November 12, 1986 - 7 :00 pm
PRESENT: Aloha Payne, James Arnold, Tom Walker, Phillip
Bressinck, Ann Barnes, and Betty Springer.
Bill LeGrand, David McMahan, Charles Curry, and Larry
Mures i e.
John Moore
Absent: Freddy Cate and Bill LaFavers. (Bill LaFavers has
indicated to James Arnold that he will be submitting his
resignation. Dan Tanner has verbally resigned.)
James Arnold called the meeting to order.
David McMahan pointed out to the Board that several possible
park sites had been proposed to the city in the past year.
He felt that the Board needed to take a look at each of
these proposals as soon as possible. He also felt the Board
should take a more agressive attitude in dealing with the
School Board about the possible co -usage of school lands for
community activity sites. He explained that Charles Curry
and John Moore would then make presentations to the Board.
Charles Curry presented the Park Board with an overview of
the plans for a building donated to the Lions Club which the
Lions would like to place in Bicentennial Park to be used as
a community center. The building is approximately 20' X 40'
in size with a 9' porch. The building would be moved to the
park site free of charge. It needs a new roof immediately
which he indicated the Lions would provide. The building
also needs some repair work and would require new restroom
facilities and kitchen facilities (has neither at present).
It also does not have heat or air conditioning at present.
Renovation would be the responsibility of the Lions Club and
other groups. It was estimated by David McMahan that the
b u i l d i n g would seat 45 for meals and 80-100 for meetings.
It has hardwood floors and paneled walls and is currently
located off Sam School Road behind the mini - warehouse
storage facilities. David asked that the Board take a vote
regarding support for this proposed project, and if so
supported that we send a resolution to the City Council
*.r indicating same. It was moved and seconded that this
project receive park board support. The vote was three (3)
for and three (3) against. The three nay votes indicated
they would like to go physically inspect the building prior
to the next park board meeting. After those inspections,
Betty Springer is to poll those votes and report back to
James Arnold and David McMahan.
John Moore made a presentation for a possible park site
consisting of the land owned by the Highland Group in the
Carroll Road /Highland Drive area. There could be either a
14 acre tract or a 23 acre tract available. Approximate
cost would be $35,000 per acre.
Other possible park sites discussed included 3 acres near
the new school (approx. cost $16,500 per acre), a site near
Meadowmere Park which would be a joint venture with the city
of Grapevine (approx. cost $22,500 per acre), the 38 acres
owned by Mary Stone Myers on Carroll Road (approx. cost
$24,000 per acre), and the 42 acres across from City Hall
(no cost figures avaible). Phillip Bressinck will look into
these areas further and report back to the Board.
David stressed that the Board needs to assemble 5, 10, and
15 year park plans in order to facilitate city parks
development. Larry Munsie estimates we would eventually
need approximately 400 acres to serve a population of 65,000
Tom Walker reported that A. C. Urbanosky (from the D /FW
Soccer League) had indicated he didn't think Southlake has
enough kids to start a soccer league this year.
The next meeting was set for Wednesday night, November 19th
at 7 :00 pm. The meeting was then adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted: Approved by the Park Board:
/ All -
d% 410 , '
Betty Spri /per / Secr Iii Date