Mid Year Financial Review — Max 31, 2000
(October 1, 1999 through May 31, 2000)
Fight months through the 1999-' fiscal ear. revenues in the General 0unil arc-2 near
slightly ahead of budgeted amounts in several categories. This discussion of revenues viii focus
on receipts from October 1999 through May 2000 and how the total relates to the amount
b g I d teid Included `d 1 this a copy of the General Fund Statement ni ~ e
of ` e .._...�.d iI i.his .. is ;.�,� o. he .J re tine. � _ _..
Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the period ended May 31. 2000 with comparative
actual amounts for the period ended \(r 31. 1999. Also included is the 'Water and S o` =-
:nterprise Find Comparative Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the period ended \l ay 37.
2000 and May 3 1. . 1999. These reports refiect the final audited amounts J_ - 1
reported in the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
PROPERTY TAN. in the General Fund. 35.514.843 of S6..562.7'.-.)8 or . _. 1
p -t, ill
property tax _. _.;i' _�i�t.:t.
e i. Since propel,_ 'i bills are et u itl_ii:i1_ as of f .._ _
tax collections are received in the first four months of the fiscal year. Although this collesetion
percentage is slightly Ioiaer when compared to last year it is anticipated that collections ail meet
projections. Tarrant County has collected the City's taxes since 1982.
FRANCHISE FEES. Franchise fees include amounts received for use of public rights of away
from TU Electric. Tri- County Electric, Southwestern Bell Telephone, General Telephone. and
Charter Cable. The FY1999 -2000 budget estimated a 15% increase over actual FY1998 -99
r a such that for Southwestern Bell. i o, .1 t h e
receipts. unless there was a set contract amount. s_.e.h as pat or outhwester.. _ ... .....
City has received S1.045. of S1.288.296 budgeted. Electric utility franchise receipts are
below the budget amount by S61.556. Cable franchise fees are $29.572 ahead of estimates. The
Gas franchise collected is belo;y the budgeted amount by $45.797. For two quarters. S137.482
has been collected from GTE and Southwestern Belli another S155,000+ is expected for the
remainder of the year. It is anticipated that revenues from Franchise Fees will fall below the
budgeted amounts by approximately $102.000.
FINES /FORFEITURES. Revenues from Fines and Forfeitures are $649.445. which is 77.7
of the S835.798 budgeted. This revenue source depends on many variables. such as the number
of citations issued. warrants issued and collected. plus the number of cases assigned to deferred
adjudication. Citation volume is expected to remain consistent. and revenues from lines are
anticipated to meet or slightly exceed bud get.
CHARGES FOR SERVICES. This category includes revenue from ambulance transport.
recreation class fees. and amounts received from the Cities of Grapevine. Colleyville. Trcph'.
Club and the Grapevine /Collevviile and Carroll School Districts for participation in the Teen
5D- I
Court program. Revenues to date total 8230.658. compared with 8348.3 71 last year. Recreation
fees make up the greatest part of the amounts collected to date. 8198.408. It is anticipated that
Charges Services ' within budgeted
revenues from � � ar�eS (v> Jei .'iCcS will i be within tiiliiugeteii amounts.
4. 1 rC TAX. L les ±.�.. 11 0 a e r.�-1 for Fiscal L'.., 1i999-2000 h 569 8 :O i1
_�LLJ .��.1.'.. �� tax 1 J 1 vLi l.. �. i'r l.: 1�.i 1 1J1.(.1 1 L �11 -
,. .� .- - - V. which an
''? last 1 lle ions of 83.067.546. L O-., b 1999 through
.increase � i �. � ; � over �'ear�S actual O> . For October 1
May 2000. teight months collections) the City has collected 82.389.927 in sales tax. This is
2.8 °'0. or 365.962 above the projected amounts to date. The following table shows actual
FY1998-99. plus the budget and actual to date for eight months t;throu_h May collections for
FY1999 -2000. Based on this information. sales tax is estimated at S3.63 for the r ear.
Actua1 1 Budget 1 Actual Estimated (est -buds) - 0
\ t r1, 1, 0 '1 '1 ! l C , ,/ I 1999-7)00
.,n, � i��8 -99 7 9 ,9- 2 1.1 � 1) )9 - _ ' Difference ; Chanae
October 10.76 i ! 356.9811 310.51 310.5171 (45.467)1 (13.0
\ov ember 206.8871 246.319 300.330; 300.330; 54.0111 2 1.93%1
!December 188.49 31 214,1901 251.2641 2 51. 2 641 37.0741 17.31 %1
1 5 0 5 .8
'January 313.'8311 364.1241 353,6161 _ 3.f i�;� ti 08 9 %)1 ; �' t
T ar 1 99.5731 239.179i 271.605! '71.60 32.4261 1.56? 411
'\ l rch 1 94.63 51 224.9001 240.57 - '40.577 : 15.6771 6.9 0 . 01
.l I 3 1 36 3 5 98' i 5.665 )1 (1.53%);
'April 31 1..19 71._63 �o -.5_
1ay • 257.679 307.006 296.4201 296.420; 00.586)1 (3.4
;June 249.3 292.727 292 0� 1271 01 0.00 %
iui\ 346,698 385,543 01 38.5431 01 0.00
August 245.730 285.587 01 28 .5871 0' 0.00°10
September ' '42.010 282.0171 0 282.0171 0; 0.00%
'Total 3.067.546 3.569.839 2.389.9271 3.635.8011 65.9621
The follow w. i = chart shows the amount of sales tax collected by quarter lot FYI 997 -98. FYI 998 -
99 and FY1999 -2000 as projected.
Sales Tax Collections by Quarter
3,000,000 1 t7 Qtr 41
2,500,000 ❑ Qtr 3 1
2,000,000 €2 Qtr 2 1
1,500,000 D Qtr 1
500,000 _,.
FY98 FY99 FY00
PERMITS /FEES. Revenues from permits and fees are $1.667.4.38. or 86.1'0 of the budgeted
Ma _ '
amount of $ i.937.565. This is more than the S1.484.781 cOiieCte�z d as of �i�i _ i 999
MISCELLANEOUS. This category includes amounts received for copies of ordinances.
revenue from tower leases. the 10% administrative fee retained from Municipal Court State taxes
remitted quarterly to the Comptroller. and fees received for police accident reports. The C1t\ has
received $178.979 to date. Revenues from miscellaneous income will meet or siightiv exceed
the 5182.954 budgeted.
INTEREST INCOME. Interest earnings to date total $155,813. The total collected is on target
with the S190.000 budgeted for the year.
For the first eight months. or 66.67% of the fiscal year. General Fund total expenditures are
51 0.977.171. or 65.5% of the 516.768.018 amended budget. A brief discussion of each
department will follow, providing a suirmary explanation of major expenditure trends.
General Government Department. Department expenditures for the City Secretary's Office.
Human Resources. City Manager's Office. and Support Services total 52.406.146, which is
64.5% of budget. Personnel. legal services and utility expenditures are on target with budget.
Therefore it is anticipated that expenditures in General Government will be within the amount
Finance Department. For the Finance. NIunicipal Court. and Teen Court Divisions. total
expenditures to date are 5611,649 or 66.7% of the 59172 18 budgeted. Personnel. operations and
capital expenditures are within budget.
Public Safety Department. Total expenditures for Police Services, Fire Services. Public Safety
Support, and Building Inspections are 5.109.978. which is 71.2% of the 57.179.314 budgeted.
Currently. overtime expenditures are running slightly ahead of budget. This is due to the under-
expenditure for personnel services resulting from understaffing at the beginning of the year. It is
anticipated that total Operations and Capital expenditures will finish the year within budget.
Public Works Department. Budgeted within this department are Streets/Drainage. and Public
\Orks Administration. Fvpendittires to date are S1,137. i i i 64."'% o f the S1.770.749
budgeted. Personnel. operations and capital expenditures are within budget.
Planning Department. The department has expended $320,428. or 58.7% of the 5545,420
budgeted for the year. Expenditures in the Department are within budget.
Economic Development Department. The department has expended $140.010. or 59.9 °0 of the
5233.815 budgeted for the year. Expenditures in the Department are within budget.
Community Services Department. Total expenditures for Community Services. Parks and
Recreation. and Library Services are $1,251.447 or 52.3% of the S2,390,769 budgeted.
Personnel expenditures are on target with budget. There is $109.000 allocated for contract
mowing during the summer months, consequently' minimal expenditures have been made on this
line item. Many of the recreation programs are planned for the summer months. therefore only
S 1 02.357 of the 5200.000 budgeted for revenue - supported contract instructors has been spent
through May. In Community Services, the contracts for the community service groups have been
executed and disbursed, with $4,213 spent to date. Expenditures in the Department are
expected to be within budget projections.
Revenues. As of May 31, 2000, the City has received $5,933.630 or 57.1 %, in revenues of the
S10.395,527 estimated. This is compared to 55,595,466 received through May of last year. The
majority of revenue is received in the summer months. Total revenues for the year will most
likely be within budget amounts.
Expenses. The City has expended S5 ,196,646 or 55.0 %, of the 59,444,237 budgeted for
personnel, operations, capital, and debt services expenses. Of the total expenses, $1.475,098 has
been paid to the Cities of Fort Worth and Trophy Club for treated water, while $856,540 has
been paid to the Trinity River Authority for debt service, together accounting for over 45% of
total expenses to date.
The City has received $2,829,780 in current and delinquent ad valorem taxes through May 2000.
There has been $16.224 interest earned and $816,445 transfers from other funds for debt service.
These amounts are within budget. The remainder of annual debt service requirements will be
paid in August. according to the bond payment schedules.
5 D -4
Operating Fund. As of May 31, 2000. S1,194.965 in the cent sales tax has been collected.
SPDC 1 tax , cei 6.0% b e estimates. 5 "85 S327.791 t%°
Sr v SaieS pax receipts are 5.v; o above eSc.:iiai.,S. or .v i .J has transferred to
the SPDC Debt Service Fund for debt service payments.
Operating Fund. Through May. S1.128,382 in the i2 cent sales tax has been collected. Sales
tax receipts are 5.97% above estimates. or $63.525.
Revenues. The City has collected 555.925 of the 5100.000 budgeted for the year. This revenue
source varies depending on the number of developments Burin <r a fiscal year. and the park
dedication fee credits given. if any, for open space and amenities.
Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance
for the period ended May 31, 2000
with comparative actual amounts for the period ended May 31. 1999
(fiscal month 8 - 66.6790)
Amended Percent \ tuai Percent
Year to Date 1999/2000 Collected; Year to Date Tot.il Collected.
REVENUES 1999/2000 Budget Exnende ■ 5:31:99 9/30,99 Expended
14 4 56.562.798 °f 4 7 7 i 274 9
\t; Valorem Tales 55.. -.8 � BY.0 , n5.864.3 .. ". ;.2 - °
Sales Tax 2.400,449 3.569.839 67.254 1.728.125 3.070.097 56.3°°
Franchise Fees (.045.747 1.180.943 88.6% 846.836 1.099,954 77.0
Fines 649.445 835.798 77.7% 479.538 04.567 68.1°,
Charges for Services 230.658 624.63 36.9 °. 348.371 - 07.912 49.2 °°
Permits/Fees 1.667.438 1.937.565 86.1 ° / 1.484.781 2.116.103 70.2 °°
Miscellaneous 178.979 182.954 97.854 44'. 238.075 185.8 °a
Interest Income 155.813 190.000 82.0% 151.859 3 - .43 - 64.0 °,
Total Revenues 811.843.372 815.084.529 78.5 511.346.12 511144.419 80.2%
City Secretary 5190.204 5353.806 53.8 5161.830 525311 63.7°°
Human Resources 147.183 260,434 56.59 135.655 2 26.467 59.9 %
City Manager 248.512 380,188 65.494 216.760 442.912 48.954
Support Services 1.820.247 2.736.305 66.5 ° / 963.079 2.188.545 44.0 °0
General Government Total 2,406,146 3,730,733 64.5% 1,477.324 =i 1 47.5 %
Finance 341.006 491.988 69.3% 303.163 425.712 7 12 °0
Municipal Court 221.227 348.740 63.4 ° / 190.944 296.012 64.5
Municipal Court -Teen Court 49.416 76.490 64.6 °l 59. 46. 9873
Finance Total 611 649 917,218 66.7% 553,373 S08,487 68.4%
Fire 1.230.031 1.836.137 67.0 °` 1.053.028 1.891.944 5 7" ,
Police 2.638,654 3.575,128 73.854 1.926.602 3.222.632 59.8%
Public Safety Support 675.078 920.430 73.39/ 668.516 1.046.085 63.9 °0
Building 566.215 847.619 66.8 ° / 426.888 682.373 62.6%
Public Safety Total 5,109,978 7,179,314 71.2% 4,075,034 6,843,034 59.6%
Streets /Drainage 599,073 985,303 60.8% 414.618 770.495 53.8°0
Public Works Administration 538.440 785.446 68.6°A 472.614 865.353 54.6%
Public Works Total 1137,513 1,770,749 64.2% 887,232 1.635.848 54.2%
Community Development 320,428 545,420 58.7% 326.206 472,893 69.0°0
Economic Development 140.010 233.815 59.99 72.046 149.805 48.1%
Community Development Total 460.438 779,235 59.1 % 398,252 622,698 64.0%
Community Services 307,988 532,346 57.99x: 229.348 363.339 63.1%
Parks and Recreation 874.126 1.714,013 51.094 681.385 1.280.9 53?%
Library Services 69.333 144.410 48.0 ° / 43.500 96.775 0.0°0
Community Services Total 1,251,447 2,390,769 52.3 ° / 954,233 1.741,091 54.8%
Total Expenditures S10,977,171 516,768,018 65.5% S8,345,448 S14,762,993 56.5%
Excess (deficiency) of
Revenue over Expenditures $866,201 (51.683.489) $3.000.679 XS618.574;
Proceeds from lease /CO (net) 50 50 50 5
Transfer In -Other Funds 0 785.527 523.685 939.200
Transfer To -Other Funds 0 (133.697) (96.6671 (272.408)
Total Other Sources /(Uses) 50 5651,830 5427,018 51.374.695
Excess (deficiency) of
Revenues /other sources over Exp. $866.201 ($1.031.659) 53.427.697 5756.121
FUND BALANCE OCT 1 $3,594,020 $3.594.020 52.337.899
Change in reserved fund balance 50 50 50
ENDING FUND BALANCE 54.460.221 52.562.361 53.594.020
fund balance percentage 15.3% 24.300
Comparative Statement of Revenues and Expenses
for the period ended May 31. 2000 and May 31. 1999
(fiscal month 3 - 66.6700)
Adopted Percent Actual Percent
Year to Date ! 999 2000 Collected' Year to Date Total Collected
REVENUES 1999/2000 Budeet Expended 5 31 99 9 30,99 Expended
Water Sales- residential 83,612.817 56.3:8.000 56.8 °'0 53.371.116 56,883.533 49.040
Water Saks- commercial 568.255 990.000 57.459 535.824 1.054,767 50.8°0
Sewer Sales 824.354 1.572.352 5 °0 833.812 1.287.473 64.8%
Sanitation Sales 142,678 913.000 48.5 °0 487,803 720,693 67.7°
Other utility charees 317.031 378,775 83.7 °'0 267,484 3 86.465 69.2%
Miscellaneous 63,804 83.400 76 .5% 10.803 15.115 71.5
Interest Income 104.691 100.000 104.70 88.624 143.333 61.8°0
Total Revenues 55.933,630 310.395 .527 57.19s 55.595.466 510,191.379 53.390
Water 52.699,326 55.385.229 50.1 °'0 51.725.750 54.457.825 38.7 °o
Utility Bidine 185.703 269.977 68.8 °0 156,144 224.257 0.0°0
Sewer 720,818 1.044,588 69.0% 438,041 852,115 51.4%
Sanitation 405,286 624,000 64.950 313.233 549,937 57.0%
Debt Ser. ice -
Revenue Bonds 1.185.513 2.120 443 559 1.461.563 1.922.429 76.0° 0
Total Expenses 55,196,646 59,444,237 55.0 °o 54,094.731 58.006.563 51.1 0 6
Revenue over Expenses 5736.984 5951.290 81.500.735 52.484.816
Transfer In -Other Funds SO SO SO 5834,145
Transfer Out -Other Funds 0 (785.527) (523.6851 (700.000)
Total Other Sources /(Uses) SO (5785.527) (5523,685) 8134,145
Excess (deficiency) of
Revenues and other sources
over Expenses 5736.984 5165.763 S977.050 52.618.961
sb -7
COS- Finance Department
Budget Amendments
Fiscal Year 1999 -2000
Adopted Amended
FY 1999 -2000 FY 1999 -2000
Budget Reductions Budget
Regular earnings 272,083.00 20,361.00 251,722.00
$10,002 - 2 part time interns
$10,359 - regular earnings
Office Supplies 7,000.00 1,000.00 6,000.00
Uniform purchases 277.00 277.00 -
Tuition 5,578.00 2,693.00 2,885.00
Travel 6,160.00 1,665.00 4,495.00
College tuition reimbursement 1,298.00 500.00 798.00
292,396.00 26,496.00 265,900.00
COS -City Manager Office
Budget Amendments
Fiscal Year 1999 -2000
Adopted Amended
FY 1999 -2000 FY 1999 -2000
Budget Reductions Budget
Professional services 7,500.00 1,000.00 6,500.00
Postage 2,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00
Tuition 3,225.00 1,000.00 2,225.00
Travel 8,260.00 500.00 7,760.00
21,485.00 4,000.00 17,485.00
COS -Human Resources
Budget Amendments
Fiscal Year 1999 -2000
Adopted Amended
FY 1999 -2000 FY 1999 -2000
Budget Reductions Budget
Supplies- training 4,900.00 2,500.00 2,400.00
Publications 3,325.00 1,400.00 1,925.00
Professional services 13,000.00 3,000.00 10,000.00
21,225.00 6,900.00 14,325.00
COS - Economic Development
Budget Amendments
Fiscal Year 1999 -2000
Adopted Amended
FY 1999 -2000 FY 1999 -2000
Budget Reductions Budget
Dues 2,880.00 1,285.00 1,595.00
Publications 845.00 30.00 815.00
Professional services 20,000.00 4,000.00 16,000.00
Printing 8,000.00 4,800.00 3,200.00
Tuition 2,070.00 900.00 1,170.00
Travel 3,640.00 1,200.00 2,440.00
37,435.00 12,215.00 25,220.00
COS - Library svc
Budget Amendments
Fiscal Year 1999 -2000
Adopted Amended
FY 1999 -2000 FY 1999 -2000
Budget Reductions Budget
Personnel 40,368.00 8,500.00 31,868.00
Library services 80,000.00 15,000.00 65,000.00
120,368.00 23,500.00 96,868.00
COS - Streets and drainage
Budget Amendments
Fiscal Year 1999 -2000
Adopted Amended
FY 1999 -2000 FY 1999 -2000
Budget Reductions Budget
Regular earnings 371,721.00 30,000.00 341,721.00
Temp labor 10,468.00 10,468.00 -
Engineering svc 10,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
Environmental 17,000.00 5,000.00 12,000.00
Maintenance street repair 171,000.00 30,000.00 141,000.00
Maintenance Town Square 40,000.00 10,000.00 30,000.00
College tuition 1,400.00 1,400.00 -
621,589.00 91,868.00 529,721.00
COS - Building inspections
Budget Amendments
Fiscal Year 1999 -2000
Adopted Amended
FY 1999 -2000 FY 1999 -2000
Budget Reductions Budget
Regular earnings 589,010.00 14,500.00 574,510.00
Health /dental /life 47,036.00 3,703.00 43,333.00
FICA II- Medicare 7,147.00 200.00 6,947.00
Retirement II 19,393.00 1,000.00 18,393.00
Professional services 21,500.00 16,500.00 5,000.00
Demolition fund 5,000.00 (9,200.00) 14,200.00
Supplies -code enforcement 1,000.00 200.00 800.00
Small tools 1,500.00 500.00 1,000.00
Advertising 1,000.00 1,000.00 -
Postage 3,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00
Printing 7,000.00 2,500.00 4,500.00
Maintenance -fuel 4,300.00 (1,700.00) 6,000.00
Uniform purchases 10,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
Dues /license renewal 3,625.00 1,000.00 2,625.00
Publications 6,708.00 2,000.00 4,708.00
Tuition 7,135.00 2,000.00 5,135.00
Travel 3,800.00 1,000.00 2,800.00
Office equipment & furniture - (1,300.00) 1,300.00
Vehicles 60,000.00 10,000.00 50,000.00
798,154.00 49,903.00 748,251.00
'COS - Police services
Budget Amendments
Fiscal Year 1999 -2000
Adopted Amended
FY 1999 -2000 FY 1999 -2000
Budget Reductions Budget
Regular earnings 2,382,482.00 60,000.00 2,322,482.00
Overtime 102,110.00 (47,890.00) 150,000.00
Medical services 2,355.00 (2,645.00) 5,000.00
Crime lab analysis 7,050.00 4,250.00 2,800.00
Community services 9,392.00 5,892.00 3,500.00
Supplies training 15,739.00 15,739.00 -
Supplies Holdover facility /booking 6,059.00 (2,941.00) 9,000.00
Supplies - traffic control 6,313.00 2,013.00 4,300.00
Supplies- investigation 6,492.00 2,092.00 4,400.00
Supplies -DARE 6,586.00 586.00 6,000.00
Supplies crime prevention 3,500.00 1,000.00 2,500.00
Small tools 4,409.00 (1,185.00) 5,594.00
Miscellaneous equipment 5,638.00 (5,362.00) 11,000.00
Printing 2,500.00 400.00 2,100.00
Maintenance -fuel 53,047.00 10,000.00 43,047.00
Maintenance - vehicle 73,331.00 20,000.00 53,331.00
Maintenance - equipment 13,465.00 4,965.00 8,500.00
Uniform - purchase 37,425.00 10,000.00 27,425.00
Uniform- allowance 43,680.00 10,000.00 33,680.00
Publications 7,230.00 1,000.00 6,230.00
Tuition 16,620.00 1,000.00 - 15,620.00
Office equipment & furniture 1,700.00 (4,432.00) 6,132.00
Communications equipment 1,250.00 1,250.00 -
Field equipment 10,690.00 2,690.00 8,000.00
Vehicles 230,665.00 30,000.00 200,665.00
3,049,728.00 118,422.00 2,931,306.00
COS - Public safety support
Budget Amendments
Fiscal Year 1999 -2000
Adopted Amended
FY 1999 -2000 FY 1999 -2000
Budget Reductions Budget
Regular earnings 638,180.00 10,000.00 628,180.00
Overtime 20,000.00 (35,000.00) 55,000.00
Supplies - office 34,300.00 10,000.00 24,300.00
Supplies- training 6,800.00 5,000.00 1,800.00
Tuition 10,439.00 5,000.00 5,439.00
College tuition reimbursement 4,562.00 3,500.00 1,062.00
Travel 7,450.00 2,000.00 5,450.00
721,731.00 500.00 721,231.00
COS -Fire services
Budget Amendments
Fiscal Year 1999 -2000
Adopted Amended
FY 1999 -2000 FY 1999 -2000
Budget Reductions Budget
Regular earnings 1,190,720.00 15,000.00 1,175,720.00
Overtime 45,000.00 (45,000.00) 90,000.00
Professional svc 10,000.00 2,000.00 8,000.00
Exposure physical 10,630.00 5,000.00 5,630.00
Supplies -arson investigation 2,500.00 2,000.00 500.00
Supplies- investigation 29,070.00 20,000.00 9,070.00
Emergency management 6,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00
Uniform purchase 24,719.00 18,000.00 6,719.00
Dues /license renewal 17,180.00 8,000.00 9,180.00
Publications 4,943.00 4,000.00 943.00
College tuition reimbursement 7,984.00 5,000.00 2,984.00
Field equipment 23,680.00 12,000.00 11,680.00
Vehicles 55,000.00 27,000.00 28,000.00
1,427,426.00 74,000.00 1,353,426.00
COS -Teen court
Budget Amendments
Fiscal Year 1999 -2000
Adopted Amended
FY 1999 -2000 FY 1999 -2000
Budget Reductions Budget
Personnel- intern 83,500.00 350.00 83,150.00
Printing 4,700.00 500.00 4,200.00
Office supplies 1,450.00 500.00 950.00
89,650.00 1,350.00 88,300.00
COS - Public Works Admin
Budget Amendments
Fiscal Year 1999 -2000
Adopted Amended
FY 1999 -2000 FY 1999 -2000
Budget Reductions Budget
Regular earnings 611,216.00 36,624.00 574,592.00
Professional svc 72,000.00 20,000.00 52,000.00
Engineering svc 50,000.00 16,000.00 34,000.00
Small tools 3,600.00 1,800.00 1,800.00
Maintenance software 3,500.00 2,000.00 1,500.00
Maintenance communications 4,800.00 2,800.00 2,000.00
Uniform 3,100.00 350.00 2,750.00
Tuition 5,460.00 2,500.00 2,960.00
College tuition 5,000.00 4,000.00 1,000.00
Travel 6,605.00 3,000.00 3,605.00
Office equipment 2,200.00 1,500.00 700.00
Field equipment 3,000.00 3,000.00 -
software 2,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00
772,981.00 95,074.00 677,907.00
COS - Planning
Budget Amendments
Fiscal Year 1999 -2000
Adopted Amended
FY 1999 -2000 FY 1999 -2000
Budget Reductions Budget
Personnel 562,140.00 56,400.00 505,740.00
College tuition 3,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00
Computer equipment (*)
565,140.00 57,900.00 507,240.00
(*) laptop for public presentations -IS budget item, not received as of April 7, 2000.
COS -Parks and Recreation
Budget Amendments
Fiscal Year 1999 -2000
Adopted Amended
FY 1999 -2000 FY 1999 -2000
Budget Reductions Budget
Overtime 20,000.00 (14,700.00) 34,700.00
Temp labor- recreation 100,455.00 11,000.00 89,455.00
Professional services 130,000.00 9,600.00 120,400.00
mowing 130,000.00 20,848.00 109,152.00
Special projects 49,000.00 1,000.00 48,000.00
Park Components (21,376.25) 21,376.25
Maintenance -fuel 2,500.00 (1,500.00) 4,000.00
Maintenance - vehicle 10,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
Uniforms 10,000.00 1,000.00 9,000.00
Field equipment 53,500.00 5,245.00 48,255.00
Park improvements 36,920.00 6,079.00 30,841.00
542, 375.00 22,195.75 520,179.25
COS - community svc
Budget Amendments
Fiscal Year 1999 -2000
Adopted Amended
FY 1999 -2000 FY 1999 -2000
Budget Reductions Budget
Community services 83,500.00 17,500.00 66,000.00
Office supplies 4,700.00 (1,500.00) 6,200.00
Meeting supplies 1,450.00 (2,200.00) 3,650.00
Special projects 17,600.00 4,000.00 13,600.00
107,250.00 17,800.00 89,450.00
COS - Municipal Court
Budget Amendments
Fiscal Year 1999 -2000
Adopted Amended
FY 1999 -2000 FY 1999 -2000
Budget Reductions Budget
Legal- prosecution 35,000.00 5,000.00 30,000.00
Peer mediation 5,000.00 5,000.00 -
Uniforms 2,535.00 2,000.00
Publications 2,394.00 700.00 1,694.00
Tuition 2,940.00 200.00 2,740.00
Tuition college 3,500.00 1,000.00 2,500.00
Travel 7,155.00 2,000.00 5,155.00
58,524.00 15,900.00 42,089.00
COS - Support Services
Budget Amendments
Fiscal Year 1999 -2000
Adopted Amended
FY 1999 -2000 FY 1999 -2000
Budget Reductions Budget
Software maintenance 108,349.00 94,112.00 14,237.00
Computer Equipment 693,984.00 202,954.00 491,030.00
GIS- portion of Support Svc.
Supplies -office 7,000.00 2,170.00 4,830.00
Printing 600.00 600.00 -
Maint - software 9,237.00 515.20 8,721.80
Uniform Purchase 80.00 80.00 -
Dues /License renewals 425.00 320.00 105.00
Tuition college 4,000.00 1,389.00 2,611.00
Computer equip 7,755.00 6,678.85 1,076.15
Software 25,200.00 8,789.00 16,411.00
856,630.00 317,608.05 539,021.95