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Item 7A (2)
SOUTHLAKE ZA11-006 Owner: Carroll ISD Applicant: Hart, Gaugler & Associates, Inc. Requests: Zoning Change and Site Plan from "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District to "S-P-1" Detailed Site Plan District to reconfigure parking spaces along the southern portion of the property Location: 2520 N. White Chapel Blvd. K Future Land Use New Carroll Elementary School Existing Land Use Medium Density Residential Future Land Use LU_TYPE 100-Year Flood Plain _ Corps of Engineers Property iu ens _ Public Park/Open Space esid laI - Public/Semi-Public Low Density Residential - Medium Density Residential Office Commercial Low Density Residential - Retail Commercial _ Mixed Use - Town Center - Regional Retail - Industrial 0 M2.5 525 1,050 Fee[ M diu Den es ,'•1 fixed Use i` Publicl Semi -Public Zoning Current Zoning: "SPi" Detailed Site Plan District New Carroll Elementary School Zoning Districts: = AG - C1 SF1A ® RE M C2 SF1A C3 SF1B C4 ® SF2 - NR-PUD ® SF30 HC SF20A B1 AG SF20B B2 R-PUD 11 MF1 12 ® MF2 SP1 — MH SP2 SP7 CS DT 01 TZD 0 02 ECZ 0 260 520 1,040 Feet I AG i 1 i.J I V^. A _ .s ZA11-006 The applicant is requesting the following changes to the approved zoning and site plan: • Provide angled parking where the existing site plan previously allowed parallel parking; • Reduce the buffer yard along the south property line back to the required 10 foot width to allow for the angled parking; • Revise the landscape plan to accommodate the angled parking and the reduced buffer yard; • Revise the alignment and grades of the quarter mile walking path to be ADA accessible; • Revise the tree conservation plan to allow for the installation of the drainage swale along the west property line. W91 11 12 M EE ................................... i................................... LLIT- EEJ lap ff ffff E �a _ EE aF 13 A�©A®AI ° ° ° v©®smei ° av 0 o° ®° o 0 0 0 0 Y (Dul II -I 10 15 16 U�'--ITY OF SOUTHLAKE 17