Item 4CGENERAL FUND Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the period ended March 31, 2004 with comparative actual amounts for the period ended March 30, 2003 (fiscal month 6- 50.00 %) REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes Sales Tax Franchise Fees Fines Charges for Services Permits /Fees Miscellaneous Interest Income Total Revenues EXPENDITURES City Secretary Human Resources City Manager Support Services General Government Total Finance Municipal Court Municipal Court -Teen Court Finance Total Fire Police Public Safety Support Building Public Safety Total Streets /Drainage Public Works Administration Public Works Total Planning Planning Total Economic Development Economic Development Total Community Services Parks and Recreation Library Services Community Services Total Total Expenditures Excess (deficiency) of Revenue over Expenditures OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND (USES) Proceeds from lease /CO (net) Transfer In -Other Funds Transfer To -Other Funds Total Other Sources /(Uses) Excess (deficiency) of Revenues /other sources over Exp. FUND BALANCE OCT 1 Change in reserved fund balance ENDING FUND BALANCE fund balance percentage Year to Date 3/31/2004 $10,943,105 2,758,209 524,316 707, 109 254,056 695,745 290,866 88,123 $16,261,529 $120,552 118,809 215,384 1,356,299 1,811,044 336,386 177,293 25,808 539,487 1,439,986 2,195,111 567,904 423,237 4,626,238 840,096 326,802 1,166,898 236,579 236,579 124,422 124,422 181,150 959,684 219,125 1,359,959 $9,864,627 2003/04 Buffet $10,831,377 4,602,301 1,739,288 1,018,000 559,440 738,660 352,282 180,000 $20,021,348 Percent Collected/ Expended 101.0% 59.9% 30.1% 69.5% 45.4% 94.2% 82.6% 49.0% 81.2% $278,651 273,724 449,611 2,741,105 3,743,091 627,810 380,906 62,949 1,071,665 3,017,057 4,567,585 1,230,386 862,869 9,677,897 1,331,615 802,533 2,134,148 565,799 565,799 303,943 303,943 425,299 2,429,825 413,915 3,269,039 $20,765,582 $6 ($744,234) $0 $0 0 0 ( 807,226) 807 226 ($807,226) ($807,226) $5,589,676 ($1,551,460) $6,367,966 $0 $4,816,506 77 'A'A % 43.3% 43.4% 47.9% 49.5% 48.4% 53.6% 46.5% 41.0% 50.3% 47.7% 48.1% 46.2% 49.0% 47.8% 63.1% 40.7% 54.7% 41.8% 41.8% 40.9% 40.9% 42.6% 39.5% 52.9% 41.6% 47.5% Year to Date 3/31/2003 $10,39806 1,715,018 452,505 526,608 226,014 475,753 213,515 62,325 $14,07004 $163,787 130,223 214,028 1,134,246 1,642,284 252,853 156,022 16,891 425,766 1,314,134 2,050,251 629,861 416,492 4,410,738 450,624 342,394 793,018 252,911 252,911 127,710 127,710 122,063 746,705 160,659 1,029,427 $8,681,854 $5,388,750 $0 0 0 $0 $5,388,750