667 N. Carroll Avenue
Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
•. January 11, 1989 8:00 a.m.
The City of Southlake Parks and Recreation Board meeting was called
to order by Chairperson Phillip Bressinck. Members attending were
Ann Barnes, Larry Goldstein, Randy Robertson, and Bethann
Scratchard. Those members not in attendance were James Arnold, Tom
Walker, and Sue McNutt. Also present was Curtis Hawk, Southlake
City Manager and Bill LeGrand, Director of Public Works.
The minutes of the December 20th meeting were approved.
Ms. Scratchard was requested to take over the duties of secretary
for the Parks and Recreation Board.
Mr. Bressinck showed the members a color rendering of the proposed
park facilities for Carroll Elementary School. Greg Last of
Cheatham and Associates prepared the drawing. Mr. Bressinck and
Ms. Scratchard have spoken to several groups in the community who
have promised to supply money and volunteer help. More help than
money has been promised.
The following is an outline for our proposal for the park
facilities at Carroll Elementary School:
I. Plan of joint utilization between the city and the
school district.
II. Civic and business support
III. Neighborhood support.
IV. Methodology
A. Labor
B. Fund raising
1. Civic groups
2. Business donations
3. Fund raising event
V. Time frame /action
Ms. Barnes mentioned that she had received several phone calls from
concerned citizens regarding the location of the park facilities.
Mr. Goldstein suggested we have Vicki Johnson host a neighborhood
gathering for the people on Scenic Drive and Timber. Court to
discuss any of their concerns. A tentative date of January 16,
1989 was set. A letter will also be sent to these families
informing them of the planned park facilities.
Mr. Robertson informed us the final game for the Men's Basketball
League will be January 18. He will prepare a final report for vs.
He has informed us he would like to have another in the very
near future.
Parks & Recreation Board Minutes
January 11, 1989
Page 2
Mr. H reminded us that the City Council needs to approve any
events we sponsor. The City Council meetings are the 1st. and 3rd.
Tuesday of every month. Any information we would like them to have
needs to be placed in their the Friday before a meeting. -
It was decided that the second Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m.
should be established as the standard meeting date for the Parks
and Recreation Board.
Bill LeGrand informed us of a problem at Bicentennial Park. Some
of the guidelines for the grant money for the park have not been
followed. All areas have been corrected except the burial of some
overhead wiring. TP &L will bury the cable for $5,400. This will
be presented at the next council meeting.
The next meeting will be January '1 989, at 7:00 p.m. at the
Southlake City Hall.
i -
Phillip s l nc k, Chairman
Bethann R. Scra and
January 11, 1989
Phillip Bressinck
Southlake Park Board
667 N. Carroll Avenue
Southlake, Texas 76092
Dear Phillip;
Listed below is a detail of all expenses incurred during the
Men's Basketball League.
Purpose Amount
Referees for 24 games $ 720.00
(two referees at $15.00 each per game)
Scorekeeper for 24 games $ 120.60
(at $5.00 per game)
Individual trophies for league $ 150.00
champions and runner -up
(20 trophies at $7.50 each
Miscellaneous equipment needed to $ 160.00
run the league
New basketball
Scoreboard flip cards
Time Clock
Entry fee per team $180.00 • $1260.00
(times 7 teams)
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xc: Park board members