1986-07-23 " --
July 23, 1986 - 7:00 om
Present: Ann Barnes, Phillip Bressinck, Tom Walker, Betty
Springer, Freddy Cate, and Aloha Payne. Bill LeGrand
Absent: James Arnold, Dan Tanner, and Bill LaFavers.
Tom Walker called the meeting to order in the absence of
James Arnold. The minutes of the last metting were
Aloha Payne and Ann Barnes advised the Board that they had
sent thank you letters to people who responded to the Parks
Survey with comments or offers to volunteer their time
and/or services. [copy of letter attached]
Phillip Bressinck advised the Board that Henry S. Miller
Company would tentatively donate 27 acres along Highway 114
to the city to be used for soccer fields for $1.00 per year
plus the city clear the land and provide liability
insurance. Phillip made this offer via a letter to David
McMahan and the City Council with copies to Lloyd Latta and
James Arnold. Henry B. Miller Co. could not commit to what
exact number of years the land would be available, however.
Phillip has had no response to date. Bi1l LeGrand indicated
he was unaware of any further discussions within the city
regarding this offer.
Freddy Cate said he had mentioned the idea of co-utilizing
school land at the new school site and Jack Johnson felt
this might be a possibility. More discussions would be
needed, however.
Ann Banes suggested we pet a volunteer group started that
would organize and activate a soccer league within Southlake
for the Spring season. We would need a committment from the
city on this as far as a field and support for the program.
Phillip Bressinck will investigate this area further. A. C.
Urbanosky was suggested as someone to contact for more
information. We need to check with the city on the
insurance liability for such a program. Robert Woods
insures the baseball players during actual playing time and
could possibly provide some information on insurance
volft requirements.
C . Aloha Payne suggested we investigate presenting an ordinance
proposal to the city requiring dedication of a specified
amount of land for parks whenever a new development is
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platted. She indicated she would get similar ordinances
from the cities of Hurst and Plano.
Ann Barnes asked if James Arnold had progressed in his
discussions with Trophy Club regarding a basketball league
wherein Southlake children could participate.
The Board was advised that the Highland Group had made a
presentation to the Lions Club regarding the property at
Carroll Road and Highland Avenue (presented to the Parks
Board June 5th). Questions then arose that since this
presentation was made to the Lions, did that mean it had
been withdrawn from city consideration?
It was agreed by all Board members oresent that they wanted
it shown in the minutes that they objected to the proposed
budget request figures having gone to Council without the
Board members having had an opportunity to see and discuss
the figures.
Respectfully Submitted: Approved by Parks Board:
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