November 5, 1990
Present: Chairperson Randy Robertson; Janet Murphy, Ann Barnes,
Karen Apple, Rick Roberts, Terry Mitchell, Richard Lantz, Mike
Jurecka and Director of Public Works, Mike Barnes.
Absent: Steven Bender.
The motion was made to approve the minutes with the understanding
that an addendum will be added showing a discussion and vote will
be taken on the Park Board Ordinance at the next meeting
The motion was seconded and passed.
RFP's will be added to Old Business section of the Agenda.
1. Park Board Ordinance- A motion was made, seconded, and
passed unanimously to approve the Park Board Ordinance.
2. Park Use Policy.
A. Lodge - The Board agreed that the locks will be changed
and in the future all keys ( 2 sets ) will be kept at City
Hall. They will have to be checked out and back in ASAP.
Public comments were made by Larry Goldstein, Mr & Mrs Marvin
Cook, Charles Curry and Randy Stacy regarding the availability
of keys to the Lions Club. Larry Goldstein asked that a
variance be granted allowing the Lions Club to have a
permanent key to the Lodge due to frequency of use and early
hour needed for breakfast meetings.
It was the consensus that the Lions Club would be granted
special consideration to allow them 2 keys.
Cleaning supplies would also be provided.
B. Keys to lights - Randy Stacy expressed concern that fuse
box to new lights have no locks. He also said that it wasn't
feasible to have to pick up keys from City Hall for every ball
game. Some arrangement needs to be worked out with Southlake
Baseball or with City Staff to turn lights on and off.
C. Lighting fees for ballfields, Southlake baseball,
softball and any local nonprofit group or event, etc approved
by th Park Board will use lighted fields at no charge. Karen
Apple will make changes on Ordinance and retype.
3. Subdivision Report - Mike Jurecka gave an update ( see
attached ).
4. RFP for master plan study, Mike Barnes reported that they
were due last Friday. Nelson Corp. can get theirs to us by
The Council will select a committing of Council and Park
Board members to review RFP's and make a recommendation.
Meeting adjourned at 10:45.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ann Barnes, Secretary