MARCH 23, 1999
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy; Mayor Pro Tem W. Ralph
Evans; Members: Debra Edmondson, Gary Fawks, Ronnie Kendall and Wayne Moffat.
COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Scott Martin.
Creighton; Members: Mike Sandlin, C.D. Peebles, F.C. LeVrier, and Rob Jones.
CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Curtis E. Hawk; Assistant City Manager
Shana Yelverton; Assistant to the City Manager Shelli Siemer; Director of Finance Lou
Ann Heath; Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman; Director of Economic
Development Greg Last; Planner Dennis Killough; Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy;
Director of Public Works Bob Whitehead; Deputy Directors of Public Works Ron
Harper and Charlie Thomas; Capital Projects Coordinator Shawn Poe; City Attorney E.
Allen Taylor Jr., and, City Secretary Sandra L. LeGrand.
Agenda Item #1, Call to Order
Mayor Rick Stacy called the first Joint City Council and Planning and Zoning
Commission meeting to order at 5:15 p.m.
Agenda Item #2 -A, Executive Session
Mayor Stacy announced that an executive session will not be held during this meeting.
Agenda Item #3, ZA 99 -025, Rezoning and Site Plan for Southlake Town Square,
Phase 2
ZA 99 -025, Rezoning and Site Plan for Southlake Town Square, Phase 2, Block 10, on
property legally described as a portion of Tract 3 situated in the Richard Eads Survey,
Abstract No. 481, and being approximately 7.932 acres. Current zoning is "C -3" General
Commercial District, with a requested zoning of "S -P -1" Detailed Site Plan District with
"C -3" General Commercial District uses including a U.S. Post Office and associated
outside storage. Applicant: Cooper & Stebbins, L.P. Owners: The Fechtel Group with
general partners; Alicia Marie Fechtel, Charles Joseph Fechtel, Mary Louise Logan,
John Randolph Fechtel, Marguerite Elizabeth Fechtel, and James Milton Fechtel.
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Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy reported there are 7.9372 acres on the site plan
before Council tonight. The request is for zoning of the post office site and some
associated retail along the eastern edge of North Carroll and the southern portion of the
area for rezoning. The Land Use Plan indicates a mixed use for this area. There were
seven (7) notices sent to property owners within 200' and staff received no written
responses. In the packet of information is the staff review comments dated March 12,
The subject property is an approximately 7.3 acre site bounded to the south and east by
the Southlake Town Square N.R.P.U.D., to the west by North Carroll Avenue and to the
north by additional property zoned "C -3" and owned by the applicant. Per the approved
N.R.P.U.D. and Phase I final plat, the property is bordered to the south by Prospect Street
and to the east by State Street. A new street, Post Avenue, is proposed as a north street
boundary. The existing site conditions show the site slopes generally downward from
west to east. To preserve this varying topography, the site has been engineered to
provide different elevations for building pads across the site similar to the engineering of
buildings in Phase I of Southlake Town Square. The Site Plan engineering also provides
for positive drainage of surface accumulated water.
The block is anchored by an approximately 3.1 acre site which will be sold to the United
States Postal Service, for the development and operation of a Post Office facility. This
facility use is divided into three primary functions:
➢ Direct customer service, in the form of over -the counter retail sale of postage,
supplies and specialties.
➢ Indirect customer service in the form of public and business mailboxes.
➢ General mail delivery to the Southlake area.
The Post Office building will occupy approximately 21,617 s.f. and, consistent with the
adjacent Phase I Town Square building placements, will be located in a "street front"
environment. Buildings along Prospect Street and North Carroll Avenue will "screen"
rear areas of the postal facility devoted to loading and unloading, employee parking, and
delivery operations. These buildings, situated on the remaining approximately 4.2 acres
of the site, will be developed with C -3 uses which are expected to be predominantly
retail, restaurant, service oriented and office uses. Non - permitted C -3 uses will be
restricted consistent with the Southlake Town Square N.R.P.U.D., as set forth in the
proposed S -P -1 Development Regulations.
Brian Stebbins, 904 Independence Parkway, Southlake. Mr. Stebbins stated he was very
pleased with the grand opening day of Town Center. The people came and they felt
comfortable in the parks areas. He stated six of the national chain retail stores broke the
all time records for sales on an opening day. Mr. Stebbins gave an overview of the plan
for the next phase of the Town Center
Ted Raglin, Grapevine Postmaster. The Grapevine Postmaster is in charge of the
Soutlake Post Office as well. Some of the issues at hand will be transportation issues.
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Mr. Raglin stated, "we have four transportation trips in now, and they are 3:00 a.m., 6:00
a.m. 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. At this point we see that staying as it is now. Some of the
services issues: we will be expanding the window lobby size, which will be greatly
needed in Southlake. We will expand from two windows to one window and a postal
store window, which will help with congestion in the lobby. We will have a postal store
which will display more postal products. We are going to expand window hours, from
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and we will open on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We will
also be increasing the number of post office boxes and there will also be some larger size
post office boxes. We now have seventeen postal vehicles, and will expand to around 20
postal vehicles. We are adding three to four routes per year."
Councilmember Gary Fawks commented about some of the residents that are not serviced
by the Southlake Post Office, like Roanoke and Keller areas There are people out there
that would like very much to be brought into the Southlake postal community. Is that a
possibility? Mr. Raglin stated, "There are some issues there that have been addressed.
We have that issue in some of the towns around here and I think we can work on this
issue for Southlake."
Councilmember Ronnie Kendall asked, "When you designed this building, were you
considering the build -out of Southlake ?" Mr. Raglin stated they have some room to
expand. They do not plan to keep the branch located on North Carroll Avenue.
Frank Bliss, 1362 Lakeview Drive, Southlake. Mr. Bliss stated they are in receipt of two
letters from staff. One addressing the site plan and the other addressing the preliminary
plat. He reviewed the comments in the review letters. A letter to Dennie Killough, City
of Southlake dated March 23, 1999, from Cooper & Stebbins addressing the items in the
review letter is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting.
Al Morin, 1012 Diamond Boulevard, Southlake. Mr. Morin stated he had a SPIN
meeting on this issue, with twelve to fifteen residents present. The meeting was very
positive and the residents were very supportive.
Jon Van Sun, 675 Southview Trail, Southlake. Mr. Van Sun asked if the mail trucks are
coming down Carroll off of S.H. 114. The postmaster replied, "Southlake is still a rural
route." Mr. Van Sun asked about parking on Ownby Lane, noting, six to seven cars were
parked on Ownby Lane all day. Mr. Van Sun has questions on the illumination signs
and lights in the parking lots. He stated the grand opening was a success and he was very
pleased with the Town Center.
Public hearing closed.
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Agenda Item #4, ZA 99 -026, Revised Preliminary Plat for Lots 1 & 2, Block 10 and
Lots 1 & 2, Block 11, Southlake Town Square, Phase 2
ZA 99 -026, Revised Preliminary Plat for Lots 1 & 2, Block 10 and Lots 1 & 2, Block 11,
Southake Town Square, Phase 2 was presented by Zoning Administrator Karen Gandy.
Ms. Gandy noted the property consists of 11.8 acres. The purpose of the revised
preliminary plat is to accommodate the construction that is proposed on Block 10 and 11,
located on the east side of North Carroll Avenue. The owner is The Fechtel Group and
the applicant is Cooper & Stebbins. The property is currently zoned "C -3" with the
request that was in the previous item. It is in a mixed use area and there were no written
responses to the letters that were sent.
Frank Bliss, 1362 Lakeview Drive, Southlake. Mr. Bliss reviewed the comments in the
summary review letter and they are in agreement with all items raised, and are in the
process of revising the plat. As a point of clarification, on Item #5, they were unable to
address that item and wish to sit down with staff for clarification before responding. The
response to the summary review letter dated March 23, 1999 from Cooper & Stebbins is
hereby attached to the minutes of the meeting.
Bryan Paulson, resides on the southeast corner of 325 Binkley, Southlake. He is
concerned with what he will be looking at from his game room. He has lost all his buffer.
He is right up against Carroll Avenue, and wonders what he will be looking at across
Carroll Avenue.
Jon Van Sun, 675 Southview, Southlake. Mr. Van Sun stated he is working with Mr.
Harper at this time on the common area from the fence to the curb line. There will be
trees planted along the fence line and there will be grass. There will be some buffer in
that area.
Public hearing closed.
Agenda Item #5, Adjournment
Mayor Rick Stacyod Nttitj the meeting at 6:05 p.m.
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co Ma Rick Stacy
ATT ST: '',,./ °•0, � * 4;
S ndra L. LeGrand
City Secretary
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March 23, 1999 Page 4 of 4