1989-04-10 MINUTES
April 10, 1989
The City of Southlake Parks Board meeting was called to order by Chairperson Larry
Goldstein. Members attending were Ann Barnes, Steve Bender, Sue McNutt, Terry Mitchell,
Randy Robertson, Bethann Scratchard, and Tom Walker. Also present was Curtis Hawk,
Southlake City Manager.
The minutes of the March 22nd meeting were approved.
Old Business
Mr. Goldstein brought us up -to -date on the action the City Council had taken on the
Park Board request for the signs in Bicentenial Park. We have been given a sign variance
through 12/89 for 40 2X8 signs for the #1 baseball field. For each sign purchased $20
must be set aside in case of vandalism. The signs will be made of green metal with white
vinyl lettering. We will give the potential advertisers three options:
One line - 12" letters - All capitals - 11 Spaces
One line - 12 "f9" letters - Upper /lower case letters - 14 Spaces
Two lines - 8" letters - All capitals - 16 Spaces each line
A discussion took place concerning the contacting of potential advertisers and the
wording of the contract between the City of Southlake and the advertiser.
Steve Wiesner from Shade Tree Toys, Inc. gave us a proposal for the playground
equipment at Bicentenial Park.
The E- System property has been churned by Don Henderson. A city employee has been
working on the grading, but the rain has slowed progess. Ms. McNutt is going to contact
the president of Girl's Softball and Mr. Walker is going to contact the president of Boy's
Baseball to request a $50 donation from each organisation to help pay for the grading.
Mr. Hawk informed us our budget requests should be ready by the end of May. We
discussed areas of improvement for ongoing maintenance at Bicentenial Park:
additional trash cans
repairing tennis courts
lights at balifields checked out prior to start of season
Some possible capital improvements are:
lights on baseball field #3
jogging path
basketball court
wooden play structure expansion
Mr. Mitchell reported that Grapevine has all usable flat land around Lake Grapevine
under option with the Corps of Engineers.
The next Parks Board meeting will be May 8, 1989 at 7 PM at the Southlake City Hall.
Bethann R. Scratchard
Secretary, Parks Board