1989-06-12 MINUTES
June 12, 1989
The City of Southlake Parks Board meeting was called to order by Vice - Chairperson
Randy Robertson. Members attending were Ann Barnes, Steve Bender, Rick Roberts, Terry
Mitchell, and Bethann Scratchard. Larry Goldstein, Sue McNutt, and Tom Walker were
Mel Rapp, Park Director for Flower Mound, was a guest speaker. He explained the
ins - and -outs of park land dedication..
The date of the next Park Board meeting was incorrectly stated in the May minutes.
It should have been June 12. A motion was made and carried to approve the minutes as
Ms. Scratchard informed the board that the City Council had approved the expenditures
for Phase I of the new playground equipment for BiCentenial Park. The contract with Shade
Tree Toys was signed last week, and installation should begin in 6-8 weeks.
It was noted that this was Tom Walker's third unexcused absence:
Mr. Bender agreed to head a sub - committee concerning park land dedication. He will
contact other cities to get copies of their ordinances.
Mr. Rob McNutt offered his help with any arrangements needed to get ready for the new
playground equipment at the park. Mr. Mitchell agreed to act as the contact for Mr.
McNutt who is working on a Boy Scout Community Service Badge.
Ms. Scratchard agreed to have her name added to the check signature card for the Park
The next Meeting will be July 10, 1989 at 7 PM at Southlake City Hall.
V�i // � /
Bethann R. Scratchard
Secretary, Parks Board