1987-03-23 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PARK AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MARCH 23, 1g7 Present: Larry Goldstein, Debbie McGrath, Terry Mitchell, Aloha Payne, Randy Robertson, Betty Springer, David McMahan Absent: James Arnold, Phillip Bressinck, Tom Walker, Bill LeGrand Deb McGrath called the meeting to order. The minutes of the 2 -19 -87 meeting were motioned by Larry Goldstein and Betty Springer. They were approved as written. BUDGET: The annual Park and Recreation Budget is due June 1, 1987, to the City Council. Discussion followed on the following suggestions. - -Betty Springer's suggestions are attached. - - upgrading of the 3rd baseball field and the lighting of. - -the hiring of a part -time park director to oversee programs such as adult softball, adult volleyball, adult basketball, recreational activities at the schools for our youngsters during the summer months. In order for these types of programs to be implemented it was unanimously agreed that we must further talk with the Carroll School Board. - -city pool possibly located at the Carroll High School. Due to Grapevine's growth, the registration of Southlake's youth may be limited to the various swim programs. Discussion on the budget was tabled. All members are to make a "wish list" for further discussion on the '87 - '88 Park Budget. Discussion on city -wide utilization and possitive publicity of our finished park followed. Unanimously it was felt a city -wide picnic /festival would be perfect. A date of July 4th, Saturday was discussed. Suggestions followed. - - utilize the various city groups in taking a working part: food, 10K -5K runs, antiques, crafts, volleyball, softball, bike ride, pony rides, mini carnival (Keller does this annually), kids games. - - dedication of the park. It was suggested by David McMahan to acquire a sign for the entrance of the park. He is going to look into this for the next meeting. - -Terry Mitchell will contact the Keller officials to acquire information on their city festival. - -all members are to come to the next meeting with further ideas on a city picnic /festival. It was motioned by Aloha Payne and Randy Robertson to meet in two weeks - Monday, April 6, 1977 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was motioned to adjourn by Terry Mitchell and Aloha Payne. Respectfully Submitted: .��G G /� f� 'iI(t -�L Debbie McGrath Approved by Park Board on J "