December 11, 1989
Present: Randy Robertson, Steve Bender, Ann Barnes, Janet Murphy,
Richard Lantz, Terry Mitchell, and Rick Roberts. Absent:
Chairperson, Bethann Scratchard.
The City of Southlake Parks and Recreation Board Meeting was called
to order by Vice - Chairman, Randy Robertson.
1. The Park Board was informed that the City Council had voted to
approve a Land Dedication Ordinance attached to the
Subdivision Ordinance on first reading at the last City
Council Meeting. It was noted that some changes had been
suggested and made by the City Attorney to the Park's Board
submitted copy. It was also noted that no one from the Park
Board had been advised that the Land Dedication Ordinance was
due for consideration, and therefore, no one was at the
meeting to officially represent the Parks Board.
The changes in wording were discussed and the possibility of a
Board recommendation was considered. The second reading is
scheduled for the next City Council Meeting.
2. Mike Barnes related that there was a possibility of getting TU
Electric to light ballfield #3 for the cost of trenching. He
will have more details later. Board members were reminded
that baseball and softball seasons were only a few months away.
1. Randy Robertson proposed that the Park Board profits accrued
from the men's basketball league last season and this season
in the amount of $600.00 be used towards the purchase of a
basketball scoreboard. The Youth League Basketball Assoc.
will match our amount to complete the purchase. He gave the
board the particulars on a reconditioned clock /scoreboard and
said that it would be given to the school.
A Motion was made, seconded, and passed to pay $600.00 towards
the scoreboard. 11/ // ally
2. Richard Lantz reported on a program called 7 >s ,t) 1*G.,T�C T
Due to the complexity of the program and the length of time
required to apply, Richard suggested that we table for now.
3. Steve Bender brought up the desire by Council for a Park
Master Plan. He had copies of plans from Grapevine and
Arlington, both of which paid $30,000 to a consulting firm to
write for them. Both plans included vast information on
cities' thoroughfare plans, master plans, land use plans, etc.
Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
December 11, 1989
Page 2
The board discussed that this was a major undertaking that
could take months of research, compiling of data, and
writing. It was decided that this item would be tabled for a
later discussion.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was
Respectfully submitted:
d :1 , - - rt/Sg4.4 ( --ta-j
5ambri■Meopky, Board Member
Parks and Recreation Board