1989-03-13 MINUTES
March 13, 1909
The City of Southlake Parks Commission meeting was called to order by Chairperson
Larry Goldstein. Members attending were Ann Barnes. Steve Bender, Sue McNutt, Terry
Mitchell, Randy Robertson, Bethanrt Scratchard, and Tom Walker. Also present were Curtis
Hawk, Southlake City Manager, Edwin Doggett, Southlake Baseball Association, and Steve
Wiesner, Shade Tree Toys.
The minutes of the February 13th meeting were approved.
Old Business
A month-to- month lease has been recieved from E- Systems for the property at White
Chapel and FM 1705. The lease is free as long as the city maintains the property and
liability insurance.
A discussion followed concerning the shape of the fields and the placement of
baseball backstops. Mr. Walker will work with Mr. Doggett to determine what needs to be
done to make the fields safely usable.
It was also decided that the Baseball Association and the Softball Association need
to get together and determine when and by whom the fields wil 1 be used. If they cannot
reach a decision, the Parks Commission will attempt to reach an equitable decision.
Mr. Goistein presented the information from Gary Fiches about the signs for the
baseball fields. The signs would be 2X8 finished aluminum with vinyl letters. The
initial sign will cost less than $100. Mr. Bender agreed to head this project, and we all
agreed to help sell the advertising.
A motion was made by Ms. McNutt and seconded by Ms. Barnes to proceed with the sign
project. The initial sign for an advertiser will be $200 with an annual renewal fee of
$100. Motion carried.
Other questions need to be adressed regarding this issue. Do we need a variance to
the sign ordinance Can a logo be put on a sign, and what will be the additional cost
Mr. Robertson informed its that the it iC_unc - pr.r_. ed the next season for the
Men's Basketball Association.
Ms. Barnes arranged a presentation on wooden play structures by Steve Weisner of
Shade Tree Toys, Inc. This company uses modules they have standardized to custom design a
play structure for any size area. The structure can be expanded as necessary. A
reference list was presented that included the wooden play structure at Carroll
The following will be addressed as possible budget item requests;
Bicentenial Park
Mr. Goldstein will checkout the feasibility of a .jogging path
Mr. Robertson will bring the figures for the repair on the tennis courts
Ms. Barnes will follow -up on the wooden play structure
Ms. McNutt will checkout the feasibility of tennis lessons
On going maintenance of Bicentenial Park and leased land facilities
New Business
Mr. Mitchell mentioned the cleared fields close to Sneaky Pete's Hut that belong to
the Corps of Engineers. He agreed to check into the possibility of using it for baseball
pratice fields.
The next meeting will be March 22, 1989 at 7 PM at the Southlake City Hall. This
meeting is being called to disuse the utilization of the E-Systems property and the sign
The nest regular Parks Commission meeting will be April 10, 1989 at 7 PM at the
Southlake City Hall.
Bethaon R. Scratchard