1989-09-19 SPECIAL PARK AND RECREATION BOARD y MINUTES September 19, 1989 The City of Southlake Parks and Recreation Board Special Meeting was called to order by Chairperson, Bethann Scratchard. Members Present: Chairperson, Bethann Scratchard; Secretary, Ann Barnes; Members: Randy Robertson, Steve Bender, and Terry Mitchell; Public Works Director, Mike Barnes. Park Land Dedication Ordinance The revisions were discussed paragraph by paragraph. Some question which arose were: - What if lots become smaller - City benefits more, more lots mean more money. - What about commercial developments - Bethann will check into this. Motion was made and approved to present the Park Land Dedication Ordinance to the Planning and Zoning Commission at their October 5th meeting. Meeting was adjourned. The next meeting is scheduled for October 9th. Respectfully submitted, F r Ann Barnes, Secretary Parks and Recreation Board gyp+