1986-06-05 ^
June 5, 1986 - 7:00 pm
Present: Board Members: James Arnold, Tom Walker, Betty
Springer, Phillip Bressinck, Ann Barnes, Aloha Payne, and
Bill LaFavers. Council members: David McMahan and Johnny
Westerholm. Public Works: Bill LeGrand. Planner: Mike
Absent: Freddy Cate and Dan Tanner
James Arnold called the meeting to order. The minutes of
the last meeting were approved as per James Arnold.
Mike Monroe gave a presentation and explanations regarding
his final plans prepared for the existing Bicentennial Park.
(1111; Board members were all given a copy of his plan.
Betty Springer reported that she had been contacted by two
local residents regarding the lack of handicapped access to
existing park facilties, and that we should keep this need
in mind while finishing out the park and preparing budget
requests for future park improvements.
The Board then discussed the anticipated budget requests for
the coming year. [See attached list of items suggested for
consideration.] James Arnold indicated he would take care
of getting the numbers together for the proposed budget
requests and would possibly ask Freddy Cate for some
David McMahan gave a presentation on a possible park and
civic center complex at a site located just west of Carroll
Road and north of Highland Drive [copy of letter attached to
file minutes]. The Board discussed the need for future park
sites and expressed interest in the above site. David
indicated the Lions Club was possibly considering an attempt
to help fund this proposal if the city was interested.
Phillip Bressinck moved and Tom Walker seconded that we
draft a letter supporting the above concept.
Bill LeGpand advised the Board of the status of the
concession stand. The main hold-up is the inability to get
1 1110^ the special fixtures necessary for the toilets. There
should be some sort of resolution to this problem within the
coming week.
Park Board Minutes /June 5, 1986
The next meeting is scheduled for June 15th at 7 :00 pm.
This meeting was adjourned at approximately 8 :30 pm.
Respectfully submitted: Approved by Parks Board:
Betty Springer (secretary) Date
May 11, 1986
c uthlake Parks and Recreation Board
City of Southlake
667 North Carroll Avenue
Southlake, Texas
Dear Board Members:
An analysis of the write-in comments of the Southlake Parks and
Recreation Survey has been completed. Comments were read and
categorized as positive or negative on a specific item.
Comments which addressed more than one item were noted for each
mentioned item. Items which received less than four mentions are
not included in this summary.
Item Negative Positive
Support for an increase in Property Taxes 12 3
Pay $1 -$2 in utility bills 7 �
Build a community center 2 5
e lle school facilities 0 21
Vicycle/Jogging Trails 0 12
Swimming Pool 0 6
Special Olympics 0 6
Racquetball 0 5
Community Events 0 4
Senior Citizens Program 0 4
Usage Fee for Facilities 0 4
These results suggest that there would be modest opposition to a
tax increase and less for a sur-char9e on utility bills.
Write-in comments in support of the use of school facilities were
most frequent. Many were stated in a negative fashion, and
suggest a strong undercurrent of citizen feeling in this area.
The most frequently mentioned facility was a bicycle and jogging
trail. There were two write-in comments for a bridle path.
Respectfully tted,
James Wpoll
PARK BOARD MEMBERS: Herein is a copy of the letter
accompanying the rendering of a passible civic center /park
site as discussed at the June 5th Park Board meeting. This
is strictly are informational letter. Discussions will be
forthcoming at future Board meetings. Thank you.
Park Board
City of Southlake
To All Members:
I apologize for not being able to meet with you on May 15,
1986. My business activities force me to be out of town and
therefore not able to attend. I sincerely hope this will be
a rare occurrence as I am very pleased to have an opportunity
to work with you all.
I know that Johnny Westholm has been a strong supporter
and enthusiastic liason for the Park Board and I intend to
continue in the same vein. I strongly feel that this is a
area that the City needs to continue to develop and improve
and I'm looking forward to doing whatever I can to help
achieve your goals and desires.
To share something of my views with you I would under-
score the need to bring Bicentennial Park up to the standard
and design as previously proposed by the Board. Further, it
is my personal hope that the Park Board will recognize the
need and desirability of a community center and a public
swimming pool. This is a pet project of mine and I hope to
see it created in the near future.
Obviously, there are all kinds of things to be accomp-
lished and we all want the best. Unfortunately, these pro -
jects, as you know, can be expensive and the City is limited
by budget constraints. Therefore, I would propose that we
seek alternative means of financing the projects through
grants, matching State funds, private funds, developer con-
tributions and possibly joint ventures between the private
and public sectors. Further, at first glance, it seems the
Park development budget from the City could stand some upward
The proposed community center /swimming pool/ park project
to be presented to you is a concept that I whole heartedly
endorse. Although the location of the proposed project is
secondary to the concept I do believe that being so close to
all schools and centrally located is a tremendous asset. I
further believe that through creative structuring of financ-
ing the project is achievable.
AI r —..
The following is a rough estimate of cost:
Approx. 12.5 acres $ 790,000
Site Work 110,000
Community Center
20,000 square feet 600,000
Swimming Pool 100,000
Tennis Courts 40,000
Other 50,000
Total Costs $1,690,000
These costs are based on estimates from builders as well
as historical data and my own personal experience. They do
not include my financing costs such as construction interest.
State matching funds alone would cut the cost by 50% and
I believe that a major portion of the balance could be raised
through local service groups such as the Lions Club. Perhaps
all of it could be.
In any event I hope the Board will give serious consider-
ation to sponsoring a project of this type.
Once again I regret not being able to be with you, how-
ever, I am looking forward to working with you and working on
your behalf.
itiatithe / ))6M(417a1)
David C. McMahan