667 N. Carroll Avenue
'" Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
December 20, 1988, 8:00 a.m.
The City of Southlake Parks Commission work session was called to
order by Chairperson Phillip Bressinck. Members attending were
Larry Goldstein, Terry Mitchell, Randy Robertson, Randy Stacy, and
Bethann Scratchard. Those members not in attendance were James
Arnold, Tom Walker, and Sue McNutt.
The minutes of the October 19th, November 2nd, and December 5th,
meetings were approved.
Attached is the proposal we have created for the Carroll Elementary
School park facilities. We also discussed who in the community we
needed to contact for donations of time and money. Mr. Bressinck
is going to meet with the PTO Executive Board on January 4, 1989.
Ms. Scratchard will contact the Carroll School District
Administration in regards to getting this proposal on their agenda.
The next meeting will be January 11, 1989, at 8:00 a.m. at the
Southlake City Hall.
Phillip Bressinck, Chairman
:ethann R. Scratchard
Acting Secretary for Sue McNutt
- . ,
Park and Recreation Board Proposal
Carroll Elementary School Park Facilities
Phase I
Grading of the entire area with drainage $16,800
Wooden fence between park area and school $ 5,800
and across 4 home lots
Dirt parking lot with entrance and barrier cable $ 2,800
Jogging Trail/Bike Path $ 7,800
(4/10 mile--Asphalt 6 ft. wide)
Seeding for fields and Water Outlet $ 1,800
Phase II
Parking lot with 82 stalls $32,292
Playground Equipment
4 Slide $ 1,350
Swing Set $ 550
Spring Toys (4) $ 1,000
Merry-Go-Round $ 1,100
Tetherball $ 225
Sand Box $ 1,500
Picnic Tables (4) $ 500
Park Benches (4) $ 600
Barbeque Grill (4) $ 540
Fitness Stations (4) $ 3,600
Softball Field Backstops (2) $ 3,000
Landscaping $ 3,000
January 1989