1990-04-02 %
April 2, 1990
Present: Chairperson Befthing Scratchard; Ann Barnes, Randy
Robertson, Janet Murphy, Rick Roberts, Richard Lantz, Steven Bender
and Terry Mitchell.
Absent: Mike Jurecka (excused)
The City of Southlake Parks and Recreation Board Meeting was called
to order by Chairperson, Bethann Scratchard.
The engineering landscape Architectural firm of Schricke
Rollins & Assoc. gave a presentation on the subject of a Park
Master Plan study. A copy of their presentation booklet was
given to each Board Member. After a very informative session,
the Park Board expressed an interest in having Schricke
Ro1$ins do a similar session for the City Council. They
agreed to do this at some future date.
I. Park
1. Concession Stand: The city has decided to pay $750 for
an ice machine for use at the Park Concession Stand
during ball season.
2. Lights: Mike Barnes indicated the lights would be
ready on Field 2 as soon as a truck could get on to the
field. So far the ground has been too wet & soft.
3. Fencing:City Council approved fencing on Field 2 up to
$5,000 without going to bid.
4. Labor: Mike indicated that $3,000 is budgeted for
contract labor at the parks. He indented to use high
school students on weekends to help Paul.
Richard Lantz recommended that the manpower situation be
provided for in the budget & that they be all lined up a
month in advance of baseball season.
requested that a committee of city staff & realtors establish
the value of an acre of undeveloped land in Southlake. They
will use this information to set the amount for the fee that
can be paid in lieu of land dedicated for Parks by developers.
III Signs at the Park were discussed & broad members were
reminded that the May meeting will be the last date for renewals.
The next meeting will be at the Park.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was
Respectfully submitted:
Ann Barnes, Secretary
Parks and Recreation Board
AB /dw