1986-09-10 4.0
September 10, 1986 - 7:00 pm
Present: Tom Walker, Phillip Bressinck, Ann Barnes, James
Arnold,. Aloha Payne, and Betty Springer. Bill. LeGrand and
David McMahan.
Absent: Freddy Cate and Bill LaFavers. Dan Tanner (has
indicated Verbally that he intends to resign).
James Arnold called the meeting to order and the minutes of
the July 23rd meeting were approved with an addition noting
that Jim Wooll had compiled the comments on the Park Survey
as per the copy of his letter distributed to Board members.
A possible Southlake soccer league was discussed. Aloha
Payne had gotten copies of the D/FW Soccer Assoc. By-Laws
from Gary McGrath. Ann Barnes and Betty Springer stated
they felt that providing soccer facilities was the
responsibility of the Park Board but that administering the
program itself would be up to the individuals involved in
the soccer program. David McMahan said he felt there were a
multitude of possibilities for field sites within the city
(ie. Bill LeGrand has indicated there was a possible site
near the nursery on Highland ). Bill will get more
information on that site and he will work with Phillip
Bressinck on other possibilities. Tom Walker said he would
talk with A. C. Urbanosky since he has been involved in
other soccer programs. Phillip will contact the people who
• volunteered to help with a soccer league (via the survey
forms) to see if they can get a program started.
James Arnold will talk with the Trophy Club basketball
league director to get more information on their basketball
program. Tom Walker felt involvement in the "Little
Dribblers" basketball program would be advantageous. Ann
Barnes and James Arnold will contact some people they feel
could help in the youth area and David McMahan gave Phillip
Bressinck a name to contact regarding a possible adult
David McMahan advised the Board that mandatory dedication of
parks land was definitely an item for consideration by the
Council, but that it was still some way down the priority
list due to other pressing matters coming before the council
411 this year.
David told the Members present that he would appreciate as
many Board members as possible attending the next council
Park Board Minutes /September 10, 1986
meeting since the proposed park budget will be discussed
during the public hearing on the total city budget.
The next meeting will be the third Thursday of October
(10/16/86) at 7:00 pm at City Hall. The present meeting was
then adjourned.
Respectfully submitted: Approved by the Park Boards
, 111. 21110 0 '
Betty Spr ger l'S+ec t - y) Date
I am Betty Springer, and 1 would like to address my remarks
not necessarily to Mayor Latta and the Councilmembers, but
more specifically to the members of the general public here
this evening.
The budget before you this evening, was not something "thrown
together" with little or no regard as to how it would affect
the citizens. of this community. I have heard many of these
councilmembers privately express their sincere concerns
about the size of the tax increase this budget would
necessitate. They have had numerous worksessions and did
indeed cut many many many dollars from the original figures.
I realize this proposed increase is unusually large, but
Southlake is in an unusual position. It took our community
some 30+ years to reach a population in 1980 of
approximately 2800 people. Today, just six years later, we
have in excess of 500e people. That's roughly an 80%
increase in population in less than six years.
Unfortunately our community's ability to serve its citizenry
did not escalate at that same pace, and now we find
ourselves in a position of having to play "catch up". Our
facilities and services need immediate upgrading and the
only way to achieve this is thru taxes.
I know the Parks budget has been under considerable fire by
a portion of the community. I've been told the park only
serves, quote "a small segment of our male children"
unquote. Hopefully, with improvements planned under the new
budget, we can make the park a pleasant place to be utilized
by all segments of the population. Our park is currently
somewhat of a disgrace in appearance. I recently read a
quotation which in effect said "the quality of the people in
a community is perhaps best reflected by the quality of the
public parks within that community".
In conclusion, I would like to say I support your budgetary
efforts and hope our community will support your efforts,
too. Thank you.