1997-11-12 City of Southlake, Texas
November 12, 1997
Board Members Present: Rick Stacy, Gary Fawks, Scott Martin, Buddy Luce, Larry
Darlage, Jane Sanford
Staff Present: Southlake City Manager Curtis E. Hawk, Southlake Director of Finance Lou
Ann Heath, Southlake Assistant to the City Manager Darcey Imm, Jim Sabonis First
Southwest, Tarrant County Administrator G.K. Maenius, Tarrant County Economic
Development Coordinator Lisa McMillan, Steve Johnson -CISD.
Others Present: David Medamich, Jerry Lawrence, Frank Bliss, Brian Stebbins
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman
Rick Stacy at 7:30 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2. Discussion: Reinvestment Zone Project and Finance Plan. The board
discussed the proposed boundary change from 256 acres to 408 acres. Curtis Hawk
distributed the revised map and explained the boundaries. G.K. Maenius asked whether or not
the Carroll Independent School District is fully participating in the TIF. Buddy Luce stated
that the school district plans to participate at one - hundred percent participation. The CISD will
meet with Darcey to finalize the request for projects to be included in the project and finance
plans. The board discussed the County's comfort level without extending the boundaries.
Gary Fawks asked whether or not the expanded boundaries will require an expanded financing
plan. Acting Chariperson Stacy indicated that since the CISD sees this as a positive, then the
plan boundaries can be changed to include the southern CISD sites. The plan can be amended
Gary Fawks asked about the developer's agreement and whether or not the TIRZ Board is
supposed to be a part of the agreement. Curtis explained that the developer's agreement is
only between the city and the developer, and does not affect the TIF.
Agenda Item No. 3. Discussion: Overlappin Taxing Jurisdictions Participation
Agreements. Darcey Imm distributed the timeline for the creation of the TIRZ and discussed
the timing for receiving the participation agreements. Larry Darlage indicated that the Tarrant
County Junior College has the information they need. Acting Chairman Stacy stated that
everyone is time constrained due to the January 10, 1998 projected start date. The first
deadline is to receive the particiation agreements, then the TIRZ Board will consider the final
plans. The County will be appointing their member to the board by November 18, 1997.
TIRZ Board Meeting Minutes
November 12, 1997
Page 2
Agenda Item No. 4 Adjournment.
There being no further discussion, motion was made to adjourn the meeting. All members
were in favor of adjournment.
Rick Stacy, Acting Chair