1997-11-19 2 Exhibit C Reinvestment Zone #1, Southlake Proposed Capital Improvement Program Type of Allowable Project Costs Phase One Phase Two Phase Three' Phase Four Public Buildings and Facilities Joint City /County /CISD Facility $ 7,895,160.00 School Facilities $ 54,500,000.00 Parking Facilities $ 5,000,000.00 Public Parks $ 1,134,154.00 $ 1,572,465.00 Land Acquisition Special Structures Landscaping Trails General Infrastructure Water Utilities $ 548,380.00 $ 881,682.00 Sewer Utilities $ 216,148.00 $ 350,234.00 Storm Water $ 399,669.00 $ 1,010,522.00 Streets and Curbs $ 1,329,972.00 $ 1,925,905.00 $ 2,500,000.00 $ 7,125,000.00 Traffic Control $ 1,000,000.00 Sidewalks /Streetscape $ 3.484,739.00 $ 4,907,623.00 Demolition & Excavation Earthwork/Grading $ 302,540.00 $ 488,585.00 Engineering /Contingency Total Development Infrastructure $ 7.281,448.00 $ 9,564,551.00 40% of Developer Infrastructure $ 2,912,579.20 $ 3,825,820.40 Operational and Maintenance Capital Maintenance $ 1,000,000.00 Other Incremental Costs Professional Services $ 200,000.00 TOTAL COSTS $ 12.141,893.20 $ 6,398,285.40 $ 7,500,000.00 $61,625,000.00 $87,665,178.60 1 These street costs include road improvements to Carroll Ave. and Kimball Ave. They are either on the periphery of or exterior to the Rialto Development and thus the costs are covered 100% by TIRZ revenues. 2 Detail for these projects is included in Exhibit C -3 11/19/97 Exhibit C -3 Reinvestment Zone #1, Southlake Proposed Capital Improvement Program Phase Four Streets and Curbs South Carroll (1709 to Continental) $ 2,125,000.00 Brumlow (Continental to State Highway 26) $ 1,875,000.00 South Kimball (FM 1709 to State Highway 26) $ 3,125,000.00 Subtotal Streets $ 7,125,000.00 Public Buildings and Facilities Middle School $ 20,000,000.00 Intermediate School $ 13,000,000.00 Transportation Facility $ 1,500,000.00 Stadium $ 20,000,000.00 Subtotal Buildings and Facilities $ 54,500,000.00 TOTAL $ 61,625,000.00 11/19/97 Exhibit C Reinvestment Zone #1, Southlake Proposed Capital Improvement Program Type of Allowable Project Costs Phase One Phase Two Phase Three' Phase Four Public Buildings and Facilities Joint City /County /CISD Facility $ 7,895,160 .00 School Facilities $ 54,500,000.00 Parking Facilities $ 5,000,000.00 Public Parks $ 1,134,154.00 $ 1,572,465.00 Land Acquisition Special Structures Landscaping Trails General Infrastructure Water Utilities $ 548,380.00 $ 881,682.00 Sewer Utilities $ 216,148.00 $ 350,234.00 Storm Water $ 399,669.00 $ 1,010,522.00 Streets and Curbs $ 1,329,972.00 $ 1,925,905.00 $ 2,500,000.00 $ 7,125,000.00 Traffic Control $ 1,000,000.00 Sidewalks /Streetscape $ 3,484,739.00 $ 4,907,623.00 Demolition & Excavation Earthwork/Grading $ 302,540.00 $ 488,585.00 Engineering /Contingency Total Development Infrastructure $ 7,281,448.00 $ 9,564,551.00 40% of Developer Infrastructure $ 2,912,579.20 $ 3,825,820.40 Operational and Maintenance Capital Maintenance $ 1,000,000.00 Other Incremental Costs Professional Services $ 200,000.00 TOTAL COSTS $ 12,141,893.20 $ 6,398,285.40 $ 7,500,000.00 $ 61,625,000.00 $ 87,665,178.60 1 These street costs include road improvements to Carroll Ave. and Kimball Ave. They are either on the periphery of or exterior to the Rialto Development and thus the costs are covered 100% by TIRZ revenues. 2 Detail for these projects is included in Exhibit C -3 11/19/97 Exhibit C -3 Reinvestment Zone #1, Southlake Proposed Capital Improvement Program Phase Four Streets and Curbs South Carroll (1709 to Continental) $ 2,125,000.00 Brumlow (Continental to State Highway 26) $ 1,875,000.00 South Kimball (FM 1709 to State Highway 26) $ 3,125,000.00 Subtotal Streets $ 7,125,000.00 Public Buildings and Facilities Middle School $ 20,000,000.00 Intermediate School $ 13,000,000.00 Transportation Facility $ 1,500,000.00 Stadium $ 20,000,000.00 Subtotal Buildings and Facilities $ 54,500,000.00 TOTAL $ 61,625,000.00 11/19/97 TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER ONE REVISED SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Date Day Event 10 November Monday CISD School Board Mtg Consider resolution to appoint Reinvestment Zone Representative 12- November Wednesday Reinvestment Zone Board Meeting 17 November Monday School Board Meeting Consider Participation Agreement 18- November Tuesday City Council Meeting 1st Reading of the Ordinance amending the Reinvestment Zone Ordinance to expand the boundaries of the Zone and add more CISD representatives to the Reinvestment Zone Board 19- November Wednesday Reinvestment Zone Board Mtg. Discuss the final project and finance plan 20- November Thursday Tarrant County Hospital District Board Mtg Consider participation agreement and resolution to appoint Reinvestment Zone Representative TCJC Board of Trustees Meeting Consider participation agreement 21- November Friday Reinvestment Zone Board Meeting Adoption of Final Project and Finance Plan 2- December Tuesday City Council Meeting First Reading of Ordinance Adopting Final Project and Finance Plan 2nd Reading of Ordinance amending the Reinvestment Zone Ordinance to expand the boundaries of the Zone and add more CISD representatives to the Reinvestment Zone Board Resolution appointing the additional CISD representatives to the Reinvestment Zone Board 16- December Tuesday City Council Meeting 2nd Reading approving the Final Project and Finance Plan