1987-02-19 ( � CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PARK AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING February 19, 1987 Present: James Arnold, Phillip Bressinck, Betty Springer, Tom Walker, Aloha Payne, Debbie McGrath, Randy Robertson, Terry Mitchell, and Larry Goldstein. Bill LeGrand. Absent: David McMahan James Arnold called the meeting to order and introduced the new Board members. Betty Springer advised the Board of several items that needed to be addressed at this meeting including the election of new officers. Nominations were then opened for Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary. Following unanimous consent, the following officers were elected for the coming year. Chairman:...........James Arnold Vice Chairman:......Phillip Bressinck Secretary:..........Debbie McGrath The minutes from the January meeting were then aoproved as written. Larry Goldstein spoke to the Board regarding the Lions Club building and the proposed location site at the park. The new water tower may need to go in that location if the old tower proves to be beyond it's useful life as to be determined by an engineering study. Bill LeGrand reported on progress at the park. Bids are out now for sod and seed and sprinklers. Bill anticipates the $35,000 range. If unable to do it all this year, the Job is being engineered to do it in increments. He noted that we had $161,431. in the capital improvements budget and that $86,164.46 had been expended to date for paving, site work, sidewalks, and storm drains. We have $65,266.54 left in the park budget now, and we need to complete the sod, etc. along with a fence, pate playground equipment, and bleachers. Bill said the City Council is looking at a lighting program for the park but that it will be a major expenditure and is in the future plans. Bill would like the Board's input in KL~ order to establish a land needs plan. James Arnold and Tom Walker expressed concerns about the lack of space for baseball practice fields. Phillip Bressinck indicated that Henry S. Miller Company might be willing to work out a deal on their land between Hiway 114 4 - n�r and Highland Drive in order for the kids to use that land. Phillip will see about getting a topography map. Baseball season starts April 6th. Bill advised the Board that the Council will need budget figures by June 1st. The Board needs to start working on this now. Debbie McGrath and Randy Robertson were appointed to start work on budget figures. Bill indicated the "900" code items are what he needs input on. Phillip Bressinck, Tom Walker, and Aloha Payne will work on a land needs plan. Debbie McGrath will approach John Lowrey about using the vacant school land. And Tom Walker, Larry Goldstein, and James Arnold will check into into possibility of using school and private land sites for practice fields. Board members need to bring a "wish list" to the next meeting in order to start work on the budget process. The next meeting is scheduled for March 19th. The meeting was then adjourned. Respectfully submitted: Approved by the Park Board: (171 Betty Sprinper Date