1990-09-10 PARKS AND RECREATIONS BOARD MINUTES SEPTEMBER 10, 1990 PRESENT: Chairman, Randy Robertson; Vice Chairperson, Janet Murphy; Members: Ann Barnes, Steve Bender, Mike Jurecka, Rick Roberts and City Manager, Curtis Hawk. ABSENT: Terry Mitchell, Karen Apple and Richard Lantz (unexcused) The minutes for the August 6th and August 20th meetings were approved as read. ADMINISTRATIVE COMMENTS: Janet Murphy expressed concern regarding the poor condition of the ball fields. Youth and Adult Softball Leagues are playing on them regularly. a) Randy Stacy Commissioner, Baseball Association reported poor playing conditions, holes, ruts, a need for clay on infield, sprinklers don't work and he felt that the employees were poorly supervised hence their time was not well used. b) Curtis Hawk indicated that sprinklers would be repaired and placed on well water, sod will be put on outfields, and clay on infields after January 1st. He also indicated the need for additional staff to work with the Park Board. A Planner will be hired after new fiscal year begins to work with our committee. c) Repairs of holes in playing fields need to be done now not after January 1st. OLD BUSINESS: 1. PARK BOARD ORDINANCE: Curtis Hawk will have it for our consideration soon. 2. PARK USE POLICY: Karen Apple was absent so this topic was tabled until we can hold a work session. RECYCLING PROGRAM: Janet Murphy read Karen Apple's written presentation. There was discussion on the 2 methods of collection. Concern was expressed by Steve Bender that voluntary program will not be successful. The money made is not the issue, but environmental improvement is the aim we want to achieve. Hope to be at least self- supporting at first. Profits will come later. He favored a mandatory monthly fee ($1.70) and mandatory recycling program. Randy Robertson expressed concern that this levies another fee on taxpayers. We established that perhaps there is a 3rd alternative and we need to do more research. A motion was made to table until * further study could be done. �+ SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT: Mike Jurecka reported there was no new information. Mike will check on the date of the passage of our Subdivision Ordinance by Council. NEW BUSINESS: [. Oak Hills Estates fees settlement presentation. Jim Harris developer and Allen Greer engineering consultant, presented a proposal to make improvements to Bicentennial Park in lieu of the cash fee assessed at $37,500. The improvements are as follows a) Asphalt jogging trail, 3/4 mile loop 4 feet wide around perimeter of Park. Should give good quality service for 10 years. Valued at approximately $19,000. b) Resurface tennis courts and paint new lines, reseal with 1/8" asphalt aggregate seal put on with squeegee. Value $5,000. c) Pour concrete basketball court (40X70) goal at either end, between Lodge and Field 1, above drainage ditch. Value $6,500. ‘4460" d) Plant 23 4" Caliper Trees, mixture of Oaks and Ashes. Landscape plant shows locations. Value $10,000. Discussion was held concerning particular items. 1. One year warranty on trees. Developers agreed we would have this. 2. Contractual agreement with jogging trail contractor to repair any damage to existing area incurred due to installation. Developer agreed it would be included. 3. Time frame for work completion. a) Jogging trail after January 1 but before April 1. b) Trees after January 1st. c) Construction could be in steps as fee is due for separate phases, in that case we would want to prioritize improvements. Steve made a motion to accept proposal as presented. Seconded and passed unanimously. 2. Consider Recommending Approval of RFP a discussion including e w suggestions for rewording, etc. was held on a standard RFP for N,,,. Parks Master Plan Study Consultant. Janet Murphy made a motion to approve standard RFP with inclusion of following comments: a) Section 4E Action: include, "consider how and where Corp of Engineer's property surrounding Grapevine Lake within our City ., Limits might be utilized for park purposes and provide us an hl, action plan. b) F &G analysis, include "for land acquisition for parks and open space and improvements of facilities. (Furnish priority ranking) c) H, "Review Land Dedication Ordinance in its present form." d) Consider small Botanical garden area with implementation and maintenance by volunteer civic clubs. e) Change acreage to 17 acres. f) Time frame for selection of consultant firm, October 31 presentation to joint subcommittee (Council and Park Board) November 13, review by Park Board. November 19, Park Board recommendation to Council. g) Consider future permanent salaried staffing for Parks and Recreation. Motion seconded and passed unanimously. 3. Consider waiving user fees to Southlake Baseball Associations for field use for Fall 1990 for Gladiator teams. Warren C Davis, Randy Stacy, Southlake Baseball Association, and Pat Fleming, Gladiator Association franchise owner were present. Pat Fleming reported he could produce proof that his organization was non - profit and there was an insurance policy in place which could include indemnification clause for Southlake. Curtis Hawk commented that there had been complaint calls to his office, Mike Barnes office and Sandy LeGrand's office from citizens concerning the use of fields and lights at no charge. Randy Stacy indicated that Southlake Baseball Association had voted to sponsor the concession stand during the Gladiator season. The request for waiver is specifically for the 1990 Season for Saturdays games. It was suggested to Randy Stacy that the Southlake Baseball Association hold a Fall Season with same guidelines as the Spring Season next year. Steve Bender made the motion the Parks Board waive the fees for Gladiator Association 1990 season pending verification and approval by City Attorney of their non - profit status in accordance with present practices until such time as the board has made formal revision to Resolution 87 -74. The motion was seconded and passed. The next meeting will be October 1st. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. i/ / 4 4 , N.,..„ , • /../ice/ ✓i�L« Raney / rtson, Chairman ATTEST: c Ann Barnes, Secretary /dw c