Item 7FCity of Southlake Department of Planning STAFF REPORT August 13, 2003 CASE NO ZA03 -053 PROJECT: Baia Fresh Mexican Grill REQUEST: On behalf of Shafer Plaza XXV, Ltd., a Texas Partnership, Baja Beverage Corporation is requesting approval of a specific use permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages at Baja Fresh Mexican Grill. ACTION NEEDED: 1. Conduct public hearing 2. Consider specific use permit approval ATTACHMENTS: (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Background Information Vicinity Map Plans and Support Information Surrounding Property Owners Map Surrounding Property Owners Responses Resolution No. 03 -067 STAFF CONTACT: Dennis Killough (481 -2073) Bruce Payne (481 -2036) Case No. ZA03 -053 BACKGROUND INFORMATION OWNER: Shafer Plaza XXV, Ltd., a Texas Partnership APPLICANT: Baja Beverage Corporation PURPOSE: The purpose of this request is to receive approval of a Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages. PROPERTY SITUATION: The property is located at 2707 E. Southlake Boulevard, Ste. 100 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A portion of Lot 1, Block A, Shafer Plaza XXV Addition LAND USE CATEGORY: Retail Commercial CURRENT ZONING: "S -P -2" General Site Plan District with limited "C -3" General Commercial District uses HISTORY: -An "S -P -2" zoning request and a concept plan were approved by City Council on March 6, 2001. -A Preliminary Plat was approved by City Council on February 20, 2001. - City Council approved a revised zoning and concept plan on February 12, 2002. -The Final Plat was approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission on January 3, 2002. P &Z ACTION: August 7, 2003; Approved (7 -0) for the term of the applicant's lease. STAFF COMMENTS: Due to the limited scope of the request, no review summary report was generated. A site exhibit showing the location of the request is included as Attachment "C ". M \Community Deve1opment \WP - FILES \MEM0\2003cases \03 -053 SUP. doc Case No. Attachment A ZA03 -053 Page 1 Vicinity Map Baja Fresh Mexican Grill 9000 0 9000 2000 3000 Feet N 0 Case No. ZA03 -053 E Attachment B Page 1 o o c w 1 dux sc�rr NAPS. �1.� _ V4 111x�x PAt[ AeH I °� lun, w(e ass 1 I w RoNA4o PIAni E, uz NnkexA VOt iae YA(d YS 19rN aoU f 63� PA9E P I J rc ` 1® >r Ye a�MMARY PN Ni — NIIFGGRYAN�S l4CAllal - IFKCM piFFRlxA CARmY .Wfllf ARU6S Ml& 8 Yt1t I1 Ix R'OlRO ilMt W1fA.E txx PE I ®� av xx iw •v v+Offr.4 w RIDPEPnPG.MM b. AI9 YX e& MAS RdRO lu N1Vwm41[ lHF viYN ARILS � N Axy Cx ANT — M IAN I5CAPE R[GBAE6 IIN[aJFf x a NLA xWmT ALYn1I� 91xuBS � .L cAewu �to tiifn NiRm4 9EE5 Am3 dlAq. Al 21 1, aax .lean Im. rtl M0 I i .HA ib'+ffi6 ra[ 4�Ai mNex'a aY M UaAZNF AMM"IAA.PAA w�i iK a wlw:nlm� Pxrce.� � roa n rcuumn: w rocwsn w.wt xAnaxs, es ;P f[ato et art dmru�. rAi aE M�ulml uwaye ous s�rvs w�N r�Ys luwww a wa w ru cwwPr Res rurvlm ax ME arc uun e[ a• a cnimm w& wx 1 oust ac r w r>,na tws xaacs P�wnrvrs w uPIUItAxs A{ xu As mum m ra NE s .umaM�siun rn[s .0 azwwrn IA R x alma m r w rtidl uca awrn. u'1 nwt ulaRUS xa io u: Muxrwua xl rlvxrorc orsl�swnr CHARr Y ,rR nAaYro vw En �''LW° rm a�R.gS51 Pll W srou 9�ro. µ Pa£ A nu ss' a' xr m Nrtasiem� — wrsc e xxa W Ip +m' m Hn�lct�d 1A' I n Q � SITE PLAN LOT 1 BLOCK A CORNERSTONE PLAZA 5.88 ACRES OUT OF THE THOMAS LASTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 474 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS JANUARY 15, 2002 SCALE : i " =40' OWNER APPLICANT 1 += FAR'. 3 PROPERUES LLC CYPRESS EQUIME5 °aoROCrtE ws ppA'tE M R EI R SV i W IR xW c �il ®. ' gIx wtN ale. tex s e'w rera P al'atl u.0 aJ1ALl. ton �rt[2 iR I ]m IA.l ev. -v�, �-- l 1 Baia Fresh Mexican Grill Case No. ZA03 -053 Owner 1. H. Shanklin 2. Shafer Plaza XXV, Ltd 3. Shafer Plaza XXV, Ltd Zoning Land Use Acreage 1. AG 1. Retail Commercial 1. 6.05 2. SP2 2. Retail Commercial 2. 2.91 3. SP2 3. Retail Commercial 3. 1.52 Attachment D Page 1 Surrounding Property Owners Surrounding Property Owner Responses Baja Fresh Mexican Grill Notices Sent: Two (2) Responses: None Case No. ZA03 -053 Attachment E Page 1 RESOLUTION NO. 03 -067 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES FOR ON- PREMISE CONSUMPTION ON PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, BEING LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS A PORTION OF PORTION OF LOT 1, BLOCK A, SHAFER PLAZA XXV ADDITION, MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A ", AND AS DEPICTED ON THE APPROVED DEVELOPMENT PLAN ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT "B" AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, a Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages has been requested by a person or corporation having a proprietary interest in the property zoned as "S -P -2" Generalized Site Plan District with limited "C -3" General Commercial District uses; and, WHEREAS, in accordance with the requirements of Sections 45.1 (1) and 45.6 of the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and have afforded the persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof, and, WHEREAS, the City Council does hereby fund and determine that the granting of such Specific Use Permit is in the best interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. A Specific Use Permit is hereby granted for the sale of alcoholic beverages on the property being legally described as a portion of Lot 1, Block A, Shafer Plaza XXV Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 7972, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, more fully and completely described in Exhibit "A ", and as depicted on the approved site plan attached Case No. Attachment F ZA03 -053 Page 1 hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B" and providing an effective date, subject to the provisions contained in the comprehensive zoning ordinance and the restrictions set forth herein. The following specific requirements and special conditions, if any, shall be applicable to the granting of this Specific Use Permit: 1 2. 4. SECTION 2. This resolution shall become effective on the date of approval by the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 2003. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ATTEST: Lori Farwell City Secretary II Andy Wambsganss, Mayor Case No. Attachment F ZA03 -053 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" Being legally described as a portion of Lot 1, Block A, Shafer Plaza XXV Addition, an addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 7972, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas. Case No. ZA03 -053 Attachment F Page 3 o 0 c w ' a E] Al � _ Vfi ]k)� PA(t 9G8 iun. rten ua[ PfAPr�; 9x MaAR„ "Y« Al ss � i \ I 4 f t , ✓7 .� r�Og lee N Q. go k0 aINMABY �a Wi — BMFFFRYAR6S L-0CAl19M IFIS'IH 89IFR[AAI CM VC .UA!!f AM�IBS 1mI Fls] • Q� 9Y A YA I H� �a Pfw 9YPm I--I �G�ew A] ®ar �x fmwHae�¢w asmrrm.mx e uas wa iARI - m Aa iJO l ra ewu Haas 2]IMNAYY CHART NIFA (N] 0.NI]sCAPE y AfgPM9 UIarUF[ Rn RN9FY 4.'kS W.m+r 3wGB5 eEPS �W,YO fWEtl 9'A9]NLL gILGA i R - Im �SY NIA WrJ.g6 u!. Naz uY m &W.x BYM lM6 Vf lduM'1An.WA r YJIeW Ili B4YYIIIG P9ARf ]Nl9APp PAAItESE.03MS F9P A 91UCAM & VFP "" hANI YAhF+hS. IS 9fgfm BY qM gW!4YS.. YLL 8 9YCN]Ylb gW19 8Y5 BBIIA9 RIYIII PPdRS ] NMYIw Q bi w "u cuwPr rtes nNnm a M[ arc u,m e[ ! W cAlsm u& 5]s NYSi Y I' W IA.1nfA ➢ES IRSYY6 P.ANNIGa n !'PNRr?YS AS'rtll AS W8881 M M 98. OSfS AAf I+RGWG9 19 8 a uw�ul N G w NGME W91 hgllf➢. S .YffleS lFY 1. Nl MYY YFBWU A¢ 19 K WVNtMBY 8 PW£iNR pR YEWAY CHA ge!PeAY lNL Sr.N9tWG VM, �0E3t �'� rAe q' X51 µ II¢£ ]All !8 w AWAIT —. A }q1 3' tl' MS ry NIfA4CNp NN[ B Ptl IC Ak re WN16F91W Jtl SITE PLAN I P� P� Q � LOT 1 BLOCK A CORNERSTONE PLAZA 5.68 ACRES OUT OF THE THOMAS LASTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 474 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS JANUARY 15, 2002 SCALE : 1 ° =40' OWNER: APPLICANT PAR-3 PRGPER ➢ES, LL.C. CYPRESS EQUITYES pet —1 w9.px E M M EI suMIW Is ,•. sr "U rW t og ngm? YW M.t. YE "S' ] An IE aS 5U0 e,ywrauu,.ewv a+r.Atl uax dfia2: .a Iv:W ..le .level EXHIBIT "C" This page reserved for the approved City Council motion. Case No. ZA03 -053 Attachment F Page 5