1988-11-02 MINUTES
November 2, 1988
The City of Southlake Parks Commission board meeting was called to
order by Chairperson Philip Bressinck. Members attending were Terry
Mitchell, Randy Robertson, and Bethann Scratchard. Those members not in
attendance were James Arnold, Larry Goldstein, Tom Walker, Randy Stacy,
and Sue McNutt. Also present were Curtis Hawkes, Southlake City Manager
and John Lowrey, Superintendent of the Carroll Independent School
The minutes of the October 19th meeting were reviewed.
An informal discussion followed concerning the possible use of land
at Carroll Elementary School for a park facility. Mr. Hawkes has given
a platt of the school property to Eddie Cheatham for a prelimianry park
layout. Mr. Bressinck has requested jogging paths and soccer fields.
Mr. Lowrey feels that the CISD Board of Trustees will be willing to work
with the Parks Commission. Mr. Lowrey mentioned serveral things he felt
would need to be adressed; determine where daily school use of the land
would end and the park would begin, possible park entrance from Timber
Court, the possibility that at some future date the school board might
sell the land. Mr. Lowrey said he will be glad to make a formal
proposal concerning the use of the land to the school board when we are
ready to proceed.
Mr. Robertson brought us up-to-date on the men's basketball league.
The league will play on Wednesday nights at the Carroll Middle School
gym. He is working on a press release and a flyer. An organizational
meeting is being planned.
The next meeting will be Monday, December 5, 1988 at 7 PM.
Bethann R. Scratchard
Acting secretary for Sue McNutt
November 2, 1988
The City of Southlake Parks Commission board meeting was called to
order by Chairperson Philip Bressinck. Members attending were Terry
Mitchell, Randy Robertson, and Bethann Scratchard. Those members not in
attendance were James Arnold, Larry Goldstein, Tom Walker, Randy Stacy,
and Sue McNutt. Also present were Curtis Hawkes, Southlake City Manager
and John Lowrey, Superintendent of the Carroll Independent School
The minutes of the October 19th meeting were reviewed.
An informal discussion followed concerning the possible use of land
at Carroll Elementary School for a park facility. Mr. Hawkes has given
a platt of the school property to Eddie Cheatham for a prelimianry park
layout. Mr. Bressinck has requested jogging paths and soccer fields.
Mr. Lowrey feels that the CISD Board of Trustees will be willing to work
with the Parks Commission. Mr. Lowrey mentioned serveral things he felt
would need to be adressed; determine where daily school use of the land
would end and the park would begin, possible park entrance from Timber
Court, the possibility that at some future date the school board might
sell the land. Mr. Lowrey said he will be glad to make a formal
proposal concerning the use of the land to the school board when we are
ready to proceed.
Mr. Robertson brought us up-to-date on the men's basketball league.
The league will play on Wednesday nights at the Carroll Middle School
gym. He is working on a press release and a flyer. An organizational
meeting is being planned.
The next meeting will be Monday, December 5, 1988 at 7 PM.
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Bethann R. Scratchard
Acting secretary for Sue McNutt
LOCATION: 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas
City Council Chambers of City Hall.
TIME: 7:00 P.M.
1. Call to order.
2. Approval of the Minutes of October 19,1988 meeting.
3. Carroll ISD Involvement with parks.
4. Report from Baseball Association (Mike Stevenson) regarding
5. Old Business.
6. New Business.
7. Next Meeting.
I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official
bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake,
Texas, on Friday, October 28,1988 at 10:00 A.M. pursuant to the
Open Meetings Law, Article 6252 -17 V.T.A.S.
/4 andra L. LeGr
City Secretary