2011-06-13 mt CITY OF
LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall — Council Chambers
1400 Main Street
Southlake, Texas
TIME: 6:00 p.m.
Parks and Recreation Board Members present: Chairman John Slocum, Vice - Chairman
Tina Wasserman, Secretary Julie Landesberg, and Board Members Margaret Adams, Sherry
Berman, Elaine Cox, Kevin Smith and Randy Williamson
Parks and Recreation Board Members absent: Board Member Gregg Formella
Staff present: Director of Community Services Chris Tribble and Assistant to the Director
Candice Sanders
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to order. Chairman Slocum called the meeting of the Parks and
Recreation Board to order at 6:05 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments.
A. Construction Management Report — The June Construction Management Report
was distributed in the meeting packet. Staff responded to questions regarding
completion of North Park project and Bicentennial Park Phase I grand opening in
B. Leases with US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) — City Council will consider
two lease agreements for additional Corps property adjacent to Southlake at an
upcoming City Council meeting in August. The City's current 25 -year lease with
the COE for 218 acres with an expiration date of 2023 will be replaced with a
new lease that will include the original 218 acres and add an additional 230
acres. The new lease is for 25 years, August 3, 2011- July 31, 2036. The City will
also enter into a new 25 -year lease agreement, beginning August 1, 2011, with
the COE for 129.7 acres of land designated as Wildlife Management Area.
Maintenance costs to the City will be minimal. A map of the properties
designated in the leases is attached to the minutes.
The Board expressed interest in obtaining the COE land that is currently leased
by Trophy Club and falls in Southlake jurisdiction if it becomes available in the
Official Minutes of the June 13, 2011 Parks Board Meeting
Approved by Parks & Recreation Board 7/11/11
Page 2 of 4
C. Sponsorship Program Update — The Sponsorship Program will be presented at a
future City Council meeting to receive initial feedback and direction on revenue
opportunities. Then the information will be incorporated into the Program and
brought back to the Parks Board for their input and recommendation and for
presentation to the athletic associations.
Agenda Item No. 3A. Consent: Approve minutes from the joint Southlake Parks
Development Corporation /Parks and Recreation Board /2030 Parks, Recreation and
Open Space Committee meeting held May 9, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. — There were no
corrections to the minutes.
Agenda Item No. 3B. Consent: Approve minutes from the regular Parks and Recreation
Board meeting held May 9, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. — There were no corrections to the minutes.
Agenda Item No. 3C. Consent: Absence of Parks and Recreation Board members — The
Parks Board considered the absence of Randy Williamson from the May 9, 2011 joint
SPDC /Parks Board /2030 Committee meeting at 5:30 p.m. and the regular Parks Board
meeting held at 7:30 p.m.
A motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda with both sets of meeting minutes and the
absence of Randy Williamson as presented.
Motion: Cox
Second: Adams
Ayes: Adams, Berman, Cox, Landesberg, Slocum, Smith, Wasserman, Williamson
Nays: None
Abstain: Williamson (abstained from vote on minutes only; voted in favor to excuse
Approved: 8 -0
Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum.
Joe Garcia, 809 Silverton, Southlake, Texas, voiced frustration about the lack of timely
communication from staff about cancelation of the summer volleyball league. Chair Slocum
requested Director Tribble to look into the issue and report back at the next meeting.
Agenda Item No. 5A. Consider: Recommendation on professional services contract with
Schrickel, Rollins and Associates, Inc., for the design and engineering of Bicentennial
Park Phase II — Director Tribble presented information about the contract with Schrickel,
Rollins and Associates, Inc., (SRA) for the design and engineering of Bicentennial Park Phase
II. City Council previously prioritized Bicentennial Park Phase II as the No. 2 Priority in the FY
2011 SPDC CIP and has approved $1,831,000 in the FY 2011 SPDC CIP Capital Budget. The
projected cost of the contract is $1,234,000. SRA president Terry Cheek was present to
respond to the Board.
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability • Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork
Official Minutes of the June 13, 2011 Parks Board Meeting
Approved by Parks & Recreation Board 7/11/11
Page 3 of 4
This item was discussed by the Parks Board. A recommendation was made to rotate the ball
fields to be more north and south facing to eliminate challenges with east/west direction into
the sun.
A motion was made to recommend approval of the professional services contract with
Schrickel, Rollins and Associates, Inc., for the design and engineering of Bicentennial Park
Phase II.
Motion: Wasserman
Second: Cox
Ayes: Adams, Berman, Cox, Landesberg, Slocum, Smith, Wasserman, Williamson
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Approved: 8 -0
Agenda Item 6. Discussion: There were no agenda items for discussion at this meeting.
Non - Agenda Items — Parks Board discussed the following topics not listed on the June 13,
2011 meeting agenda:
Quarterly Reports — A quarterly report on recreation programs enrollment and youth sports
association participation will be presented at the July Parks Board meeting.
Garden District in Town Square — Staff will research and report back to the Park Board on the
status of a proposed park, including a pond and trail, in the area of Town Square where the
new lofts are to be built.
Dog Park — Staff will follow -up on the lighting at the dog park.
Kevin Smith term on the Parks Board — On behalf of staff and the Parks Board, Chair Slocum
thanked Parks Board member Kevin Smith for his participation on the Parks Board during his
term that expired May 2011.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting.
Motion: Cox
Second: Smith
Ayes: Adams, Berman, Cox, Landesberg, Slocum, Smith, Wasserman, Williamson
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Approved: 8 -0
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork
Official Minutes of the June 13, 2011 Parks Board Meeting
Approved by Parks & Recreation Board 7/11/11
Page 4 of 4
Joh ► S ocum
airman, Parks & Recreation Board
J. /r<<<
' is ' rib e
Director, Community Services Dept.
City of Southlake Values:
Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability • Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork
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. - LEASE #1
RED = Existing 218 acres lease area
GREEN = Additional 230 acres to be
added to Amended Lease
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