1987-01-15 . - . ~_-. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING January 15 1987 7:00 p.m. Present: Ann Barnes, Aloha Payne, Phillip Bressinck, James Arnold, Tom Walker, and Betty Springer. David McMahan and Bill LeGrand (City) and Greg Last (Cheatham & Assoc.). Absent: Freddy Cate. William LaFavers and Dan Tanner have resigned. James Arnold called the meeting to order. David McMahan advised the Board that there were questions as to whether or not the three members whose terms had expired (Arnold, Bressinck, and Barnes) could vote on any action taken by the Board at this meeting. The remaining members approved the minutes of the last meeting. Phillip Bressinck reported on his meeting with the City Council at last week's Council worksession regarding possible future park sites. He felt the Council was very receptive, and the plat for the Mary Stone Myers property was given to Greg Last with Cheatham and Associates to draw up some possible use plans for everyone to look over David McMahan advised the Board the Council is putting together a Task Force to study the land needs of the city in the form of long range plans. He did not feel we would realistically be looking at land acguistion in the very near future. Bill LeGrand said the bids were in for the grading and site work at the park and a contract should be awarded next week. Specs are being put together for the next set of bids for seed and sod and sprinklers. He was confident we would be able to accomplish these tasks well within budgeted figures. Greg Last showed the Board his sketches for the Mary Stone Myers property. They included spots for soccer fields, football fields, tennis, Jogging, etc. David McMahan showed the Board some sketches of plans for the Lions Club building that is to be relocated in the existing park. The plans showed additions to the building would include bathrooms and a kitchen area. Tom Walker moved and Phillip Bressinck seconded a motion in support of the sketches shown. The vote was 5-1-1, with Aloha Payne .__-- asking her opposition be recorded in the minutes and Betty Springer abstaining since a time schedule was not included. Respectfully submitted: Approved by Parks Board: /r.a 44, 1410 . � �-. �� . - ��±� � �mmnm�m� • ___ Betty Sprifier (fcreti Date A"prov=d ~ -