1986-02-27 * • City of Southlake Parks and Recreation Board Meeting � - � February 27, 1986 - 7:00 p.m. Present: James Arnold, Tom Walker, Betty Springer, Freddy Cate, Phillip Bressinck, Aloha Payne, and Bill LeGrand (Director of Public Works), Mike Monroe and Greg Last (master planner and land planner with Eddie Cheatham & Assoc.) Absent: Ann Barnes, William LaFavers, Dan Tanner, and Johnny Westerholm (City Councilmember). [Note: The Board meeting originally scheduled for February 20, 1986, was postponed until February 27, 1986.3 James Arnold called the meeting to order and the minutes of the meeting of January 30, 1986, and the special meeting of February 22, 1986, were approved as presented. Bill LeGrand gave members copies of a letter from H-E-C Electric regarding the additional $6,200. in charges for extending and upgrading lighting for baseball field #3. Bids were originally based on a 200' center field, and full utilization of the outfield goes to 300'. To utilize the entire field, we need to move the poles out and increase the size of the lights and mounts. The verbal estimate at the 4: � special meeting on February 22, 1986, was for $5,000. ) approximately. The final cost increase came to $6,200. The original two (2) smaller poles will still belong to the city and can probably be utilized at another site. Tom Walker moved and Freddy Cate seconded that we submit the increase request to the Council. The motion passed unanimously. Bill LeGrand has been looking for a tractor and has not found one at the price budgeted ($8,000.). He found one tractor (Kabota 4-wheel drive) for $7,442. plus an additional $1,533. for the mower. This did not include a trailer. He also found a used 1981 model for $10,000. He will attempt to gather additional bids by the next meeting. Bill indicated there would be five (5) bidders submitting bids on Tuesday afternoon at 4:00 for the proposed new concession stand. This item has already been placed on the Tuesday night City Council meeting agenda. He then showed the Board the final architectural drawings for the concession stand whereon some interior changes had been made. Bill advised the Board that the parking lot poles have been set and cables should be strung in .approximately a week with painting to come as soon as possible thereafter. The City has hired Mike Monroe (master planner) to put together a long range site plan for the park. Mike and Greg Last (land planner) showed the Hoard their plans of the existing facilities and discussed several items they felt needed Board consideration for future development. Some of these items were: 1) clean up entire area and maximize drainage; 2) jogging trail <rnight possibly be better left to a future site) ; 3) garden display area; 4) sprinkler system parkwide; 5) a parcourse trail <possibly better left to a future site) . Greg expressed concerns about the existing sandy area (destined for playground equipment) being a maintenance problem due to wash outs when it rains. Mike Monroe commented that the area was unusually large for a playground area and also was not leveled out when the concrete sidewalk surrounding it was poured. Tether ball was suggested as one way to utilize some of the space in that area in addition to the planned playground equipment.. Greg suggested the parking lot needs to be marked off and possibly expanded in some areas. Drainage is a key area to be addressed. There is some question or confusion about an area of approximately one acre on the left (south) side of the entry road as to whether it belongs to the City and is part of the park site Mike talked about the definite needs for long range planning. He gave Aloha Payne a book from the National Parks Association which would offer suggestions in planning. He suggested the Board start immediately to look at long range needs and start to formulate a plan as soon as possible. Freddy Cate asked when Mike (Monroe) and Greg (Last) felt the existing site would be 100% utilized and in what fashion. Mike and Greg said they would try to have a complete map prepared for the Board as soon as possible showing what they felt would be the best utilization of the facility. Mike also discussed the advantages of the school district sharing facilities with the city in order to best utilize those areas (e.g.- playground areas). Greg asked Freddy Cate if the school district has done a total site plan for the area where the new elementary school is to be located. Freddy indicated he thought the better part of the area had been planned out. Bill LeGrand advised the Board he had been getting a lot of phone calls and questions asking when something would be done to address youth soccer fields for Southlake, and he c . ° felt the Board should keep this item in mind in future plans. Phillip Bressinck presented a city map whereon he had marked �►+ off five (5) regions within the city and the flood plain areas in an effort to determine possible areas for park sites. He is also talking with several people around the city about sites. Aloha Payne went over some changes in the proposed parks survey to be sent to all Southlake residents. The survey is to be mailed out next week with a requested return deadline of April 7th. Results will be tabulated at that time. Bill LeGrand indicated one item in the survey which was very important dealt with ascertaining if residents would be willing to pay additional monies to develop park sites. Due to Spring Break at the schools, the next Board meeting was scheduled for the second Thursday of March (March 13, 1986) at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Approved by Parks Board: Betty Spr 4 ,ger f(SecJ:ry) c c REQUIREMENTS FOR GAMES AND SPORTS Dimensions of Space . Number . Game Areas Use Dimensions Required of Nave (In Feet) (In Feet) (Sq. I':.) Players rchcry 90-300 in length So X 1 75 (min.) 8 ,75 0 : or more Targets 15' apart ' so X 400 (max.) 20,000 dminton. 17 X44 (singles) 25 X60 '1,500 2 so X 44 (doubles) 3 X 6o 1,800 4 Baseball 90' diamond 350 X 35 (average with 1:2,5oo hooded backstop) 18 400 X 400 (without) 16o,0xx, • Basketball 5o X 94 6o X 100 (average) 6,00x, 10-12 • Basketball (H.S. boys) 50 X 84 6o X 90 5400 Basketball (H.S. girls) 35 X 7 45 X 80 3,600 12 Boccie to X 6o 20 X 8o 1,600 2 -4 Bowling -on- the -Green 14 X 110 (1 alley) 330 X 130 16,900 3 -6 4 Bowling (alley) 3%2 X 62 to X 100 1,000 : or more Box Hockey 4 X 10 15 X so 300 2 Checkers (giant) 1 s' square (min,) 20 X zo or more 400 2 Clock Golf 2o-30' diameter 40 X 40 1,600 2 -8 Cricket Wickets 66' apart 420 X 420 176,400 22 Croquet 3o X 6o 4 X 75 ;,000 2 - Croquet (modern) , 41 X 85 5o X Ss 4,750 2 - Curling 14 X 138 25 X 16o 4.000 s or more Deck Tennis 14 X 40 (singles) 20 X 50 1,000 2 17 X 40 (doubles) 26 X 50 1,300 4 . Field Ball 18o X 300 (max.) 200 X 320 (average) 6.,000 22 Field, Hocl.ev 150 X 270 (min.) aso X 330 (average) 69,30x, 22 180 X 300 (MAX.) Football 160 X 360 39 X 4 �0 79,800 22 Goal -Hi .. so' diameter 65 X 65 4,225 60' diameter 75 X 75 5 andball 20 X 34 3 X 44 1,408 : or 4 nand Tennis 16X40 :5X 1,500 2 or 4 Horseshoes (men) Stakes 40' apart 32 X 52 (or more) 624 2 or 4 Horseshoes (women) Stakes 30' -40' apart . 12 X 42 (or more) 504 2 or 4 Ice Hockey 60 X 165 (min.) 100 X 230 . (average) : :,000 12 110 X 250 (max.) 85 X 200 (recommended) Lacrosse (men) 18o X 330 (min.) 225 X 364 (average) 81.00 24 210 X 33 (max.) Lacrosse (women) Goals 27o to 330' apart 24o X 36o (average) 86,400 :4 No definite boundaries • Paddle Tennis *6 X 44 (singles) 30 X 70 2,10x0 : 20 X 44 (doubles) 35 X 70 2,450 4 Polo boo X 960 (max.) . 600 X 960 576,000 8 Quoits . Stakes 30' apart 12 X 44 5213 = or 4 Stakes S4' apart 25 X 80 2,000 Roque • 30 X 60 40 X 7 2,800 2 01 4 Shuffleboard 6 X 52 10 X 60 600 2 or 4 Six - Man Football 120 X 300 180 X 360 64,800 12 Soccer (men) 1 95 X 330 (min.) 225 X 360 (average) 81,00 22 225 X 360 (max.) • Soccer (women) 120 X 24o (min.) 200 X 320 (average) 64,00x, 22 18o X 30x, (max.) Softball (men) 6o' diamond 2 75 X 2 75 (min.) 75,625 18 Softball (women) 60' diamond 250 X ago (min.) . 62,500 18 Speedball (men) 160 X 360 (max.) 200 X 420 84,000 22 Spcedball (women) 180 X 30► .320 X 354 77,0x0 22 isaTable Tennis . 5 *9 12 X 240 2 or 4 tennis .37 X 78 (singles) 50 X 120 6,000 2 • 36 X 78 (doubles) 6o X 120 7,200 4 Tether ball .. Circle 6' in diameter 20 X 20 400 2 . Touch Football 160 X 360 190 X 420. f' 79,800 18 -s 2 Volleyball • 3o X 60 45X8 ;.boo 1 a - 16 r - r °Lv►d piavu I#omb 14.146es fk1L& _____________ A ?%ocess •- NOT 1 v ST A LAN . 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