2011-04-11 Meeting Report (Watermere at Southlake) SPIN MEETING REPORT CASE NO. ZA11-017 PROJECT NAME: Watermere at Southlake SPIN DISTRICT: SPIN # 11 MEETING DATE: April 11, 2011; 7 PM MEETING LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, TX Training Rooms 3A 3B TOTAL ATTENDANCE: Sixteen (16) SPIN REPRESENTATIVE(S) PRESENT: Monique Schill (# 11) APPLICANT(S) PRESENTING: Rick Simmons, Watermere at Southlake; Mark Tolsen, GTF Design; et al (2) STAFF PRESENT: Clayton Comstock, Planner II; Lorrie Fletcher, Planner I STAFF CONTACT: Clayton Comstock, Planner II, (817)748-8269; ccomstock@ci.southlake.tx.us EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Property Situation The property is located at 401 Watermere Drive. Development Details The applicant is seeking to change the North Tower from condominium units to a health care building with skilled nursing, assisted living and transitional independent living. The applicant is also proposing to modify the East Village for-sale villas layout to all one-story and larger average square footage units. This matrix details the previous and proposed information: QUESTIONS / CONCERNS New 4-story building? Yes. Additional assisted living transition is in demand. Our current units have all Î been leased. No more condos? No. We m Î homes. Is this market immediate? Yes Î What are you doing to prevent safety issues? There will be a main lobby with an attendant and a reception desk on each floor; Î pass-door secured. The individual living can come and go. We have very strict code guidelines that we have to meet as a retirement facility. The entrance and exit onto FM 1709 may be difficult at times; do you plan on opening the street in the back of the property? Probably in about 2 years with construction of that southern portion. Î Do the ambulances that get called take the residents to Grapevine? Most probably go to Grapevine Baylor, however, there is a new facility on SH 35 Î at Golden Triangle that is under construction that will be just as close. It would be the persons choice. SPIN Meeting Reports are general observations of SPIN Meetings by City staff and SPIN Representatives. The report is neither verbatim nor official meeting minutes; rather it serves to inform elected and appointed officials, City staff, and the public of the issues and questions raised by residents and the general responses made. Responses as summarized in this report should not be taken as guarantees by the applicant. Interested parties are strongly encouraged to follow the case through the Planning and Zoning Commission and final action by City Council.