Item 10CCity of Southlake, Texas
November 25, 2003
TO: Billy Campbell, City Manager
FROM: John Eaglen, Assistant to the City Manager (481 -1433)
SUBJECT: Accepting the donation of commemorative art from previous Art In The
Square Events from Debbie Baynard
Action Requested: City Council acceptance of the donation of commemorative art from
previous Art In The Square Events from Debbie Baynard.
Information: On November 3, 2003 Debbie Baynard indicated to staff that she would
like to donate a print that was used on the Art In The Square T -shirt this
past year, there is a print of this type that is commissioned each year for
the event. This potential donation is framed and was suggested for display
by Ms. Baynard in the Library study rooms or throughout the Library.
Ms. Baynard indicated to staff that she wished to make the prints available
to the Library on an annual basis in the future.
The Library Board and the Public Art Advisory Committee (PAAC)
discussed this donation at a joint meeting on November 12, 2003. The
Boards discussed that this would be a unique display feature in the Library
and would reflect local history as the collection of prints grew each year.
The Boards discussed approving recommendations to accept Ms.
Baynard's donation of this and future prints in perpetuity, but the bodies
determined to consider each donation on a case -by -case basis.
Staff will make every attempt to have the print available at the meeting for
Considerations: Ms. Baynard has not indicated to staff an estimated value of the print.
Impact: There are no identified recurring costs associated with the acceptance of
this donation.
Citizen Input /
Board Review: The Library Board approved a recommendation to the PAAC to accept the
donation and consider future donations on an annual basis at the
November 12, 2003 Joint Library Board / PAAC Meeting (5 -0).
Billy Campbell, City Manager
November 25, 2003
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The PAAC approved a recommendation to the City Council to accept the
donation and consider future donations on an annual basis at the
November 12, 2003 Joint Library Board / PAAC Meeting (4 -0).
Legal Review: Not Applicable.
Alternatives: Input towards the discussion as desired.
Documents: Supporting documents include the following items:
• Copy of the Southlake Public Library's Donation Policy and
Recommendation: Place as an item on the December 2, 2003 City Council meeting agenda to
• Accepting the donation of commemorative art from previous Art In
The Square events from Debbie Baynard;
• Approval of placement of this donation in the Southlake Public
Billy Campbell, City Manager
November 25, 2003
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Southlake Public Library Board
Policies and Procedures Manual
Policy: Donation Policy and Procedures
Source: Library Board
Category: Administration
Effective Date: January 2, 2001
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this policy and the accompanying list of procedures is to provide consistent
guidance for the consideration of donations to the Southlake Public Library.
Policy Statement
No donation can be accepted unless it is given to the Library without restrictions. In accepting a
gift of materials, the Library reserves the privilege of deciding whether item(s) donated should
be added to the collection. Generally, the material will be judged by the same standards of
selection as those applied to the purchase of new materials. The Southlake Public Library accepts
gift books with the understanding that books, which are useful to the library collection, will be
retained, and other books disposed of in whatever manner the librarian deems appropriate. The
Library reserves the right to interfile gifts with other collections on the same subject, so that all
collections are organized and classified according to the library standards for the best public
The Library welcomes monetary contributions specifically for book purchases in memorial to or
in honor of named individuals. For memorial books to the library, the Library may place within
the book the name of the individual(s) and donor, if desired. In order that the Library can
properly honor the generosity a special form to record the information is used and should be
Individuals, businesses or organizations considering making a donation to the Southlake Public
Library and who wish for a written acknowledgement of this donation, shall fill out a form
provided by the Library for this purpose.
Although donation of art objects and other types of materials are usually welcomed and valued,
they must meet the criteria of the Public Art Policy and final decision on their acceptance rests
with the Library Administrator and the Library Board.
Billy Campbell, City Manager
November 25, 2003
Page 4 of 4
The Library welcomes cash contributions, gifts of real property, stocks and bonds. Although it is
unlikely, there may be an occasion in which the restrictions set by the donor make it impossible
for the Library to accept the contribution. All donations are subject to the approval of the Library
Administrator, and also the approval of the Library Board for donations valued at over $1,000.
All gifts are accepted with the understanding that they may someday be sold or disposed of if
necessary or in the best interest of the library. The library cannot commit itself to perpetually
house any donation.
The library cannot appraise the value of a donation of materials or arts for income tax
L Individuals, businesses or organizations considering making a donation to the Southlake
Public Library and who wish for a written acknowledgement of this donation, shall fill
out a form provided by the Library for this purpose.
IL The proposal should include a description of the donation, and if applicable, pictures
and /or drawings of the donations, and list the value of the donation.
III. The Library Administrator shall make the determination to approve all proposed
donations valued at less than $1,000.
IV. The Library Administrator will review and forward comments /recommendations on all
donation proposals valued at over $1,000 to the Southlake Public Library Board for their
review at the next regular Board meeting.
V. The Library Board will consider the proposed donation and make a determination, which
may include comments /recommendations. At the Board's discretion, donations may be
forwarded to the City Council for final approval.
VI. The Southlake Public Library reserves the right to accept or reject any item(s) submitted
for approval.
VII. The potential donor reserves the right to withdraw the proposed item at any time during
the approval process, until final approval by the Library.
VIIL All item(s) will be considered for acceptance on an item by item basis.
IX. All accepted donations to the Southlake Public Library will become the property of the
Southlake Public Library, and will be used at the discretion of the City.