1989-10-09 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES October 9, 1989 The City of Southlake Parks and Recreation Board meeting was called to order by Chairperson, Bethann Scratchard. Members present: Ann Barnes, Steve Bender, Richard Lantz, Janet Murphy, Sue McNutt, and Terry Mitchell. Members absent: Rick Roberts. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as read. Bethann Scratchard introduced the Board's new member, Janet Murphy. OLD BUSINESS 1. Park Land Dedication Ordinance. Bethann and Steve reported that they had presented the proposed ordinance to P &Z at their last meeting. They indicated that there was some opposition or questions concerning the basic ordinance, especially the wording in certain sections. One particular section drew considerable concern - -the issue of credit to developers for private recreational facilities. ``" Mike Barnes asked Steve to compile information and setup a matrix to illustrate that our proposal is reasonable compared with other Texas cities. Randy Robertson passed out a copy of Traps- Blueprint for Action a publication of the Texas Recreation and Park Society. He pointed out transcripts of court cases that were relevant to our situation. There was a lengthy discussion on suggestions on how to handle any opposition from P &Z. a. Bring in public support to lobby ordinance b. Publicity through the Grapevine Sun and the Star Telegram. (The Grapevine Sun has already contacted Steve.) c. Park Board go in mass to next P &Z meeting. October 19th. 2. Budget. $20,000 for lights is definitely in the budget. Randy would like a copy of the budget. 3. Donation from Skaggs. Mike sent a letter back to Skaggs containing the pricing (Steve Wiesner of Shade Tree Toys furnished) to complete Phase II on playground equipment. err° 4. 50G Fee on Water Bills. Mike Barnes reported that the final price on software will be $1,800. wirm • Park and Recreation Board Minutes October 9, 1989 Page 2 5. Park Use Policy. Mike Barnes reported that the City was having some trouble with groups using the lodge and not leaving it clean. He suggested we have a use policy in place that covers all usage, fees, and deposits. The Board will work on this next month. 6. Adult Basketball League. Randy Robertson reported that the basketball league proposal was on the agenda for next month. NEW BUSINESS 1. Grapevine Lake Masterplan. Bethann announced an invitation for us to attend a meeting in Grapevine concerning the Grapevine Lake Masterplan. We discussed looking at the lake plat in an effort to find possible access to Lake Grapevine on Corp of Engineer property to use for Southlake parks. The meeting was adjourned. The next regular meeting is scheduled for November 13th, 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, nn Barnes, Secretary Parks and Recreation Board