August 6, 2002
Members Present: Rick Stacy, Chair; Members: Carolyn Morris, Rex Potter, Jane
Sanford, Keith Shankland, Greg Standerfer, and Tom Stephen. (CISD representative
Robin Snyder attended the meeting in Rob Glover's absence but did not vote.)
Members Absent: Vice -Chair Rob Glover, Larry Darlage, Ralph Evans, Jim Schiele,
and Drenda Witt.
Staff Present: City Manager Billy Campbell, Finance Director Sharen Elam, Deputy
City Secretary Lori Farwell.
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 4:50 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of the minutes from the January 22, 2002, Tax
Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One Board of Directors Meeting.
Motion was made to approve the minutes for January 22, 2002, as presented.
Motion: Potter
Second: Sanford
Ayes: Morris, Potter, Sanford, Shankland, Standerfer, Stephen, Stacy
Nays: None
Approved: 7 -0
Agenda Item No. 3. Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number One Project Plan
Budget Review. Finance Director Sharen Elam provided a status report of the Zone's
Project Plan Budget. The Bond Proceeds from issues on June 15, 1999, March 7, 2000,
and December 5, 2000, total $17,686,529. The total project cost as of July 31, 2002,
totals $17, 536,786, leaving an unencumbered balance of $149,743.
Agenda Item No. 4. Fiscal Year 2002 -03 Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number
One Budget Overview. Finance Director Sharen Elam presented this item to the Board
for discussion. The only expenditures proposed in the FY2002 -03 Budget are for debt
service ($880,185), leaving a proposed Ending Fund Balance of $241,160.
Agenda Item No. 5. Approval of written request to the City Council authorizing the
Board of Directors to amend the Bylaws of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone
Number One, The City of Southlake, Texas, Article II, Section 1: Powers, Number,
and Term of Office; Article II, Section 3: Regular Meetings; and Article II, Section
6: Conduct of Business. City Manager Billy Campbell said staff received a request from
Cooper and Stebbins to consider the addition of one at -large appointment by the City
TIRZ Board Meeting Minutes, August 6, 2002, Page 1 of 3
Council to the Board of Directors with the stipulation that this appointment would be
nominated by Cooper and Stebbins. In addition to that request, the City Attorneys have
reviewed the Bylaws and recommended the following changes:
• Article II, Section 3: Regular Meetings — This amendment adds language present in
Article II, Section 4, regarding notification procedures for special or emergency
meetings. The addition of this language into section three standardizes the notification
procedures for all Board meetings.
• Article II, Section 6: Conduct of Business — This amendment designates the City
Secretary or Deputy City Secretary as the Secretary for the Board of Directors. This is
consistent with the City Charter and City Council procedures, and helps streamline
the number of actions required by the Board of Directors on an annual basis (only
requiring election of a Vice - Chair, and a recommendation to the City Council
regarding appointment of a Chair).
Boardmember Stephen questioned if the developer would be in conflict on voting on
many if not all of the Board's issues.
Frank Bliss (Cooper and Stebbins) said in vast amounts of TIFs around the country, the
developer is on the Board and that is what actually makes the TIF Board work. He said it
is very unusual not to have the developer on the Board. They would just be one vote.
Boardmember Potter said the Board has always gotten input from the developer and all of
the meetings are public meetings. He questioned if the developer feels like he is not
Boardmember Sanford said she asked the County's economic development coordinator
how many of the TIFs in Tarrant County have the developer sitting on the Board, and
none of them do right now but two of them will. From her perspective, the Board would
feel different.
Chair Stacy said he has no objection to the developer having a representative on the
Board if it is not a disadvantage to the developer. They would be one of 13 votes.
Brian Stebbins (Cooper and Stebbins) said the TIF needs to be run as a business would be
run. It seems ironic to him that the people responsible for producing the revenue are not
part of the Board's discussions. He indicated he would agree to being placed on the
Board as a non - voting member.
Boardmember Morris said staff could always notify the developer of the meeting dates.
Motion was made to approve amendments to Article II, Sections 1, 3, and 6 as submitted
with the exception that the member designated by Town Square be a non - voting member
of the Board.
Motion: Standerfer
Second: Stephen
TIRZ Board Meeting Minutes, August 6, 2002, Page 2 of 3
Boardmember Potter does not see the value added in making the developer a
Boardmember. He said the Board has open discussions. It could be a policy that every
time the Board receives a packet, the developer is notified.
Ayes: Standerfer, Stephen, Stacy
Nays: Morris, Potter, Sanford, Shankland
Denied: 3 -4
Boardmember Potter suggested a procedure that would make the developer a line item to
every Board agenda in order to provide input to this body.
Agenda Item No. 6. Establish Meeting Schedule for the remainder of 2002. The
Board decided to meet again on the 3 Tuesday in September.
Boardmember Potter asked staff to provide at the next meeting projections for Town
Square the next several years.
Chair Stacy asked staff to provide at the next meeting revenue information from sales tax
and the business personal property tax and actuals for last year and include in all future
agendas a line item for the developer to update the Board. He suggested having quarterly
Agenda Item No. 7. Adjournment. There being no further business to discuss, the
Board adjourned at 5:26 p.m.
Ri Stacy, Chair
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TIRZ Board Meeting Minutes, August 6, 2002, Page 3 of 3