2000-11-09 * *OFFICIAL MINUTES * *
6 November 9, 2000
8 Joint Utilization Committee Members Present: Jerry Lawrence, Chair and CISD Board of
9 Trustees Representative; Steve Harold, CISD Board of Trustees Representative; Greg
10 Standerfer, City Council Representative; Wendi Carlucci, City Council Appointed Citizen;
11 John Rollins, CISD Appointed Citizen.
13 Committee Members Absent: Jim Glover, Parks and Recreation Board Representative; Patsy
14 DuPre, Vice -Chair and City Council Representative.
16 Guests: Keith Shankland, City Council.
18 Staff Members Present: Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services for the City of
19 Southlake; Meredith Parrish, Administrative Secretary.
21 Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order - Mr. Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:12 p.m.
23 Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments — Mr. Polasek shared that John Eaglen had been
24 promoted to Assistant to the City Manager and would no longer be attending meetings. Mr.
25 Polasek introduced Meredith Parrish, Administrative Secretary for Community Services, and
26 indicated that she would be attending the meetings in the future.
28 Agenda Item No. 3, Approval of the Minutes from the September 14, 2000 meeting —
30 Motion to approve the minutes as submitted.
32 Motion: Harold
33 Second: Rollins
34 Ayes: Lawrence, Harold, Carlucci, Standerfer, Rollins
35 Nayes: None
36 Abstentions: None
37 Approved: 5 -0
39 Agenda Item No. 4, Update on City and CISD Election Process —
41 Mr. Lawrence stated that David Baltimore, Election Judge for CISD; Karen Cienki, Election
42 Judge for the City of Southlake; and City Secretary, Sandy LeGrand were present to discuss
43 future election sites.
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1 Mr. Baltimore stated that current locations were very crowded. He stated that early voting and
2 the general election could be held in the new town hall. This would provide adequate space for
3 the voters.
5 Ms. LeGrand stated that State law requires the City Secretary to be responsible for early voting.
6 She stated that she would feel most comfortable with the voting taking place close to her office
7 so that she could assist with any problems that may occur. In the new town hall CISD elections
8 could take place on the 3r floor or in the lobby area on the 2 floor. City elections would be
9 held in the 2nd floor conference room.
11 Mr. Harold asked if there were adequate electrical hookups in the lobby area. Mr. Baltimore
12 affirmed there was adequate electrical hookups.
14 Ms. LeGrand stated the only negative would be parking, but plans are being made to section off
15 parking for early voting.
17 Mr. Lawrence asked about security involving the ballots. Mr. Baltimore stated ballots would be
18 secured nightly.
20 Ms. Cienki asked for the CISD' s help in protecting the 100ft electioneering line. She stated this
21 had been a problem in the past with candidates. Ms. Cienki asked if there could be a permanent
22 100 -ft. line established on the property during election times.
24 Ms. Cienki stated that a letter from Dr. Gillum stating the rules for campaigning on school
25 property would be helpful. Ms. Cienki suggested this letter be included in the candidates'
26 handbook when they come to register as candidates.
28 Agenda Item No. 5, Joint Use Agreement for the Natatorium Facility — Mr. Lawrence stated that
29 the CISD Business Office is currently working on cost analysis and operational costs. He stated
30 that tonight he would like to discuss revenue generation.
32 Mr. Lawrence said that he would like to delay a vote on the agreement until January.
34 Mr. Lawrence said the committee that will be working on revenue generation needs to
35 commence working as soon as possible. This committee will consist of four CISD
36 representatives and three City representatives. These representatives have not been chosen, but
37 the agreement is specific of who will be the representatives.
39 Mr. Polasek said this may shift on the City side, with more individuals being brought on board,
40 although, these additional individuals will be non- voting.
42 Mr. Polasek stated that this facility would serve many purposes, including, swim and diving
43 needs of the schools and recreational purposes. Mr. Polasek suggested that Patrick Henry of
44 Grapevine and Chris Schwartz of NRH2O would be good resources for the committee to speak
45 with.
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2 Mr. Harold asked when an estimated date of opening of the natatorium would be. Mr. Polasek
3 answered approximately one year based on the information he was aware of
5 Mr. Polasek said this committee would initially meet on a monthly basis and then meet as needed
6 as the opening of the natatorium draws closer.
8 Mr. Lawrence asked Mr. Polasek when a facilities director is needed. Mr. Polasek advised no
9 later than six months prior to the opening.
11 Mr. Shankland stated that Greg Fisher, the high school swim coach, would be an asset as well.
13 Mr. Lawrence suggested that the City and the CISD might wish to consider sharing the salary
14 costs for the facilities manager. Mr. Lawrence said it could be handled similar to the way school
15 resource officers are funded currently. Mr. Standerfer said this is not part of the original
16 agreement the City agreed to, however, discussion in this area is acceptable.
18 Mr. Harold asked what the thought process was for scheduling activities for the natatorium. Mr.
19 Polasek said that initially, he will work with Mr. Johnson, but the plan is for the committee to
20 make scheduling decisions.
22 Mr. Lawrence cautioned that the City needs to be aware of limited parking during the school
23 year.
25 Agenda Item No. 6 Community Services Project Update — Mr. Polasek reminded the committee
26 about the Holiday Celebration on December 2 He invited committee members to attend as
27 many CISD students will be involved with entertainment during the event.
29 Agenda Item No. 7, City Project Update- Ms. Carlucci shared that she had brought pictures of
30 property on Peytonville, where sewer contractors are using the property as a staging area. Ms.
31 Carlucci stated that the contractors are not adhering to the ordinance set forth by the City. Ms.
32 Carlucci said that she has spoken to City officials about this several times and nothing has been
33 done to this point.
35 Mr. Polasek said that he would talk to Malcolm Jackson, Chief of Building Services, regarding
36 this issue.
38 Mr. Polasek stated that if there were questions regarding the other road construction sites, that he
39 would be happy to take them back to the City for answers.
41 Mr. Standerfer stated that residents were questioning why the streets are taking so long to
42 complete. Mr. Standerfer said that he understood the problem to be with utilities. Mr. Polasek
43 affirmed this.
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1 Mr. Polasek said that Charlie Thomas, City Engineer, has stated that the road construction at
2 1709 and White's Chapel should be completed by the first or second week in December, weather
3 permitting.
5 Mr. Rollins stated that a larger turn area needs to be added at White's Chapel and Dove. Mr.
6 Polasek said he would mention this to Charlie Thomas.
8 Mr. Standerfer asked if it was possible to access more of the CISD school gyms for basketball
9 and then reduce the size of the future recreation center by only constructing one full size
10 basketball gym. Mr. Standerfer said he felt this would reduce costs and sizing of the recreation
11 center. Mr. Standerfer said that he had asked Mr. Lawrence to discuss this idea with the CISD.
12 Mr. Harold said the size of the gyms and security are present problems. Mr. Standerfer suggested
13 the City purchase roll down gates to address the security issue. Mr. Lawrence stated that he felt
14 that with the middle school now open, there was sufficient gym space. Mr. Polasek said that
15 gates are being looked into for the middle school. Mr. Polasek said this is contingent upon the
16 Fire Marshall's approval. Mr. Polasek also stated that City staff would be reviewing future
17 indoor recreational needs as part of the recreation center planning.
19 Ms. Carlucci asked where the recreation center would be going. Mr. Polasek answered
20 preliminary plans call for the recreation center to be south of the water tower in Bicentennial
21 Park. Mr. Polasek stated the reasons for choosing this site is it is centrally located in town and
22 centrally located in the City's main park. The improvements to the intersection at White's
23 Chapel and 1709 will allow for good access in and out of the park, and in addition noted that the
24 planned entrance would be moved further south towards the back of Tom Thumb. Ms. Carlucci
25 asked about Ralph Evan's property. Mr. Polasek stated that there are various issues involved
26 with locating the recreation center on the Evan's property. Most importantly, the City did not
27 purchase all of the property at this time and locating the recreation center on this site would
28 require finding a new location for the planned girls softball complex. Also, Shady Oaks is not
29 planned to be improved at this point, and thus, would not be able to handle vehicular traffic as
30 efficiently as White Chapel.
32 Ms. Carlucci asked Mr. Polasek to share the parks master plan draft of Bicentennial Park with
33 her. Mr. Polasek agreed to do so in the coming week.
35 Agenda Item No. 8, CISD Project Update -Mr. Lawrence shared that Ted Gillum, CISD
36 Superintendent spoke at City Council the previous week. Mr. Lawrence shared this will be a
37 more regular item on the City Council agendas. This will allow the Council to be up to date on
38 issues surrounding the CISD.
40 Mr. Lawrence stated that the next meeting would be planned for December 14, 2000.
42 Agenda Item No. 13, Adjournment -
44 Motion was made for adjournment at 8:20 p.m.
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3 l '
4 •
6 Je , `Lawpeece, Chair
8 Attest:
12 Steve Pola ek, Deputy Director of Community Services
Joint Utilization Committee Meeting, November 9, 2000
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