2004-07-14 Joint Drug & Alcohol Awareness Committee
July 14, 2004
TIME: 7:00 P.M.
Town Hall, 2 " Floor, 1400 Main Street
1. Call to Order
2. Introductions
3. New Members of Committee
4. Items for Consideration
• Approval of Minutes from April meeting
• Appointment of Alternates for new members
5. Comments from Chairperson:
Review and summary of last meeting and subcommittee assignments.
6. Subcommittee Reports
7. Staff Report (Chief Price)
8. Discussion Items
• Drug Testing
• Fall Forum
• Accountability of Youth using Alcohol
• Other issues
9. Date of Next Meeting
10. Adjournment
I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin boards at Southlake
Town Hall, 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texp July 9, 2004, by 5:00 P.M., pursuant
to the Texas Government Code, Chapter 50'S-
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Lori A. Farwell, City Secretary
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advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817 -481 -1519 and reasonable accommodations
will be made to assist you.