1986-03-13 c City of Southlake Parks and Recreation Board Meeting March 13, 1986 7:00 p.m. Present: James Arnold, Dan Tanner, Betty Springer, Tom Walker, Ann Barnes, Aloha Payne, and Bill LeGrand (Director of Public Works), Johnny Westerholm (City Council), Mike Monroe and Greg Last (urban planner and land planner with Eddie Cheatham & Assoc.). [also, Larry Goldstein, council candidate] Absent: William LaFavers, Phillip Bressinck, and Freddy Cate. James Arnold called the meeting to order and the minutes of the February 27, 1986, meeting were approved as written. Bill LeGrand advised the Board that a contract for the park concession stand was awarded to "Mr. Build" in the amount of $37,000. Work has already been started in that the materials have been ordered and forms have been set. Plumbing has been scheduled for the coming week. Greg Last presented a proposed plan for the overall park site. James Arnold and Dan Tanner expressed concerns about the location of the concession stand being closer to the parking lot than originally perceived. They felt dust from the parking area might be a problem. They, along with Tom Walker, felt the concession stand might also lose money by being located as shown on Greg's plans. James proposed moving it further down into the triangular corner of the three ball fields, but Bill LeGrand expressed concerns about septic line problems if moved to a lower location. Due to these concerns, it was agreed to leave the stand in the location as shown. Greg gave an overview of proposed ideas to alter the sandy area originally planned totally for playground equipment. His design provided for a grassy area to be developed in a portion of the area within the existing concrete border and also for a play area (including possibly jungle gyms, etc) to be bordered with railroad ties. He discussed a picnic area at the top of the hill and suggested cleaning up the existing trees and bed areas and perhaps considering a future pavillion or gazebo type focal area at the crest of the hill. He also suggested cleaning up the entry area along the street and fencing along White Chapel and installing a sign indicative of the park facility. He felt •a focal planting area right at the entrance would enhance the park's appearance. _S_ It has been determined that the one acre area south of the entry road does not belong to the city. Mike Monroe asked if the Board felt he should look at the site plans for the new elementary school regarding the possibility of utilizing some of that area for communal use if agreed to by the school administration. The Board felt that was a good idea if the city council agreed to it. Greg said there was a drainage problem around the home plate area of field *3 that ,needed to be corrected. Greg and Mike will refine the park plans and get back to the Board at a later date. James Arnold wanted to know if TP &L could put in a temporary power pole for field *3 but Bill LeGrand indicated the lights should all be in by the last week of March. Aloha Payne and Ann Barnes indicated abut 90 park survey forms have been returned so far. Approximately 1,800 forms were sent out on March 7th. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8830 p.m. The next meeting is set for April 17th at 7 :00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Approved by Parks Board: Al444.ci ilA /7„ 116444/ Betty S. ing tSe terry) c iitse AMENDMENT TO THE MINUTES PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING OF MARDI 13, 1986 Add to existina minutes: Betty Springer informed the Board of a letter received from the Southlake Women's Club offering to donate picnic equipment in the form of two (2) permanent, heavy -duty, steel grills with chained fire grates for installation in the city park. The Women's Club also would like to have a club sanctioned clean -up /fix -up day at the park this Spring when club members would clean the existing picnic tables now at the park site and also do limited cleaning and landscaping work around the picnic area. The Board unanimously agreed to accept the Women's Club offer for these improvements and Betty Springer will draft a letter to them to this effect. End of amendment. APPROVED BY BOARD: 7, 186 - i / c