storage. • Restaurant, cafe, cafeteria, or dining facility. • Security guard quarters. • Shoe repair. • Stationery and /or book store. • Temporary residential accommodations for employees /customers /visitors (full kitchens shall be prohibited). • Warehouse /storage (inside). The following accessory uses shall be allowed on a separate building site without regard to the floor area of such accessory uses: • Community facilities uses: 6 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.07 a. private parks; b. recreational and open space to include playgrounds, parkways, greenbelts, ponds and lakes, botanical gardens, nature centers, bird and wildlife sanctuaries, pedestrian paths, bicycle paths, and equestrian bridal trails; c. athletic, health, and sport facilities to include gyms, aerobic centers, spas, swimming pools, athletic fields, and sport/tennis courts; and d. other uses of a similar nature and character. • Day nursery or equivalent child care facility. • Health club /gymnasium. • Heliport/verti -port (limited to use by the owners of the Property and occupants or users of the improvements located thereon and subject to all applicable FAA requirements and approvals and subject to the designation of flight paths that maximize the use of the SH -114 corridor and minimize the overflight of residential areas). • Helistop /verti -stop (limited to use by the owners of the Property and occupants or users of the improvements located thereon and subject to all applicable FAA requirements and approvals and subject to the designation of flight paths that maximize the use of the SH -114 corridor and minimize the overflight of residential areas). • Maintenance equipment storage (outside /screened). Such storage shall be limited to use by the owners of the Property and occupants or users of improvements located thereon. No storage will be provided to any person or business located outside the Property. • Maintenance vehicle fueling and service. • Medical care facility /clinic. • Restaurant, cafe, cafeteria, or dining facility. • Temporary residential accommodations for employees /customers /visitors (full kitchens shall be prohibited). • Temporary construction materials storage (for each phase of development, limited to the time during which active construction is ongoing and for a period of 30 days thereafter). • Temporary construction office (for each phase of development, limited to the time during which active construction is ongoing and for a period of 30 days thereafter). 8. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. A. Height 1. Buildings. Except as provided below, no building (whether principal -use or accessory use) shall exceed the greater of six stories above grade or 90 feet in height. 2. Structured Parking. Except as provided below, no parking structure shall exceed the greater of six levels above grade or 60 feet in height. 3. Architectural Features. Architectural features (i.e., portions of buildings or structures not intended for occupancy) which are integral to the architectural style of the 7 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.07 building or structure (including spires, belfries, towers, cupolas, domes, feature walls and similar features) may exceed the height limitations set forth above by up to 70 feet. 4. Special Equipment. Mechanical equipment, penthouses, ventilation equipment, satellite dishes, antennas, cooling towers, and other similar equipment shall not exceed the actual height of the building by more than 25 feet. 5. Pitched Roofs. The height of a building (regardless of building size) with sloped or pitched roofs shall be measured to a point 15 feet above the highest occupied floor level. The high point of the sloped roof may exceed the height limitations set forth above by up to 50 feet. All measurements shall be from grade, as defined by Ordinance No. 480, Section 4.2. B. Setbacks 1. Front Yard. Except as provided below, the minimum front yard setback shall be 30 feet; however, up to 10% of the area of any building facade may extend up to 15 feet into any required front yard to accommodate building articulation design requirements. Short term visitor and customer parking shall be allowed in required front yards. No front yard adjustments shall be required to achieve consistency or compatibility with surrounding or future public development. 2. Side Yard. Except as provided below, there shall be no minimum side yard setback. No side yard adjustments shall be required to achieve consistency or compatibility with surrounding or future public development. 3. Rear Yard. Except as provided below, the minimum rear yard setback shall be 10 feet. 4. Residential Slope Proximity. Notwithstanding the minimum setbacks set forth above, buildings within 400 feet of property zoned for single family uses shall have a minimum setback from the property line adjacent to such single family property of 40 feet or a distance that will not cause any building to exceed a height produced by a 4:1 slope line from the single family property, whichever produces the greater setback. 5. S.H. No. 114. Notwithstanding the setbacks set forth above, the minimum setback along SH -114 shall be 50 feet. 6. Projections. Every part of a required yard shall be open to the sky, unobstructed by a building, except for the ordinary projections of sills, belt courses, cornices, and ornamental features not exceeding 48 inches. 7. Accessory Buildings. Accessory buildings may be located anywhere within the Property (but not within any required setback). 8. Measurement of Setbacks. Setbacks shall apply to all private streets within the Property and shall be measured from the right -of -way line (whether established by platted lot, easement, or other instrument). C. Maximum Lot Coverage. The maximum lot coverage for all buildings (excluding parking structures) shall not exceed 50% of the total area of the Property. 8 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.07 D. Maximum Impervious Coverage. The maximum impervious coverage shall not exceed 65% of the total area of the Property. E. Floor Area. There shall be no maximum floor area ratio for any improvements. There shall be no maximum floor area except as may result from the application of the PUD Standards (e.g., from the application of setbacks, height, coverage, etc.). 9. PARKING/LOADING. A. Parking Spaces Required. At least one parking space shall be provided for each 300 square feet of "principal -use" floor area developed within the Property. No additional spaces shall be required for any accessory use floor area. B. Location of Parking Spaces. All required parking spaces shall be located within the Property; however no parking shall be allowed within the Landscape Areas shown on the Concept Plan. C. Parking Space Size. All parking spaces shall be at least 8'/z feet wide and 18 feet long. Structural columns within any parking structure may project into the perimeter of "head -in" parking spaces up to one half the cross - sectional area of the column. D. Off - Street Loading /Service Areas. At least one off - street loading /service area shall be provided for each 200,000 square feet of "principal -use" floor area developed within the Property. No additional area shall be required for any accessory use floor area. Development of the Property as a private, campus -style corporate headquarters offers an opportunity to consolidate loading and service functions within one or more buildings or one or more locations. Such consolidated locations minimize the need for multiple loading /service areas and isolate large truck traffic to a few selected locations within the campus. Smaller scale distribution is then permitted. The location of such consolidated areas will be shown on all site plans. 10. ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS. A. Building Materials; Masonry Requirements. Buildings within the Property may be constructed of a variety of different building materials, and there shall be no minimum masonry requirement. Building materials shall include masonry materials, as defined in Ordinance No. 557, architectural concrete, architectural metal panels, glass, and other similar materials. Pre -cast concrete panels (including "tilt- wall ") may be used for accessory-use maintenance buildings that are not visible from public rights -of -way. In addition, the facade of any parking structure that is visible east of the park dedication land shown on the Concept Plan shall (if constructed of architectural concrete) include an architectural treatment (e.g., texture, color, relief, or detail). B. Reflective Glass. Any individual building facade may be 100% glass; however, no more than 80% of the total facade area of all buildings within the Property shall be glass. The maximum outward solar reflectivity of glass used shall be 35 %. C. Facade Articulation. It is the intent of this PUD to comply with the spirit and intent of the City's requirement for building facade articulation standards; however, it is also the intent of this PUD to avoid the imposition of a rigid mathematical formula to achieve such articulation. Consequently, this PUD does require that building facades include design articulation that will be approved with each site plan. Facade articulation may be achieved for individual buildings 9 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 011907.00005:0435047 07 through a combination of design techniques including, but not limited to, projections, overhangs, and incisions /cuts. Facade articulation may also be achieved by considering the effect of (i) the location of one building to another, (ii) the manner in which buildings are grouped, and (iii) variations in architectural surface treatments such as color, texture, relief, and detail. The facade articulations standards for parking structures will differ somewhat from the standards for office buildings because of their intended use (i.e., storing cars), reduced design flexibility, and the fact that visibility of such structures from SH -114 will be minimal (with no visibility of such structures during any but the very last phases of development). D. Exposed Structural /Architectural Columns. Structural concrete or steel elements may remain exposed if given some architectural treatment (e.g., color, texture, relief, or detail). E. Roof Design Standards. All structures shall be constructed with either a pitched roof, flat roof with a parapet, mansard roof, or any combination thereof. All flat roof surfaces will be screened from ground level views. Parking structure decks shall not to be considered roofs. Roofs of stairwells and elevator machine rooms and other similar spaces shall be exempt from roofing design standards so long as they are not be visible from ground level. 11. SCREENING. The following improvements shall be screened from view from public rights -of- way located outside the Property: mechanical equipment, rooftop appurtenances, satellite dishes, antennas, outside storage, trash /recycling receptacles, and off street loading /service areas. No screening shall be required from any rights -of -way within the Property, and no screening shall be required for any surface parking lots or for any parking structures. Screening shall be accomplished with masonry, landscaping, or any combination thereof. 12. LANDSCAPE STANDARDS. The size of the Property, the "campus- style" development being proposed, the utilization of parking structures to minimize surface parking, and the requirement for at Least 35% pervious cover will create a developed site with vast areas of open space that will include existing, natural vegetation, including thousands of mature trees. Consequently, there is no need for narrow bufferyards (and the related planting requirements) typically required for much smaller commercial sites. Nevertheless, in addition to the natural vegetation and trees that will be preserved, additional landscape standards are required for (i) the Landscape Areas shown on the Concept Plan, (ii) interior landscape areas based on building size, and (iii) parking island landscaping for surface parking lots. The interior landscape area requirements and parking island requirements are very similar to the City's existing requirements; however, more liberal planting credits are allowed for enhanced paving and to preserve existing trees. Such credits are appropriate for a campus -style development and will strongly encourage retaining natural tree groupings and trees near future building sites. Such credits will also simplify and reduce the maintenance costs associated with Large areas of small shrubs and ground cover. A. Landscape Areas. The Concept Plan identifies Landscape Areas up to 50 feet wide and larger that virtually encircle the Property. These Landscape Areas will be preserved as permanent open space, and, together with the park dedication, will buffer the Property from adjacent development. With the exception of small security structures (i.e., "guardhouses "), no paved surfaces or buildings or structures of any kind may be located within the Landscape Areas without site plan approval. The intent is to preserve these areas in a natural, undisturbed condition; however, additional landscaping may be planted within them at the option of the Property owner. Landscape Areas may be irrigated or left natural. B. Interior Landscape Areas. Subject to the reductions set forth below, the amount of interior landscape area required within the Property shall be computed based on all buildings (excluding parking structures) within the Property, and for each building (excluding parking 10 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 011907.00005:0435047 07 structures) shall equal 50% of the largest floor area of such building. The following plantings shall be required within the Property based on the interior landscape area as computed above: one canopy tree per 600 square feet; one accent tree per 300 square feet; one shrub (15 inch deciduous or 12 inch evergreen) per 60 square feet; and 10% of such interior landscape area must be planted as ground cover. These required plantings shall be reduced as follows: 1. Existing Plant Credits. Existing trees which are within 250 feet of any building shall reduce the required plantings as follows: Size of Existing Tree Planting Reductions Canopy Accent Shrubs — 5" caliper 1 or 2 or 6 6" — 11" caliper 2 or 3 or 12 12" and greater 3 or 4 or 18 2. Substitute Plantings. One additional canopy tree may be substituted for 10 shrubs or 500 square feet of ground cover. One additional accent tree may be substituted for five shrubs or 250 square feet of ground cover. 3. Enhanced Pavement Credits. For each square foot of enhanced pavement area, the required landscape area shall be reduced by 0.5 square feet, up to a maximum overall reduction of 25 %. C. Parking Lot Landscaping. 1. Structured Parking. There shall be no landscaping requirements applicable to parking structures. 2. Surface Parking. a. Planter Islands. Planter islands shall be provided in all surface parking areas on the basis of 10 square feet of landscape area for each parking space provided. Where reasonably possible, each row of parking spaces shall provide the required landscape area; however, islands may be placed near buildings, throughout the parking area, or at the end of the rows away from buildings. These island requirements may be modified in situations where it would be beneficial to combine an awkward or hazardous island into a larger island. Planter islands shall have a minimum width of eight feet back -to -back if curbed or nine feet edge -to -edge if no curb is intended, and shall be 18 feet long. Planter island landscape areas count towards the total required interior landscape area. b. Existing Trees. The following variations to the planter island requirements shall be permitted to preserve existing trees. For existing trees, the minimum width of the planter island shall be as follows: 5" caliper or less = 8 foot minimum width 6" — 12" caliper = 12 foot minimum width greater than 12" caliper = 18 foot minimum width 11 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 011907.00005:0435047.07 c. Planting Requirements. A minimum of 50% of all planter islands shall contain a minimum of one canopy tree (with the remaining area in shrubs, ground cover, grasses, or seasonal color). Planter islands which have light poles for lighting the parking areas may substitute two accent trees for the required canopy tree. At least 50% of all trees must be 4 inch caliper or greater, and the remainder must be two inch caliper or greater. 13. FENCING. Perimeter fencing visible from SH -114 will be constructed of wrought iron, masonry, other architectural metal, or any combination thereof. Other materials that are architecturally compatible with the buildings visible from SH -114 may also be used if approved by a site plan. Fencing that is not visible from SH -114 and that is generally screened by vegetation will be constructed of coated, dark - colored chain link. No fencing articulation shall be required. The details of fence design will be provided as part of each site plan. 14. ACCESS CONTROL STRUCTURES. Access control structures that are visible from any public rights -of -way outside the Property will be constructed of materials that are the same as or substantially similar to the buildings visible from such rights -of -way. Such structures may also be constructed of any other material that is architecturally compatible with the buildings that are visible, provided such other materials are approved on a site plan. Access control structures that are not visible from public rights -of -way outside the Property may be constructed of masonry, wood, architectural concrete, metal panels, or any combination thereof. 15. PARKS/TRAILS /OPEN SPACE. Except as provided in the Concept Plan, there shall be no other requirements for parks, trails, or public open space. 16. DRIVEWAY REQUIREMENTS. None of the standards or requirements for driveways included in Driveway Ordinance No. 634, as amended, shall apply to the Property. 12 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 011907.00005:043 5047.07 Exhibit "B" to Ordinance No. PUD Development Standards SABRE Non Residential Planned Unit Development 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of tho this SABRE Non Residential Planned Unit Development, Ordinance No. (the "PUD ") is to cilitate the development of a high quality, controlled access, master planned headquarters for a major corporate user such as a "Fortune 500" company. The PUD includes approximately 155.2 154.8 acres as described on Exhibit "A" to the PUD and as shown on the Concept Plan (the "Concept Plan attached as Exhibit "B -1" hereto(the "Property "). It is anticipated that the Property will be developed as a secure (i.e., controlled access) "campus style" corporate headquarters. Security may include a full perimeter fence with a combination of attended and automatic access controls. Access control structures visible from SH 111 will also be constructed of materials that are architecturally compatible with the buildings visible from SH 111. Emergency access will be provided as required by the Fire Marshall of the City of Southlake, Texas (the "City ") City's Fire Marshal. Access design will include adequate areas to accommodate vehicles that inadvertently approach the Property and must turn around without entering. The details of fence design and access control design will be provided as part of each Site Plan. It is anticipated that the Property will be developed with private streets designed to the same City construction standards that apply to public streets (with the exception that landscape medians may be left natural rather than irrigated). The design speed and geometry of the streets will be determined by the Property owner consistent with the "campus style" atmosphere of the development (with a minimum design speed of 25 mph). It is also anticipated that a portion of existing Kirkwood Boulevard (from SH- 114 to the boundary of the Property) and a portion of existing T.W. King Road (that lies between the ppapogy Property and Tract 2 of the MTP -IBM Addition No. 1) will be abandoned and closed for public use. Pub icT^ use of "old" T.W. King Road west of said Tract 2 will continue. Maintenance of the private streets (to public street standards) will be the sole responsibility of the Property owner. The primary access from the Property to public streets will be provided by the Proposed Private Boulevard and Propos d n,a.,at uo°d private streets shown on the Concept Plan. Emergency (including police, fire, ambulance, and utilities), and security an construction access to the Property may be provided by the access road to White ChapRoad (also shown on the Concept Plan). It will also be necessary to use the White Chapel access road for construction access during the first phase of development which is expected to be completed within two years after the first building permit is issued. 'Phis construction access is necessary because no access will exist across the North Fork of Kirkwood Branch until the first phase is completed. The details of private street design (including design speed, geometry, and access to public streets) will be provided as part of each Site Plan site plan. The Property will be developed to include the dedication to the City of approximately 3.61 acres for a public park along the southeastern boundary of the Property adjacent to the South Fork of Kirkwood Branch (as shown on the Concept Plan). The dedication will reserve the right (but not the obligation) to maintain and landscape such park area at the Property owner's expense and the right to review the design of any improvements to be located or constructed within such park area. The City will include such park dedication in its regional trail system plan and will be responsible for the construction and maintenance of all improvements. All improvements will be designed to take maximum advantage of the natural topography and to minimize the impact on all trees. RECO JUN 0 7 1999 1 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 011907.00005:043 5047.RED It is anticipated that the Property will be developed to include open space amenities for employees, visitors, and customers such as trails, parks, and other pedestrian- oriented areas. These - _ - - - - -- - - • - • • - _ These amenities will be designed to take maximum advantage of the natural topography of the Property and to minimize the impact on allquality, specimen trees. These amenities will also be designed to be architecturally compatible with both the natural environment in which they are located and the buildings they serve. Details regarding employee these • amenities will be _ - _ - - - - • • - • • • - . •- - - - - ' .—TT1 p eses- -enly. provided as part of each site plan. Because these amenities serve only "private" development witTim the Property, a formal Pedestrian Access Plan is not required. In addition to open space amenities for employees, visitors, and customers, the Concept Plan identifies - - _ • . .. _ _ - _ ' - - _ - - _ _ - • • ' • Landscape Areas around the full perimeter of the Property. These - _ • - - - - • - - - • _ _ _ _ - - erwza!ilmrvsasto Msmrssrrr -rim • P-• --- • - --- - • - - - -- e • buffer future adjacent development to the north. The total of such proposed restricted areas (approximately 28.07 acres) constitutes 18.1% of the total area of the Property. areas, together with the dedicated park land, will buffer the Property from adjacent development. 2 2. DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this SABRE Non Residential Planned Unit Development, the folTowing terms are hereby defined: A. "Applicable City Ordinances" means the ordinances of the City, as amended, that regulate the development and use of land within the City including, but not limited to, Zoning Ordinance No. 480 and the Uniform Building Code. B. "Buildable Area" means all of the following areas (as shown on an approved final plat or approved site plan): (i) the "toot.rint" of each buildin: or structure, 11 the area within six feet of each building or structure foundation, (111) public and private rights -of- way, (iv) .ublic and .rivate utili and draina:e easements; (v tire lanes, and (vi) all parking areas inc u • ing par ing areas t at excee require. par ing C. "City" means the City of Southlake, Texas D. "Concept Plan" means the concept plan attached as Exhibit B -1 to the PUD. E. "Landscape Area" means those areas (as shown on the Concept Plan) that will be preserved as permanent open space to buffer the Property from adjacent development. F. "Property" means the real property described on Exhibit A to the PUD. G. "PUD Standards" means the development standards established by ExhibitB to the PUll. H. "PUD" means this SABRE Non Residential Planned Unit Development zoning district, Ordinance No. , including Exhibits A, B, B -1, and C attached hereto. Except as defined above, all terms used in this PUD shall have the meaning given to them by the Applicable City Ordinances. 2 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 01 1907.00005 :043 5 047. RE D 3. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. The requirements of this Exhibit "B" (including the Concept Plan) constitute the PUD development standards (the "PUD Standards) Standards that apply to the Property and pursuant to which all development within the Property shall occur. '1'o the extent any aspect of development is directly or indirectly regulated by these PUD Standards, it is the intent that these PUD Standards shall be exclusive - •. _ _ - _ . t_ - _ _ _ • _ _ - _ _ • •_ ' _ 46-amoodod-). For example, the landscape standards set forth herein shall be the only landscape standards that apply to the Property - • - • - - - - - - - • - - • - - - - • - - - • - - - - 1 apply unless this PUD is amended. If these PUD Standards do not regulate a particular aspect of development, then such particular aspect of development shall be regulated by reference to those provisions of the Applicable City Ordinances that would otherwise apply to the "0 -2 Office" zoning istrict[esf:TSi. - - - - - - :rssm - - - - - - - amended; collectively, the "City Ordinances "), as amended. In the event of any conflict, inconsistency, or ambiguity between the PUD Standards and the Applicable City Ordinances, the PUD staoda;ds Standards shall control. To In addition, to the extent applicable, the reasonably possible, the Applicable City Ordinances shall be applied and interpreted to give effective to the intent ot the PUD and the PUD Standards. If an amendment to any Applicable City Ordinance results in any non - conformity within the Property, such non - conformity may be continued indefinitely, as a matter ot right, and shall be treated (tor all purposes) as a legal use of the Property to the same extent as if the non - contormity had never existed. 4 3. CONCEPT PLAN. A. Development Consistent with Concept Plan. The PUD is being processed with the Concept Plan attached hereto as Exhibit "B -1" and incorporated as part of the PUD for all purposes. The Concept Plan identifies the developable areas of the Property within which the owner will have the flexibility to locate its proposed improvements and the areas of the Property) specific Landscape Areas within which development will be restricted. The Concept Plan also i enti ies t e ropose rivate Boulevard and Proposed Private Road, which private ,treets will enable full development, (ii)the approximate location of major private streets, and (iii) the area within which parking structures will most likely be located. The remainder of the P wpm: -�S- ST- S.Tin.rir :TTS:SS!]ET:u'KY SI TS /Ylfl7.SermiLT.fmiaerml. - _ • . Thoroughfare Plan shall be deemed amended to the extent necessary to conform the Thoroughfare Plan to the will be available for development in accordance with these PUD Standards and the Applicable City Ordinances. The private streets shown on the Concept gloat Plan are hereby determined to be in conformity with the intent of the City's Thoroughfare Plan. All development within the Property must be consistent with the Concept Plan. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the PUD Standards and the Concept Plan, the PUD Standards shall control. AolloodF000ts Except as provided below, amendments to the Concept Plan shall be considered a zoning change to the PUD and shall be processed and approved in accordance with the Applicable City Ordinances. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, the exact configuration of the private streets shown on the Concept Plan may be changed to accommodate the final design speed and geometry selected by the Property owner without such change constituting a zoning change to the PUD. Any such change based on the final selected design speed and geometry shall be provided as part ot each site plan. Information contained on the Concept Plan that applies to land outside the Property is not part of the PUD and is provided for informational purposes only. B. Areas of Restricted Development. The Landscape Areas the Property will be restricted ows; 3 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 011907.00005:043 5047.RED 1. Bufferyards. Development within the bufferyards (approximately 5.85 acres) shown on the Concept Plan shall be are intended to be preserved as permanent open space to buffer the Property from adjacent development. Development within these areas is restricted in accordant WIa .. ners� :ntl WNW": MI":11sm sr.�:ree:rw i.... s only b ryard " r °a as hereinafter provided. C. Buildable Areas. The Buildable Areas within the Property shall consist of the entire area Within the, _ - _ _ _ • _ - Property (approximately 3.64 acres) shown excluding only the Landscape Areas. 1. Structured Parking Areas. In order to mitigate the impact of large areas of surface par ing an t e su stantia tree remova t at wou I necessari y resu t , t e Property will be developed with multi -level parking structures to accommodate at least 80% of the required parking. The most likely location for the parking structures (and the location with the least impact on existing tree cover) is the area identified on the Concept Plan. As provided by the City's existing 'free Preservation Ordinance, the "footprint" of such parking structures (plus an area within six feet of the foundations) will and--losat.ad maser omalialmm1.YAstrs• TTMIS.,..., ..........,.=enetrrssa�:r�srsrs�:. P. 2 . Proposed Private Boulevard, and (iv)generally adjacent to the residential development identified as Kirkwood Hollow (such portion hereinafter called the "Kirkwood • ••!' • the applicable City Ordinances (including the City's Tree Preservation Ordinance). 3. Corps Adjacency.The portion of the Property (approximately 18.58 acres) shown on the Concept Plan and located (i) north and west of the White Chapel access road, (ii)south of the northern boundary line of the Property, (iii)north of the right of way for the Proposed Private Boulevard and Proposed Private Road, and (iv)generally adjacent to the land owned by the Corps of Engineers and A.F. Olen (such portion hereinafter called the "Corps Adjacency ") is intended to provide a buffer between the Property and development of the adjacent properties to the north. No "main use" structures shall be located or constructed within the Corps Adjacency without the consent of the City; the Corps Adjacency except in accordance with the applicable City Ordinances (including the City's Tree Preservation ordinance); provided, however, that the buildable _ - - . _ - be exempt from ttio tree protection and tree replacement requirements. Because the use of parking structures will avoid paving large areas for surface parking, and because there is little design flexibility in the location of such parking structures, efforts to select garage "footprrnts" thatot the " ree °recer vation •rseeas:r�.'s:rese:*szsreIin .Ism. .. I uced to identify buildable areas that will minimize the removal of "quality trees" with a diameter of eight inches or greater measured 'P /2 feet above the ground. For all purposes of the PUD, "buildable area" is defined to include all of the following areas (as shown on an approved final plat or an approved Site Plan): (a)the "footprint" of each actual building 4 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 011907.00005:043 5047.RED rights of way; (d)public utility and drainage easements; (e)fire lanes; and (f) all parking 1. Structured Parking Areas.A portion of the Developable Area consisting of approximately 30 acres along the eastern edge of the Property (generally described as an area approximately 500 feet wide, measured in a westerly direction from the Proposed from a line parallel to and 300 feet north of the White Chapel access road) is expected to be used for structured parking Such 30 acre area shall be exempt from the tree protection may be located anywhere within such 30 acre area, and no efforts shall be required to minimize tree removal will not be required. 2. Other Buildable Areas. Buildable ar$as Areas for improvements within the remainder of the Property (i.e., the Developable Area area within the Property excluding the ap a y 30 ar.ro parking area described above) shall also be exempt from tie tree protection and tree replacement requirements the applicable City Ordinances. Notwithstanding such exemption, however, commercially reasonable efforts shall be used to identify Buildable Areas in an attempt to minimize the removal of quality trees -' with a diameter of e4gl4 six inches or greater measured 4'/2 feet above the ground. Such efforts shall not, ►1 owever, require significant relocations of individual Buildable Areas or require Buildable Areas to be located so as to significantly alter or adversely affect the relationship of buildings, streets, and other improvements or otherwise significantly alter or adversely affect the overall master planning for development of the Property. 4 5. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The development of each portion, section, or phase of the Property must be in accordance with a development plan (a "Development Plan ") that has been processed and approved for such portion, section, or phase in accordance with all applicable Applicable City Ordinances. There shall be no phasing or timing requirement for the submission ofDeve o pment Plans development plans, and there shall be no minimum area for a development plan. Development Pa plans shall not require additional or updated traffic impact analyses unless the cumulative total floor area proposed for development within the Property has exceeded the maximum floor area assumed in the original traffic impact analysis that was submitted with the application for the PUD. Once approved, a Development Plan development plan shall not have an expiration date. This approach is designed and intended to allow a large development to be approved in concept and then constructed in phases. The City recognizes that it is not be feasible and is unrealistic to require a highly detailed development plan to be completed on a very large project when it is recognized that the project will be constructed in sections or phases over several years. The PUD, which is based on the Concept Plan, reflects only zoning approval of a basic concept and may not be implemented until full Development Plan development plan approval for each portion, section, or phase has been granted; however, the approval of the Concept Plan entitles owners of the Property to rely on, and implement by subsequently approved Development Plane development plans, the type, intensity, and density of uses set forth in the approved Concept Plan. Each development plan must be consistent with the approved Concept Plan. Amendments to approved d plans shall be 5 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 01 1907.00005:043 5 047. RED processed and approved in accordance with all applicable Applicable City Ordinances; however, such amendments shall not be considered a zoning change to the PUD. 5 6. SITE PLANS. The development of each portion, section, or phase of the Property must be in accordance with a site plan (a "Site Plan ") that has been processed and approved for such portion, section, or phase in accordance with all applieakle Applicable City Ordinances. There shall be no phasing or timing requirement for the submission ofSite�ite plans, and there shall be no minimum area for a site plan. Site Plan. Site Plans plans shall not require additional or updated traffic impact analyses unless the total cumulative floor area proposed for development of the Property has exceeded the maximum floor area assumed in the original traffic impact analysis that was submitted with the application for the PUD. Once approved, a Site Plan site plan shall not have an expiration date. This approach is designed and intended to allow a large deve o1 pment to be approved in concept, to then have development t proceed though a series of phased development plans, and pally to have construction proceed through a series of phased Site Plane site plans. The City recognizes that it is not feasible and is unrealistic to require a highly detailed Site Plan site plan to be completed on a very large project when it is recognized that the project will be constructed in sections or phases over several years. EachSite Plan site plan must be consistent with the applicable approved Development Plan. development plan. Amendments to Site Planc site plans shall be processed and approved in accordance with all applicabble Applicable City Ordinances; however, such amendments shall not be considered a zoning change to the PUll. 6 7. USES. A. Permitted Principal Uses. The intent of this PUD is to permit the broadest range of "high- tech" uses to accommodate future technology changes in the fields of computer technology, information technology, data and information processing, and all services related thereto. The City recognizes, however, that future technology changes may occur beyond those that can be described in 444E4 the PUD Standards. The liktikling Administrative Official of the City shall be authorized to interpret the following uses to accommodate future technology changes so as to achieve the intent of the PUD. The PUD shall permit those uses set forth in the "0-2," Office District, Section 19, of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended. In addition, the following uses shall be permitted: • Agricultural uses (farm, ranch, orchard). • Communications facility{ including, but not limited to, facilities that utilize satellite dishes, antennas, radio towers, fiber optic lines, telecommunications equipment, and all related hardware, software and services. All satellite dishes, antennas, radio towers, and similar communication equipment must be solely for use by the owners ot the Property and occupants or users ot the improvements located thereon (and none ot such equipment may be sold or leased to third parties outside the PUD). All such equipment must be located within buildings or structures; or, it located outside a building, must be screened from view from all public roads. The location of all such equipment (including screening, as applicable) will be provided with each site plan, • Computer technology facility (including, but not limited to, facilities for research, development, marketing, sales and service, leasing /rental, maintenance and repair, distribution, and warehouse /storage of computer hardware, software, and related services) 6 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 01 1907.0000 5 :043 5 047. RED • Conference center. • Data/information processing center. • Hotel. • Information technology facility(4444104ing including, but not limited to, facilities for research, development, marketing, sales and service, leasing /rental, maintenance and repair, distribution, and warehouse /storage of information technology hardware, software, and related services) • Parking structures. • Private streets /alleys /drives (including gated /restricted access entry points). • Restaurant. • Training center. B. Accessory Uses. The PUD shall permit those uses set forth in Section 34 of the Zoning Ordinance, as they apply to the "0-2 ", Office District, as amended. In addition, the following accessory uses shall be permitted: • Covered pedestrian walkways_ • Footbridges (designed to meet minimum NCTCOG standards). • Communication equipment{ including, but not limited to, satellite dishes, antennas, radio towers, fiber optic lines, telecommunications equipment, ots,4 etc. All satellite dishes, antennas, radio towers, and similar communication equipment must be solely tor use by the owners ot the Property and occupants or users ot the improvements located thereon (and none of such equipment may be sold or leased to third parties outside the PUD). All such equipment must be located within buildings or structures; or, if located outside a building, must be screened from view from all public roads. The location of all such equipment (including screening, as applicable) will be provided with each site plan. • Utilities (including, but not limited to, utility buildings and structures, utility distribution lines, utility shop and storage, electric transformers, electric substations, telephone, electric, cable, and fiber optic switching stations, water and sewage pumping stations (above and below grade), water storage tanks and pumping systems (elevated or above grade), and water, sewer, electric, and gas meters)_ The following accessory uses shall be allowed within the same building as a permitted principal use without regard to the floor area of such accessory uses: • Banks and financial institutions (including ATMs). • Beauty parlor/barbershop • Day nursery or equivalent child care facility. • Drug store. • General retail. • Health club /gymnasium. 7 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 011907.00005:043 5047.RED • Job printing, lithography, printing, or blueprinting • Laundry/dry cleaning (drop/pick) • Mailing service (private)_ • Maintenance vehicle fueling and service. • Medical care facility /clinic. • Newsstand. • Personal services. • Post office (governmental). • Printing, engraving and related reproductive services. • Quick copy /duplicating services. • Recycling collection and /or storage. • Restaurant, cafe, cafeteria, or dining facility. • Security guard quarters_ • Shoe repair. • Stationery and /or book store. • Temporary residential accommodations for employees /customers /visitors (full kitchens shall be prohibited). • Warehouse /storage (inside)_ The following accessory uses shall be allowed on a separate building site without regard to the floor area of such accessory uses: • Community facilities uses: a. private parks; b. recreational and open space to include playgrounds, parkways, greenbelts, ponds and lakes, botanical gardens, nature centers, bird and wildlife sanctuaries, pedestrian paths, bicycle paths, and equestrian bridal trails; c. athletic, health, and sport facilities to include gyms, aerobic centers, spas, swimming pools, athletic fields, and sport/tennis courts; and d. other uses of a similar nature and character. • Day nursery or equivalent child care facility. • Health club /gymnasium. • Heliport/verti -port (limited to use by the owners of the Property and occupants or users of the improvements located thereon and subject to all applicable FAA requirements and approvals and subject to the designation of flight paths that maximize the use of the SH- 114 corridor and minimize the overflight of residential areas). • Helistop /verti -stop (limited to use by the owners of the Property and occupants or users of the improvements located thereon and subject to all applicable FAA requirements and 8 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 01 1907.0000 5:043 5 047. RED approvals and subject to the designation of flight paths that maximize the use of the SH- 114 corridor and minimize the overflight of residential areas). • Maintenance equipment storage (outside /screened). Such storage shall be limited to use by the owners of the Property and occupants or users of improvements located thereon. No storage will be provided to any person or business located outside the Property. • Maintenance vehicle fueling and service. • Medical care facility /clinic. • Restaurant, cafe, cafeteria, or dining facility. • Temporary residential accommodations for employees /customers /visitors (full kitchens shall be prohibited). • Temporary construction materials storage ((for each phase of development, limited to "build out" period) the time during which active construction is ongoing and for a period of 30 days thereafter). • Temporary construction office ((for each phase of development, limited to the time during which active construction is ongoing and for a period of csaustAir..44444 30 days thereafter). 8. DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. A. Height 1. Buildings. Except as provided below, no building (whether maims- principal -use or accessory 4 use) shall exceed the greater of six stories above grade or 90 feet in height. 2. Structured Parking. Except as provided below, no parking structure shall exceed the greater of six levels above grade or 60 feet in height. 3. Architectural Features. Architectural features (i.e., portions of buildings or structures not intended for occupancy) which are integral to the architectural style of the building or structure (including spires, belfries, towers, cupolas, domes, feature walls and similar features) may exceed the height limitations set forth above by up to 70 feet. 4. Special Equipment. Mechanical equipment, penthouses, ventilation equipment, satellite dishes, antennas, cooling towers, and other similar equipment shall not exceed the actual height of the building by more than 25 feet. 5. Pitched Roofs. Building bight ^„ b la;ngc The height of a building (regardless of building size) with sloped or pitched roofs shall be measured to a point 15 teet above the highest occupied floor level. The high point of the sloped roof may exceed the height limitations set forth above by up to 50 feet. All measurements shall be from grade, as defined by Ordinance No. 480, Section 4.2. B. Setbacks 1. Front Yard. Except as provided below, the minimum front yard setback shall be 30 feet; however, up to 10% of any required front yard setback may be reduced the area of any building ta9ade may extend up to 15 feet into any required front 9 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 01 1907.00005:043 5 047. RED yard to accommodate building articulation design requirements. Short term visitor and customer parking shall be allowed in required front yards. No front yard adjustments shall be required to achieve consistency or compatibility with surrounding or future public development. 2. Side Yard. Except as provided below, there shall be no minimum side yard setback. No side yard adjustments shall be required to achieve consistency or compatibility with surrounding or future public development. 3. Rear Yard. Except as provided below, the minimum rear yard setback shall be 10 feet. 4. Residential Slope Proximity. Notwithstanding the minimum setbacks set forth above, buildings within 400 feet of property zoned for single family uses shall have a minimum setback from the property line adjacent to such single family property of 40 feet or a distance that will not cause any building to exceed a height produced by a 4:1 slope line from the single family property, whichever produces the greater setback. 5. S.H. No. 114. Notwithstanding the setbacks set forth above, the minimum setback along SH -114 shall be 50 feet. 6. Projections. Every part of a required yard shall be open to the sky, unobstructed by a building, except for the ordinary projections of sills, belt courses, cornices, and ornamental features not exceeding 48 inches. 7. Accessory Buildings. Accessory buildings may be located tor,, o f ma ,,, „co b04441ing€ anywhere within the Property (but not within any required setback). 8. Measurement of Setbacks. Setbacks shall apply to all private streets within the Property and shall be measured trom the right -ot -way line (whether established by platted lot, easement, or other instrument). C. Maximum Lot Coverage. The maximum lot coverage for all buildings (excluding parking structures) shall not exceed 50% of the total area of the Property. D. Maximum Impervious Coverage. The maximum impervious coverage shall not exceed 65% of the total area of the Property. E. Floor Area. There shall be no maximum floor area ratio for any improvements. There shall be no maximum floor area except as may result from the application of the PUD Standards (e.g., from the application of setbacks, height, coverage, etc.). 8 9. PARKING/LOADING. A. Parking Spaces Required. At least one parking space shall be provided for each 300 square feet of4gaii"principal -use" floor area developed within the Property. No additional spaces shall be required for any accessory use floor area. 10 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 011907.00005:043 5047.RED B. Location of Parking Spaces. All required parking spaces shall be located within the Property; however no parking shall be allowed within any bufferyard or the Kirkwood Adjacency the Landscape Areas shown on the Concept Plan. C. Parking Space Size. No "head in" All parking &Fase spaces shall be less than 8.5 at least 8'/2 feet wide and 18 feet long. No angled pacing space shall than eight feet wide and 1-8 Wet long. Structural columns within any parking structure may project into the perimeter of the "head -in" parking spaces up to one half the cross - sectional area of the column. D. Off - Street Loading/Service Areas. At least one off - street loading /service area shall be provided for each 200,000 square feet of Lmain"principal-use" floor area developed within the Property. Loading /services areas for different buildings may be combined in a single building or ;,,gl locatio^ No additional area shall be required for any accessory use floor area. Development of the Property as a private, campus -style corporate headquarters offers an opportunity to consolidate loading and service functions within one or more buildings or one or more locations. Such consolidated locations minimize the need for multiple loading /service areas and isolate large truck tattle to a few selected locations within the campus. Smaller scale distribution is then permitted. The location of such consolidated areas will be shown on all site plans. 10, O. ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS. A. Building Materials; Masonry Requirements. Buildings within the Property may be constructed of a variety of different building materials, and there shall be no minimum masonry requirement. Building materials shall include masonry materials, as defined in Ordinance No. 557, architectural concrete, architectural metal panels, glass, and other similar materials. Pre -cast concrete panels (including "tilt- wall ") may be used for accessory-use maintenance buildings that are not visible from a public ;g14 rights -of -way. In addition, the facade of any parking structure that is visible east of the park dedication land shown on the Concept Plan shall (if constructed of architectural concrete) include an architectural treatment (e.g., texture, color, relief, or detail). B. Reflective Glass. Any individual building or building facade may be 100% glass; however, no more than 409,480% of the total facade area of all buildings within the Property shall be glass. The maximum outwai solar reflectivity of glass used shall be 35 %. C. Facade Articulation. Buildiag It is the intent of this PUD to comply with the spirit and intent of the City's requirement for building facade articulation standards; however, it is also the intent of this PUD to avoid the imposition of a rigid mathematical tormula to achieve such articulation. Consequently, this PUD does require that building facades include design articulation that will be approved with each site plan. Facade articulation = =� may be achieved tor individual buildings through a combination ot design techniques including, but not limited to, projections, overhangs, and incisions /cuts. The "appearance" of Facade articulation may also be used through achieved by considering the effect of (i) the location one building to another, (ii) the manner in which buildings are grouped, and (111) variations in architectural sur ace treatments suc as co or, texture, re ie , an. • etai . IF ft'r_ esren _ " _ _ _ _ articulation shalt apply The facade articulations standards for parking structures will differ somewhat from the standards tor ottice buildings because ot their intended use (i.e., storing cars), reduced design flexibility, and the tact that visibility ot such structures from SH -114 will be minimal (with no visibility ot such structures during any but the very last phases of development). 11 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 01 190 7.00005:043 5 04 7. RED D. Exposed Structural /Architectural Columns. Structural concrete or steel elements may remain exposed if given some architectural treatment (e.g., color, texture, relief, or detail). E. Roof Design Standards. All structures shall be constructed with either a pitched roof, flat roof with a parapet, mansard roof, or any combination thereof. All flat roof surfaces will be screened from ground level views. Parking structure decks shall not to be considered roofs. Roofs of stairwells and elevator machine rooms and other similar spaces shall be exempt from roofing design standards so long as they are not be visible from ground level. 4411. SCREENING. The following improvements shall be screened from view from public rights -of- way located outside the Property: mechanical equipment, rooftop appurtenances, satellite dishes, antennas, outside storage, trash/recycling receptacles, and off street loading /service areas. No screening shall be required from any rights -of -way within the Property, and no screening shall be required for any surface parking lots or for any parking structures. Screening shall be accomplished with masonry, landscaping, or any combination thereof. 4412. LANDSCAPE STANDARDS. The landscape standards for the Property include all of the City's basic landscape elements: bufferyard landscaping, interior landscaping and parking lot landscaping, For each of these basic landscape elements, the PUD Standards set forth below (e.g., the number of trees per Standards differ, however, from the current City ordinances in that size of the Property, the "campus - style" development being proposed, the utilization of parking structures to minimize surtace parking, and the requirement tor at least 35% pervious cover will create a developed site with vast areas of open space that will include existing, natural vegetation, including thousands of mature trees. Consequently, there is no need for narrow bufteryards (and the related planting requirements) typically required tor much smaller commercial sites. Nevertheless, in addition to the natural vegetation and trees that will be preserved, additional landscape standards are required tor (i) the Landscape Areas shown on the Concept Plan, (11) interior landscape areas based on building size, and (m) parking island landscaping for surface parking lots. The interior landscape area requirements and parking island requirements are very similar to the City's existing requirements; however, more liberal planting credits are allowed torexisting trees and enhanced paving and to preserve existing trees. Such credits are appropriate for a 1ago campus -style development and will strongly encourage retaining natural tree groupings and trees near future building sites. Such credits will also simplify and reduce the maintenance costs associated with large areas of small shrubs and ground cover. A. Landscape Areas. The Concept Plan identifies Landscape Areas up to 50 feet wide and larger that virtually encircle the Property. These Landscape Areas will be preserved as permanent open space, and, together with the park dedication, will butter the Property from adjacent development. With the exception of small security structures (i.e., "guardhouses "), no paved surfaces or buildings or structures of any kind may be located within the Landscape Areas without site plan approval. The intent is to preserve these areas in a natural, undisturbed condition; however, additional landscaping may be planted within them at gem lump prmSzr.n. i►mmir erstr7: TSJSi Y.Tarut . •tF. fTJ. single stem /trunk or six foot high multi trunk clump), two accent threes (four feet high), and eight shrubs (15 inch deciduous or 12 inch evergreen) shall be required for each 100 linear feet of 1. Existing Plant Credits. Existing trees which are within a bufferyard or within 100 feet of a 12 Zoning Case No. ZA99 - 056 REVISED June 7, 1999 01 1907.00005 :043 5 04 7. RED Size of Existing Tree Planting Reductions Canopy Accent Shrubs 1' /2" 5" caliper 1 or 2 or 6 6" 11" caliper 2 or 3 or 12 12" and greater 3 or '1 or 18 _ - ' _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ - the option of reducing the required plantings by 20% if the width of the bufferyard is doubled the Property owner. Landscape Areas may be irrigated or left natural. B. Interior Landi.saping Landscape Areas. Subject to the reductions set forth below, the amount of interior landscape area required ea within the interior of the Property (in t„ i, f ping shall be computed based on all buildings (excluding parking structures) within the Property, and for each building (excluding parking structures) shall equal 0% of the largest floor area of such building. The following plantings shall be required within the Property based on the interior landscape area as computed above: one canopy tree per 600 square feet eta sue; one accent tree per 300 square feet ems ; one shrub (15 inch deciduous or 12 inch evergreen) per 60 square feet of landscape area; and 10% of such interior landscape area must be planted as ground cover. These required plantings shall be reduced as follows: 1. Existing Plant Credits. Existing trees which are within 250 feet of any building shall reduce the required plantings as follows: Size of Existing Tree Planting Reductions Canopy Accent Shrubs 1' /2" — 5" caliper 1 or 2 or 6 6" — 11" caliper 2 or 3 or 12 12" and greater 3 or 4 or 18 2. Substitute Plantings. One additional canopy tree may be substituted for 10 shrubs or 500 square feet of ground cover. One additional accent tree may be substituted for five shrubs or 250 square feet of ground cover. 3. Enhanced Pavement Credits. For each square foot of enhanced pavement area, the required landscape area shall be reduced by 0.5 square feet, up to a maximum overall reduction of 25 %. C. Parking Lot Landscaping. 1. Structured Parking. There shall be no landscaping requirements applicable to parking structures. 2. Surface Parking. a. Planter Islands. Planter islands shall be provided in all surface parking areas on the basis of 10 square feet of landscape area for each parking space provided. Where reasonably possible, each row of parking spaces shall provide the required landscape area; however, islands may be placed near buildings, throughout the parking area, or at the end of the rows away from buildings. These island requirements may be modified in situations where it would be beneficial to combine an awkward or hazardous island into a larger island. Planter islands shall have a minimum width of eight feet back -to -back if curbed 13 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 011907.00005:043 5047.RED or nine feet edge -to -edge if no curb is intended, and shall be 18 feet long. Planter island landscape areas count towards the total required interior landscape area. b. Existing Trees. The following variations to the planter island requirements shall be permitted to preserve existing trees. For existing trees, the minimum width of the planter island shall be as follows: b 5" caliper or less = 8 foot minimum width 6' 12" caliper = 12 foot minimum width greater than 12" caliper = 18 foot minimum width c. Planting Requirements. A minimum of 50% of all planter islands shall contain a minimum of one canopy tree (with the remaining area in shrubs, ground cover, grasses, or seasonal color). Planter islands which have light poles for lighting the parking areas may substitute two accent trees for the required canopy tree. At least 50% of all trees must be 4 inch caliper or greater, and the remainder must be two inch caliper or greater. 42 13. FENCING. Perimeter fencing visible from SH -114 will be constructed of wrought iron, masonry, or other other architectural metal, or any combination thereof. Other materials thatproduce a hig guatity tool` that jg are architecturally compatible with the buildings visible from SH -114 may also be used if approved by a site plan. Fencing that is not visible from SH -114 and that is generally screened by vegetation will be constructed of coated, dark - colored chain link. No fencing articulation shall be required. The details of fence design will be provided as part of each site plan. 14. ACCESS CONTROL STRUCTURES. Access control structures that are visible from any public fights -ot -way outside the Property will be constructed ot materials that are the same as or substantially similar to the buildings visible from such rights -ot -way. Such structures may also be constructed ot any other material that is architecturally compatible with the buildings that are visible, provided such other materials are approved on a site plan. Access control structures that are not visible from public rights -ot -way outside the Property may be constructed ot masonry, wood, architectural concrete, metal panels, or any combination thereof. 1543. PARKS/TRAILS /OPEN SPACE. Except as provided in the Concept Plan, there shall be no o er requirements for parks, trails, or public open space. 4416. DRIVEWAY REQUIREMENTS. None of the standards or requirements for driveways included in Driveway Ordinance No. 634, as amended, shall apply to the Property. This redlined draft, generated by CompareRite (TM) - The Instant Redliner, shows the differences between - original document : G:\ DATA \DALLAS \VENTURM \LISTS \0435047.05 and revised document: G:\ DATA \DALLAS \VENTURM \LISTS \0435047.07 CompareRite found 225 change(s) in the text Deletions appear as Overstrike text Additions appear as Double Underline text 14 Zoning Case No. ZA99 -056 REVISED June 7, 1999 011907.00005:043 5047.RED City of Southlake, Texas CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No: ZA 99 -056 Review No: Two Date of Review: 6/11/99 . Project Name: NR — PUD /Concept Plan — Sabre Group Campus for NR — PUD Zoning with '`0-2" Office uses APPLICANT: ENGINEER: The SabreGroup, Inc. Huitt- Zollars, Inc. 4255 Amon Carter Blvd. 3131 McKinney Avenue, Suite 600 Fort Worth, TX 76155 Dallas, TX 75204 Phone: (817) 967 -3986 Phone: (214) 871 -3311 Fax: (817) 967 -4914 Attn: Jeff Stewart Fax: (214) 871 -0757 Attn: Ocie Vest CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 06/07/99 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT KAREN GANDY AT (817) 481 -5581, EXT. 744. This review Summary encompasses the Development Standards (text), Concept Plan, Preliminary Water, Sewer, Drainage, and Thoroughfare plans, and Traffic Impact Analysis. The review has been divided into three (3) sections: Section I: PUD Development Standards, Overview and permitted Uses, Pages 1 -9; Section II: PUD Development Standards, Development Regulations, Pages 9 -14; and Section III: Plans Review Summary (Graphics). PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS COMMENTS (redlined draft): Following are staff recommendations, questions, and concerns raised during the review of the NR -PUD Development Standards. This document was reviewed in two sections as noted above: I. Overview and Permitted Uses (Pages 1 — 9) A. Purpose (Page 1, Paragraphs 3 & 4) 1. Provide additional information regarding the type of roadway proposed which the applicant desires to have a minimum design speed of 25 mph. 2. Add a sentence stating the applicant's commitment to provide a public access easement across the South Kirkwood Branch bridge to connect the public trails within the 3.61 -acre dedicated park to the public portion of Kirkwood Blvd. B. Definitions (Page 2, Paragraph 3) 1. Clarify the definition of `Buildable Area. It appears that this definition differs from paragraph "C" on page 4 where Buildable Area is described as the entire area within the Property, excluding only the Landscape Areas. Staff questions the necessity to include public and private rights -of -way, easements and fire lanes within the Buildable Area. 1 City of Southlake, Texas 2. Change Landscape Area to Natural Area so . that it matches the apparent intent of the area shown on the concept plan. The regulations do not seem to indicate additional landscaping being placed within the landscape area. 3. Add definitions of Floodway Easement and Overflow Easement as shown on the Concept Plan. C. Development Standards (Page 3) Delete the following sentence: "In addition, to the extent reasonably possible, the applicable City Ordinances shall be applied and interpreted to give effective to the intent of the PUD and the PUD Standards." D. Concept Plan 1. In Paragraph 2, delete the following comment: "The private streets shown on the Concept Plan are hereby determined to be in conformity with the intent of the City's Thoroughfare Plan." 2. In Paragraph 2 (fourth sentence from the end), revise the sentence to read: "Except as provided below, substantive changes ameexts to the Concept Plan shall be considered a zoning change to the PUD and ..." E. Areas of Restricted Development 1. In Paragraph 3, clarify what type of restricted development can occur within Landscape Areas. F. Structured Parking Areas and Other Buildable Areas [Staff feels that the provisions within these sections do not meet the spirit or intent of the Tree Preservation Ordinance.] 1. Move the following paragraphs found on Pages 4 & 5 to the last page and create a new section entitled, "17. Tree Preservation." 2. Change Other Buildable Areas to Other Improvements within Buildable Areas. 3. In the third sentence, it appears that the word footprints could be substituted for the words Buildable Areas for better clarity. 2 City of Southiake, Texas G. Development Plans (Page 5) 1. Correct conflicting information found in the TIA and the third sentence in these • regulations regarding the limits of the TIA: "Development plans shall not require additional or updated traffic impact analyses unless the cumulative total floor area proposed for development within the Property has exceeded the maximum floor area assumed in the original traffic impact analysis that was submitted with the application for the PUD." Clarify if the TIA will address the entire site at the time of zoning or if the TIA will be phased as traffic projections become available on a phase -by -phase basis. 2. In the last two sentences on Page 5 and continuing on Page 6, revise to read as follows: "Each development plan must be in substantial conformance with the approved concept plan. Amendments to approved development plans shall be reviewed by the Administrative Official and deemed to be in substantial conformance with the approved development plan prior to being processed and approved in accordance with all Applicable City Ordinances; however, such amendments shall not be considered a zoning change to the PUD." H. Site Plans 1. Correct conflicting information found in the TIA and the third sentence in these regulations regarding the limits of the TIA: "Site plans shall not require additional or updated traffic impact analyses unless the cumulative total floor area proposed for development within the Property has exceeded the maximum floor area assumed in the original traffic impact analysis that was submitted with the application for the PUD." Clarify if the TIA will address the entire site at the time of zoning or if the TIA will be phased as traffic projections become available on a phase -by -phase basis. 2, Site Plans: In the last two sentences in this paragraph, revise to read as follows: "Each site plan must be consistent in substantial conformance with the amicable approved development plan. Amendments to approved site plans shall be reviewed by the Administrative Official and deemed to be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan prior to being processed and approved in accordance with all Applicable City Ordinances; however, such amendments shall not be considered a zoning change to the PUD." Permitted Uses 1. On Page 6, the applicant may wish to delete antennas and radio towers from the list of permitted uses given the site's adjacency to the 114 Corridor and residential properties in the area. 3 A City of Southlake, Texas 2. On Page 7, the applicant may wish to delete hotel from the list of permitted uses; Council may not have envisioned this type of use occurring within the abated • corporate office package. • J. Accessory Uses 1. Accessory Uses within same building as permitted uses without regard to floor area limitations: Delete General retail. Be more definitive; list more specific uses desired. 2. Accessory Uses on separate building site without regard to floor area limitations: Define temporary residential accommodations with regard to length of stay and type of facility proposed. 3. If the applicant desires outdoor dining or entertainment uses of any kind, please add to list of accessory uses. II. Development Regulations (Pages 8 - 16) The bllowing items describe changes needed to the proposed regulations for development on the site or describe proposed variations to the City of Southlake Ordinances (Refer to Section 8 -16 of the PUD document): A. Height Regulations (Section 8A) 1. (Section 8A2) Applicant proposes structured parking (parking garage) with a maximum height of six levels or 60'. 2. (Section 8A3) Architectural Features are proposed to not exceed 70' above the maximum building height. The Zoning Ordinance 480, Section 33.5a does not permit architectural features greater than the district height for buildings greater than 3 stories or 35' in height. 3. (Section 8A4) Special equipment is proposed to not exceed 25' above the maximum building height. The Zoning Ordinance 480, Section 33.5a does not permit equipment greater than the district height for buildings greater than 3 stories or 35' in height. 4. (Section 8A5) Applicant proposes a standard other than defined by UBC standard and that defined in Ordinance 480, Section 4.2 for height measurement of sloped or pitched roof structures. 4 "1' I Y Ci ty of Southlake, Texas B. Building Setbacks (Section 8B) 1. (Section 8B1)The following changes are needed regarding the proposed front yard setbacks: a. Applicant proposes 30' front building setbacks with up to 10% of the area of any building facade being permitted up to 15' into the required front setback. If permitted staff recommends that the language be changed to " .. . up to 10% of the front building facade may extend up to 15 feet into the required front yard to accommodate building articulation design standards." b. With regard to short term and visitor parking being permitted in front yard setbacks, specify that this is to pertain to ground level non - structural parking and that parking shall not be permitted in any bufferyard. 2. (Section 8B2) No side yard setback is proposed. 3. (Section 8B4) Staff recommends that the "Residential Slope Proximity" be changed as follows: "Residential Proximity Setbacks — Notwithstanding the minimum • setbacks set forth above, where a non - single family residential building lies within 400' of a Single Family Residential Property, as defined in the Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 43.12, , the non - single family residential building shall comply with the setbacks of the Zoning Ordinance 480, Section 43.13h." 4. (Section 7B7)Accessory buildings are proposed to be permitted anywhere within the property, including forward of the principal structure, but not within a required setback. C. Parking and Loading Requirements (Section 8) 1. (Section 8A) Parking ratio of 1 space per 300 square of "Main Use" floor area is proposed and exempts all accessory use floor area from this calculation. 2.. (Section 8B) Add "Bufferyards" to the areas for which parking hall not be permitted. 3. (Section 8C) The minimum parking space size is proposed at 8.5' x 18' Ordinance requires a minimum 9' x 18'. 4. (Section 8D) Loading spaces are proposed at a ratio of 1 space per 200,000 square feet of "Principal Use" floor area and would allow shared use between structures. The proposed loading space requirement would not require spaces for proposed accessory uses. 5 - 11 City of Southlake, Texas D. Architectural Standards (Section 10) 1. (Section 10A) Exemption from Masonry Ordinance No. 557 and Masonry • Standards of Ordinance 480, Sect. 43 (Corridor Overlay Regulations/Residential Adjacency Standards is proposed. 2. (Section 10B)A variation to the percentage of reflective glass permitted and the reflectivity of the glass is proposed. Ordinance 480, Section 43.9c 1 g restricts any building facade to a maximum of 50% reflective glass with the reflective glass being defined as having a reflectance of 10% or more. 3. (Section 10C)An exemption from the articulation standards is proposed. Applicant proposes articulation through methods of "appearance" rather than the formula defined by Ordinance 480, Section 43.9c1c. It appears that the applicant proposes that approval of structures be determined with site plan approval and that compliance with the spirit and intent of Ordinance No. 480, Sect. 43.9c1c be evaluated at that time. 4. (Section 10D) Exposed Structural/Architectural Columns: An exemption from the requirements regarding "Structural Columns" in Ordinance No. 480, Section 43.9c l e is proposed. 5. (Section 10E) Roof Design Standards: The proposed standards do not address use of metal roofs or the pitched roof requirements for structures 6000 square feet or less. E. Screening (Section 11): 1. Proposed screening standards do not address views from residential property as required by Ordinance 480, Section 43. 2., Ordinance 480, Section 43 Corridor Overlay regulations and Ordinance 480, Section 42 Bufferyards require planting of shrubs for screening of parking spaces and pavements adjacent to certain types of rights -of -way and residential properties. An exemption to these standards is proposed . 3. It appears that the types of permitted screening have been limited by the applicant. Clarify that this is the intent. 4. Roof top screening must be accomplished by use of a roofing system or by use of architectural features integral to the buildings design. 5. Landscape Standards (Section 12) Refer to Concept Plan Review and Landscape Administrator's Review. 6 City of Southlake, Texas G. Fencing (Section 13) Ordinance 480, Section 43.9c l f requires a minimum 6' off -set at a maximum of 60' • intervals along SH 114. An exemption to this standard is proposed. H. Parks/Trails/Open Space (Section 15) An off -road trail (Min. 6' meandering walk is required along the north and easterly side of Kirkwood Boulevard and the east side of T.W. King. Applicant proposes no other dedications, trails or open space other than that shown on the Concept Plan. Driveway Requirements (Section 16) Exemption from all requirements of the Driveway Ordinance No. 634 is proposed. III. Concept Plan A. Parkland Dedication The 3.61 acres of proposed public park dedication should be a separate lot within and adjacent to this development, as it will be dedicated to the City. As a separate lot, the property is "landlocked" by Sabre property and Kirkwood Hollow, Phase II (KHII), residential subdivision. There is a "Common Open Space Area" at the northeast comer of Tyler Street and Kirkwood Hollow Boulevard, within KHII, shown as Common Open Space which physically links the park to a public right -of -way. The "landlocked" issue should be resolved as KHII is currently in review. B. Right - of - way Issues to be addressed: 1. Show and label Kirkwood Boulevard as a 100' public arterial, per the City's current Master Thoroughfare Plan. This plan proposes to: • abandon the existing variable width rights - of - way of Kirkwood Boulevard, and • convert Kirkwood Boulevard within their property to a private street. NOTE: Insure that 94' is sufficient to construct the "Boulevard" proposed. 2. Show and label T. W. King Road as a 70' public collector, per City's current Master Thoroughfare Plan. This plan proposes to: • abandon the existing right -of -way of T. W. King, between Kirkwood Boulevard right -of -way and Old T. W. King, and • convert the right -of -way to a variable width private street. 7 .,' City of Southlake, Texas 3. If the private streets are approved, • the existing rights -of -way, which have been previously dedicated, should be abandoned by processing an abandonment request through City Council.. A notation regarding the City Ordinance, approving this abandonment, should be shown on any Final Plat; and • the City's Master Thoroughfare Plan should be revised to reflect these changes. 4. Label "Old T. W. King" and public "T. W. King. 5. Private streets shall be labeled as "Emergency Access & Utility Easements" in order to facilitate access for police, fire and other public safety and governmental vehicles and personnel and franchise utility and solid waste disposal vehicles and personnel. 6. Private streets shall comply with the private street standards in the Subdivision Ordinance 483, Section 5.05, including but not limited to: maintenance, amenities, landscaping, signage, access control devices, and stacking or queing of automobiles. 7. Indicate whether or not a controlled access gate will be provided at White Chapel Road connection. 8. Revise the "50' Right -of -way" for White Chapel Road as Existing. * The applicant should provide street names for all internal streets. These names should be as approved by the Department of Public Safety and noted on the Final Plat. (The property will be addressed off of these streets.) * It appears an additional right -of -way dedication is required on White Chapel Road to m eet the minim 70', as shown on the City's Master Thoroughfare Plan. This plan shows an additional 10'. The actual dedication will be confirmed during the platting process. C. Graphics and Labeling changes 1. Revise the shading of the 25' pedestrian access easement, in the southeast area of S.H. 114 and the Private Boulevard. It is currently shaded the same as the "50' Landscape Area ", indicating it is a Landscape Area which would be subject to specific regulations. If the intent is for the 25' strip to also be a landscape area, label it as such. 2. Provide a label "Exhibit B -1" on the Concept Plan as noted in the PUD regulations, near the title block. 3. Label the 3.61 acres proposed as Parkland dedication. 4. Revise the vicinity map to remove Lot 1, MTP -IBM, in the north east corner of the property. 8 . :tri City of Southlake, Texas 5. Clarify the purpose of the different shading on the "Landscape Area" adjacent to the proposed parkland dedication, as the development regulations are specific to "Landscape Areas". • 6. Show and label building lines established from public and private rights -of -way. as proposed in the PUD regulations. D. Landscaping Changes 1. Label all required Bufferyards as to type and width. This plan proposes the following: Location Required Proposed Along 114 Type I — 25' 50' Landscape Area Along T. W. King Type A — 5' None Along the South Creek Type A — 5' 50' Landscape Area Along the East Creek Type F1 -10', Wood Fence Park & Landscape Area w /Chain Link Along Kirkwood Blvd. Type E — 10', H1 Hedge None 2. Show all proposed interior landscape areas. This plan shows no interior landscaping. Interior landscaping is determined by building areas. The PUD regulations propose interior landscape plantings in compliance with the Landscape Ordinance No. 585 — A. 3. A screening and landscaping plan shall be required on subsequent development and site plans, where such treatment is essential to the proper arrangement of the development. Such plan when required, should include screening walls, ornamental planting, lawns and gardens, playgrounds, and wooded areas that are to be retained E. Property Information Label the following property information: • City limits • The area east of S.H. 114, west of Kirkwood Blvd. is also zoned "R — PUD ". • . Provide zoning and LUD for the property south of the PUD • Label Kirkwood Hollow II as "Proposed" • Show and label any proposed, planned or approved pedestrian and/or bike trails adjacent to this development * Although not required by ordinance, staff would appreciate placing the City case number "ZA99 - 056" in the lower right corner for ease of reference. * A letter of permission and/or common access easement must be obtained from the adjacent property owner(s) prior to issuance of a building permit for the construction of the off -site pavement. * A permit from TxDOT must be obtained prior to any curb cut along State Highways or Farm to Market Roads. 9 City of Southlake, Texas * The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, a site plan must be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council, and a fully corrected site plan submitted to the Building Department along with landscape plan, irrigation plan, building plans, and all required fees. Required fees may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Impact Fees, Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. * It appears that this property lies within the 75 'LDN D/FW Regional Airport Overlay Zone which will require construction standards that meet requirements of the Airport Compatible Land Use Zoning Ordinance No. 479. * This review is based on the "0-2" Zoning District Regulations. * This site falls within the applicability of the residential adjacency standards as amended by Ordinance 480 -CC, Section 43, Part III "Residential Adjacency Standards ". Although no review of the following issues is provided with this concept plan, the applicant must evaluate the site for compliance prior to submittal of the site plan. A Site Plan must be submitted and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council prior to issuance of a building permit. Note that these issues are only the fiajor areas of site plan review and that the applicant is responsible for compliance with all site plan requirements: • Masonry requirements per §43.13a, Ordinance 480, as amended and Masonry Ordinance No. 557, as amended. • • Roof design standards per § 43.13b, Ordinance 480, as amended • Mechanical Equipment Screening per § 43.13c, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Vertical and horizontal building articulation (required on all building facades) per §43.13d, Ordinance 480. as amended. • Building setback standards as per § 43.13h and as shown in exhibit43 -E, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Spill -over lighting and noise per §43.13i and §43.13j, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Off - street parking requirements per §35, Ordinance 480, as amended. All areas intended for vehicular use must be of an all weather surface material in accordance with the Ordinance No. 480, as amended. • Screening as per §39.4, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Interior landscaping per Landscape Ordinance No. 544 and §43.9C3 and Exhibits 43 -B and 43 -C on Pages 43 -12 and 43 -13, Ordinance 480, as amended; and Parking Lot Impacts on interior landscaping in §43.9C3h and Exhibit 43 -D on Page 43 -14, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Fire lanes must be approved by the City Fire Department. 1 0 •2_ IL- City of Southlake, Texas Although no review of the following issues is provided at the concept plan level, staff strongly recommends that the applicant evaluate the site for compliance with the following sections of the city. ordinances prior to submittal of the site plan. Note that these issues are only the major areas of site . plan review and that the applicant is responsible for compliance with all site plan requirements. • Vertical and horizontal building articulation (required on the north, east, south, and west building facades) per §43.9C l e, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Masonry requirements per §43.9C l a, Ordinance 480, as amended and Masonry Ordinance No. 557. • Interior landscaping per Landscape Ordinance No. 544 and §43.9C3 and Exhibits 43 -B and 43 -C on Pages 43 -12 and 43 -13, Ordinance 480, as amended; and Parking Lot Impacts on interior landscaping in §43.9C3h and Exhibit 43 -D on Page 43 -14, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Residential adjacency standards per §43.11 and Exhibit 43 -E on Page 43 -15, Ordinance 480, as amended. • Spill -over lighting and noise per §43.12, Ordinance 480, as amended. • . Off -street parking requirements per §35, Ordinance 480, as amended. All areas intended for vehicular • use must be of an all weather surface material in accordance with the Ordinance No. 480, as amended. • Fire lanes must be approved by the City Fire Department. Denotes Informational Comment cc: Jeffrey A. Stewart, The Sabre Group VIA FAX: ABOVE Ocie Vest, Huitt- Zollars, Inc. VIA FAX: ABOVE Tom Allen, Maguire Partners- Solana Limited Partnership VIA FAX: (817) 430 -8750 Anthony Canonaco, International Business Machines, Inc. VIA FAX: (914) 499 -7804 A:\99056SABRE 1.2,3.DOC • 11 2' 1 - Case No. 99 -056 Review No. Two Dated: 6 — 10 - 99 Number of Pages: 1 • Project Name: Sabre Group Campus (Rezoning / Concept Plan) Contact: Keith Martin, Landscape Administrator Phone: (817) 481 -5581, x 848 Fax: (817) 421 -2175 The following comments are based on the review of plans received on 06 - 07 - 99 . Comments designated with a (4) symbol may be incorporated into the formal review to be considered by either the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council. Other items will not be addressed by either the P &Z or City Council. It is the applicant's responsibility to contact the department representative shown above and make modifications as required by the comment. PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS COMMENTS: TREE PRESERVATION COMMENTS: 1. The definition of `Buildable Area" in Section 2 Definitions, and the `Buildable Area" stated in section 4.C., are contradicting. If the applicant is implying that the `Buildable Area" is as defined in Section 2, than all tree protection and replacement is required as it pertains to the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585 -A except for parking areas that exceed required parking. Section 3.4. of the Tree Preservation Ordinance 585 -A states that all area within public R.O.W., public utility or drainage easements as shown on an approved Final Plat, and the fire lanes, required parking areas and area within six feet (6') of the building foundation as shown on an approved Site Plan shall be exempt from the tree protection and replacement requirements as specified in the ordinance. 2. Please define what "Other Buildable Areas" are as specified in Section 4.C.2. This section should also state that the "Landscape Areas" shall be excluded from the areas defined as "Other Buildable Areas ". 3. The applicant is providing fifty foot (50') "Landscape Areas" around the entire property except along the existing T. W. King Road. The "Landscape Area" adjacent to the Corp of Engineers property extending approximately 1,900' east from T. W. King. Road is void of existing trees. This is also a Texas Power & Light Co. easement, so it will never have trees in it and landscaping cannot be placed in it. Any existing trees within the easement are exempt from protection and replacement as it pertains to the Tree Preservation Ordinance. 4. Please specify the placement of Front Yard, Rear Yard and Side Yard. It seems to me that the placement of the buildings would determine what yard setbacks would be along each property line and the Proposed Private Boulevard, if there are any. If any buildings are constructed in the area between the Proposed Private Boulevard and the Corps of Engineers property the yard setbacks would be obsolete because the applicant has designated the "Landscape Area" which is 50'. Nothing can be built in this area. BUILDING INSPECTIONS LANDSCAPE COMMENTS: * The applicant is providing � p g fifty foot (50') "Landscape Areas" around the entire property except along the existing T. W. King Road. These proposed areas are in proposed to replace the bufferyards required by Section 42 ( Bufferyards) of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed areas are wider than any required bufferyards but the applicant has stated in the Section 12.A of the proposed Development Standards that all landscaping and irrigation within these areas is optional to the Property Owner and may be irrigated or left natural. * Section 12.B.1 states that Existing trees which are within 250 feet of any building shall reduce the required interior landscape plantings. This would require that the applicant submit a Tree Survey that shows all existing trees within 250 feet of any building the required landscape is being installed for. * The applicant is also proposing existing tree credits for required shrubs within the interior landscape area. The current City landscape requirements do not provide existing plant credits for required landscape shrubs. * As I understand all other proposed landscaping standards comply with current City codes and ordinances BUILDING INSPECTIONS w ii - 01 k 1 O t k 0 1 5 1Puu 1 ? u5 © § lgoo : hi. a o p z .- .. i W w q" C..) 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Regarding the heliport, he said they agree to live by all FAA rules; it will be for 3 Sabre's use only as opposed to a commercial operation; and they will maximize flight paths over 4 S.H. 114 and minimize residential over flights. He said they agree to designate the flight path on 5 the Development Plan or Site Plan (whichever first shows the location of the heliport) so the 6 Commission and the City Council will be able to approve the path. 7 8 Vice - Chairman Peebles asked him to take these concerns to City Council because he promised the 9 residents who were here earlier in the evening the heliport would be gone. 10 11 Regarding the parking garages, Mr. Shupe said they will get a sight line study completed. He said 12 they can break them up into a couple of sections, but they cannot break them up into as many 13 sections as the offices. Regarding the White Chapel access, he said they cannot agree to limit the 14 construction access to a specific period of time. 15 16 Chairman Creighton closed the Public Hearing. 17 18 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06- 17 -99, tape 3, section #1104) 19 " Motion was made to approve ZA 99 -056, subject to Concept Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated June 11, 1999, and being subject to the following: 4:L 23 Item # I.A.1, Review Summary, delete (to allow a minimum design speed of 25 mph); 24 25 Item # I.F.3, Review Summary, Applicant's attorney and staff are to work on clarifying the 26 language in Paragraph 4.C.2 of the PUD Development Standards and noting the -.App nt's 27 agreement to use coniniercially reasonable efforts to identify buildable areas xn an R ®a " yaw e n wal `�� ''��"�'& ' '�' n r�� e t`.' 28 to a �nr�� . as no o lage 2 of the App ' s response e e �� e 29 1009; . 9._ 30 31 Paragraph 7.A, PUD Development Standards, delete Hotel and Restaurant (Item # I.I.2); 32 33 Paragraph 7.B, PUD Development Standards, further define General retail and Personal 34 services (Item # I.J.1); 35 36 Paragraph 7.B, PUD Development Standards, add "and shall not be allowed as a principal 37 use" to the end of the following paragraph heading, "The following accessory uses shall be 38 allowed on a separate building site without regard to the floor areas of such accessory uses;" 39 40 Paragraph 7.B, PUD Development Standards, delete Heliport/verti 41 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 20 of 24 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP &Z COMMISSION 1 Paragraph 7.B, PUD Development Standards, ask Council to review staff's language 2 clarifying the conformity of Temporary residential accommodations for 3 employees /customers /visitors (Item # I.J.2, Review Summary); 4 5 Paragraph 8.A.1, Building Height, PUD Development Standards, modify to read: "Except 6 as provided below, no principal use building shall exceed six (6) stories above grade, nor 7 shall it exceed 90 feet in height." With respect to accessory use height, add the following 8 to read: "Except as provided below, no accessory use building shall exceed three (3) stories 9 above grade, nor shall it exceed forty-six (46) feet in height;" 10 11 Paragraph 8.A.2, Structured Parking Height, PUD Development Standards, being Item # 12 II.A.1, Review Summary, With respect to parking garage, Applicant is to provide a sight line 13 study to Council and also request that the Applicant break up the structured parking to match 14 the red buildings shown on the Landscape Master Plan presented tonight; 15 16 Paragraph 8.A.2, Structured Parking Height, PUD Development Standards, being Item # 17 II.A.1, Review Summary), modify to read: "Except as provided below, no parking structure 18 shall exceed six (6) levels above grade, nor shall it exceed 60 feet in height;" 19 Paragraph 8.A.3, Architectural Features, PUD Development Standards, being Item # II.A.2, Review Summary, modify to read: "Architectural features (i.e., portions of buildings or 2z structures not intended for occupancy) which are integral to the architectural style of the 23 building or structure (including spires, belfries, towers, cupolas, domes, feature walls and 24 similar features) shall not exceed 50' above the height of the building; if freestanding, they 25 shall not exceed 140', and both (i.e., roof - mounted and freestanding architectural features) 26 shall be subject to the 4:1 slope requirement;" 27 28 Paragraph 8.A.4, Special Equipment, PUD Development Standards, being Item # II.A.3, 29 Review Summary, Commission agrees to allow special equipment up to 25' above the actual 30 height of the building; it must be screened and must be integral to the building and shall be 31 subject to the 4:1 slope requirement; 32 33 Paragraph 8.A.5, Pitched Roofs, PUD Development Standards, being Item # II.A.4, Review • 34 Summary, - • - •• - •• - - - . • - - • - • - - 35 e ' g the second sentence to read: "The high point of the sloped 36 roof may exceed the height limitations set forth above (i.e., maximum 90') by up to thirty- 37 five (35) feet to allow up to a maximum of 125' and shall be subject to the 4:1 slope 38 requirement;" 39 40 Paragraph 8.B.2, Side Yard Setbacks, being Item #IIB.2, regwrmg side yard setbacks; 41 - E. Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 21 of 24 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY P&Z COMMISSION 1 Paragraph 8.B.7, Accessory Buildings, PUD Development Standards, being Item # II.B.4, 2 Review Summary, delete review comment and allow accessory buildings forward of the 3 principal structure, but require that they be subject to the height restrictions under 8.A.1 as 4 amended; 5 6 Paragraph 9.A, Parking Spaces Required, PUD Development Standards, being Item # II.C.1, 7 Review Summary, delete review comment and allow parking ratios as requested by the 8 Applicant; 9 10 Paragraph 9.C, Parking Space Size, PUD Development Standards, being Item # II.C.3, 11 Review Summary, delete review comment and allow the 8.5' parking space width in all 12 parking spaces (both structured and surface parking); 13 14 Paragraph 9.D, Off - Street Loading/Service Areas, PUD Development Standards, being Item 15 # II.C.4, Review Summary, delete review comment and accept as proposed to allow as set 16 forth on Page 5 of the Applicant's response letter dated June 16, 1999; 17 18 Paragraph 10, Architectural Standards, being Item #II.D accept as proposed to allow as set 19 forth. on Page 5 of the Applicari's response letter dated June-16, " 1999; 7n Paragraph 11, Screening, PUD Development Standards, add Radio towers to the list of 2z screened improvements; 23 24 Paragraph 11, Screening, PUD Development Standards, being Item # II.E.1, delete 25 bufferyard requirements as set forth in Section 43, Ordinance No. 480, but leave the rest 26 (Section 42, Bufferyards, Ordinance No. 480 required); 27 28 Paragraph 11, Screening, PUD Development Standards, being Item # II.E.2, delete; 29 30 Paragraph 13, Fencing, PUD Development Standards, being Item II.G, Review Summary, 31 delete; 32 33 Paragraph 15, Parks/Trails /Open Space, PUD Development Standards, being Item II.H, 34 Review Summary, accept as proposed by the Applicant and as further described on Page 6 35 of the Applicant's response letter dated June 16, 1999; 36 37 Paragraph 16, Driveway Requirements, PUD Development Standards, being Item II.I, 38 Review Summary, will be determined at Site Plan; 39 40 Item # III.A, Parkland Dedication, Review Summary, allow as proposed by Applicant and 41 as further described on Page 6 of the Applicant's response letter dated June 16, 1999; Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 22 of 24 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY P&Z COMMISSION 1 Item # III.B.1 & III.B.2., Right -of -Way, Review Summary, allow as proposed by Applicant 2 and as further described on Page 6 of the Applicant's response letter dated June 16, 1999; 3 4 Item # III.B.4, Review Summary, delete (per staff s request); 5 6 Item # III.C.1, 25' Pedestrian Access Easement, Review Summary, allow as proposed by 7 Applicant and as further described on Page 7 of the Applicant's response letter dated June 8 16, 1999; 9 10 Item # III.D.1, Landscaping, Review Summary, Bufferyards along T. W. King and along 11 Kirkwood Blvd. will be determined at Site Plan; 12 13 With respect to the T.W. King East —that will remain open until Phase 1 is completed; 14 15 Acknowledging Sabre's agreement to "put their full weight" behind efforts to get TxDOT 16 to allow the two -way road from T.W. King to Kirkwood Blvd. interchange; 17 18 Limit the total square footage of the proposed development to 3.5 million S.F.; and 19 With respect to White Chapel being used as a construction entrance, the Commission recommends that Sabre complete "as quickly as possible" the northern bridge across 22 Kirkwood Branch and that as soon as it is feasible to utilize the bridge for construction 23 traffic, close White Chapel entry for construction and utilize the entry for emergency use 24 only. It should be recognized, however, that while Sabre is proceeding with all due haste in 25 the completion of the road and bridge along Kirkwood Blvd. that they not be prevented from 26 using the White Chapel entrance to do whatever is necessary to develop the property. 27 28 Motion: Peebles 29 Second: Boutte 30 Ayes: Home, Boutte, Peebles, Shankland, King, Creighton 31 Nays: None 32 Approved: 6-0 33 Motion carried. 34 35 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06- 17 -99, tape 3, section #1755) 36 37 AGENDA ITEM #9, MEETING ADJOURNMENT: 38 Chairman Creighton adjourned the meeting at 1:54 a.m. on June 18, 1999. 39 40 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06- 17 -99, tape 3, section #1760) 41 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 23 of 24 Carol Kelly '/ 11 . Dean Sanderson Vice President. Corporate Services Managing Director _ Corporate Services 'ai.4. P0. Box 619615. MD 4223 P.0. Box 619615. MD 4221 V Dallas /Fort Worth Airport Dallas/Fort Worth Auoort THE T exas 75261 -9615 THE A ' K E • . Texas 75261 -9615 SABRE carol_kellyasabre com . dean _sanderson nom GROUP 1 r GROUP- Phone 8179311686 Phone 817 963 1118 Fax 817.931.6382 Fax 817.967.4914 Jeffrey A. Stewart U/ � n HUGHES & LUCE : , ,, ? ' ' i , '_, Corporate Services *t • 5r Pre - } t C'6 �, Attorneys and Counselors PO. Box 619615, MD 4221 Dallas /Fort Worth Airport THE =/ Texas 75261 -9615 Dallas 1 'KE E. ;' Jeff W. Dorrill S/ jeff_st ewart ©sabre.com � CC slam ' ',Life '_drop GROUP' ' Dal/„ Tc. s - 521)1 Phone 817 967 3986 1 1 Houston 214 9 ∎9 ,42: 214 ')+:9 o' N) Li, Fax 817967.4914 dornhl?hugheslueecnm email • • w ,,. PA D V♦ a W Q P Z Q Cr) N r3 8 i m W V Y N N V i D S – y Z w 'n • H Q C ` :'1 W w Z n P V O V un _ P Y> ¢ N x i = o 2.53 2Q y c7 • m O 1 — d N N _ i p m a- ,=,,l- 2 _' X Ln ' "•:± P Q a y C V .0 _ S Q 5 Q= u. S J ,- ,e r— .L Tom Allen Partner �a C4 cc - T a co r 1 to ! Ia;;uirePartner� ■ 1° di W Z Z a n j Nine Village Circle U al Suite 500 Westlake TX 76262 817 430 -0303 817 430 -8750 Fax 11 XUflLflflD ENGINEERING COMPANY CIVIL ENGINEERING • SURVEYING • PROJECT MANAGEMENT Michael J. Beeler Vice President, GM Dallas P.O. Box 201091 (214) 882 -3946 Arlington, Texas 76006 E -Mail: mjb954@aol.com UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP &Z COMMISSION 1 REGULAR PLANNING AND ZONING 2 COMMISSION MEETING 3 June 17, 1999 4 5 COMMISSION PRESENT: Chairman Ann Creighton; Vice - Chairman C.D. Peebles; and 6 Commissioners Michael Boutte, Kenneth Horne, Dennis King, and Keith Shankland. 7 8 COMMISSION ABSENT: Mike Sandlin. 9 10 CITY STAFF PRESENT: Billy Campbell, City Manager; Debra Drayovitch, City Attorney; Greg 11 Last, Director of Economic Development; Karen Gandy, Zoning Administrator; Dennis Killongh, 12 Senior Current Planner; Keith Martin, Landscape Administrator, Charlie Thomas, Deputy Director 13 of Engineering Services; Angela Turner, Graduate Engineer; and Lori Farwell, Planning Secretary. 14 15 No Work Session was held. 16 17 Chairman Creighton called the meeting to order at 6 :05 p.m. 18 19 AGENDA ITEM #2, APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Chairman Creighton opened discussion of the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting held on June 3, 1999. 22 23 Motion was made to approve the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting held 24 on June 3, 1999. 25 26 Motion: Peebles 27 Second: Shanidand 28 Ayes: Horne, Boutte, Peebles, Shanidand, King, Creighton 29 Nays: None 30 Approved: 6 -0 31 Motion carried. 32 33 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06- 17 -99, tape 1, section #0016) 34 35 AGENDA ITEM #3, ADMINISTRATIVE COMMENTS: 36 Senior Planner Dennis Killough informed the Commission of a Capital Improvements Advisory 37 Committee meeting being held at 6:00 p.m. on June 24 in the Council Chambers. He said this 38 meeting will be a briefing of items the committee has covered in the past and will be covering in the 39 future. 40 4' City Manager Billy Campbell introduced himself to the Commission and offered the assistance of Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 1 of 24 - UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP &Z COMMISSION 1 the City Manager's office to the Commission if they need anything. 2 3 Agenda Item #4 was on the consent en ag da, and there was no separate discussion. 4 5 AGENDA ITEM #4, ZA 99 -044, FINAL PLAT FOR LOT 1, BLOCK 1, REMINGTON 6 ADDITION: 7 Motion was made to approve ZA 99 -044 subject to Plat Review Summary No. 3, dated June 11, 8 1999. 9 10 Motion: Peebles 11 Second: Home 12 Ayes: Boutte, Peebles, Shanldand, King, Horne, Creighton 13 Nays: None 14 Approved: 6 -0 15 Motion carried. 16 17 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06- 17 -99, tape 1, section #0142) 18 19 AGENDA ITEM #5, ZA 99 -038, REZONING: Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy informed the Commission this request is for a Zoning Change on property legally described as a portion of Tract 1 situated in the John Childress Survey, Abstract 22 No. 253, and being approximately 5.270 acres. The property is located at 1581 Randol Mill Avenue 23 being on the south side of Randol Mill Avenue approximately 760' east of Marantha Way. The 24 Current Zoning is "AG" Agricultural District. The Requested Zoning is "RE" Residential Estate 25 District. The Land Use Category is Low Density Residential. The Owner and Applicant is Phillip 26 D. Fanning. Eight (8) written notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area, 27 and two (2) responses were received with one (1) being in favor and one (1) opposed. 28 29 Cynthia Fanning presented this item to the Commission. 30 31 Chairman Creighton opened the Public Hearing. No one in the audience stepped forward to speak. 32 Chairman Creighton closed the Public Hearing. 33 34 Motion was made to approve ZA 99 -038. 35 -3 Motion: Peebles 37 Second: Shanidand 38 Ayes: Peebles, Shanidand, King, Horne, Boutte, Creighton 39 Nays: None 40 Approved: 6 -0 41 Motion carried. Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17,1999 Page 2 of 24 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT BYP &Z COMMISSION 1 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06- 17 -99, tape 1, section #0407) 2 3 AGENDA ITEM #6, ZA 99 -039, REZONING: 4 Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy informed the Commission this request is for a Zoning Change 5 on property legally described as a portion of Tract 1 situated in the John Childress Survey, Abstract 6 No. 253, and being approximately 3.093 acres. The property is located at 1581 Randol Mill Avenue 7 being on the south side of Randol Mill Avenue approximately 760' east of Marantha Way. The 8 Current Zoning is "AG" Agricultural District. The Requested Zoning is "SF -1A" Single Family 9 Residential District. The Land Use Category is Low Density Residential. The Owner and Applicant 10 is Phillip D. Fanning: Six (6) written notices were sent to property owners within the 200' 11 notification area, and no responses were received. . 12 13 Cynthia Fanning presented this item to the Commission. 14 15 Chairman Creighton opened the Public Hearing. No one in the audience stepped forward to speak. 16 Chairman Creighton closed the Public Hearing. 17 18 Motion was made to approve ZA 99 -039. 19 Motion: Peebles Second: Shankland 22 Ayes: Shankland, King, Horne, Boutte, Peebles, Creighton 23 Nays: None 24 Approved: 6 - 25 Motion carried. 26 27 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06- 17 -99, tape 1, section #0450) 28 29 AGENDA ITEM #7, ZA 99 - 040, PLAT SHOWING OF PROPOSED LOTS 3 AND 4, J. 30 CHILDRESS NO. 253 ADDITION: 3 Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy informed the Commission this request is for a Plat tShowumg of- 32 proposed Lots 3 and 4, J. Childress No. 253 Addition on property legally described as Tract 1 33 situated in the John Childress Survey, Abstract No. 253, and being approximately 8.3629 acres. The 34 property is located at 1581 Randol Mill Avenue being on the south side of Randol Mill Avenue 3 ± approximately 760' east of Marantha Way. The Current Zoning is "AG" Agricultural District. The 36 Land Use Category is Low Density Residential. The Owner and Applicant is Phillip D. Fanning. 37 Eleven (11) written notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area, and two 38 (2) responses were received with one (1) being in favor and one (1) being opposed. 39 40 Cynthia Fanning presented this item to the Commission. 41 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 3 of 24 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP &Z COMMISSION I • 1 Chairman Creighton opened the Public Hearing. No one in the audience stepped forward to speak. 2 Chairman Creighton closed the Public Hearing. 4 Motion was made to approve ZA 99 -040 subject to Plat Review Summary No. 3, dated June 11, 5 1999, deleting Items #1 (lotting requirements, i.e.: lots shall abut a public or private street; minimum 6 lot width; and perpendicular or radial lot lines) and #2 (cul -de -sac right -of -way). 7 8 Motion: Peebles 9 Second: Shankland 10 Ayes: King, Home, Boutte, Peebles, Shanidand, Creighton 11 Nays: None 12 Approved: 6 -0 13 Motion carried. 14 15 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06- 17 -99, tape 1, section #0575) 16 17 Chairman Creighton called for a break at 6:24 p.m. 18 19 Chairman Creighton called the meeting back to order at 6:34 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #8, ZA 99 -056, REZONING AND CONCEPT PLAN FOR SABRE GROUP 22 CAMPUS: 23 Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy informed the Commission this request is for a Zoning Change 24 on property legally described as Lot 4, Block A, MTP -IBM Addition No. 1, an addition to the City 25 of Southlake, according to the plat recorded in Volume 388/211, Page 68 and 69 of Plat Records, 26 Tarrant County, Texas, and as recorded in Cabinet G, Page 208, Plat Records, Denton County, 27 Texas; Tracts 1, 1A1, 1C, 2A1, 2A2, 2A3, 2A4, 2A5, 2A7, and portions of Tracts 2A and 2A6 28 situated in the U.P. Martin Survey, Abstract No. 1015; portions of Tracts 1 and IC situated in the 29 James B. Martin Survey, Abstract No. 1134; and portions of Tracts 3A1, 3A1A, 3A1A2, 3A3A1, 30 4B, 4B1, 4B2, situated in the Rees D. Price Survey, Abstract No. 1207, and being approximately 31 154.8 acres. A Concept Plan for Sabre Group Campus will be considered with this request. -.The 32 property is located on the southeast corner of the intersection of State Highway 114 and Kirkwood 33 Drive. The Current Zoning is "R -PUD" Residential Planned Unit Development District and "NR- 34 PUD" Non - Residential Planned Unit Development District. The Requested Zoning is "NR-PUD" 35. _ Non- Residential Planned Unit Development District with "0-2," Office District uses and certain - -3'6 other permitted and accessory uses set forth in Exhibit "B," Planned Unit Development Standards 37 which are generally related to communication, computer, and information technologies; training and 38 conference centers; parking structures; heliport/stop and verti - port/stop; hotel, restaurant, retail and 39 office uses. The Land Use Category is Mixed Use, Medium Density Residential, 100 Year Flood 40 Plain. The Owners of the property are Maguire Partners - Solana Limited Partnership and 41 International Business Machines, Inc. The Applicant is The Sabre Group, Inc. Seven (7) written Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17,1999 Page 4 of 24 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP &Z COMMISSION I 1 notices were sent to property owners within the 200' notification area, and no responses were 2 received 3 4 Tom Allen (Maguire Partners) presented this item to the Commission. 5 6 Carol Kelly (Vice President of Corporate Services for The Sabre Group, Inc) introduced her 7 company and the two (2) architectural firms working on this project to the Commission. 8 9 Kirk Teske (HKS, Inc.) introduced his company to the Commission and showed them examples of 10 other corporate campuses his firm has worked on. 11 12 Rico Cedro (The Hillier Group) introduced his company to the Commission and told them corporate 13 campuses are one of the core areas of his firms' expertise; they have been designing corporate 14 campuses since the early 1970's. He showed the Commission examples of other corporate campuses 15 his company has worked on. 16 17 Mr. Cedro said when they design large corporate campuses, one of the fundamental decisions is 18 where to locate the parking garage; parking is usually more inflexible than the location of the 19 buildings. He showed the Commission a landscaped master plan in which they have made refinements to the alignment of the road and the structured parking. He said they feel this new design will lower the scale and impact of the garage and promote better circulation within the garage. 22 He said the preponderance of the parking garage is located in the large cleared area. Mr. Cedro said 23 they are planning for ten (10) buildings at a build -out of approximately 2 million S.F. (200,000 - 24 250,000 S.F. per building). He said Sabre intends to have amenities such as a health facility, 25 volleyball court, tennis courts, etc. 26 27 Chairman Creighton asked Mr. Cedro to show the Commission the various phases. Mr. Cedro 28 showed two (2) buildings they intend to build first along with the northern bridges, a portion of the 29 road, and a portion of the garage. 30 31 Vice- Chairman Peebles asked how many levels the garage will have. Mr. Cedro said there will be 32 five (5) levels of parking at about 42' above grade. Vice- Chairman Peebles asked why the 33 regulations show a maximum of 60'. Mr. Cedro said they wanted to anticipate if Sabre needed 34 additional density on the site in terms of their employees. 35. - -36 Mr. Teske said they would like to have flexibility to go up to that height. 37 38 Commissioner Horne asked how many additional parking spaces it would add if another level of 39 parking was added. Mr. Teske said the drawings being shown right now are in the very early stages; 40 they believe they will have a cap of four and a half (4 V2) levels of parking, but they have not gotten 41 far enough in the details to be able to commit to that. He said they would like to have the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 5 of 24 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP &Z COMMJSSION. I • 1 opportunity to go up to the maximum height allowed in the present ordinances. 2 3 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06- 17 -99, tape 1, section #2656) 4 5 Chairman Creighton opened the Public Hearing. 6 7 Boyd Dollar, 525 Brooks Court, Southlake, Texas, said he is delighted to have Sabre here and looks 8 forward to being a good neighbor, but being a good neighbor works two (2) ways. He said he has 9 four (4) very serious concerns. He said they have a beautiful concept with the separated buildings, 10 etc., but then they have one (1) huge, monstrous structured parking building which will be visible 11 up and down White Chapel Boulevard. He does not understand why they did not split the garage 12 up into smaller sections to reduce the impact on the neighbors. His second concern is the heliport. 13 He said if there are not restrictions or some specific traffic route for the helicopters, they are in 14 potential danger of destroying everything he and his neighbors have built on the north end of 15 Southlake. His third concern is regarding the four (4) secured entrances; the more entrances they 16 have, the less secure their facility will be. He does not feel they need an entrance on White Chapel 17 Boulevard. He and his neighbors have recently endured 13 months of destruction, construction, 18 potholes, and broken windows to obtain a nice, two -lane asphalt drive along White Chapel 19 Boulevard. He said a developer is currently proposing a housing development on White Chapel Boulevard just north of this site plus the construction traffic from the Sabre development will be a huge impact on the residents north and on White Chapel Boulevard. He said when the City 22 privatizes those roads, they will have locked in all of north Southlake. He said they should not be 23 able to close the roads until there is a commitment from TxDOT to give an exit to S. H. 114. He said 24 the proposed exit onto White Chapel is dangerous and proposes a serious safety hazard. He urged 25 the Commission to consider the impact of this development on the entire north end of Southlake. 26 27 Vice - Chairman Peebles asked staff what their understanding is regarding the entrance on White 28 Chapel Boulevard. Deputy Director of Engineering Services Charlie Thomas said it was his 29 understanding it was a construction and emergency entrance only. Senior Planner Dennis Killough 30 said it is also labeled that way on their concept plan. 31 32 Director of Economic Development Greg Last said staff mentioned to the applicant early on there 33 would be some sensitivity to the White Chapel entrance and Sabre has endeavored to reduce their 34 impact. He said staff mentioned as well they need to limit their construction access to just their first F 35 phase. He said the only reason they pursued it is currently both of the existing public roads stub to - 16 a creek, and they do not have a way to get to the interior property on their Phase I without that 37 access. Director Last said the applicant can verify it, but it was never intended to be a predominant 38 entrance for their day -to -day access. 39 40 Vice - Chairman Peebles asked the applicant if the White Chapel entrance is for emergency purposes 4' only after Phase I is constructed, and they said yes. Mr. Teske said typically in the construction Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 6 of 24 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP &Z COMMISSION I 1 process the roads are the last thing to be built and that is why they have asked for a two -year duration 2 on the White Chapel access. - 3 4 Commissioner Boutte asked when the roads will be privatized. Director Last said technically they 5 will be privatized with the filing of the final plat and the abandonment of the rights -of -way through 6 an ordinance process. 7 8 Vice - Chairman Peebles asked if the applicant would be willing to implement the privatization in 9 stages. Mr. Teske said they have not considered that but could consider possibly keeping the roads 10 open until occupancy of the first buildings. - 11 12 Cara White, 4475 Homestead Drive, Southlake, Texas, said she is on the Park Board and wanted to 13 let the Commission know that Sabre is not going to implement the trails in the park land area they 14 dedicated to the city. She said it will be the city's responsibility to put those trails in. She asked that 15 Sabre consider leaving the roads open until TxDOT agrees to a two -way access road. She said Paul 16 Spain is putting in a large residential subdivision north of this site and had he known they were 17 going to close these roads, he may not have chosen that area of town. She expressed her concern 18 about the heliport. She said the location of the entrance on White Chapel is in a terrible blind spot. 19 She questioned why they cannot go ahead and develop the north entrance so construction traffic can use it. 22 Julie Landesberg, 305 E. Bob Jones, Southlake, Texas, said it was her understanding when this PUD 23 was originally agreed upon, it was agreed there would be no access to White Chapel. She is 24 concerned the city is sacrificing safety for the convenience of 9,000 employees. She would prefer 25 they stick to the original PUD agreement. She asked for the Commission to wait for TxDOT's 26 response to the two -way access before the applicant is allowed to close the roads. She asked them 27 to consider the surrounding residents when planning their helicopter routes, etc. 28 29 Kim O'Brien, 4380 Saddle Ridge Road, Southlake, Texas, asked if anyone has considered putting 30 the parking garage on the S.H. 114 side instead of the residential side. She is not very happy about 31 the access on White Chapel. She hopes there are no decisions made regarding the closing of the 32 roads until the city hears back for Tx DOT. 33 34 Chairman Creighton said she also has several comment cards from people who do not wish to speak 35 but wanted their positions recorded: Donna Walker, 400 Brooks Court, Southlake, Texas, opposed; 16 Aaron Brooks, 415 Brooks Court, Southlake, Texas, opposed; Angela Higginbotham, 435 E. Bob 37 Jones Road, Roanoke, Texas, opposed; Peter Landesberg„ 305 E. Bob Jones Road, Southlake, 38 Texas, opposed; Jim O'Brien, 4380 Saddle Ridge Roach Southlake, Texas, opposed; and Robert 39 Spencer, 500 Brooks Court, Southlake, Texas, opposed to road closing. 40 4J Chairman Creighton left the Public Hearing open for the time being. Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 7 of 24 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP &Z COMMISSION 1 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06- 17 -99, tape 1, section #4039) 2 3 Mr. Cedro said they are absolutely not using the White Chapel entrance as an employee entrance. 4 5 Vice - Chairman Peebles questioned if they would agree to only one controlled access point into the 6 north end of the site and keep East T.W. King and Kirkwood Boulevard open. Ms. Kelly said they 7 did consider that but cannot do it because they also need to secure the existing building on Kirkwood 8 Boulevard since they will have foot traffic between the buildings. She said that has always been a 9 very defmitive part of their plan. 10 11 Commissioner Boutte asked if the City has had any discussions with TxDOT regarding making a 12 two -way access road. Director Last said the City has had a preliminary conversation with them, and 13 TxDOT was not very receptive. 14 15 Boyd Dollar urged the Commission to go look at the proposed access to White Chapel Boulevard. 16 17 Julie Landesberg asked if anyone has considered the yearly flood situations for White Chapel 18 Boulevard. Director Last said there is a history of some flooding at that White Chapel culvert. He 19 said about five years ago, there was the highest Grapevine Lake elevation ever and it flooded that area and the other access used was T.W. King which was why they told Sabre a secondary access was critical to the north end of the City. 22 23 Adam Richardson, 4537 Homestead Drive, Southlake, Texas, also has safety concems along the 24 West T.W. King Road. He said it is hardly wide enough to support one car as it is and has a lot of 25 potholes in it. He said there are also kids out in that area playing much of the time. 26 27 Chairman Creighton brought up the issue of helicopter traffic. 28 29 Commissioner Shankland said he does not see there being that much helicopter traffic. Ms. Kelly 30 said they have no plans at all right now; they were just requesting a provision in the documents for 31 that but have no plans at this time. 32 33 Chairman Creighton asked if they would consider trying to work with the residents to come up with 34 limited hours of use for helicopters. Ms. Kelly said they would consider altematives. 36 Vice- Chairman Peebles said the Commission may eliminate the heliport/vertiport at this level and 37 once they study it further, maybe they could discuss it with City Council. 38 39 Commissioner Shanidand asked how tall the trees are between Kirkwood Hollow and the parking 40 garage; he asked if the trees will reach to the top of the garage. Mr. Teske said he is not sure how 41 tall the trees are. He said they have preserved the entire area west of Kirkwood Hollow and all of Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 8 of 24 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP&Z COMMISSION I 1 the trees will be untouched. He said the closest nt is 200' from the residential property po i i � P PAY line. Mr. 2 Cedro said they are in the process of doing a tree survey which will answer that question. 3 4 Vice- Chairman Peebles suggested telling Sabre to split up the parking garages like they have their 5 buildings and limit them to 45'. He said once they have looked at it, they can bring up any issues 6 with City Council. 7 8 Commissioner Home asked the applicants if they have seen the parking garages at Children's 9 Hospital in Dallas. He said they have them broken up in alignment with the buildings. Mr. Cedro 10 said he has not seen them but said he appreciates the suggestion. 11 12 Commissioner Boutte asked if anyone has completed a site line study regarding the view from 13 Kirkwood Hollow towards the proposed parking garage. He was at this location on Sunday and said 14 there are some very large trees along the creek area. 15 16 Vice - Chairman Peebles suggested doing a site line study before they go to City Council. 17 18 Mr. Teske said if they have to break the garage up into excessive numbers of buildings, it will extend 19 down closer to the residences and create a further walk to the office buildings. Chairman Creighton said she would rather see them go higher than longer; she would rather give them the extra 15' than go closer to the residences. 22 23 Commissioner King said there is some topography to this area and asked if they could do something 24 like a split -level where it is fit into the topography of the land. Mr. Cedro that is one of the 25 alternatives they are looking at. He said this site is unique because it has a lot of topography to it. 26 27 Ms. Kelly clarified a couple of items brought up earlier. She said they do have a number of 28 employees who work around the clock, but the majority of the employees work flex hours. She said 29 the majority of employees work from around 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 — 7:00 p.m. so there is not a rush of 30 traffic at 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Regarding the trail along the area of park dedication, she said 31 Sabre agreed to pay for the engineering fees associated with the path and make accommodations for 32 and pay for the pedestrian crossway on the bridge. 33 u . - 34 Commissioner Home asked if they will maintain it. Ms. Kelly said the path will not be on their 35, property, and they will not be responsible for it. 36 37 Chairman Creighton said the Commission would take a break before beginning to go through the 38 applicant's response to the review letter. 39 40 Chairman Creighton called for a break at 9:04 p.m. 41 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 9 of 24 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP &Z COMMISSION 1 Chairman Creighton called the meeting back to order at 9:26 p.m. 2 3 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06- 17 -99, tape 1, section #6500) 4 5 The Commission agreed to delete Item #I.A.1 (to allow a minimum design speed of 25 mph). 6 7 Regarding Item #I.F.3, the applicant's attorney, Ike Shupe (Hughes and Luce), and City staff are to 8 work on clarifying the language in Paragraph 4.C.2 of the PUD Development Standards. 9 10 Regarding Item #I.I.2, Chairman Creighton asked what portion of the property the hotel use is 11 currently allowed. Mr. Allen said a hotel is currently allowed in the Non - Residential PUD along 12 S.H. 114. 13 14 Commissioner Boutte asked why they would want to keep the hotel use in. Mr. Allen said it is a use 15 which is currently allowed, and at some point it may make sense for Sabre to use it. 16 17 Vice - Chairman Peebles asked if that is what temporary residential accommodations are. Mr. Allen 18 said no. 19 Commissioner King said it seems inconsistent to him to have a hotel use on this property. He said Sabre is making it a secured site, and they have temporary accommodations for employees. He said Lz in his mind, a hotel is a commercial use that would require being open to the public to make a profit. 23 If this site is not open to the public and the hotel would not be a commercial use for profit and they 24 already offer temporary accommodations for their employees, then he does not think it is necessary. 25 26 Commissioner Boutte said he does not think a hotel would be the type of business the City would 27 be pursuing and offering tax abatements to. 28 29 Commissioner King said he is not opposed to a really nice hotel somewhere along S.H. 114, but he 30 does not think this is the place for one. 31 32 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06- 17 -99, tape 1, section #7345) 33 34 Commissioner King said there are different types of eating establishments listed several times under 35 permitted uses and accessory uses. He said he feels the same about this as he did about a hotel; he 36 understands they will feed their employees but when it comes to a restaurant being a g permitted use, 37 in his mind, it is a commercial use for profit. He said it does not seem to fit. He recommended 38 deletion of a restaurant as a permitted use for those reasons. 39 40 Commissioner Horne questioned why there is opposition for the restaurant and the hotel. He said 41 he could see visitors coming in who are not Sabre employees and are used to a hotel environment. Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 10 of 24 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY P&Z COMMISSION 1 He said he can think of several area campuses that have hotels next to them; he named GTE as one 2 corporation that has a Marriott with it. He does not see what the objection is. 3 4 Commissioner King said he has to remind himself that the Commission is approving an ordinance 5 that will run with the property and if Sabre were to leave someday, there would be a hotel and a 6 restaurant there as a permitted use. He said if someone wants to do that someday, they can come to 7 the City and ask for it. He said he does not think GTE is a secured sight with secured access points. 8 9 Commissioner Home said if it is an accessory use, that would be fine with him. 10 11 Vice - Chairman Peebles asked what the difference is between a principal restaurant and an accessory 12 restaurant. Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy said Sabre is trying to cover their bases — should 13 they decide someday to subdivide their campus, they would have a permitted right to have a 14 restaurant or hotel use as well as have an accessory use. 15 16 Ms. Kelly said they may want to have some small fast food vendors come in and set up shop. 17 18 Commissioner King said he would read that as being a permitted accessory use. 19 ''n Chairman Creighton said she would like to make clear it would have to be contained within the buildings and not a stand alone fast food restaurant. 23 Commissioner King said there is a stand -alone building permitted for a restaurant, cafe, or cafeteria 24 under accessory uses. 25 26 Mr. Shupe said there are two (2) categories of accessory uses: one (1) is listed on Page 6 and are all 27 interior to the principal use of the building; two (2) begin at the bottom of Page 6 and do not have 28 to be in the main building and can be on a separate site. 29 30 Chairman Creighton asked why they are asking for accessory uses to be without regard to the poor 31 area. Mr. Shupe said in a corporate campus, the same people who go and use the accessory use are 32 the same people who drive in and office there so they do not have the issue of trying to limit the 33 accessory floor area as a percentage of the principal floor area. Mr. Shupe said he does not feel the 34 size limitations serve a purpose when dealing with a private campus. 35 16 Chairman Creighton said the Commission's fear is that this will not always be a private campus. 37 If Sabre goes away, she said someone else could come in, open up the gates, and have a 38 restaurant/office complex. 39 40 Commissioner Horne asked if this request could be limited to Sabre. 41 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 11 of 24 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP &Z COMMISSION 1 Mr. Shupe said for the Commission to keep in mind the accessory uses will not do any outside 2 advertising and will only be used by the Sabre employees. 3 4 Commissioner King said he is not concerned as long as Sabre is there, but he is concerned if Sabre 5 goes away and another developer comes in, starts advertising, and opens the restaurants for business. 6 7 Chairman Creighton agreed with Commissioner King and asked if there is any way to address this 8 issue. 9 10 . Mr. Shupe said he could work with Ms. Gandy and the City Attorney to address the proper language 11 regarding of the possibility of this property no longer being a private campus, and they could then 12 revert back to City standards. 13 14 Mr. Shupe said if Sabre went away and there was an empty accessory building and the new owner 15 was not going to use the property as a corporate campus, they would have to rezone the property 16 because the accessory building could not be used as a principal use. 17 18 Commissioner King said if it is clear it is no longer an accessory use and is no longer in compliance, 19 then he does not have a problem with it. City Attorney Debra Drayovitch said if it would appease "`` the Commission, they could come up with some language addressing that fact. 22 Mr. Shupe said he does not have a problem with that because he thinks that is what the ordinance 23 says anyway and that is what the law says. 24 25 Commissioner Horne asked staff to further define "personal services" listed in Paragraph 7.B, PUD 26 Development Standards. 27 28 Regarding Paragraph 7.B, Mr. Shupe suggested adding the language "and shall not be allowed as 29 a principal use" to the end of the following heading, "The following accessory uses shall be allowed 30 on a separate building site without regard to the floor areas of such accessory uses." 31 32 Chairman Creighton said she would like a definition for "general retail." Mr. Shupe said he d does 33 not know what those types of retail would be. He said he does not think there is risk to the City 34 because of where it is and the constraints that go on it. 35 36 Commissioner Boutte said 20 years ago, no one knew corporations would be selling discounted 37 software to their employees and 20 years from now, we have no idea what companies will want to 38 sell to their employees. He asked how the Commission should handle this. 39 40 Commissioner Horne said he does not see this being a problem. 41 Tanning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 12 of 24 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP &Z COMMISSION 1 Chairman Creighton said it is just a big, open term in which they are telling the Commission they 2 do not know how to define it and asked how we as a City be able to say they could not sell a 3 particular item there. 4 5 Ms. Kelly asked if the Commission could start with some offensive items and work from there. 6 Chairman Creighton said she is certain that Sabre or one of their consultants has a general idea of 7 what they want to sell and as a City, we would prefer they tell us what those things are. She said she 8 would just like a definition. 9 10 . Mr. Shupe said Ms. Gandy has an idea of a definition and agreed to work with her in that direction. 11 12 Chairman Creighton asked what they mean by "temporary residential accommodations." 13 14 Commissioner Boutte asked what is meant by a "full kitchen" or a "partial kitchen." Mr. Shupe said 15 a partial kitchen would most likely include a small (1.3 cubic inch) refrigerator and a microwave. 16 17 Ms. Gandy said it is typically limited by having no cook -top. 18 19 Chairman Creighton asked if it needs to be further defined or is there an industry definition. Ms. Gandy said she will get a definitive answer on that. • z2 Regarding Paragraph 8.A.1, the Commission agreed to modify it to read: "No principal use building 23 shall exceed six (6) stories above grade, nor shall it exceed 90' in height." 24 25 Regarding Paragraph 8.A.3, the Commission agreed to limit the architectural features to 50' above 26 the height of the building and if freestanding, they shall not exceed 140' and both shall be subject 27 to the 4:1 slope requirement. 28 29 Chairman Creighton called for a break at 10:45 p.m. 30 31 Chairman Creighton called the meeting back to order at 10:55 p.m. 32 33 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06- 17 -99, tape 2, section #1935) 34 35 Regarding Item #II.A.3, the Commission agreed to allow special equipment up to 25' above the • F36 actual height of the building. They agreed it must be screened, it must be integral to the building, 37 and it will be subject to the 4:1 slope requirement. 38 39 Regarding Item #II.A.4, Mr. Teske said the purpose of their request is to allow them to do a six (6) 40 story building but also incorporate a sloped roof. He said under the current definition, if they wanted 41 to do a sloped roof, they would have to reduce the number of stories. Mr. Teske agreed to reduce ?laming and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 13 of 24 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY P&Z COMMISSION 1 their request to 35' from their original request of 50'. The Commission agreed this requirement will 2 also be subject to the 4:1 slope requirement. 4 Commissioner King said based on what the applicant is saying, they could potentially build 10 5 buildings at approximately 10 stories each (125' each). Mr. Teske said the buildings will not be 6 perceived anywhere near an 8 —10 story building. 7 8 Vice - Chairman Peebles said City Council needs to know what Commissioner King is talking about 9 since the applicant is saying they may put pitched roofs on these buildings. He said all of the 10 buildings could potentially be that high. 11 12 Regarding Item #II.B.4, the Commission agreed to delete the review comment and allow accessory 13 buildings forward of the principal structure, but require the applicant to be subject to the height 14 restrictions under 8.A.1 as amended. 15 16 Chairman Creighton said she has a real problem with a height limitation of six (6) stories for an 17 accessory building. Mr. Cedro said they can not imagine any accessory building going higher than 18 three (3) stories so they are willing to cut that in half. He said they may have an accessory building 19 with conference facilities on the first floor with two (2) floors of employee guest rooms above it. Mr. Cedro said because this is a sloped site, they are finding they will have buildings with two (2) z.." floors on one side and three (3) floors on the other. 23 24 Commissioner Boutte asked if that means they can set a height restriction rather than a story 25 restriction. Mr. Cedro said that is what they have done. Mr. Shupe said they are asking for three (3) 26 stories or 46'; whichever one of those they hit first, that is it. 27 28 Chairman Creighton said she has a real problem with three (3) story accessory buildings. 29 30 Mr. Allen said one good example would be a health club with a gym; it can not be done with less 31 than 2 Y2 to 3 stories. 32 33 Chairman Creighton suggested making an exception for the health club and temporary stay facility. 34 Ms. Kelly disagreed saying they need flexibility. She said they do not know how they might even 35 combine accessory buildings. 36 37 Commissioner Shanidand asked them how many accessory buildings they may need. Ms. Kelly said 38 they really have no idea. 39 40 Chairman Creighton said she is very concerned that there were citizens here earlier in the evening 41 who were told there would be one (1) parking garage and ten (1) office buildings, but as the details Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 14 of 24 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP &Z COMMISSION 1 have come out, this project has the potential to be far in excess of what was described earlier in the 2 evening. 3 4 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06- 17 -99, tape 2, section #3661) 5 6 Commissioner King said in reading through the material and looking at their maximum lot coverage, 7 they can build six (6) story buildings with no maximum floor area. Based on that, he said they can 8 build 19 million S.F. on this site. Mr. Shupe said there is a traffic limitation on the site. 9 10 Mr. Allen said those requirements are generally based on the "0 -2" ordinance. He said 11 Commissioner King is correct except for the limiting factor which is parking. He said they would 12 need huge parking garages which would greatly exceed the height restrictions to come anywhere 13 close to that figure. He said it sounds like they can do that but they can not. 14 15 Commissioner King said if they want to build a campus style, low rise, low density development, 16 then they need to make the PUD reflect that. 17 18 Mr. Shupe said there is a traffic impact analysis which says they can do `X' amount of floor area 19 whenever certain conditions exist. When they reach the maximum floor area for that traffic impact 20 analysis and want to go above that number, he said they have to come back and justify that the traffic can support that. 23 Mr. Allen said they have looked at this site for a long time and have always thought they could put 24 about 1.5 million S.F. on this site. He said the reason Sabre can do more than that is because of the 25 structured parking. 26 27 Vice - Chairman Peebles asked if they would agree to 3 million S.F. for the site. Ms. Kelly said no. 28 Ms. Kelly said they truly do not know what accessory buildings they need at this time; they are still 29 surveying their employees at this time. 30 31 Chairman Creighton asked staff what the answer is here. Director Last said they need the 32 entitlements; they will not close on the property until they have the entitlements they feel are needed 33 to finish out their program. 34 35 Commissioner King said he wants them to have entitlements that bare a reasonable resemblance to ,36 what they are going to do out there. 37 38 Chairman Creighton said it has to bare a resemblance to what they represented to the public while 39 the public was here tonight. 40 41 Mr. Allen said six (6) stories are allowed on the site today in the "0 -2" zoning district. canning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 15 of 24 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY P &Z COMMISSION 1 Ms. Kelly asked if there is some cap the Commission would agree to. 2 3 Commissioner King said in speaking only for himself, he would agree to 3 million S.F. 4 5 Mr. Shupe suggested using a formula such as placing a cap on principal uses and rather than picking 6 a number for accessory uses, choose a percentage. 7 8 Vice - Chairman Peebles suggested 3 million S.F. and 25% accessory uses within that amount. Ms. 9 Kelly suggested 3.5 million total without percentages. Mr. Teske said that would be exclusive of 10 parking garages. 11 12 Commissioner King said that is fine with him. 13 14 Commissioner Shankland agreed. 15 16 Commissioner Horne said Sabre is coming here to grow not to stagnate. He said the Commission 17 needs to give them a little more leeway than what they are being given tonight. 18 19 The Commission agreed to 3.5 million S.F. 20 The Commission agreed to amend Paragraph 8.A.1 to add the following: "No accessory use building ° " shall exceed three (3) stories above grade, nor shall it exceed 46' in height." 23 24 Regarding Item #II.D, the applicant asked for flexibility in the selection of its construction materials. 25 26 Commissioner King expressed his concern regarding reflective glass. Mr. Teske said he has done 27 a couple of buildings lately with a reflectivity of about 35% such as the Sterling Commerce 28 Building. • 29 30 Commissioner King said he really likes that building but wants a comfort level that these buildings 31 will be the quality of the Sterling Commerce Building or the GTE Building. He wants no more P 32 reflectivity than what is on those buildings. . 33 34 Mr. Teske said they just want to keep that option open although they do not know what they are 35 going to use right now. Wit 36 Poi 37 Regarding Item #II.I, Vice- Chairman Peebles asked if driveways could be looked at during the Site 38 Plan stage, rather than just exempting them. Mr. Shupe asked what the rules are. 39 40 Mr. Teske asked if they are going to be held to the driveway standards currently in the ordinances. 41 Vice - Chairman Peebles said they will determine that at Site Plan. tanning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 16 of 24 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP &Z COMMISSION 1 Director Last said it is not too dissimilar to what was done with Town Square. On the Town Square 2 Concept Plan, he said there were waivers granted to the bufferyards because it was known they were 3 going to present a unique landscape pattern. 4 5 Vice - Chairman Peebles said just because he wants to reserve the right does not mean he is going to 6 exercise the right. Mr. Shupe said he thinks it is fair for a developer to know the rules as opposed 7 to leaving significant development issues that involve dollars to the discretion of the Site Plan. He 8 thinks he is entitled to know those rules when he gets his entitlements and when he gets his zoning. 9 10 Vice - Chairman Peebles said when they come in with a Site Plan that differs from the required 11 landscaping, they can explain the reasons why they do not want the required bufferyard and the 12 Commission will listen and go from there. 13 14 Director Last asked if there could be a middle ground and maybe the applicant could provide a 15 streetscape plan at the time of Site Plan. Mr. Shupe asked what the criteria would be to judge the 16 streetscape plan. He said he is not developing a bunch of individual lots; he is developing one lot 17 and does not think the bufferyard requirement applies. 18 19 Mr. Teske said Mr. Shupe is absolutely right. He gave an example with the driveway issue and said ' he is trying to design the parking garages right now and the parking garage ramps have to line up with the driveways. If he is going to be held to a spacing that he cannot live with, then he needs to z2 know it now because he is spending a lot of time and money trying to design the garages, and he 23 cannot go down a road and two months later find out the Commission cannot live with it. 24 25 Vice - Chairman Peebles said he understands they will have spent that time and money and when they 26 return asking for 150' instead of 250' and have a good explanation why they want it, then he does 27 not see any reason why the Commission would not understand their reasoning and go forward. He 28 does not see why the Commission has to make those decisions now. 29 30 Mr. Shupe said this is one area they have to agree to disagree. 31 32 Commissioner Shankland said he is comfortable that when they come back, they will have an 33 excellent design; he has confidence in them. 34 35 After looking at the Driveway Ordinance, City Attorney Debra Drayovitch said there is some .36. ambiguity. She said she understands Mr. Shupe's position to construe that it might be required for 37 the applicant to comply with it. 38 39 Commissioner King said he understands Vice - Chairman Peebles is very passionate about it, but he 40 is okay with what they are proposing on the bufferyards and driveways. He said he understands it 41 is one big lot, the driveways are going onto a private road, and they are giving far in excess of what Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 18 of 24 • UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY P&Z COMMISSION 1 the ordinance requires; he is okay with it. 2 3 Commissioner Boutte said he is on Vice - Chairman Peebles' side on this. He said he hates giving 4 up complete control. 5 6 Chairman Creighton said she is less concemed about the bufferyards than she is about the driveways. 7 She thinks it is very difficult to tell whether a driveway is going to work when she cannot see it. 8 9 Commissioner Horne said he agrees with Commissioners King and Shankland. He thinks there 10 would be too much time involved to have someone come back and then find out they have to move 11 it 10' one way or 20' the other way. He does not think the bufferyards are an issue. He said when 12 they design a parking structure like this one, they are not going to have their employees crashing 13 their cars because they cannot make a turn; they know what they have to do. 14 15 Commissioner Shanidand said they are designing this for themselves. He said they are not a 16 developer building something and then leaving in order to sell it to someone else. He seriously 17 doubts they are going to spend this much money, and then build something that does not work. He 18 said he is not concerned about it. He said the Commission has sat here listening to the testimonies 19 regarding the quality of the architects and the people involved, and he is comfortable with what they in are doing. _ Commissioner Horne said he agrees with Commissioner Shankland. 23 24 Chairman Creighton said it appears the Commission is split 3 -3 on these issues and asked if the 25 Commissioners feel so strongly about not deferring driveway and bufferyard issues until Site Plan 26 that they will not be able to support a motion which defers those issues. 27 28 Commissioner Horne asked the applicant how much it would set them back if the Commission 29 defers consideration of bufferyards and driveways until Site Plan. Mr. Teske said they could expend 30 1,500 to 2,000 man hours in that time frame only to find out at Site Plan they need to change it 31 again. 32 33 Commissioner King said he does not feel strong enough to vote against the other Commissioners 34 on this. He said part of the Commission wants a safeguard on this, and he is willing to go with them 35 to give them the comfort level they want. 3- fi 37 Mr. Allen said Sabre is not only buying the land being discussed tonight but also the existing 38 building. He said in the very first meetings with the City it was a requirement in order to accomplish 39 the security concerns for the roads to be closed. 40 41 With regard to the road closure, Mr. Shupe said they can leave them open until the first phase is Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 19 of 24 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP &Z COMMISSION 1 ready for occupancy. He said they agree to work with Tx DOT to see if the two -way access road can 2 be achieved. Regarding the heliport, he said they agree to live by all FAA rules; it will be for 3 Sabre's use only as opposed to a commercial operation; and they will maximize flight paths over 4 S.H. 114 and minimize residential over flights. He said they agree to designate the flight path on 5 the Development Plan or Site Plan (whichever first shows the location of the heliport) so the 6 Commission and the City Council will be able to approve the path. 7 8 Vice - Chairman Peebles asked him to take these concerns to City Council because he promised the 9 residents who were here earlier in the evening the heliport would be gone. 10 11 Regarding the parking garages, Mr. Shupe said they will get a sight line study completed. He said 12 they can break them up into a couple of sections, but they cannot break them up into as many 13 sections as the offices. Regarding the White Chapel access, he said they cannot agree to limit the 14 construction access to a specific period of time. 15 16 Chairman Creighton closed the Public Hearing. 17 18 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06- 17 -99, tape 3, section #1104) 19 Motion was made to approve ZA 99 -056, subject to Concept Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated June 11, 1999, and being subject to the following: z 23 Item # LA.1, Review Summary, delete (to allow a minimum design speed of 25 mph); 24 25 Item # I.F.3, Review Summary, Applicant's attorney and staff are to work on clarifying the 26 language in Paragraph 4.C.2 of the PUD Development Standards; 27 28 Paragraph 7.A, PUD Development Standards, delete Hotel and Restaurant (Item # I.I.2); 29 30 Paragraph 7.B, PUD Development Standards, further define General retail and Personal 31 services (Item # I.J.1); 32 33 Paragraph 7.B, PUD Development Standards, add "and shall not be allowed as a principal 34 use" to the end of the following paragraph heading, "The following accessory uses shall be 35 allowed on a separate building site without regard to the floor areas of such accessory uses;" .3b 37 Paragraph 7.B, PUD Development Standards, delete Heliport/verti-port; 38 39 Paragraph 7.B, PUD Development Standards, ask Council to review staffs language 40 clarifying the conformity of Temporary residential accommodations for 41 employees/customers /visitors (Item # I.J.2, Review Summary); .Manning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 20 of 24 UNOFFICL4L MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP &Z COMMISSION 1 Paragraph 8.A.1, Building Height, PUD Development Standards, modify to read: "Except 2 as provided below, no principal use building shall exceed six (6) stories above grade, nor 3 shall it exceed 90 feet in height." With respect to accessory use height, add the following 4 to read: "Except as provided below, no accessory use building shall exceed three (3) stories 5 above grade, nor shall it exceed forty-six (46) feet in height;" 6 7 Paragraph 8.A.2, Structured Parking Height, PUD Development Standards, being Item # 8 II.A.1, Review Summary, With respect to parking garage, Applicant is to provide a sight line 9 study to Council and also request that the Applicant break up the structured parking to match 10 the red buildings shown on the Landscape Master Plan presented tonight; 11 12 Paragraph 8.A.2, Structured Parking Height, PUD Development Standards, being Item # 13 II.A.1, Review Summary), modify to read: "Except as provided below, no parking structure 14 shall exceed six (6) levels above grade, nor shall it exceed 60 feet in height;" 15 16 Paragraph 8.A.3, Architectural Features, PUD Development Standards, being Item # II.A.2, 17 Review Summary, modify to read: "Architectural features (i.e., portions of buildings or 18 structures not intended for occupancy) which are integral to the architectural style of the 19 building or structure (including spires, belfries, towers, cupolas, domes, feature walls and similar features) shall not exceed 50' above the height of the building; if freestanding, they shall not exceed 140', and both (i.e., roof - mounted and freestanding architectural features) shall be subject to the 4:1 slope requirement;" 23 24 Paragraph 8.A.4, Special Equipment, PUD Development Standards, being Item # II.A.3, 25 Review Summary, Commission agrees to allow special equipment up to 25' above the actual 26 height of the building; it must be screened and must be integral to the building and shall be 27 subject to the 4:1 slope requirement; 28 29 Paragraph 8.A.5, Pitched Roofs, PUD Development Standards, being Item # II.A.4, Review 30 Summary, allow an alternative method of measuring pitched roof height proposed by the 31 applicant, but modify the second sentence to read: "The high point of the sloped roof may 32 exceed the height limitations set forth above (i.e., maximum 90') by up to thirty-five (35) 33 feet to allow up to a maximum of 125' and shall be subject to the 4:1 slope requirement;" 34 35 Paragraph 8.B.7, Accessory Buildings, PUD Development Standards, being Item # II.B.4, - =36 Review Summary, delete review comment and allow accessory buildings forward of the 37 principal structure, but require that they be subject to the height restrictions under 8.A.1 as 38 amended; 39 40 Paragraph 9.A, Parking Spaces Required, PUD Development Standards, being Item # II.C.1, 4 Review Summary, delete review comment and allow parking ratios as requested by the i'lanning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 21 of 24 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP &Z COMMISSION 1 Applicant; 2 3 Paragraph 9.C, Parking Space Size, PUD Development Standards, being Item # ILC.3, 4 Review Summary, delete review comment and, allow the 8.5' parking space width in all 5 parking spaces (both structured and surface parking); 6 7 Paragraph 9.D, Off - Street Loading/Service Areas, PUD Development Standards, being Item 8 # II.C.4, Review Summary, delete review comment and accept as proposed to allow as set 9 forth on Page 5 of the Applicant's response letter dated June 16, 1999; 10 11 Paragraph 11, Screening, PUD Development Standards, add Radio towers to the list of 12 screened improvements; 13 14 Paragraph 11, Screening, PUD Development Standards, being Item # II.E.1, delete 15 bufferyard requirements as set forth in Section 43, Ordinance No. 480, but leave the rest 16 (Section 42, Bufferyards, Ordinance No. 480 required); 17 18 Paragraph 11, Screening, PUD Development Standards, being Item # II.E.2, delete; 19 Paragraph 13, Fencing, PUD Development Standards, being Item II.G, Review Summary, delete; 22 23 Paragraph 15, Parks/Trails /Open Space, PUD Development Standards, being Item 24 Review Summary, accept as proposed by the Applicant and as further described on Page 6 25 of the Applicant's response letter dated June 16, 1999; 26 27 Paragraph 16, Driveway Requirements, PUD Development Standards, being Item II.I, 28 Review Summary, will be determined at Site Plan; 29 30 Item # III.A, Parkland Dedication, Review Summary, allow as proposed by Applicant and 31 as further described on Page 6 of the Applicant's response letter dated June 16, 1999; 32 33 Item # III.B.1 & III.B.2., Right -of -Way, Review Summary, allow as proposed by Applicant 34 and as further described on Page 6 of the Applicant's response letter dated June 16, 1999; 35: 36 Item # III.B.4, Review Summary, delete (per staff's request); 37 38 Item # III.C.1, 25' Pedestrian Access Easement, Review Summary, allow as proposed by 39 Applicant and as further described on Page 7 of the Applicant's response letter dated June 40 16, 1999; 4' Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 22 of 24 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP &Z COMMISSION 1 Item # III.D.1, Landscaping, Review Summary, Bufferyards along T. W. King and along 2 Kirkwood Blvd. will be determined at Site Plan; 3 4 With respect to the T.W. King East—that will remain open until Phase 1 is completed; 5 6 Acknowledging Sabre's agreement to "put their full weight" behind efforts to get TxDOT 7 to allow the two -way road from T.W. King to Kirkwood Blvd. interchange; 8 9 Limit the total square footage of the proposed development to 3.5 million S.F.; and 10 11 With respect to White Chapel being used as a construction entrance, the Commission 12 recommends that Sabre complete "as quickly as possible" the northern bridge across 13 Kirkwood Branch and that as soon as it is feasible to utilize the bridge for construction 14 traffic, close White Chapel entry for construction and utilize the entry for emergency use 15 only. It should be recognized, however, that while Sabre is proceeding with all due haste in 16 the completion of the road and bridge along Kirkwood Blvd. that they not be prevented from 17 using the White Chapel entrance to do whatever is necessary to develop the property. 18 19 Motion: Peebles Second: Boutte Ayes: Horne, Boutte, Peebles, Shankland, King, Creighton 22 Nays: None 23 Approved: 6 -0 24 Motion carried. 25 26 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06- 17 -99, tape 3, section #1755) 27 28 AGENDA ITEM #9, MEETING ADJOURNMENT: 29 Chairman Creighton adjourned the meeting at 1:54 a.m. on June 18, 1999. 30 31 (Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, 06- 17 -99, tape 3, section #1760) 32 33 34 35: 38 Ann Creighton 39 Chairman 40 41 4^ Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17,1999 Page 23 of 24 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BYP &Z COMMISSION 1 2 ATTEST: 3 4 a 7 Lori A. Farwell 8 Planning Secretary 9 10 L:\ COMDEV\ WP- FILES\MTG\MIId\1999 \ 1 99 .DOC Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes on June 17, 1999 Page 24 of 24